Assignments are a pretty common thing in our education system today. No matter how much we might wish them away they seem to be here to stay. But why do we really need assignments? Assignments are mostly meant to gauge our understanding of the coursework or the subject we may be learning at that particular time. Not to forget, to attain full marks in an assignment you are also required to follow particular set criteria, which differ from one discipline to another. However, to write an awesome paper you need to do far much more than just expressing your understanding of topic or following set criteria.
The experts from, were very helpful in solving this problem concerning the quality of assignments. According to these experts, you essentially need to be prepared to handle the work. To be prepared you need to understand the topic at hand and the specified criteria, create an outline of your arguments, search for reliable sources of information, create a rough draft, edit and proofread your work.
1. Understanding the topic and marking criteria
Upon receiving an assignment, you need to take your time and understand what your topic and the marking criteria requires you to do. How do you do this? First, you need to identify the topic or what the question’s about. Then proceed to think about what is being implied and decide on what you need to do. For a deeper insight, you may look for more information concerning the assignment and your objectives in your course materials.
After creating an understanding of the topic, it is critical that you go through the marking criteria. The marking criteria will inform you of how much the assignment is worth. This will be helpful in determining the amount of time you need to spend on the assignment. Besides, you will also be informed of what your lecturer or tutor expects to see when marking the work and how marks will be awarded. This will let you know where to place more emphasis.
Creating such an understanding will help you avoid talking about unnecessary issues within your paper. For example, in a Biology assignment that requires you to discuss the process of Photosynthesis, it would be completely uncalled for to bring up arguments about digestion or other off-topic discussions. To some extent, this approach will put you in a state of mind that is ready to tackle all the issues in the paper.
2. Creating an outline of the paper
A lot of students overlook the importance of outlines when handling their assignments. Those who use outlines in the delivery of their assignments often have an easy time during the writing process and have higher chances of making sense as compared to those that do not use them. An outline should, however, not be confused with a draft. An outline gives you the general flow/ structure of the main ideas when writing the assignment. The assignment’s marking criteria can be a great source of information when creating an outline.
Nevertheless, most assignments, which you will handle will stick to the basic essay structure that entails, the introduction, discussion, and conclusion. Therefore, in an outline, you would have to state the purpose of your assignment in the Introduction section, list some of your main ideas or arguments in the discussion section, and lastly restate the main argument while stating the pending evaluation and summarization of your ideas.
3. Search for reliable sources of information
The validity of the information used when delivering an assignment is a very critical factor in determining your pass rate, according to A simple mistake of basing your ideas or arguments on rumors, unproven beliefs or even blogs could lower the credibility of your assignment, rendering it not awesome. Therefore, before you begin to write your assignment, you need to conduct thorough research of your question or topic and identify the relevant and credible information. A good source of reliable information is your coursework materials, including the recommended readings. Besides, other reliable sources can be located via online sources, your local public libraries or consulting experts. After, identifying the reliable sources of information, you may then proceed to evaluate it to determine its applicability to your assignment.
4. Creating a rough draft
After identifying the reliable and appropriate sources of information, you will need to come up with a draft of the entire work. This is will be a somehow easy task especially if you created an outline for your assignment. In such a case, all you would have to do is expound on the ideas you listed in your outline. Here you’ll write freely, not worrying about little errors you’ll make here and there.
After you complete the initial draft, you can then revise it, making sure that it is sensible and it contains every necessary argument or idea. During this period, also ensure that your wording is correct and that there is cohesion in your work.
5. Editing and Proofreading
The simple task of editing and proofreading can go a long way in restricting you from achieving the highest grade achievable in an assignment. This is because work that is neither edited nor proofread has high chances of containing errors. Some of the most common errors made by students include grammatical errors, spelling errors, punctuation errors, and structural errors. You might have also lost your logical flow of arguments, omitted relevant citations or references or forgot to include your student details in your assignment. These are just but a few of the possible errors you may make when writing your assignment. Therefore, it is vital that you edit and proofread your work before submitting it. If time is still on your side, you may request a colleague to proofread your work since you may be biased doing it yourself.
These are some of the tips that experts claim to be critical in writing an awesome assignment. All in all, you ought to be time conscious when following these tips. An assignment that is delivered late is as good as one that has been poorly written. Still, for those of you that have busy schedules that leave them with little time for assignments, it would be advisable to seek the assistance of custom paper writing services.