The development of technology and the rise of the freelance market allowed people far and wide to utilize their skills and make a living. Some do it as a full-time job, while others do what they like and what they are good at on the side and generate considerable profit as a lucrative part-time job. Whatever the case may be, internet-based jobs of the modern age have opened up so many doors for tech-savvy individuals who could not or did not want to do traditional jobs at all, or who simply wanted to do it in a different, easier, and more engaging way.
Freelance World
The world of freelance is largely dependent on the knowledge and proficiency of the English language. According to thesisgeek.com, since the internet is largely dominated by this language, most jobs require upper-intermediate and advanced skills at least. Although in Asia and South America there are other dominant languages, knowing English is considered as the step everyone needs to cross in order to properly perform their jobs.
One of the most common and widely sought-after freelance jobs is actually teaching English online. It is so dominant that it makes up the majority of all English-related jobs. Since so many people speak it, there are millions of possible candidates to teach those who cannot speak it at all, or help them practice it by filling in the gaps they do have. Of course, not everyone has the ability and the right kind of knowledge to transfer English to others, making the actual English language majors the best candidates for the job. Still, most online teachers are people who still have a lot to learn themselves.
Be that as it may, this is a diverse enough job that can be done by plenty of people, and from plenty of places. Actually, you can also do it while traveling. While having a dedicated computer and a desk as a working station at home is the best way to do it, one can also teach and earn some money while traveling anywhere no matter for how long. Payment options are done online anyway so why not earn something when you do not have anything better to do when away from home? In this article, you will learn exactly how. To learn more about this, make sure to check out theteflacademy.com.
1. Laptop
Of course, in order to teach on the go, you will need the right tools for the job. What every online teacher needs first and foremost is a quality laptop that is able to run all the necessary software needed for teaching. Most online teaching services have their own websites and services that teachers have to use, which means several tabs of a web browser have to be opened at all times. The laptop needs to be light enough to pose no effort while carrying it around, and with a good and clear enough screen to work in various conditions. An above-average tier, 15” laptop with 8 GB of RAM and a 256 SSD is more than enough to work. Anything above is a plus of course. The key component is the battery life since you will not have access to an electrical outlet all the time. Depending on where you will work from, you can also have a mouse at the ready, and even a more comfortable keyboard. All of this easily fits into an average laptop bag.
2. Headset and Camera
When working from home behind a desktop, you will need a good USB camera attached to your screen. The video feed is crucial because the student must be able to see you. On the go, the default laptop camera will do, but only if it is good enough and at least somewhat in HD. If your old laptop has a poor camera, you will need to invest in a new USB one and carry it with you.
Another key component you will need in your arsenal is a good headset. Since you are teaching, the audio quality has to be top-notch, both the output and the input. Therefore, treat yourself to a nice headset that combines quality headphones with a good microphone. A neat trick is to buy a gaming headset since they are made for heavy and prolonged use and have sensitive mics and HD speakers in the headphones as gamers need to be able to hear everything clearly and talk to their teammates constantly.
3. Internet Access
This is the tricky part because not everyone can carry their internet with them. If you cannot get a good roaming package or some kind of a travel plan from your provider, all you will be left is the mercy of Wi-Fi you can find around you. This eliminates working in many occasions if you are further away from cities and towns. On the plane, it is no problem since most planes nowadays offer Wi-Fi to passengers. The same goes for some public transport. What is more, this presents a good chance to revise or teach vocabulary and constructions related to vehicles, traveling, and directions.
If working while on the move is out of the question, then the usual hubs like cafes, fast food chains, and restaurants are your best options. Your hotel, motel, or some other type of accommodation is sure to have Wi-Fi, we are in the 21st century after all. This means you can work whenever you want, simply by staying in your room for a bit or going to a local café or a pub. Pair work with a meal or a coffee and you will not even notice it. You can even adapt a lesson and go over some crucial vocabulary regarding food, drinks, utensils, or furniture.
4. Teaching Props and the Actual Class Content
Since you will be away from home and in a foreign country, the students will have a lot of questions for you and you will be eager to answer them as well as tell them about your journey. Therefore, it will be extremely easy to conduct classes while traveling. You will not need the usual props like flashcards and other traditional materials, as mere talking will do the trick. In addition, you can show the students the view from your room, have a tour of the hotel or the neighborhood, or have a class about foreign cultures and traditions. Anything goes, you just have to be a little bit imaginative and creative!