With the rapid development and improved options in business strategies, it is not necessary for a company to hire a full-time worker for their demands, especially for businesses operating through online platforms like ones in the IT industry, marketing, trading, and many more.
We can see a great rise in need for remote workers, especially because modern solutions and skills do not require working from the office anymore. Also, we have many online platforms like Freelancer and Upwork, whose purpose is to connect remote workers with people who need their skills in both short and long terms. Also, there are platforms like this one, whose focus is on providing modern solutions to companies by connecting them with experts who will work for them remotely.
In this article, we are going to analyze staff augmentation as a specific method of outsourcing, and its main features, benefits, functions, and what are the differences between this method and similar solutions for hiring remote workers.
Main Features of Staff Augmentation
Staff Augmentation represents a transparent and simple solution for employing highly-skilled professionals in the short-term period to provide you with their services. Also, you could create a whole team of remote experts at any time when your marketing and business strategy requires professional support. Furthermore, since the augmented team is not directly related to your business, you are free to expand or shorten it by your needs.
The greatest demand for the augmented workforce is in the IT industry, where you can hire a remote worker only for one project. On the other side, outsourcing is very popular among many experts in the marketing and IT industry, mostly because they have improved flexibility and fewer working hours then on standard work in the office.
Moreover, this method is perfect for companies that are creating modern solutions for business, developing various apps, and many other projects where sometimes you need to expand your team for a short period to finish your project in time. Also, it is much easier to hire a freelancer over various online platforms, then hiring people in your office for only one project.
What are the Benefits?
First of we have to mention the higher productivity that you will acquire with the staff augmentation since you could easily expand your team of professionals for the best possible realization of a particular project. For example, you can hire a couple of experts for a short time to raise the effectiveness of your project.
Besides that, you are completely secure by hiring augmented stuff, and all copyrights are guaranteed to your company. Also, staff augmentation is providing you with such flexibility, where you can choose from many experts in various fields of IT industry according to your preferences, expectations, and expenses. This method is much cheaper, and you only have to contact companies like Ncube, who can connect you with the type of experts that your project requires.
The process is simple, and when you choose the right service that can provide you with professionals, you can easily choose among many people who are willing to work for you in a short period. Hiring remote workers this way can be much more affordable, especially when you hire people from developing countries, where freelancing is especially popular because they could earn much more money than the average annual income in their country.
What Makes This Method Different from Similar Models?
By choosing the model of staff augmentation you get the ability to choose the potential employee by their knowledge and experience, while the company who is connecting you with them is taking care of the organization and administration. In the end, you can control and manage your augmented team the same way as you would do with standard employees that work from home.
When we compare this method and standard outsourcing, the augmented team is providing all of you with much more information about the project, and the whole structure of it. The main advantage over basic outsourcing is better connection inside the whole team and improved teamwork that, in the end, as a result, giving you much more effectiveness, reliability, and higher-quality.
The difference between creating a whole research and development team and hiring augmented workers is that you will have much bigger expenses and possible issues with management and administration, while the effectiveness is the same, which is telling us that using staff augmentation can provide you with maximized effectiveness with limited expenses. When it comes to the interviews and management, the company that connects you with the employee is guaranteeing you with required experts capable of helping your company in particular tasks.
The only downsides are the possible vulnerability of the project, with potential mistakes. That is the way it is necessary to provide your augmented team with a proper introduction to the project. You will need some time to create a team as a union and perfectly provide every worker with appropriate tasks, which might take some time since they are all new and don’t know each other’s qualities and potential.
When your business requires a skilled professional for a short time, the best method for hiring this kind of expert is by staff augmentation. Especially because of standard outsourcing doesn’t have the same guarantees and flexibility as this model. Providing an expert with a full job can significantly increase your expenses while having an expert for only one task is both cheaper and beneficial.
While there are many other methods for hiring remote workers, many of them have a great risk of lack of knowledge, experience, and abilities. On the other side, services that provide you with augmented staff are assuring to provide you with high-skilled experts. However, it is crucial to implement the augmented workforce properly and introduce them with your project and other people working on it. This way, you will get the highest possible efficiency from them.
There are benefits for both sides, the companies, and the workers, to use this method as the main one. According to current trends, many people choose this model over traditional full-time jobs, especially engineers, graphic designers, web developers, and many other experts with the ability to work from their home.