How to Find the Right Football Betting Tips Online

One of the greatest weapons of seasoned football bettors is finding and using the right tips from the right football tipsters. Thanks to the Internet, there are already thousands of tipster sites that give bettors the best odds at winning. However, not every tipster site offers the right or legitimate tips. If one is not careful, you could even be scammed into buying or subscribing to false tips or nothing at all. That’s why it’s important to find the right football betting tips online.

From scouring through reliable betting sites such as to testing their customer service, here are some of the ways that you can do to find the right football betting tips online.

Source: iStock

Browse through reliable bookmakers

First and foremost, look at reliable and trustworthy bookmakers. Most bookmakers also offer football tips and other odds for various matches. Remember that you will need to give money to view the latest betting tips on these sites, so always go for a website that’s secure and reliable. Although there are a handful of free tipster sites, it’s always best to check for tips on reliable sites.

Keep in mind that more popular tipsters or bookmakers offer higher rates. If you are conscious about the rates for these subscriptions, consider this as a factor when looking for reliable bookmakers. Fortunately, there are a few reliable online tipsters or bookmakers that offer low rates for football betting tips. You just need to have the time and effort to look through all the possible options online.

Source: socialandstuff

Search on social media

Aside from looking at established tipsters or bookmakers, expand your search by browsing through social media as well. Social media channels like Twitter offer various betting tips for different matches. Some tipping experts use social media more, so you are bound to find a tipster in social media. The great thing about finding football betting tips on social media is that you can instantly communicate with the tipping expert regarding certain tips. However, as with other tipping sites, always research about tipsters before following, subscribing, buying odds from them.

Source: ZOMG! Candy

Ask for recommendations

Do you know seasoned football bettors? Asking someone you know about good tipster sites or their opinion on certain sites can give you a source of reliable football betting tips. Moreover, what do the online football betting community think of a certain tipster or bookmaker? There are plenty of online forums that offer great reviews on different tipster sites or that can give you websites for great betting tips. For example, Quora is a safe and reliable place to look at reviews or see which tipsters or bookmakers that other online bettors use. The online football betting community is open to sharing their advice, so you are sure to find helpful insights from others.

Source: PRovoke Media

Check out its legitimacy

If you are serious about investing your time and money on reliable and successful betting tips, take the time to investigate a tipster site’s legitimacy. When checking a bookmaker or tipster site, always look for a license to operate or certification verifying their legitimacy. However, be mindful that some sites can put on fake licenses.

With this, take a look at the website’s security. Do you see a lock icon beside the URL on whichever page you’re on? If yes, then the website uses SSL encryption which is a secure connection that helps protect your privacy and data. Aside from this, try to do a simple background check such as searching where the site is located or registered, who’s behind the website, and so on. Find solid proof that it’s a reliable and secure source for betting tips.

Source: Medium

Try their customer service

When looking for a reliable online betting tipster, many overlook the website’s customer service. Many sites list down a number or email for their customer service, but do these contact information actually work? And if it does, how does the tipster site or tipping expert respond? Looking at how these tipster sites respond to questions or concerns can give you an insight into the reliability of their service.

Avoid unresponsive, rude, or sketchy responses from representatives, and entertain those who have been responsive to you. After all, in case anything goes wrong while availing their service, knowing that their customer service works means that your matter can be resolved and that you will be in good hands.

Source: Medium

Look at their win-loss ratio

When you have finally found a reliable and secure tipster site, it’s time to consider if the tipster site is the right one. In other words, do they actually provide reliable betting tips that help you make a profit? Once you start trying out their tips, make a spreadsheet or list to monitor the results of their tips. How many times was it successful and unsuccessful? Do you gain profit with the subscription that you are paying for? Gathering and analyzing these data will help you know if the tipster site is a good investment, especially in the long run.

If you want to win more when betting online, check out these sports betting tips and tricks for 2024.