Is It Worth Having Two Monitors Just for Gaming ─ A Guide on How to Decide


Gaming has become one of the most popular activities around, with people of all ages spending hours immersed in games every day. But is it really worth having two monitors just for gaming? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of having two monitors for gaming and see if it’s really worth the extra cost.

Having two screens can be a great way to improve your gaming experience. By having two monitors you can have more screen real estate, which can allow you to play games at a higher resolution and with better graphics. You also have the added bonus of being able to split the screen in half so that you can multitask while gaming.



Gaming on a desktop computer can be a great experience, but sometimes it can be tougher to manage multiple windows and tabs. That’s where dual monitors come in handy. By setting up two monitors side-by-side, you can easily switch between games, web browsing, and other tasks with ease.

However, not all dual monitor setups are created equal. Try The Mobile Pixels Inc Team to see what are the choices. Some gaming laptops only have one HDMI port, so you’ll need to purchase an extra cable if you want to use two screens simultaneously. And some displays don’t work well with dual monitors in portrait mode; they work better when used in landscape mode.

Overall, though, the benefits of using dual monitors for gaming are clear. By keeping everything organized and easy to access, you can focus on the game rather than trying to juggle multiple windows and tabs.

How to decide?


Most multiplayer games work better with one monitor split into the left and right sides while the primary screen is used for in-game menus and gameplay. This allows players to see their teammates and enemies as they move around the battlefield or view strategic map information simultaneously. Strategy games like Civilization or Total War require players to manage multiple units on large battlefields, so having an overview of all units at once is critical. In these cases, having one monitor dedicated to the game overview makes managing troops much easier.

Some action games like Call of Duty or Halo can be played on either single or dual screens, but it is often more efficient to play them on a single monitor split into top and bottom halves. This way, the player has an uninterrupted view of their character while shooting and can easily switch between weapons without missing a beat in the game. Certain games, such as Mirror’s Edge allow for fluid parkour moves that are virtually impossible to perform on a single screen due to camera movement. By playing on two screens, players can seamlessly jump from one end of a building to another without interruption or loss of immersion.

While two screens offer benefits for gaming that are difficult to replicate with one monitor, it is important to understand how each game works best before purchasing additional hardware. Dual monitors can offer a great level of clarity and detail when gaming, but it is important to use them efficiently to maximize their benefits.

However, not all dual monitor setups are created equal. Try The Mobile Pixels Inc Team to see what are the choices. Some gaming laptops only have one HDMI port, so you’ll need to purchase an extra cable if you want to use two screens simultaneously. And some displays don’t work well with dual monitors in portrait mode; they work better when used in landscape mode.

To optimize your gaming experience and make the most out of your dual monitors, consider exploring Tricksmode, a website that offers valuable tips and tricks for setting up and maximizing your dual monitor setup. From helpful tutorials to troubleshooting advice, Tricksmode can provide you with the necessary knowledge to enhance your gaming setup and take your gaming sessions to the next level. Overall, with the right resources and guidance, you can harness the power of dual monitors and immerse yourself in a seamless gaming environment.

The Downsides of Having Two Monitors


There are a few downsides to using two monitors for gaming. The first is that it can be difficult to keep track of the action on both screens at the same time. This can lead to confusion and mistakes, as well as missed opportunities.

Another issue with using two screens is that it can be tiring to use them for extended periods of time. If you’re playing a game for hours on end, it’s likely that your eyes will get tired. For people who are used to using one monitor, switching to using two can be quite jarring. lastly, having two monitors can also cause headaches if you’re trying to do any kind of intensive work on them simultaneously. If you have a lot of open windows on one screen and you’re trying to focus on one specific window on the other, it’s going to be tough to do so.

Does having 2 monitors reduce FPS in games?

There is a common belief that having two monitors reduces game performance. However, this is not always the case. In fact, some games actually perform better on two monitors than on one.

The reason for this is that having more screens allows you to spread out the workload. This means that each individual screen can handle more tasks at the same time without bottlenecking the overall system. This results in smoother gameplay and less lag.

Some games are particularly well-suited for using two screens. For example, shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield thrive on having multiple screens to keep track of everything going on. Meanwhile, strategy games like Civilization V and Plants vs Zombies require lots of screen real estate to function properly.

Why do gamers have 2 monitors?


There are a few reasons that gamers use two monitors. By having two monitors, it allows players to have more screen space to work with. This can be helpful when trying to manage multiple windows or tabs open at the same time.

Additionally, by using two monitors, players can split the screen in half so that they can watch one game while working on another. This is particularly helpful for people who play video games on their computer at home and also do other work outside of the house.

Finally, many gamers find that having two monitors makes gaming more immersive because it gives them the feeling of being in the game world.


Granted, they can be really helpful if you’re trying to multi-task or work on two projects at the same time, but overall some people think it’s overkill. Having one big monitor that spans the whole width of your computer screen is usually more than enough. If you’re still unsure whether or not it’s worth getting a second monitor for gaming, consider what else you might be able to use that extra space for.