The art of energy healing is a way to restore balance within the body through adjusting one’s vibrational flows. People emit electromagnetic fields that are measured by various scales, such as those used in traditional medicine for diagnosis and treatment. In recent times. This concept has been extended with mind-body techniques to promote health. There isn’t a universal truth about energy healing; however many practitioners consider it a powerful tool to employ in conjunction with traditional medical practices.
When a healer first meets up with their patient, they will describe them based on the person’s medical history and personality. They’ll then use what they know of their energy field to do an initial evaluation or diagnosis. An important part of this is feeling something ‘off’. This may include physical sensations such as pain and tingling, but it could also be due to emotional concerns like anxiety.
Once the healer has completed their evaluation, they’ll typically ask you questions in order to develop a treatment plan. They will likely communicate with your body’s energy field in some way, though exactly how varies from practitioner to practitioner. Some use ‘ hands-on healing’ where they physically touch their patient while working with their energy field. Others work at a distance, having no physical contact with the person being healed. Each form of healing is equally effective with its own advantages and disadvantages. The type of relationship that exists between healer and patient also greatly affects treatment plans. One-on-one sessions are most common but group healing can be effective for certain conditions.
According to INCENTRE, Reiki, Chakra balancing and Qi Gong are all examples of healing therapies that use different forms of energy to help people heal. For example, Reiki is used to balance the chakras so they flow correctly through the body while Qi Gong helps maintain vital life force in both sick and healthy individuals alike. Because each person’s mind-body connection works differently than another individual’s does, practitioners will work towards treating their patient according to how it can best benefit them rather than curing a particular ailment with modern medicines.
Regardless of these differences, all of the energy healing seek to restore the mind and body to a healthier state.
Sometimes what helps one person heal might not work for another, so energy healers will understand the differences in these energies and seek ways that would be most effective for their patient’s mind-body connection.
In this way, energy healing therapies are an important part of the treatment process as they help establish a more holistic approach to treating mind-body disorders. Although modern medicine is highly effective at treating specific ailments, it leaves little room for any alternative methods of treatment. Energy healing, on the other hand, takes a more natural and comprehensive approach towards helping patients recuperate from illnesses whether or not they involve specialised treatments like surgery or chemical medications (Healing).
Compassion, authenticity, acceptance and non-judgment are all core values of the qualitative approach to healing. This perspective does not expect or require their clients to be perfect; instead, it seeks respect for wholeness in every person they encounter! The process is one of facilitating positive changes through accepting people as they are. Some modalities used include but aren’t limited too: breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation (yoga), sound/vibration therapies like singing bowls and tuning forks etc., movement therapies like dance therapy & reiki, art expressions such as painting on canvas with acrylicss or even clay, gemstones and crystals used for healing purposes etc., shamanic practices, life coaching, journaling, counselling & psychotherapy. These are but a few examples of the various ways to use the energy of nature to help bring light, love and balance back into your life.
Those who choose to work with a practitioner that uses holistic approaches are likely looking for a lifestyle change in addition to physical and emotional healing. Holistic practitioners combine therapies such as nutrition, energy therapy, meditation, bodywork among many others which aim at achieving wholeness within the patient. When incorporating healing energies into this process it is believed that they can achieve higher quality outcomes.
The following is an example of one way to use this approach: set aside 30 minutes in the morning before you rise, find yourself a comfortable position in bed (when in doubt about how to position yourself; go with what feels right) make sure there is no clock in sight (if using one strike it gently), place your hands on your heart centre (palms facing downward if able). Close your eyes and begin deep breathing through your nose allowing the in-breath to last three seconds; the out-breath four. Upon reaching ten deep breaths (in and out) begin by visualising yourself within a loving embrace, in front of you is a mirror and in this mirror sees your reflection smiling back at you with reassurance. Breathe deeply and allow the following affirmation to be impressed upon you:
“I am whole, I am loved, I am worthy”
Repeat this affirmation until it seems to absorb fully into your being. If no specific issue is troubling you then simple repeating the affirmation once will have positive effects on your general well being over time. However, if there is an individual or situation that is concerning then it can be helpful to state the affirmation in reference to that particular topic.
The science behind energy healing is still being studied, but there are some promising indications that it may be helpful for certain conditions.