If you are buying or selling UK property then you will need to find a Property Solicitor to manage your property transaction. Costs vary as Solicitors base their fee structure on what it costs to run their business. Using a solicitor that is based in a low cost of living area could save you hundreds of pounds.
The Right Way To Search For A Property Solicitor
If you were buying car insurance then you would visit a comparison website to compare pricing from the many insurance companies.
Similarly you can compare conveyancing legal fees and disbursements for your specific by using a conveyancing comparison website. You will notice that some websites want your personal details upfront before displaying the conveyancing quotes and some let you browse for like quotes without the need to disclose your contact details. The obvious happens if you use a website that insists you enter your email and phone number. You will be called and emailed from several Solicitor firms.
The Homebuyer Conveyancing Quotes Comparison website lets you filter comparable conveyance results by price, location and by Mortgage lender without the need to enter your personal details. The purchase quotes include a search pledge and a Chancel indemnity. This extra support will help you if you need to pull out of the transaction through no fault of your own. This could be due to a bad Survey. This means you can get another set of searches for your next property for Free up to a value of £300.
These types of websites are useful if you are formulating a budget when moving house. It also enables you to plan ahead on which Solicitor to use without being bombarded with calls and emails. you are firmly in the drying seat to take a quote away when ready and to schedule a call from your chosen Solicitor firm. It makes it so easy and hassle free.
What Happens When You Instruct A Property Solicitor
When you instruct a Solicitor you will be sent a Client Care Pack. Within this pack it will contain your terms of engagement. You will need to read the terms and if you agree to them you must sign and return them. This can be done by email. On receipt your Solicitor will open up the file, called a case and will then carry out the ID checks on you.
It’s worth checking their contact details as you will need to pass these on to the Estate Agent if an offer is accepted. You would be amazed how many property deals start slowly simply because the relevant parties are not on the same page.
Get Moving To A Fast Exchange Of Contracts
To get to the exchange of contracts quickly you should instruct your Solicitor when you place your property for sale and when you are buying, before the offer acceptance stage. Allow 7 -14 days to get the basics done when you instruct a Solicitor.
- Instruct your solicitor promptly
- You solicitor should have your case open and prepared before an offer is accepted
- If an Offer is accepted then pass on your Solicitor contact details. Check they are correct
- Organise a Survey if you are buying within 7 days of offer. The Surveyor will often take 3 days to prepare the results.
- Utilise the survey results to consider your options, Keep with the current offer, renegotiate the offer or pull out of the transaction
- If you do go ahead then ensure that all parties are working to the same achievable exchange of contracts date.
- Try and move on a Thursday, If you move on a Friday and you hit a problem with funds being transferred you have no opportunity to rectify the issue
- Understand throughout the transaction how you are updated. It’s a good idea to understand the conveyancing milestones. That way you simply follow the conveyance plan
- If you are buying and selling property then consider that advantages of using the same Solicitor for both deals
- Use a Mortgage Lender Approved Conveyancer. Conveyancing Solicitors over time understand how each lender works. This gives you an advantage and the risk is reduced of a failed transaction.
Buying And Selling Property Is All About Getting Your Ducks In A Row
Make A Decision On Who To Instruct Using Comparable Conveyancing Quotes
Thinking of moving house? Use the right Property Solicitor that provides a fixed fee conveyancing quote so that you know where you stand. Everyone hates hidden surprises, especially if more money is requested.
Whats In A Typical Conveyancing Quote
The conveyancing quote should detail you legal fees and disbursements in full. Each quote that you compare must clearly itemise the costs involved. Disbursements add up and so many Solicitor firms have a search pack that costs more than £300. The search pack should contain a chancel indemnity. It should have search pledge to protect you if you pull out of the transaction. The Solicitor must be able to apply pressure on their search provider to expedite specialist searches at speed. Importantly if Local Authorities are experiencing delays the search provider has an alternative.
Conveyancing Follows A Standard Process
Property Solicitors manage a conveyancing process and delays can happen. It’s important that the process starts well and the Buyer is proactive in getting the Survey done but also is clear on what they must do when the Survey results are in.
If you try and get the property below market value you face a risk of being Gazumped. If you struck a great deal then pushing for more may force the Seller to take up offers from say cash Buyers that can move fast.
If you are buying property then you need to be in a position to move fast. Taking 4 – 5 months on a purchase to complete is just about acceptable. If you are selling a property and the exchange is delayed then you have to establish why. The top tip is to be in the driving seat and get your ducks in a row. Be clear on what your transaction will cost and compare fully inclusive conveyancing quotes when you are planning to sell or buy property.