People who are constantly yearning to improve their homes never rest. Anytime, anywhere they would exploit every single opportunity to make their personal space better. Little projects like that are plenty for those who really want to make it happen.
Home improvement projects are born out of people’s desire to make the most out of the spaces in their homes. Which is practical given today’s rising demand for space and faint worthy property prices. There are several improvements that you can do in your house to make it better, one of them is the ever-popular and timeless backyard shed.
Chill it is not as hard as you think. Many people shy away from the task right after they look at the effort and time, they must exert to accomplish it. If there is a will, there is a way. If you really put yourself in it, you can have your shed before the week, ends.
Rest easy for we have simplified your job for you. Check out below how you can make your shed easily in under a week.
Make a comprehensive list
Do not do what you are told, research. It pays to understand the different materials you could use for your shed. Make a list of what you think you will need as well as a loose estimate of their costs. This way you can still look for alternatives if it goes over your target budget.
Just like in any project, it is dangerous to go in without a plan. If this is your first shed and you have totally no idea where to begin, browse through 3DSHEDPLANS.COM. They have plans for practically every kind of shed. Their plans include the complete list of materials you will need, a 3D illustration of what you will end up making and a simplified step by step guide to assist you through the entire process. But do not pick out something too complex just because their instructions make it look easy. As a beginner, go for the sheds that fit and you could build it less than a week.
It always better to be safe than sorry. While scouring for your items, check it twice or thrice. Make a list of criteria you would want to focus on when shopping for your materials. If you want your shed to be strong and durable, headhunt for items that are strong and that lasts, like wood. If you are budget conscious, go for metal. Ask around for other people’s opinions before purchasing anything. Especially those who have already gone through building their own sheds. The goal is to minimize the time you will end up spending going back and forth hardware stores to get your items. You should also research the availability of your desired items. You do not want to be disappointed to know that the material you choose to make your shed with, is not available in your area and you would end up getting whatever material the store has plenty of.
Make the Trip
With your list on hand, head for your favorite hardware store. If you followed the tip and made an extensive list, you should have no problem finding what you need. Be sure to stick to your list and swear by the materials you chose. It is most likely that store employees will try to give you advice or alternate materials for your project. It entirely up to you whether you will take it or not. Just remember to stick to your budget.
If you are lucky and you found yourself living near a major wood or lumber store, you might get the extra service of having the wood cut to the desired size. You could always do it yourself but why let an opportunity to save time and money pass? You never know when you would get the offer for it, so it is safe to keep your shed plans close and ready if ever it does come.
Prepare the Foundation
The first step to building your shed is the foundation. Remember the saying “You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation”, that is true. It is meant to be taken both literally and metaphorically. The ultimate deciding factor as to how strong your shed would be and how long it will last will depend on your foundation.
The best option is to use concrete for your foundation. It does take a couple of days to harden and needs a little more effort, but you can be sure of its strength. Take the time to prepare this in advance before you start building the rest of your shed.
Break your tasks into pieces
In order to avoid getting overwhelmed by the task ahead of you, break them into little pieces. List down the parts that you need to build:
- The foundation (we suggest using pressure treated timber)
- The wall structures (ideally of the same material as the foundation)
- The roof and all its parts, namely:
- Trusses
- Plywood sheathing
- Roof Felt
- Shingles
See? That is just four parts for your wall. That is not a lot. It suddenly seemed a little more possible. Try adopting this approach when tasks seemed to be way too much for you to handle.
Building it Side by side
Now that you are committed to one task at a time, you will find it easier to accomplish them. In building your 10×16 Gable shed, do each step concurrently or at the same time.
To put simply, since you are focusing on one type of job at a time, it helps to do it at the same time as all the other jobs that are just like it.
One great example of this is the walls of your house. Instead of building it one wall at a time, line up all the walls together and work on them at the same time. Drill them all at once, paint them all at once, etc. It is much easier to find a rhythm in repeatable tasks. It will save you time and greatly improve your consistency.
Call a friend
If you really think that you are going to fall short of your self-imposed deadline, then maybe it is time to get other people involved. This kind of activity can strengthen ties, especially amongst fathers and sons. It makes a good excuse for bonding. Plus, it does not hurt to ask for help. Finishing it by yourself in a month rather than a week with help would not make you manlier. Ask around for assistance from family and friends, even neighbors if they are willing to lend a hand.
Sheds are always a great personal project. If you take all these tips to heart, you might be able to see your very own shed on your backyard sooner than you thought you would. It should not cost you an arm and a leg. Just remember to make a very efficient list, find your building rhythm, and to ask for help when you need it and that less than a week deadline should be possible.
These are the tools that could come in handy when building a shed:
- A Few Sawhorses
- Safety Glasses
- Tape Measure
- Circular Saw
- Speed Square
- Hammer
- 4′ Level
- A Few Sawhorses
- Drill
- 6′ Ladder
- Extension Ladder
- Nail Punch