How to Use Maximalism to Create an Eye-Popping Bedroom Décor

Born as a reaction to minimalist explosions, maximalism – as the name suggests- is a loud décor trend that rejects any components embraced in styles such as Scandinavian, Wabi-Sabi Japandi.

A conscious celebration of our immediate surroundings, maximalism gives us the chance to find our unique selves through a bold expression of decorating techniques.

It lets us transform our homes into individual spaces while personalising them. It allows us to be free and experiment with our interiors, making the most out of the standard room.

So if you are tired of boring white walls and craving something a bit different, we will start digging deeper into the powerfully expressive world of maximalism.

If you feel like this trend might suit your personality, here`s what you can do to achieve an unapologetically individual bedroom that is brimming with style.

  • Embrace a Rainbow of Colours

If you feel at home surrounded by cheerful colours, then maximalism could be the perfect style for you.

As it has been shown that colour has a positive impact on our moods, it makes complete sense to start incorporating more of it in our sleeping spaces.

That’s one of the reasons why at the heart of any maximalist space is a bold combination of colours.

Be it mustard yellow upholstered beds, bubble gum pink cushions, or saturated black walls, this style encourages you to use all the colours that make your heart sing. Check for more bed options.

You can choose to keep your walls neutral to act as a background for vibrant furniture pieces or choose high pigmented hues for your walls.

  • Go For Eclectic Furniture Pieces

While décor should have some unifying colours and patterns, there is absolutely no need to stress over matching furniture.

In fact, that`s the beauty of maximalism. Making unusual or mismatched pieces work well together.

There`s no need to pick furniture that goes explicitly together, as all furniture styles work in a maximalist bedroom.

Be it rustic or vintage, contemporary or bohemian, all items are welcome as long as they have a story to tell and express your character and taste.

Avoid buying a set of identical nightstands and go for an exciting mix of mismatched pieces that will enhance the room`s eclectic vibe.

  • Keep your Accessories on Display

As opposed to minimalism, maximalism allows you to put essential things on display, rather than hiding them from the view.

So when your home is filled with things that bring you joy, such as memories from your favourite trips, pictures of fun moments, this can only boost your mood.

We are talking about displaying sentimental pieces of décor such as your favourite collections, books, statues, artworks, and over the top gallery walls.

The slogan here is: The More, The Merrier, avoid over-accessorizing as you don`t want to fall into the trap of cluttering your space.

There is a fine line between maximalism and clutter, and the best way to achieve a harmonious space without cluttering it is by grouping and layering your décor pieces.

  • Layer, Layer, Layer

Layering is an excellent technique to achieve cohesion in a maximalist-inspired space.

So as this style is more about the art of combining colours, prints, and eclectic embellishments, try to pick items that have a common ground, be it the shape, texture, or pattern.

Start with a foundation and then build around that. For example, in a bedroom, that one thing can be a dusty rose-coloured upholstered bed that you can complete with bedding, duvets, throws, and cushions in the same sphere of colours.

For your bedroom nightstand, start with one of the most oversized books, then layer in smaller books and a candle or a pot of flowers at the top.
You can shop online for a wide variety of scented candles, all beautifully packaged at stores like Purcell and Woodcock. They make for a great addition to any bedroom.

  • Play with Patterns and Texture

There`s a certain magic to a space that`s visually rich and full.

It is tapping into what makes us human and is about expressing who you are and what you love.

Bringing personality and depth to a home, the rise of maximalism will make a house feel like home by using peculiar patterns and texture in elements such as rugs, cushions, curtains, and whimsy wallpaper.

Bold patterns encourage creativity in a maximalist bedroom, while textured surfaces appeal to the tactile senses.

So be it a quirky kaleidoscope wallpaper, patterned roman shades, animal prints, or abstract shapes with a touch of luxe, these are essential ingredients if you are looking to add some spice to your bedroom décor.

  • A Clash Of Styles

If you are a fan of other design styles, you`ll have no trouble merging these with maximalism.

For example, you can pair it beautifully with the Boho-Chic style, English Country, and other happy looks. The Victorian style and Art-Deco also shared a gorgeous theme of gorgeous excess, so you can also incorporate elements from these periods.

Just try to visualise an eclectic approach and personalise your space as per your liking.

Final Thoughts

So if you are ready to pack your bedroom with visual splendor, the maximalism style will definitely offer you a refreshing alternative.

And if you love to immerse yourself in everything beautiful, then give it a go, explore the style further, follow your desires and see where it may lead.