Cryptocurrency podcasts are getting popular among investors due to various reasons. As the demand for cryptocurrency trading grows, people want to gain as much knowledge as possible. Podcasts have become a perfect way to learn more about digital currencies. But there are many options. So, you might get confused about which one you should consider listening to. You don’t need to worry because we have prepared this article to provide you with a list of the best podcasts.
Investing in digital currencies seems like a challenging task to some people. It usually happens with those who don’t have proper knowledge about it. The advancements in technology have transformed everything in the world of digital currency. You can now conveniently invest in any cryptocurrency. All thanks to some platforms and websites that are helping people in many ways. If you are looking for a reliable one, you can log in to btcrevolution.io. There is no other platform that offers high-quality services to people.
Apart from choosing a trustworthy platform, you should also focus on improving your knowledge regarding crypto trading. As we mentioned before, podcasts might be beneficial for you. So, let’s discuss the most popular cryptocurrency podcasts for beginners without further ado.
What are the top cryptocurrency podcasts for investors?
You can select a suitable one from the following options to learn. Don’t forget to consider your needs and preferences while making a choice.
1. Coin Mastery
The first podcast that comes on the list is Coin Mastery. Carter Thomas hosts this extraordinary masterpiece to learn about digital currencies. He is an investor as well as a professional marketer. So, you can analyze the level of content he provides to the listeners. The best thing about coin mastery is knowing about the latest trends, news, updates, etc., related to the crypto market. In this way, you will make good decisions about when to buy or sell your cryptos.
Apart from sharing the latest news and stuff, Thomas discusses new tips to begin earning with various digital currencies. All the episodes are so impressive that anyone can get addicted to them. You will also improve your trading skills if you consider listening to it.
2. The Bad Crypto Podcast
Another famous audio broadcast is The Bad Crypto Podcast. Two cryptocurrency experts Joel Comm and Travis Wright, have created this one with their extensive knowledge. By listening to the episodes, you will get information regarding different digital currencies like Bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, and more. It will further help you find a suitable one to purchase.
3. Both the hosts are pretty regular at uploading their episodes
You will get to enjoy two episodes every week, and each one of them will be for around fifty minutes. People who have tried this audio broadcast are pretty happy and satisfied with the information they provide. You can listen to it on various platforms.
4. Unchained
If you are a crypto investor, you might already have heard about Unchained. Every beginner investor needs to understand everything about various virtual currencies to select one. Otherwise, it will become a challenging task. Laura Shin, who is the host of this podcast, focuses on presenting the details of every crypto. She also discusses different topics related to crypto trading to educate the beginners well. It is crucial to consume reliable information before purchasing any crypto. So, you can consider this audio broadcast for entertainment and educational purposes.
Laura Shin is excellent at creating quality content for investors. Her level of intelligence is also high, making her podcast better than others. You will never regret listening to the episodes. She uploads one per week. The total duration will not be more than forty mine minutes. You can take a few minutes of your time and listen to her.
5. The Breakdown, With NW
Transformations happen in the crypto market from time to time. Maybe that is why people get frightened when they hear about cryptocurrency investing. They believe that it is a bad idea to purchase digital currencies. Nathaniel Whittemore is a professional crypto enthusiast who hosts The Breakdown. You will be astonished to know about him. He covers almost all the new things in the crypto world and their impact in detail. So, one can quickly decide whether they should invest in them or not. Nathaniel Whittemore has all the qualities of a perfect public personality.
This audio broadcast’s episodes are more informative than other ones. Beginner investors should go for this one to increase their overall knowledge about crypto trading.
If you have less free time, you can select The Breakdown, With NW because every episode is around nineteen minutes. But the entire time you have to listen to it very carefully. It is possible to miss some crucial points while you are busy. That is why The Breakdown has left every podcast behind. You won’t regret choosing it for learning.
6. Unconfirmed
If getting the information about new updates, trends, etc., is your priority, Unconfirmed with the best choice for you.You will know everything you want to gain sufficient information regarding crypto trading. If you keep yourself busy, you won’t face any problems and issues while learning.
As many experts say, a beginner investor might fail while buying and selling a particular digital currency if he lacks the proper knowledge. It is the only reason professional investors work hard to create quality content. They won’t ask you for a fee for the same. So, it has many advantages. Unconfirmed is famous for its straightforward way of explaining things.
7. Crypto 101
Two crypto professionals Bryce Paul and Aaron Malone, began this podcast to help beginner investors. They offer information about every digital currency in detail along with other topics. So, if you are in a dilemma as to which crypto you should purchase, you can listen to their episodes.
The Bottom Line
The number of cryptocurrency podcasts is increasing with time. That is the reason people find it hard to choose one. We hope now you can quickly decide on an option without struggling.