E-Commerce allows people from all over the world to sell their goods, to promote their products, and users to be able to purchase things that are seemingly out of their reach. Nowadays there are a lot of different platforms where you can set your e-commerce site up, but not all of them offer the features you need. Lately, most business owners, as well as users say that WordPress is the best solution when it comes to choosing the right platform.
If you want to start your own website to sell and promote your brand, you are probably looking for a platform that will allow you to use it with ease, and something that will be user-friendly as well. One of the worst mistakes people make is setting up a website that is too complicated for users and ending up losing their sales because of that. In this article, we are going to give you some of the best reasons why you should choose WordPress and we’ll tell you how this platform is the solution to your new shopping website.
1. Layout
When you build your e-commerce site, the first thing you want to do is to attract customers. However, no matter how many people you get to click on your link, if the website is not functional and appealing, your potential customers will just close it and walk away.
WordPress gives you the opportunity to choose between hundreds and even thousands of different themes, so you will have no problem finding the one that shows your best colors. When choosing the theme, you need to look for one that is specifically designed for e-commerce. You cannot go with just any theme because you want to promote your products and have a layout where people will be able to browse with ease.
The great news is that there are layouts that are made for online stores, and some of them are free for you to install. You can even conduct surveys and see what your customers like the best. If you don’t want to risk things, you can just ask your friends to test things out and help you with the decision.
Remember that layouts and plugins go hand in hand, so you should choose the theme considering the plugins and vice versa. The menu needs to be visible and easy to access. It should also have all the necessary information, so spend some time customizing this part.
2. Security
When you set up a website that does not require your users to enter their personal information, you should worry about cybersecurity only for yourself. In these cases, you need to make sure that someone does not take your site down, and they don’t hack it or change your password.
On the other hand, when you have a shopping site, you have to protect both your information and your customers’. If your site gets hacked, your customers may lose their personal information, they can get their identity stolen, and their bank accounts will get compromised.
Because of this, you need a platform that will offer security and give you different features to make sure every information is safe. When it comes to WordPress, you have different layers of safety features. First of all, the platform itself is encrypted, and your data is really hard to get stolen. You need to always install the latest updates to make sure that the platform itself can protect you and your website.
You should also add some plug-ins that will add an additional layer of security. Some plug-ins are free for you to download and use, and others require an inexpensive sum to be installed. Look for the ones that give you all the things you need, and that offer unique features.
3. Plug-ins
There are thousands of different plug-ins you can add to your store, but you need to be smart when choosing the right ones. If you put too many of them, then your site may become slow, and it will start lagging. When a site is not fully loaded for more than 3 seconds, chances are, users will just close it and go somewhere else.
To make sure that does not happen, and to choose the right things you should install, you should look for plugins that offer several features in one. According to Xansibar.com, the all-in-one systems will give you features including the ability to add or remove images, manage your inventory, schedule things like emails and promotions, and much more.
As we mentioned before, some of these plugins are free for you to install them, and some need to be purchased. When choosing one, you should first make sure that it is safe to download and use. Look for plugins that have high ratings and that have been installed by many people.
You should always get an SEO one that will help you keep your content perfect, and that will ensure that your articles show on the first page of Google. Users say that Yoast is one of the best ones, but you may want to check several different ones before you choose the right one for you.
Don’t overburden your site with widgets that are not going to be useful. You don’t need the weather widget, no matter how cute you think it looks. It will just make the website load slowly and your customers will not get any happier. Always install something that will help you keep your site more secure, and if you are not sure which features are the best for you, you can always ask the professionals or talk to people who are in the same field.
WordPress offers a lot of different features when it comes to plugins and widgets, and they are all neatly listed by rating, downloads, or brand. So, if you are in doubt, just use the sorting feature and see which ones are recommended and used by others.
This platform is available on all devices, so you won’t have to carry your laptop around, just to see how things are going. It is also extremely easy to install and use, and you don’t need to be tech-savvy to find your way around it. You can also let your customers rate and review your shop, so you can show others why they should make a purchase in your store. Spend some time checking the features around, and once you start using WordPress, you will never go back to another platform.