Tips and Tricks for New Plant Parents


Starting your own home garden is fun yet painstaking venture. It often takes a while for you to get things right. For this reason, you need to ensure that you have the right information before you give up. Here are some helpful tips and tricks to ensure your journey as a plant parent is smooth.

Do your research

The one thing you need to ensure you do before you get started is to learn about plants. Sites like florage have some tips that might come in handy. Find out whether the conditions in your garden are perfect for them and if you need to pay extra attention to the said plants. That way, you are prepared for any eventuality. You can talk to your florist before getting the plants, or look up what you plan to grow. Often, you find that all your plants die because you have no idea how to keep them alive. Doing this step ensures you avoid that.


Start slowly

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a beginner is filling up your garden with different vegetation. You will make mistakes and have to watch all your plants die. Start with one plant, then add more to the collection. Ensure you have enough time between buying each plant to give each new them the attention it needs. That way, you get to figure out their growth patterns and watering schedules. You also get to figure out what new plants will go well with your growing ones.

Get the right soil

When it comes to plants, you will realize that they all have different soil needs. What will work for one plant might not work for another. As such, you need to figure out how to get the right soil in the right quantities for your plants. You might have to get different kinds of soil if you plan on getting different vegetation, so bear that in mind.


Get the right containers

Aside from the right soil, it is also important for you to get the right containers. A good container would give your vegetation enough room to grow without being so big that it could not grow into it. If your plants keep growing, you might need to switch the containers after they grow into them. When picking out the new containers, ensure they are no more than a size or two bigger than the nursery pots.

Water it just right

The biggest challenge most people have when it comes to their plants is watering them just right. If you are not careful, you end up with a moldy shrub or a withered one. One of the things you need to realize is that your plants will often tell you when they need water. All you need to do is look at the leaves. If the leaves look droopy, it is time to water them. Ensure you look out for the signs before watering because excess water causes mold. If you cannot spot the signs, then check the soil. If it is still moist, you do not need to water them.


Get your vegetation the right fertilizer

Just like animals, plants need food to thrive. As a result, make sure you get fertilizer for your shrubs and flowers. Since there are so many brands on the market, you might be at a loss as to which fertilizer will work for your plant and which one will not. If you have different shrubs, then your best option would be the organic kind of fertilizer. Don’t overfeed your shrubs with fertilizer because too much will scorch the leaves. Your research will help to look up fertilizer schedules to get it right.

Look out for pests

One of the biggest killers of all vegetation is pests. If you are not keen, you might miss out on them and wake up to all your plants dying one morning. As such, this is something you need to be careful of. Learn all you can about the potential pests that might attack your plants and find preventive measures for them. You might also need to figure out how to kill them if they have already attacked the vegetation. If you intend to exclusively grow everything indoors, make sure that any pesticides you use do not harm our pets or children. Organic pesticides are the best option in this case.


Look out for weeds

When you plan on starting a garden or keeping plants, you will encounter weeds more often than not. The good thing about them is that you can always pull them out. When watering your plants, keep an eye out for weeds and pull them out before they get worse. That way, your shrubs have enough space to grow and get to use up all the nutrients you give them.

Prune the leaves

If you want your shrubs or trees to grow big and strong, you must ensure that they receive proper pruning. Take the time to occasionally cut away extra leaves and branches. While this might seem like a harsh thing to do, you are ensuring that your plant gets enough room to grow. The extra leaves only take up more nutrients than is necessary. Pruning will take some learning to get right, so take your time and do your research before you get started on it.


Get them enough light

Indoor plants often die fast because they do not get enough light. Ensure you put them in a place where it will have enough light. If you do not get enough sunlight, you might need to invest in LED lights. Whatever option you choose, You might have to move things around so they can get enough light to synthesize the nutrients they absorb into something useful.

Being a new farmer is not as hard as most people think. All you need to do is figure out a few things about what your vegetation needs. Try the tips above and see the difference they make in your journey as a plant parent.