Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task, but it’s the dream career goal for a lot of people. It’s one of the best ways to earn a living without being even slightly dependent on someone else. But, it requires a lot of work, and it’s difficult to become known amongst other entrepreneurs due to the huge competition. 2024 is truly the year of influencers and entrepreneurs.
However, you can always start small and work your way up until you reach a point of pure independence and financial stability. Thankfully, we are here to help you learn some more and make this entire journey a lot easier for you.
Your influence will help you sell anything that your audience supports. That’s one of the main perks of being an entrepreneur. Let’s say that you are someone who operates in the IT sphere. Your followers will surely take your advice for granted when it comes to purchasing tech components and gadgets, or investing in a certain IT company. Of course, there are far more options than just this, and today we’re here to tell you all about them. Let’s take a look.
1. Shopify Ecommerce
Shopify is hands down one of the most popular choices when it comes to earning money on the internet in 2024. No matter what kind of a job you have, you always have some extra spare time to focus on your online shop that will earn you a fortune if run correctly. Shopify makes it so much easier for people to sell anything they want to sell on the internet. In fact, it’s one of the best ways to do it.
If you are just starting out as an entrepreneur, a great way to earn is by engaging in something that doesn’t require a large investment. Building your own shop completely from scratch is a difficult task, and it will cost money. Thankfully, Shopify has the solution.
2. Re-selling products
Re-selling and dropshipping are both viable options for micro entrepreneurs. You shouldn’t feel “ashamed” or discouraged to do something like this because everything is business at the end of the day, and if it earns you money, you’re already on a great way to improve and build a great career. Re-selling any products is a great way to earn money. These products don’t even have to be used, you can buy and re-sell for a higher price. The best way to start something like this is by forming a few partnerships with people, or should we say suppliers who can sell you the products for a lower price, so that you’ll be able to re-sell for higher later.
3. Use sites like Upwork and Fiverr
People often associate Upwork and Fiverr with freelancers, and they say to themselves “I don’t want to be a freelancer”, then completely neglect this idea. But, that’s a wrong approach to this entire situation, because although both of these sites are made for freelancers, you can start your own business by using them, and earn a lot of money. You can basically be the middleman who will find requests from clients and then look for freelancers who can do them. You charge more and sell for even higher for the service, taking all of the profit for yourself. It can be more than enough for a startup. Not to mention that you get various fee discounts the more you work with certain clients on both of these sites, which is great for a long-term business scheme. Don’t knock it till you try it.
4. “Sell” your knowledge to others
Authors such as JT Mcdonald are selling their knowledge and experience to others who want to learn how to become entrepreneurs. Why learn from your own mistakes when you can learn from someone else’s without making them yourself. It’s the best way to prosper, learning from someone who paved the road for you. At jacetmcdonald.com you can find out more about this particular author. We’re saying this because you can sell your life experiences to others in the form of e-books, webinars and tons of other different ways. If you are good at what you’re doing, people will be interested to hear what you have to say.
5. Build your own website or a blog
Building your own website or a blog is a great business model in 2024. Almost everything nowadays is done through the internet. Just think of the fact that people no longer buy newspapers so much, something that was literally a “good morning” routine for everyone alive on this planet. Those times are gone, but luckily we have a great replacement, which is websites and blogs. Now people drink their morning coffee by visiting websites for free, instead of paying for newspapers. You can use this chance to sell your knowledge, information or entertainment in the form of a blog or a news site.
6. Become a personal life coach
A lot of people need life advice because they have difficulties thinking about everything on their own. This is especially the case with people who are heavily engaged with business and all they do is work. There’s nothing wrong with that however, but you’ll still need someone by your side to give you advice on many different subjects. Find someone who needs a person like that and offer your advice for a good price. Life coaches are becoming so popular in 2024, so if you were ever thinking of becoming one, now is your best chance to do it.
7. Sell and recommend your used books
If you are someone who is influential in the world of books, you can quite easily turn this into a profit. Buy books, read them and then do a review. The review will get popular and people will want to purchase those books because they trust your opinion on it. The more you recommend them, the higher the request will be. Then, you can re-sell the books you bought to others who want to read them. Easy as that, you have some great income that you can invest into something else or keep it, depending on your current needs.