Many people got into the cryptocurrency exchange market in hopes to make big bucks fast. The reality is, there are no free meals, but there are some ways that you can earn Bitcoin rather easily without major investments. Some ways can generate a bit of income while others are just not worth the time and effort. Internet is overwhelmed with offers and promises on how to make Bitcoins quickly, but the vast majority will just turn out to be a major waste of time; you’ll lucky if you earn a few satoshis – 100 million satoshis equals 1 Bitcoin. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some ways that could actually put some Bitcoins in your wallet.
Micro jobs
Micro tasks can earn you a couple of dozens of satoshis with pay-per-click jobs. Micro jobs include viewing ads, comment, share, and click on different videos. It’s not something that will make you rich overnight obviously, but it’s an excellent way to get familiar with Bitcoin and stock exchange markets. Inexperienced but ambitious traders as well as amateurs who want to get a start in the crypto world this can be a great way to get introduced to basic nomenclature and rules of the Bitcoin.
Bitcoin faucets are very similar to micro-jobs. You’ll need to visit the same websites over and over again, click advertisements and make a few cents from sales – namely 10-50. It’s barely worth the electricity for running your computer, but if you have the time it can add up. On the other hand, owning a faucet is a different story. For starters, you’ll need to have a website and generate some traffic. It’s a tedious and time-consuming task – managing websites, advertisements, users, and preventing fraudulent activities – but over time it can generate significant income from several hundred up to a couple of thousand dollars.
Affiliates’ marketing
Affiliate programs can earn you some serious income. Your job will be to promote various businesses for free and the income will come from a commission if the sales materialize. This way of acquiring Bitcoins can take a lot of effort and time, but the risk is low, and there are no money investments. You can promote certain services anywhere, Facebook, Instagram, or your website, and collect your cut once the sale is complete. Many traders started with affiliate marketing, and later progressed to major investments.
Online sales
If you are selling products and services online, you can choose to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. This is a no-effort way to switch your earnings from the traditional currencies to crypto. You’ll be able to save on bank transaction fees, which are non-existent in the crypto world. Recently, many online retailers began to accept Bitcoin exactly for this reason. Financial institutions are trying to fight this no-fee practice, without much success so far. So, use the advantages of free markets and earn some extra cash while making an entrance into the digital coins’ community.
Write about Bitcoin
If you’re already dipped your toes into the crypto world and are familiar with Bitcoin terminology and basic how-to, consider writing about the open markets and trading coins. You can earn an income by posting articles on different websites or maybe have your own webpage. Good writers are scarce especially about cryptocurrencies. Visit Bitcoin websites or blogs, and offer to become a part of the editorial team by sending them a couple of your texts as an example of your previous work. This is a work from home opportunity that can give you the freedom of making your own schedule and earn a decent income.
Online gambling is a risky move, but if you’re willing to take a risk there are plenty of online gambling sites that will payout in Bitcoins. Like any gambling, Bitcoins, or not, this is not considered to be a regular income. If you’re an experienced player, you might want to take a chance as you would anyways when entering an online casino. If you never gambled before, you might find your beginners’ luck. In any way, consider taking your winnings in Bitcoin if you want to become a part of a crypto world.
Trading is recommended only to experienced and educated people who already spent a significant amount of time on the stock market. It is a form of gambling that carries a huge risk. People who are serious about investing wage their risk with great caution, and usually shoot for the long-term payoffs. If you’re thinking that buy low – sell high principle is going to make you a millionaire, think again. These fairytales are usually pushed by cybercriminals trying to suck you into buying worthless coins promising a major return. The reality is that you’re going to be out for hundreds if not thousands of dollars; just another fallen victim of the fraudulent activities online.
Creating money out of thin air used to be a very attractive idea among first Bitcoin owners. Your computer can do it for you, and you just need to put some work into it. Not really. First of all, you need to have a high-powered computer, physical space, access to cheap energy since super-computer demands a lot of it, and knowledge. To mine 1 Bitcoin is equal to finding a vain gold while digging sand on the beach for your sandcastle. It’s outrageously pricey and demands a lot of time, and practical grasp on what exactly needs to be done. To find more details about mining Bitcoin go to cryptoknowmics.com. Cloud mining used to be popular for a period of time until it became just pure fraud. To cloud mine means that you pay someone to mine Bitcoin for you while sharing profits. Many websites promise to mine a lot of Bitcoins with an outstanding short time and profits – don’t fall for it. Instead of paying someone to mine, just go ahead and buy Bitcoin or satoshis. In any case, there are many other secure ways to come by coins.