The electrical system in a home is very complex and most homeowners don’t understand it fully. In fact, many homeowners have no knowledge of how this system works. They simply know they need help when it doesn’t work as intended. What are some signs every homeowner should look for that suggest they need to have an electrician visit the home?
Inconsistent Power
Some people find the power supply in their home is inconsistent. Lights may flicker and buzz when used. This may appear to be a simple problem with the fixture, but that’s not always the case. The problem could be more serious.
The bulb wattage may exceed what the fixture can handle or the wiring might be frayed. If the power isn’t consistent, it’s time to contact cuttingedgeelectric.net. The same holds when lights flicker when using another appliance. When lights darken for a minute, there is a problem within the electrical system. An improper current split could lead to this inconsistent power.
Any time the lights don’t work as expected, the homeowner needs to know why. A qualified electrician will examine the system to find the source of the problem and fix it.
Warm or Hot Outlets
Warm or hot outlets are an emergency. If they aren’t addressed promptly, a house fire could occur. The first thing to do is unplug everything from the outlet. If the outlet remains warm after a few hours, the problem isn’t the device that was plugged in.
Consider how many things were plugged into that circuit. Power strips, for example, draw more energy, which can lead to the outlet feeling warm or hot to the touch. Too much demand on the outlet or circuit can cause it to overheat.
However, it is best to have an electrician inspect the outlet to ensure the problem is superficial. It might actually be there is damaged wiring in the outlet that must be fixed or the infrastructure may be broken. This ensures the home isn’t at risk of an electrical fire.
Tripped Circuit Breakers or Blown Fuses
Fuses are designed to blow when they experience a power surge. A circuit breaker trips for the same reason. This may happen when multiple appliances are used simultaneously or a circuit has been overloaded. If the fuse blows or the breaker trips only once, it typically isn’t cause for concern. These things do happen.
However, when the fuse blows or the breaker trips repeatedly, there is something else going on. The wiring may need replaced, or the electrical panel might not be able to keep up with the demand of modern electronics.
Furthermore, it’s best to have the electrical panel inspected regularly by a certified electrician. Certain homes have older electrical panels that are a fire hazard. If this type of panel is in the home, the electrician can replace it with a safer model to protect the home and its occupants. They can also detect any problems with an existing panel and repair the panel quickly.
Lack of Outlets
It’s very frustrating when multiple family members need to charge their devices and there aren’t enough outlets to do so easily. Don’t fight over who gets to charge their devices. Call a licensed electrician to have additional outlets installed. This will not only keep peace in the home, but it will also reduce the risk of a circuit being overloaded.
Lack of GFCI Outlets
A home may have a sufficient number of outlets but none of these outlets are GFCI devices. A GFCI outlet is beneficial anywhere in the home where an outlet may be exposed to water.
This outlet reduces the risk of a person being electrocuted when plugging in a device. Modern building codes require these outlets to be installed in any area where water is present.
This outlet is easily identifiable by its two buttons located between the plugs. One button is used to reset the device if it trips, while the second button is to test the outlet and ensure it is working correctly. If these outlets aren’t present in the home, call an electrician to have them installed.
Tingling or a Shock When Plugging Something In
A person should not get a tingling sensation or a shock when they plug something into an outlet. This suggests there is damage to the outlet that cannot be seen. The minor tingling lets the person know that electricity is leaking from the outlet.
A shock is of more concern, as it could leave the user unconscious. If they remain conscious, they could still fall and suffer an injury. An electrician can determine what the problem is and make repairs to prevent shocks and tingling.
A Burning Smell
If a burning smell is present in the home and the source cannot be identified, immediately head to the electrical panel and turn off the main breaker. Exit the home and call emergency services for help. An electrical fire may be hidden within the walls and could escalate quickly.
Rising Energy Bills
Energy bills may be climbing for no apparent reason. A homeowner should be concerned about this, particularly when there is no accompanying increase in usage. Homeowners need to consider many things when determining why these bills are getting higher each month.
The problem may be the HVAC system, increased energy usage that is going unnoticed, or a problem within the electrical system. It never hurts to have an electrician come out and examine the system to ensure it is not the source of the rising energy bills. If it isn’t, then move on to the next potential problem. This may be trial and error until the problem is found, but an electrician is a good place to start.
If any of these signs are seen in the home, call an electrician. They will assess the electrical system and find all problems within the system. This ensures the issue being experienced is fixed and new problems won’t arise in the coming days or weeks. At times, a component can be repaired. In certain situations, it must be replaced. Regardless of what is needed, the right professional will get the system up and running again quickly.