How to Find Courage Through Your Relationship With God


In times of fear and uncertainty, it can be hard to find the courage to face the day. But did you know that your relationship with God can provide a source of courage and strength? It’s true!

Whether you’re seeking to deepen your relationship with God, connect with like-minded people, or simply look for a place to belong, Planetshakers Melbourne church has something for everyone. This blog post will discuss eight ways to find courage through your relationship with God. You will discover how to draw on the power of God to face life’s challenges, trust in His promises, and be confident that He has your best interests in mind. So, let’s get started!


Prayer is a powerful way to build your relationship with God. It’s an opportunity to open your heart and share your deepest thoughts, fears, and dreams with Him. When you pray, try to be still, slow down your thoughts and focus on Him.

As you do, you will find that His presence fills the room and gives you the courage and strength to keep going, no matter what comes your way. Don’t forget that God is always with you. He cares deeply for you and is ready to answer your prayers.


Attend church regularly

One of the best ways to find courage through your relationship with God is to attend church regularly. Being surrounded by fellow believers and worshiping God as a community provides a unique opportunity for growth and spiritual renewal.

During services, you can listen to inspiring messages, pray together, sing praises, and share fellowship with other Christians. Church attendance is an essential part of the Christian faith, and going to church regularly will keep you connected to your faith and provide courage during difficult times.

Plus, you can make lifelong friends and build relationships with other believers who will encourage you in your spiritual journey.

Study the Bible

Studying the Bible is a great way to find courage in your relationship with God. By checking the Bible, you can better understand who God is and how He works in the world.

The Bible contains many stories of God’s faithfulness and provision, and by reading them, you can be reminded that God is always with you and will never leave you. When things are rugged, looking to the Bible can help you find the strength to keep going and have hope that things will get better.

There are many ways to study the Bible, such as reading through books, taking notes, writing reflections, or even listening to Bible study podcasts. Whatever method works best for you, make sure to carve out time each day to spend with God and His Word.



Worship is an essential part of any relationship with God. It is one of the ways we show our devotion and respect for Him. At Planetshakers Melbourne church, worship is an integral part of their services. Every Sunday morning and night, members of the congregation come together to join in singing and praise, led by a worship team.

Through worship, you can experience a greater connection with God and find the courage to face any problematic situation. Participating in prayer can give you hope and strength to overcome any challenge.


Serving is a powerful way to find courage through your relationship with God. When we put aside our selfishness and focus on helping others, we actively show God that we trust Him to provide for us and take care of us.

Serving others is at the heart of what we do, and it’s a great way to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Serving opportunities range from mission trips to local service projects, and there’s something for everyone.

You can also serve in different ways in your day-to-day life, such as doing a kind deed for someone or offering a listening ear. By serving others and trusting God, you’ll find the strength and courage to face the challenges that come your way.


Go on mission trips

Going on mission trips is a great way to experience God’s love and build courage in your relationship with Him. Look for a community that offers several mission trips each year, allowing you to travel worldwide and work alongside local churches. On these trips, you can learn more about the people and cultures and share your faith with those you meet.

You will have opportunities to volunteer, go door-to-door with a Bible, or simply build relationships with those you come across. Ultimately, these mission trips provide a chance to open up to God in new and meaningful ways while giving back to others.


Giving is one of the most powerful ways to grow closer to God and find courage. When you give, you are not just giving something material. You are investing in the kingdom of God. When you give, you open yourself up to the power of God and the joy of generosity.

Giving can take many forms, including donating to churches or organizations, tithing, and volunteering your time. You can also give to others in need by offering your time, energy, and resources. As you give, focus on what God is doing through it and trust Him for a miracle.


Share your faith

The best way to share your faith is to live it out. Let your actions speak louder than your words. People are more likely to be drawn to your confidence when they see its positive impact on your life.

When sharing your faith, it’s essential to be genuine and authentic. Don’t try to be someone you’re not or force your beliefs on others. Share your trust in a way that feels natural to you.

Respect the beliefs of others, even if they differ from your own. Remember that everyone has their journey, and judging or condemning others is not your place. Lastly, pray for opportunities to share your faith and for the people you interact with. Ask God to give you the wisdom and courage to share your trust in a way that honors Him.


Finding courage through your relationship with God is a powerful way to overcome fear and doubt. As we turn to Him in faith and trust, He can give us the strength and encouragement o face life’s challenges confidently. We can become brave and courageous in all we do by seeking His guidance, leaning on His promises, and relying on His grace. So let us cultivate our relationship with God and find the courage to live boldly and fearlessly in His name. Joining communities that strengthen your faith, like Planetshakers Melbourne church, will be a life-changing experience.