Buying a wig is a big deal for most people. A new virgin human hair wig can completely change your look and make you look brighter and more beautiful than ever. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you definitely choose a wig. One of the important things to consider is how long it lasts and when it will be necessary to change it. This way you will know how much you need to invest in it, as well as when it is best to buy a new one so that your hair always looks beautiful and well-groomed. The life of a virgin human hair wig is about two or three years, but the fact is that there is no universal answer. How long is it going to serve its purpose depends on many different factors. Let’s see what those factors are.
1. Wig material
The first factor that significantly affects the lifespan of a virgin human hair wig is the material from which it is made. Those that have intact cuticles can be used much longer than those that do not. Others need to be taken care of much more, but even besides that, they last much shorter. Hand-made wigs never last as long as machine-made ones. Maybe a person who makes wigs themself wants to convince you otherwise, but that is simply not the case. So always try to find a human hair company that produces these by machine if you want to use a wig for as long as possible. Not only the material from which it is made is important, but the material of the wig cap also plays an important role. It should be very elastic, in order to prevent tearing, which leads to the wig becoming unusable after a while. The more elastic the cap, the longer you will be able to enjoy the beautiful look.
2. The length and hairstyle of the wig
Although this may not occur to you when the factors that affect the lifespan of a wig are mentioned, the length of the virgin human hair wig and its hairstyle significantly contribute to the length of its use. Shorter hair usually lasts longer than longer, because it is exposed to less friction and is easier to maintain in general. If you want it to last a long time, it is necessary to maintain it as much as you can! Hairstyles also play a significant role in a wig’s life span. For example, a cropped wig generally lasts longer than a blow-dried one with shoulder length. Keep this in mind when choosing a wig if you want to get the most out of it.
3. Wig’s texture
Hair texture also significantly contributes to its longevity. If you want to buy a virgin human hair wig that will last for three years or longer, because you do not want to invest much in it, we advise you to avoid curly hair in that case. Although they are very popular and look beautiful, you should keep in mind that they require much more attention and treatment, which additionally damages the wig and shortens its lifespan. The texture of the wig that will pay off the most is straight hair of medium density or wavy hair. Tiny curls will not serve their purpose for a very long time.
4. Virgin human hair wig origin
The human hair used to make wigs generally has one of 4 origins: Brazilian, Indian, Peruvian, or Malaysian. You can find the hair of each of these four origins on favirginhair.com, compare them and decide which one you like best.
Brazilian hair
Brazilian hair is completely natural hair that has not been chemically treated in any way, which means that its quality is maximally preserved. It looks very natural, so you can wear it every day and enjoy your beautiful high-quality hair. It is easy to style, but if you want it to serve you for as long as possible, then we advise you not to expose it to heat. This type of hair can last for more than a year if you maintain it in the right way.
Indian hair
Indian hair looks very lush, but it is still light and you can easily style it the way you want. It has natural mild waves, so it is great for every day. If you like wavy hair, you don’t have to look any further. Indian hair will provide you with a beautiful, stylish look without treating your hair with heat and disturbing its quality.
Malaysian hair
If you like African American curls, then Malaysian hair is the right choice. These wigs are very voluminous, thick, and look lush and luxurious. You can’t go unnoticed with them! They have an effective, but natural shine and they look really special. This hair does not need any heat treatment, and the curls look even better as time goes by.
Peruvian hair
Last but not least, there is Peruvian hair that is very soft, light, and looks elegant. You can achieve beautiful hairstyles with this hair, without feeling the weight of the hair on your head. This hair is minimally treated, so its quality is preserved and will serve you for years. The only thing you need to take care of with this hair is that in wet weather it can become frizzy and start to curl, so it is important to use adequate anti-curl products.
Choosing a wig is not easy, but it can become much easier when you gather more useful information. One of the things you need to take care of is how long you will be able to use it. The lifespan of a virgin human hair wig depends on various factors, including the material from which it is made, the type of wig, texture, origin, length, hairstyle, and much more. Besides this, it is very important to find a human hair company that sells high-quality wigs, as well as to maintain it the right way. Try to use optimal products like curly hair wigs from Nadula.com and treat them adequately. If you meet these criteria, you can extend the life of your wig and enjoy the wonderful look it provides you with for a long time.