More and more people are interested in the gambling industry, not only as players but future entrepreneurs as well. This comes as no surprise since the casino industry has become safer, thanks to the regulation and improvements in the payment safety.
Gambling startups can be at least two types of companies: actual online casinos or casino-related affiliate sites. In this article we will discuss in more detail the latter. This is because at least in theory, a casino affiliate site is easier and faster to start than a real online casino with complicated functions and services.
Starting A Casino Affiliate Site
Casino affiliation is very popular. In Europe for instance, there are multiple interesting markets to target. Our example in this article is the Finnish markets, where casino games are extremely popular among all ages and demographics. If you are a Finnish speaker and interested in rahapelit (casino games) you can read more here. Because there are so many online casinos that are targeted to the Finnish markets, there is also plenty of room for casino affiliates.
What are those then and how are they related to startups? Casino affiliates are sites that basically anyone can start running. All you need is a server, web hotel and some knowledge about publishing software, preferably about WordPress as it is the most commonly used platform within the industry.
Majority of all the biggest casino affiliates in the Finnish markets, and actually as well as in other markets, are originally run by just one person or two people. It is very normal that in the beginning people are running the sites from their home with simple computers and without no tools that bigger organizations might have.
Everything is very straight-forward and simple, and it’s just all about hard work. Plus some luck: if the site owners are both talented and lucky, the site can start growing at a very rapid pace. There are many examples of casino affiliate companies that have expanded their business and organization in less than two years.
Our team has heard the same success story many times already: best friends have started the site working from their home or a garage, soon realized they need to hire more people and now, after only a few years, they have +100 employees.
Funding the Site
What about the funds? How much money does a casino affiliate startup need in the beginning? Or in the next phases? This depends. If it is just one or two people, the funds might not be there in the beginning and things need to be started from scratch. In this stage the cost for running an affiliate site (without paying salaries to anyone) is around 100-200 euros a year. Needless to say, this will not be enough to make it a success.
However, if the site owners are persistent, make a lot of effort and also have some luck, it is possible that the site starts creating revenue in just months. With the revenue created the site can be developed further and the positive cycle is already working.
So, it doesn’t take that much of investing into the company in the beginning.
On the other hand, if you do have savings or it is possible for you to use business angels for instance, things can go big in an easier way. If you get funding, you might be able to quit your daily job sooner, and by that you have full focus on the casino affiliate site. Or then you can use the funds for things such as SEO or content creation.
How To Run A Startup Site
Source: unsplash.comIt all might seem very simple: just buy a domain, a webhotel and start running the site immediately. In reality, it all comes down to just those two simple purchases, but they alone aren’t enough. You need time, money and also the common traits of entrepreneurs. The most important traits are perseverance, thinking outside the box and problem solving. The harder you work the better results you will get faster, but on the other hand you also need to have the right kinds of tools to create gambling startups from scratch.
And not just tools, such as WordPress that was already mentioned above. In addition you must have at least some kind of knowledge of the industry that you are going for, whether it was gambling, finance or any other kind of business. The better you know your market and target audience, the greater results you also see.
Purely from the content creation perspective, the more knowledge you have on the matter, the quicker you can start producing relevant and interesting articles and news posts. This is something that many fail to understand when hopping in in a website based business. If you yourself are not a copywriter and you don’t know any, you should hire one, immediately.
The most important thing in the beginning is to do competitor analysis. Check what the best performing companies and sites are doing, copy it (not literally of course) and improve it. Then the next phase is to start producing interesting content, and create loads of it. Soon you will start seeing the rankings of your site, which helps you to develop the site and your business further.
Best Possible Outcome: Fast Growth
Even though anyone can start a casino affiliate site, it’s not a clever move for all. Usually the best casino affiliate startups are being run by people that have years of experience in the gambling industry. They tend to have resources, contacts and know-how already from their previous work experience, which makes it easier for them to succeed.
To make it in a highly competitive industry, where many startups have already succeeded a long time ago, it’s not the most simple thing to achieve fast growth. It takes a lot of hard work, time and money to become the next big thing in the gambling industry. And funny enough, as it’s gambling we are talking about, it also requires some luck to make it.