Picking the right glasses is not an easy feat. Once you set your eyes on one, there’s no guarantee they’ll look good on you once you try them on. This has happened to all of us in need of ocular helpers. If you ever wondered why this is the case, we have an answer. It all comes down to our face shape. Because of it, some glasses might not fit you while others would fit perfectly, and you’ll love the look they gave you. If you still don’t believe us, please read these seven tips for picking the right eyeglasses for your face shape – 2024 guide. Once you do, everything will be more transparent, just as when you put your glasses on.
What is my face shape?
Determining the shape of your face is not hard to do. All you need to do is stand in front of a mirror and move the hair away from your face. This is the easiest way to see what eyeglasses sit perfectly on your face. Notice that you need to look directly into the mirror, and not from any funny angle. It will give you a perfect look at the contours of your face, general shape, and head specifics. Below you have listed the most common face shapes and the type of glasses that fit each of them. Take a look for an easier decision on which ones suit you best.
Oval Face Shape
If you have this face shape, consider yourself blessed as it is the one considered closes to ideal. The reason is its proportions that sit in perfect balance. Once you determine that this is your face shape, there’s a shape of glasses that go with it. We are talking about frames that are wider than the part of your face that stretches the most from left to right. A broad look requires wider glasses. We would recommend going with a walnut-shaped frame because it lacks deepness and narrowness that wouldn’t go with this shape of the face. The good thing is that with websites such as SmartBuyGlasses.com, you don’t even have to try glasses physically.
Heart-Shaped Face
We all know how a heart looks like, and yes, our face can seem similar. It is when we are broader on the top and narrower at the bottom of our heads. There is a dysfunction in the width of our face when it’s like this, and the glass frame can make this less noticeable. All you need to do is pick frames that are unlike heart-shaped face wider at the bottom end. You can go with light-colored frames, or even choose a rimless one.
Oblong Face Shape
If you have a face that is not as long as it is wide, you have an oblong type. It is also recognizable by its straight cheek line. This type of face needs to be balanced by making it shorter, and this can be done with particular frames – broader and more in-depth. You need to add width to your face in this case, and the way to go is with contrasting or decorative temples in frames.
Square Face Shape
Do you have a broad forehead? Not like Peyton Manning, but close enough? Also, there’s strong jaw like Henry Cavill? If this is the case, you have a square face. If these comparisons don’t do the trick, then look at any square shape, and if your face fits in because of the same length and width, all doubts are dispersed. When this is the case, you need to soften the angles of your head and make it look longer. Because of this, you’ll need narrow frames that come with more width than depth and are also oval.
Diamond Face Shape
A narrow forehead and the jawline of the same shape are what make a diamond face shape. Add broad cheekbones, and there’s no mistake. Not many people have this face shape, and it’s considered the rarest of the bunch. If you are blessed with this shape, you need to go out and try to soften the cheekbones while highlighting the eyes in the process. Frames that best suit diamond shape are those that go along with your brows. Oval and cat-eye shapes are what you should pick together with rimless frames. If you have a diamond face, you should look for ideal frames to complete the uniqueness you have been given by mother nature.
Round Face Shape
It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, all those low angles that come with the round face shape of the face. The lines are curved, and the width matches the length in this no-angle shape. You can call it proportional, but not everyone would share this view. What you need to do with this look is to make it appear longer and thinner. The glasses you want to achieve this are narrow in an angle that would accentuate the length of the face. Furthermore, you could try and go with frames with a transparent bridge and are not as deep as they’re wide.
Base-Down Triangle
When you look at the bottom part of the face and the jawline, and you see that they are more comprehensive than the forehead, which is narrow, you are looking at a base-down triangular face. Narrow at the top, and wide on cheeks and chin is what this face shape is. This is not a shape that can be converted easily with glasses, but it can be done. It would be best if you had a frame in rich colors broadened at the top, which covers the eyebrows. If you opt to go for a cat-eye frame, you won’t be making a mistake.
It is not an easy task to pick a glass frame that suits your face perfectly. It is even more challenging if you don’t know the right shape of your face. If you read this article carefully, you now have a hang of it, and you are set to go shopping for a piece of your own that will improve your appeal.