Selling a house is a big step in life. That’s why it’s essential for us to know the whole process and to know what to expect. If you have realistic expectations and a reliable real estate agent, you are well on your way to selling your property efficiently and effectively. We have prepared a guide for you to sell a house where you can find out everything you need to get through the whole process easily, quickly, and with as little stress as possible. If you want to learn more about this topic, check UpNest for more information.
1. Make a plan
Before embarking on the sale of a home, you need to make a detailed plan and define timelines. If you live in that house and want to buy a new apartment or house, you need to take the time to find a new home and move without stress. Consider whether you want to sell your sweet home with memories as soon as possible, or are willing to look for the ideal buyer for a long time. If you want a fast sell to be prepared to give a house for a lower price.
2. Determine the real cost of the property for sale
There are several ways to set a price; market research, or the value of the real estate in your neighborhood or the same part of town. You can also see similar houses and their prices on the Internet. When comparing the cost of similar properties on the Internet, keep in mind that they can be “inflated.” Consult with real estate agents, or with us, or order a market estimate and stay calm.
3. Decide in advance the lowest price below which you cannot go
Negotiations are something you should not run or be ashamed of it. In many different cultures, negotiations represent the inevitable “end” before a final agreement is reached. Therefore, you are also able to set a slightly higher price at the beginning, which in turn can be lowered to a certain level. We highly advise that the lower price represents the real value of the property and that in the negotiations, it is something below which you cannot go. If you need additional help, you can check ShowcaseIDX.
4. First impression
There is no second chance for a first impression, so make sure the person watching the apartment feels comfortable in it. Kindly and honestly answer all the questions he asks, and it would not be a bad idea to let potential buyers look around the room by room for a while. Pay attention to the layout of the apartment. Clean up the mess, suck it up, wipe off the dust, throw out the trash. If the apartment or house is not new or renovated – the impression of cleanliness and freshness will contribute to an excellent first impression. Before the visitor arrives, drain the apartment, keep the air fresh. Small tricks, such as fruit bowls, make a good impression, as do flowers in conspicuous places. Make up your apartment so that it shines and looks as if you were buying that apartment.
5. Take care of the kitchen
Make sure that the sink is not full of dirty dishes, that there are no leftovers on the table, and the like. Many buyers give up buying an apartment because their dirty or messy kitchen seems like too much investment to fix.
6. Decoration
Decorate the room with bright or pastel colors, beautiful draperies, sofa covers – it’s not too expensive, and the apartment looks more positive and attractive.
7. Documents and information
Keep all the information that may interest the buyer immediately, documented, and in one place, so that you do not get the impression that you are trying to hide something. In essence, it is killing the price and forcing the buyers.
8. Take out unnecessary items and furniture
This phase requires muscle, but it is essential, because the prospective buyer wants to imagine what his home will look like, and this does not fit your worn and used furniture. Be thorough. Boxes with things around the corners give the impression of old and used, which provides a wrong idea. Clean and clear everything. You will see you will get better.
9. Minor repairs
Important! When you’ve drained everything and tidied up the walls, be sure to repair the leaking faucet and secure the towel holder. If a handle does not work, replace it, you can do it for a tiny amount of money. Paint and varnish the parquet floor, it is not expensive, and it pays off. Then, repair the entrance bell, change the peeled tiles. If you skim over the details, it can be seen and can turn down the customer. Take special care if you have broken glass. Replace them. It’s cheap, and it’s easy and quick to finish. Complete wall preparation, wallpaper removal, tiling, space protection, and painting, and if you decide to do it yourself, you will spend twice less, and guess what – the price of your apartment will still increase.
10. Tiny Tricks
When you have everything ready and ready to let the buyers into the condo, make sure that there is no dust in the house. Clean the studio, so it looks representative and exudes cleanliness and freshness. Some of those who have already sold the apartment say they used a coffee trick. Namely, they brew coffee when potential buyers come, because it gives a positive feeling and inspires them to feel that space as their home, for which, of course, they would then set aside the money that the seller is looking for to get. And be sure to keep an eye out for minor repairs. You would not want a loose socket or leaking faucet to unnecessarily spoil the impression and lower the price of your property.
We hope we helped you with our ten super real estate tips and tricks on how to sell your house very fast.