This past year we have all spend way too much time in our homes. It was a stressful period, and there weren’t too many things we had control over. Well, the appearance of your house is one of those things you can be in charge of.
Naturally, this probably isn’t the best time for you to invest a lot of money into redecorating your property, but the truth is that there are many things you can do on your own. Yes, we are talking about DIY projects, and in the following article, we will provide you with some ideas that aren’t too expensive, but that will still improve the overall design of your home.
1. Fresh coat of paint
Let’s be honest, if you are looking for a way to change the style of your home drastically, you have to start with the walls. If the paint on the walls is dirty, and if there are scratches or any damages, you should do something about it. Obviously, we are not saying that you should paint every wall in your house if you don’t want to, so you should be strategic about it.
You can paint the accent wall into some vibrant color that will open up the entire space and change it entirely. On the other hand, if you are really bold and want to go a step further, you can change the color of the ceiling. If this seems like too much work, you can always go with intriguing wallpapers or any other kind of decoration. Upon completing the task, you will realize that it will seem as if you have just moved into another home.
2. Redesign cabinets
Unless you have just purchased new kitchen cabinets, the chances are that they also need a makeover. After all, these are opened and closed constantly every day, so this may be a perfect chance to upgrade them. You can start with paint if they are chipped and damaged, and then you can redecorate them. If you are an artistic soul, you probably already have a few ideas on what you can do.
Moreover, this is a project you can complete with your kids. We all know that the little ones have to be entertained most of the time, so why not let them draw their own designs? Sure, the place will be messy, but this will be a great activity and memory for them. Plus, they will beam with pride, and they will want to show their contribution to everyone who enters your home.
3. Build furniture
Okay, we know that this idea seems too much, but hear us out. Naturally, you should choose a project according to your handiness and woodworking skills. What’s more, there are always items you can build quickly and easily, especially considering that nowadays there are online video guides on how to build anything.
Why not design and build a new bookcase for your living room or kids’ room? The great thing about these is that the sky is limit with it comes to its appearance. You can go with something super simple, or on the other hand, try to create an intricate design.
It goes without saying that the first thing you have to do is measure the space you have available. It means that you have to choose where you want to install the shelf beforehand and spend some time figuring out the best design. If only a small area is available, you have to be really careful when using a measuring tape, and you can click here to learn some tips and tricks.
4. Recover and reupholster
If you are sick of looking at the old, faded couch in your living, why not do something about it? We are not saying that you should get a new one, even though it is an option if you want to. Nevertheless, you can simply reupholster it. Go online and choose a new fabric. It can be anything you want, from the one in a neutral shade to something in vibrant color that will match the new coat of paint on the walls. This is another task that you can turn into a DIY project and follow instructions online.
On the contrary, if this seems like too much work or you simply love your couch the way it is, you can recover the pillows and refresh it a bit. You can choose some vibrate intricate design for the pillows and breathe in a new life into them. You will be surprised to learn what a difference small changes like these can make.
5. Install new lights
If you are going with the assumption that your home is already very well lit up, this probably doesn’t seem like an interesting project. Well, if this is the case, you should observe this as a task that will boost the décor of your home. You can buy a new tall lamp online and put it into your freshly designed and built reading corner, or you can go with some fairy lights. In the end, it all comes down to your personal preference, and of course, the overall appearance of your home. The thing is that small bulbs can go a long way and enable you to create a subtle atmosphere if that’s what you are going for.
6. Repurpose old furniture
Surely, there are some pieces of old furniture stored in your garage or attic. Why don’t you renovate them and use them for something else? For example, if you have an old dresser, you can turn it into a kitchen island. If you have always wanted to have one of these, but it didn’t appear to be a good investment, why not make it yourself?
You can repaint and refinish it, and you can also install small wheels at the bottom, and there you have it – a new, mobile kitchen island. This can turn out to be quite convenient, especially if you have limited counter space in your kitchen.
Finally, if you have some pieces that cannot be brought back to life no matter what you do, you can always reassemble them and use only some of the parts. If you are a creative person, you will most certainly think of something you can do. Go to your storage space, inspect what you have to work with, and start brainstorming.