Fashion trends have changed a lot during the course of human civilization but there is one thing that will seemingly never change. No matter how advanced we become as a species and what new technologies arrive, it looks like there will always be a need for wigs.
For a number of different reasons, wigs have been prominent in all corners of the world throughout our long and turbulent history. From Ancient Egypt and its pharaohs who wore masterpiece wigs to distinguish themselves from the common folk to the famous wigs European rulers and nobles wore from the middle ages until the very end of the 19th century, fake hair was always important.
While nowadays people either wear wigs out of necessity since they lost their own hair or to cover some bald spots they are insecure about, it did not start out that way. What is more, a lot of wig customers in modern times opt to wear wigs even though they still have a healthy head of hair. It is a very convenient way of changing your look and switching things up a little bit, quickly and efficiently.
Since there are so many enthusiasts nowadays, especially those who prefer real human hair products over synthetic ones, there should be more widespread knowledge regarding the best way to wash them. While it seems like a straightforward process, it is still something people tend to do hastily and without too much care.
In the article before we will try to explain the best way to wash your human hair wig. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully next time you have to wash your wig, and in case you need to order a new one we highly advise you to check out Beauty Forever and browse their collection.
1. Comb or Brush
Starting from the ends of the wig, use a quality comb or a brush to straighten the hairs. What you want to do is get rid of all the knots that may have occurred over time. Start moving up until you get to the roots. Then gently comb through the entire wig. Depending on the type, you have to use different combs and brushes. Wire brushes are made for wavy and straight brushes, while curly wigs require wide-tooth combs or fingers.
2. Sink and Shampoo
The next thing you should do is fill your sink up with cold water and mix in 1 or 2 squeezes of your favorite shampoo. It is best if you use a top-tier shampoo that you would treat your own hair with as well to ensure the best haircare possible. In addition, different hair types require different shampoos so pay attention to that. If you own a dyed wig, use a shampoo that is safe for colors. The mixture of water and shampoo is enough to wash it, you do not need nor should you apply the product directly onto the hairs. Also, 2-in-1 shampoos are not advised. If you need conditioner, use a separate product and never apply it on and around the roots.
3. Inside out and Into the Sink
Now it is time to place the wig into the sink. Turn it inside out using your fingers. The cap should leave the fibers to hang loose and free. Gently submerge it into the water and press down until it is completely underwater. You can swirl it around for a few times to make sure the shampoo gets in all the way. You can wash your wig without turning it inside out, but this way the shampoo will not reach the wig thoroughly. Most of the oil, sweat, and dirt buildup is located in and around the cap, making it the most important area to wash.
4. Leave it to Soak
The optimal time to leave it in the sink is around 5 minutes. The wig should be underwater for the whole duration. Do not move it around and let it rest. Squeezing, swirling, or thrashing it too much or too frequently can damage the fibers and tangle the hairs, resulting in more combing and improper washing.
5. Rinse
Once the five minutes have passed, use cold water from the shower or right there in the sink to wash away all the shampoo that is still in the hair. The thickness of the wig is the most important factor to consider here. The thicker the wig the longer you should rinse. The thickest models could require two or even three rinses until completely free of shampoo.
6. Conditioning
Remember how we said that it is better to separate the conditioner from the shampoo and not use 2-in-1 products? Well, if you require or want to condition your real human hair wig, put some of your go-to product onto the hair and gently comb through it using your fingers. Do your best to avoid the cap here as the knots that tie the hairs to the cap can become undone and fall out, rendering your wig useless. If you have sewn fibers, which most new models do, there is no need to worry. High-quality conditioners are highly advised. Wait for two minutes and rinse the conditioner just like you did with the shampoo.
7. Drying
Once the washing is completely done, turn the wig the right way again and gently squeeze out the water. Never twist the fibers as you can damage them and tangle them. Make sure never to brush the wig while it is still wet. If you are not in a hurry, the best way to dry all the water out is to roll it up in a towel and leave it to rest. This takes out the excess water. If you like using products when wearing it, you can add them once it is dry and on the mannequin head, or wherever else you may be keeping it. If you are in a hurry, blow-dry the cap first and then blow-dry the hair once you have placed the wig onto your head. A neat trick is to let the it dry upside down if you want maximum volume from it.
Conclusion and Takeaways
There you have it, the best and really the only way to properly take care of you’re a natural hair wig. Now that you know everything there is, it is time to gather up your own and treat them to a proper wash that will prolong their life and make you look better. Complete the whole process and rewash the wig every 2 weeks if you wear it daily. Once per month is enough if you wear it every other day, or even less than that. There is no better way to take care of its hygiene and prevent buildup of unwanted particles.