Many pest control companies prefer that people first prepare their apartments for treatment and here is the reason why.
Cockroaches, spiders, fleas, rats, basically all insects and pests can be a serious problem for households. Not only can they do damage to your property, create an unhealthy environment for you and everyone else that lives in your home, they are also very difficult to get rid of. It seems like everything you do is completely useless. Spraying all kinds of chemicals, putting up traps, or whatever you have done simply does not work. You might even say that these insects and pests have started to outsmart us.
When you find yourself in this kind of situation where you cannot fix the problem that you are faced with, Vesta Management in Winchester says your only solution is to hire someone that has advanced knowledge about dealing with stuff like this. Why should you bother buying chemicals and endangering yourself and your family when you can just hire professional services?
Finding the right pest control company can be pretty easy because there are thousands of them out there. However, what you didn’t know is the fact that you will have to prepare your home for the pest control treatment. Most companies will tell what you should do to prepare your apartment, but in case they don’t, here is a simple guide that will help you understand what you will have to do.
Make some space
The first thing you will need to do is to ensure that the workers who will be spraying your home against pests have enough space to move around the rooms. This means that you should probably move the couch to some corner so they can spray everywhere in the living room, you should also pull the beds to the side of your bedroom and clear up the entrance of your apartment or the hallway.
This is very important because most professional services use heavy-duty equipment to ensure that all of the pests are deterred. These big canisters that they have are too heavy to carry which means they have to roll them on wheels. Ensure that they have a clear passage to every single room of your apartment.
Store food in plastic containers
Another essential thing that you will have to do to ensure the health of your family is to store every single piece of food inside a plastic container. I mean everything from a piece of bread, to meat, to seeds, and maybe even canned food. You might think that putting all of this stuff inside of a cabinet is enough to protect it, but believe me, it is not. The poison that these companies use is very toxic and even consuming just a little bit of this poison can be very dangerous.
According to Fumida, to prevent the poison from ever entering food that is in your home, you must place them in thick plastic bags or plastic containers. Usually, the companies will provide you with containers that are rated for that kind of protection. Once the company is done with the treatment and several days have passed, you can safely remove the food from the containers and place them wherever you like.
Take pets with you
Depending on the type of pests you are trying to get rid of, the poison will be different. For example, the poison that is used for cockroaches is entirely different from the one that is used for rats. Some can be very toxic while others not so much, at least for humans.
However, most pest control companies do not want to take any chances and hurt someone which is why they will advise you to leave your home for a couple of hours or maybe even several days depending on the type of pest you have a problem with.
So, if this kind of treatment is so dangerous to humans, you could imagine just how toxic it can be for your pets. Whether you have a dog, a cat, a hamster, or even a lizard, you should definitely take it with you and out of your home. Do not bring them back until you get the thumbs up that your house is safe.
I think it is safe to say that you probably understand just how dangerous these poisons can be for any living thing. Whether it is humans, pests, or pets, it will cause harm. This means that even the plants and flowers that you have in your home will have to be protected too. The best way to keep your plants safe is to just take them outside and leave them there until you come back. If you do not have the option of leaving them outside, your other best bet is to cover them with plastic.
Keep in mind, leaving them for too long wrapped in plastic they will start to wither away. Only wrap them if you assume that you will be away for only a couple of hours instead of several weeks.
Clothing and bedding
Most pest control companies will spray the poison in every possible corner and room in your home. They do this to ensure that all of the pests are removed from the property. By not going through every corner they risk a return of pests in the future.
This means that the poison might spread inside of your wardrobe and on top of your beds. While the poison will fade away after several days, it may stick on your pillows or your clothes for a couple more days. This isn’t exactly very dangerous, but it may cause problems such a rash or other medical problems.
By doing all of these things we mentioned above, you will ensure that your family is safe and that the pest control company will be able to do its job properly.