Photography is a passion for millions of people around the world. For some, it is a hobby or just a pastime activity. Others however depend on it completely as it is their profession, and taking photos or videos and then editing them is the main source of their income. Whatever the case may be, one thing is the same for all photography enthusiasts, and that is the price of the gear they use. In order to afford everything a photographer needs in their collection, one has to set aside a considerable amount of money.
Cameras are obviously the most expensive thing, but the lenses, lighting equipment, tripods, backpacks, cleaning kits, hard drives, and SD memory cards are all necessary and expensive. If you are struggling to finance your photography camera collection, worry not. By the end of this article, you will learn how you can save enough to buy whatever you need. If you want to fast track it however and get money immediately, check out CashFlex.
1. Selling Services
Since you consider yourself to be a fan of photography, the best thing you can do to make extra money and finance your new gear is to sell your services. The images, photographs, and videos you make can earn you a lot of money, but only if you do things the right way. It is a smart idea to partner with some studios, blogs, vlogs, or content creators and collaborates towards a common goal. You can provide your artistic services at events like weddings and celebrations too, by capturing the moments for the organizers. Utilize social media to advertise your work. The best place to do it is Instagram. Once you start getting a steady income, whether as a part-time job or as a real one, you will have enough to upgrade your collection and start doing even better work. Follow your passion for photography with quality camera gears and the right technique. It is possible that you need to sell your prints to finance the best camera collection. Make sure the photographs that you want to sell are of high resolution, and prints should be of high quality too. You can get customized quality prints here and can either sell them or can create your album with them.
2. Selling Old Gear
As you start to assemble a photography camera and equipment collection, you will probably be upgrading to newer models every once in a while. In order not to fall behind on your savings or spend everything you have, try selling your old cameras and the accompanying gear to other photographers. They might need it for various reasons, so offer what you will no longer use as soon as you upgrade to a new set. If you have been a photography fanatic all your life, you definitely have some old tripods, lenses, or lighting gear lying somewhere. Dig it out, clean it, and make some bucks for it. Once you start this habit, you will always be selling old stuff as soon as you get something new, and that is a beautiful and beneficial circulation. To keep intact with latest trends and different types of camera and gear that daily appears on the market, click here.
3. Selling Miscellaneous
If you have already sold everything related to photography you no longer use but are still short to finance something you need or want, why not sell other things you have? Decluttering your home is a satisfying practice like no other. Not only will you be cleaning as you go through your old junk, but you might also find something of value that can get you over the top and allow you to afford a new camera. People from all over regularly sell their old things. You simply need to advertise it online, or around your neighborhood. Yard and garage sales are very common, and customers tend to find true gems more often than not. Who knows, maybe someone offers you much more than you initially wanted to ask for an old item?
4. Day Job Saving
For the photographers among you who have a full day job that is in no relation to photography, here is an idea. If you desperately need or want a new piece of camera equipment but cannot spend so much, why not ask for several extra shifts or a little overtime during your off days? Depending on the type of your work and how hard or exhausting it is, you can try to work slightly more for a short period, just enough to be able to afford that precious new lens you have your eye on. For those who can advance through the company ranks, try educating yourself on the side with the goal of getting a raise or a better-paid position. This will not only get you what you need but also raise your career prospects. Keep in mind not to overdo it, however, or else your private life and your relationships will suffer from the increased working hours you are putting in.
5. Rate Increase
This entry is closely related to the first item on the list. If you have an already established system of services you provide, maybe it is time to raise the prices a bit. In this economy and the current state of the world, it is sadly not unusual for prices to rise. Since everything else is now more expensive than before, why should you keep the old prices and fall behind on your earnings? Never let others decide how much you charge for your talent and the better you are and the further your reach gets, the higher your rates should be.
6. Efficient Work
The good old saying “Time is money” exists for a reason. If you are inefficient, it means you will lose tons of time doing something you could do much quicker. As you improve, you should be able to do things faster, with less effort, and with more efficiency. Newer gear you get also helps immensely. For example, if you have a top-of-the-line DSLR camera but a very slow laptop, the processing will be extremely slow and it will take ages for you to edit your work on a bad computer. To prevent this and similar issues, make efficiency your number one priority because it will result in more projects completed, more money earned, and more equipment bought, all while saving as much time as possible. Another good way to be more efficient is to try focusing on what you are good at first and mastering those skills before moving to others. If you are great at photos but take a long time to edit a video, keep doing the photos for a time until you have the luxury of spending more time on videos without suffering financially.