According to psychologists, in moments of sadness, you should not focus on yourself and think about what to eat or pour your moping. To cope with a bad mood will help in other ways.
Contact a cleaning service
Often, if a person is depressed, the space around them is not perfect. Order a general cleaning, your mood will rise at times, because what can be better than a clean and freshly cleaned house? In advance we advise you the professionals in the field of cleaning – https://www.livecleantoday.com/.
You are guaranteed quality cleaning with the use of natural cleaning agents, making a cleaning plan taking into account your budget!
Call a friend
You probably have chat rooms with friends, write there: a good dose of encouragement, jokes, and kitty stickers will fix the situation! Better yet, call or meet your loved ones. Pleasant social interactions make us happier.
It’s great to have someone you can call at any time and pour your heart out to. But really, a simple exchange of messages in a chat room is enough. Listen to words of encouragement, exchange a few jokes – it’s sure to help you look at the situation from the other side and banish negative feelings. And if there’s an opportunity to meet promptly for a cup of coffee, that’s even better!
Small wishes and simple goals
There are always wishes that can be easily fulfilled. For example, pamper yourself with something yummy or buy an unnecessary trinket for nothing. Or maybe you wanted to dye your hair pink or visit old friends. If that’s long overdue, you might want to set yourself simple goals that are easy to accomplish. You can sort out your closet, learn how to cook an unusual meal or do gymnastics every morning.
Return to Reality
Meditation reduces stress levels and regulates emotions. Sitting in the lotus position until enlightenment is not necessary, simple exercises are enough to help you switch from heavy thoughts and emotions.
For example, look out the window and describe what you see. No evaluative characterizations, just facts. How many cars, people, houses are there? What color, size, and shape are they? How many objects are red and how many are yellow?
Those who practice yoga and meditation classes do exactly the breathing exercises at the first bout of anxiety and bad moods. Breathing, like physical exercise, requires nothing from us but our body, so it can be done under any circumstance. Take 10 deep, slow breaths and exhales. In this moment you will enrich your blood with oxygen, concentrate and change the course of your thoughts.
A playlist to lift your spirits
Put together a playlist of your favorite songs that energize you. No melancholy: sad music will only boost your already dreary mood. If it’s urgent and your own mix isn’t ready yet, try using ours.
It’s important that the music evoke positive emotions and energize you. You can simply remember a particular song that once evoked positive emotions for you – this will turn on pleasant feelings and help you readjust your feelings.
Eat something
Preferably something sweet. It is not necessary to eat a cake with cream and eight candles, you can just eat a pinch of sugar. Sweetness promotes the production in our brain of “happiness compounds” – serotonin and dopamine. This gives the body an instant boost of energy and affects our mood. By the way, if there is nothing sweet at hand, you can eat something else, such as some vegetables or a piece of bread – this will help switch the brain from negative thoughts to the physical process of food consumption.
Drink a glass of water
The fact is that the human body and psyche are arranged in such a way that we cannot perform two opposite actions at the same time. A glass of water will help to shift the body’s attention from the psychological processes to the two physiological processes of swallowing and digestion. There will be a redistribution of the body’s resources, and in this way, we will be able to distract the brain from unpleasant thoughts and feelings.
Physical activity
Remember the connection between mental and physical health. The American Psychological Association recommends incorporating physical activity into your psychotherapy regimen. So, dance, jump or do a little warm-up: any physical activity is good for endorphin production.
Take a walk in the fresh air
Get out of the house or office, walk for 5 minutes, be in the sun, and you’ll be surprised how much it can change your mood. Ideally, if possible, take a walk in nature or in some park. Most importantly, look around with concentration – at the trees, the grass or snow, at the birds. This will help you quickly gain new impressions that will displace the old ones, and shift your attention to something good.
The Good Movie
Head to the big screen to see the new releases: properly, with popcorn and in the back row. Or make a heartwarming movie night at home: our selection of romantic comedies will restore your faith in humanity and kindness.
Rinse your face with cool water
Several times, with enjoyment and snorting. Again, the main goal is to occupy our body with something else and distract it from negativity. In this case, the cold water will engage the skin receptors, and this will automatically shift the brain’s attention from upset feelings to warming the body. Cold water is wonderfully soothing, so rinsing your face is a great way to quickly lift your mood.
Free time
Bad moods are often the result of stress and fatigue. If this is your case, give yourself a break. Put the phone and things to do aside, flip through a magazine, take a walk or just take a nap. A short break is unlikely to provoke the apocalypse, but it may well restore your strength and mood.
Thank Yourself
Another simple exercise that will remind you that things aren’t so bad, even if it’s November and everything is falling apart. Make a list of ten things you can thank yourself for. Had a good and hearty breakfast? That’s a good thing. Read a helpful article? That’s good. You need to find exactly ten reasons to praise yourself.
Remember that prolonged bad moods can be a sign of severe depression. And if you can’t cope with it on your own, it may be a reason to see a psychologist or psychotherapist.