Planning a move can be overwhelming even if you are only moving a few blocks. It is much more intense if you have to upheave your life and move to a different state! Of course, because of the distance, your move will cover it’s essential that you are not forgetting to do anything, and that all your loose ends at your origin are tied up. Whether you’re moving for work, school, family, or simply just a change of scenery it can feel like an arduous project.
Make sure everyone knows you’re moving
It can seem like the world around you is shifting on its axis when you need to move your whole life interstate. That’s why it’s so important to keep your friends, family and employer abreast of your relocation as it progresses. By keeping them updated with dates, addresses, and anything else you deem important, you can ensure that you’ll receive the right support along the way. Who knows, maybe some friends and family will offer to help pack – arguably the worst part of moving!
Keeping communication is key to ensuring that not only your move goes smoothly, but that once you arrive at your new address you will be able to settle easily. The nature of interstate moves often means that you are unable to be at your new address or you’re only able to be there a few days prior to the delivery of your goods. At times it may begin to feel like you’re being torn in two! If you’re moving interstate and you drive, you will need to consider getting a license for the state you are moving to. This will often make car insurance cheaper should you be in any type of accident. If you’d still like to keep your home states license, ensure that you have an insurance dealer that will still service the state to which you are moving. Another important aspect of your life to communicate is redirecting any mail that goes to your current address. There are horror stories of people forgetting to get their mail redirected and it begins to accumulate. They aren’t made aware of the error of their ways until the institution – whether that be a bank, the insurance company or creditor – contacts them and tells them they now have an enormous amount owing as well as late fees! The final entity you should be communicating with is your utilities provider – both at your new and old address. There’s nothing worse than arriving at your new address, only to figure out you’ve forgotten to inform the water, electricity or internet company you were moving in. Sometimes, getting these utilities on can take a few days, which means you’ll have to spend money on accommodation and food. On the flip side, you won’t want to be charged for utilities you are no longer there to use at your old house. Ensure you inform your provider of what date you will be moving out on. In most cases they will be able to switch off on the day you leave, saving you money in the long run.
Medical Records
Depending on how long you’ve lived in your home state you may have visited a variety of medical professionals, whether that be: your local GP, a dentist, specialist, optometrist, or perhaps even your physiotherapist. Because of this important medical information may be strewn across the services. With the introduction of the government’s My Health Record, it has been made easy for medical professionals in different states/s and territories to consolidate medical information if need be. For those that did not opt-in to the service, you may need to contact your medical professional to get your records transferred or sent to you. Because you’ll be new to the state – with assumedly not a lot of knowledge of the area to which you are moving – do some research to ensure you’ll be using doctors who have good standing and are effective for your needs. Ask your current doctor/s whether they know anyone in the area who they can potentially recommend. With regard to specialists, you will need to do your research. Thankfully, because of the internet, we are now able to see reviews with one click that can help us to make a decision. Look up surgeries close to your area for your needs and see which ones come most recommended.
Spring Clean
Anyone who has moved interstate will tell you that cleaning out unwanted and/or unused items can ultimately save you time and money when your relocation takes place. Marie Kondo swept the world with her approach to decluttering last year and it would be greatly beneficial to follow her advice if you can’t decide what you’d like to take with you. Consider whether the item has been used in the last year, if so consider whether that item is still useful to you or whether it has served its purpose. By taking a minimalistic approach you will find that the number of items you will take with you across the border/s will decrease drastically. By moving less, you’ll also have less to unpack at your new abode. In addition, you may be able to save some money as removalists are likely to charge less if you aren’t moving a great deal of items.
Leave time
One of the biggest mistakes people make in the lead up to their move is one of the simplest – they don’t leave enough time to get everything done! With an interstate move, it can go from 0-100 within the space of a few days. You find yourself thinking you had enough time to cover everything you needed to do and then all of sudden the days have been snatched up. It’s highly beneficial to write everything in a diary or on a calendar. Often, having written and visual cues of your timeline improves productivity and time-management. In addition, you’ll be able to check things off as they are completed. After all, it has been proven that having checklists will drastically improve your ability to get tasks done!
How will you get there?
Unlike a local move, it will often take a greater deal of time to get to your new destination. Depending on where you are moving, getting you and your family there may take hours or even days. Understanding in advance how you will map your journey is vital. If your drive takes days, it may be worthwhile looking up accommodation close to the main road you’re traveling on. You want to ensure that you are only driving when you are fully rested and aware to protect yourself, your family, and others on the road. By planning your road journey, you can also account for the cost of tolls and any roadblocks that may restrict you from getting to your new home e.g. border closures. For those who don’t feel comfortable driving their car interstate or long distances, most reputable removalists will be able to offer car transport.
Pack Right
Packing may seem as easy as placing your items in a box, taping it up and loading it onto the truck. Anyone who’s had goods broken whilst they moved houses will inform you that it’s all in how you pack the boxes. With less sensitive items such as clothes and linen, it’s relatively easy to pack them as they are very hard to damage. More sensitive items such as homewares, appliances, and glass wear break easier and therefore need more protection. By simply searching ‘packing home hacks’ you’ll find thousands of tips from different people that may be able to help you out.
Don’t skimp on packing materials
Relatedly, if you want to ensure that your items are well-protected you need to make sure that you have the correct packing materials. Most stationery stores and hardware stores will sell an array of materials, but you can’t always be sure they’ll be removal industry quality. Research local removalists in your area. Those who are reputable will most likely offer a wide range of packing materials such as boxes, wrapping, padding, and tape. You can be sure – by purchasing from these experienced dealers – that your goods will be well protected in the interstate moving process.
Research Your Removalists
Perhaps the most essential aspect of your move will be the removalists that will help you complete the job. Most people that move interstate will be taking some hefty items with them, that are difficult to lift but also don’t fit in any vehicle they do have. This is in most cases when people will look for a removalist. Ensure that when booking a removal company, you are hiring someone who is a member of the AFRA – the Australian Furniture Removals Association. As members of AFRA, your removals company will be well equipped to deliver a professional, efficient service for you. The market is saturated with people who have a ute and some spare time and call themselves removalists. By doing your research you’ll be able to avoid these services and the misfortune and mistakes that will follow.
Moving interstate can feel like a gargantuan task. Moving all of your belongings thousands of kilometers and resettling your entire is definitely daunting. By following the above advice though you can be sure that your move will go smoothly so you can start relaxing in your new abode in no time. Robina Removals offers comprehensive interstate removals. With trucks traveling between Brisbane and Melbourne every week and a half, you can be sure that Gold Coast’s most trusted removalist will be able to help you out!