Covid-19 has already changed the whole world, leaving people jobless and hopeless. It has penetrated almost every single aspect of human life, marking something of a new milestone in the way people should and can exist. Naturally, global and local education is also going to feel the blow, including the one coming from all the changes in the 2024 college admission cycle.
Considering the seemingly never-ending reach of coronavirus, all educational institutions have to adapt to the new rules of schooling, making use of technology to keep education and admissions running. Here are some of the changes that are already noticeable and will change the survival rate of colleges and universities in America and around the world.
Fewer International Students
Covid-19 has brought international relations to a complete halt. With local lockdowns and international borders being closed, there is no way the US can expect to see the same number of international students in the upcoming year or two. Such a situation brings a number of threats that are not just about international relations, but also about the well-being of American education.
Primarily, because of the pandemic, colleges and universities are no longer able to consider international applicants, at least for the time being. Secondly, a lot of higher education institutions in the USA are dependent on the investments that come from the tuition fees international students pay. It means that the decrease in the number of international students will also considerably cut the financing institutions get. To put it bluntly, many institutions might get killed. Similarly to many businesses that are facing massive challenges, they will simply not survive the pandemic.
A lot of student exchange programs will have to be halted. Many programs for international students will have to temporarily be canceled. Standardized test sites have already been closed in the whole of the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. To get into an American or a European university, it is customary for students to prove their proficiency in English by taking recognized tests like the TOEFL and IELTS. However, in most countries, including China, those tests have already been canceled, which means that international students will not even have a chance to gather the needed documents to make applications for foreign institutions.
Since it is not clear when students will have an opportunity to get back to their college and university walls and not clear when air travel will be resumed, the US education system has no other choice but to adapt and accept all the challenges.
Options Reduced, Recruitment Changed
Among all other institutions, med school admissions have been considerably influenced by the coronavirus pandemic. Namely, the 2024 application cycle does not resemble the previous ones as students were given a deadline to narrow their choice to a single medical school before the end of April. Additionally, the pandemic limited and eliminated physical contact, making the recruitment process much harder.
At the time when students need to have all the required information to weigh their options, they have to make fast decisions without even getting a chance to look at their potential college or university in person. The “second-look days,” the point where students come and visit universities and campuses, have been transformed into online meetings, considerably limiting the options available to students. It is not to mention all the stress future and current students have to deal with because of the pandemic. All of this stress makes it hard to concentrate on studies, so if you are a student in such a situation, consider hiring a professional from essayservice.com to help you out.
An application interview is an integral part of the medical school admissions process. However, because of the lockdown, all med schools and other institutions had to turn to online interviews. Institutions have been considering such options as Zoom, Skype, GoToMeeting, and other types of innovative technology to keep their admission process running.
Using technology spared institutions the trouble of being compromised and gave them a chance to more or less keep up with their admission plans. Students are advised to treat online interviews the same way they would treat a regular interview, dress for success, and prepare to answer some challenging questions. At this point, it is just a matter of adaptation. It is the only way institutions can keep the 2024 admission cycle running.
Everyone Needs to Adapt
A recent poll proves that the 2024 college admission cycle has left students with fewer opportunities. Because of the pandemic, many students report having to forget about their dream colleges and settle for an institution that is closer to their home. What’s more, the upset state of the global economy, which left many people with no jobs, has made it impossible for many parents to fund their children’s education. It is especially the case for students who study abroad and require more significant funding from their families.
Unfortunately, scholarship funds cannot make up for the losses, and colleges cannot afford to give tuition discounts since for every institution, business, and family, it is all about survival now, not about thriving.
Colleges are changing their rules of recruitment, and becoming more flexible with admissions, trying to get more students interested in joining them. For example, some colleges have already established a no-test system where one does not need to take the SAT to apply for a study. Among the colleges are the University of California and Cornell University.
What poses even a bigger threat is that the majority of current high school and college students claim it is hard for them to adapt to online learning. It is much harder for them to focus and be efficient with their studies, which inhibits their future academic success. Colleges are already struggling to provide engaging online classes, yet it appears that such an approach does not appeal to most students, and there will be a need to go back to regular classes soon.