Most job interviews contain several “circles” of very similar questions. As a rule, the first round includes questions about experience, the former employer, the relationship with colleagues in the former job, and the motivation to apply for the job. The second round consists of questions that reveal personality characteristics and concentrate on the qualities needed for the job you applied for, and in the third round, you will have to say why you would be a good candidate for the job. It sounds simple, but often psychologists also use games or trick questions to get a broader impression of you. For example, about what you think of yourself, how you function under pressure, how you communicate with other people.
Many people are probably filled with the very thought of a potential interview with feelings of insecurity and anxiety, regardless of whether they have already applied for a job or are just planning to do so. The reasons for these feelings lie in the fact that a large number of people are unaware of what a good performance at an interview should look like. Specifically, potential job candidates are plagued by doubts and dilemmas like how they should answer interview questions, how to present themselves in the best possible way, what to wear for the occasion, and the like.
Fortunately, there are certain rules that, if followed, can greatly increase the likelihood of leaving a good impression at a job interview. These rules apply to two phases: to the preparation for the interview and to the behavior at the interview itself.
1. Make a good first impression
The beginning of the conversation is probably the most stressful because you have just met the examiner and you are still stressed from everything that awaits you, but try to take care of your body language. Sit comfortably (do not fidget and do not sink into a chair). Look the other person in the eye. Keep your arms in your lap, but don’t twitch them, let them be free. You can break the atmosphere with a positive remark: praise the flowers on the table, say that you like the colors in the office …
2. Good preparation eliminates stress
First of all, get acquainted with the basic information about the company, its customers, products or services. Your goal is not only to find out what a certain organization does but also to understand what impression it leaves on the market, what its products serve, and what it wants to achieve with its existence. In reality, the company you are trying to hire is probably offering the same thing as hundreds of others in this world, but your job is to get a clear idea of how it differs from its competition. We prepare all our lives by improving, gaining experience and new skills. But inquire about the employer, the company, and the job you are applying for. Remember your successes so far to bring yourself into a positive emotional state and eliminate tension.
3. Practice possible questions
Most of the questions are repeated in job interviews – Why do you want this job?, Why do you think you are the right person for this job?, What do you expect from the job?, Where do you see yourself in five years?, and so on. Before the interview, go through these questions with a friend or stand in front of a mirror and imagine that the employer is in front of you. This will give you the confidence you need to make a good impression. You can practice possible questions on gradinterviewprep.com. This will boost your confidence and thus increase your chances of getting a job.
4. Experience and knowledge are not crucial for employers
In practice, one can come across a candidate who has knowledge and experience, but by assessing the abilities and personality characteristics it can be observed that he would not fit in well. Conversely, some candidates have no experience but have great potential in terms of abilities and the way they approach people, which characteristics are key to success. Each conversation consists of three rounds of questions, ie a kind of introduction, plot, and unfolding of the story.
5. Consider what you need to ask
By the end of the interview, your interlocutor will surely ask you if you have any questions for him or her. Contrary to popular belief, this does not mean that you are given extra time to brag and talk about your accomplishments. Of course, it’s wise to think about how these questions will affect the overall impression of an interview already done, but what’s most important now is the information you want to find out so you can decide if the job is good for you. Don’t be afraid to ask specific questions, because you may realize in these five minutes that this job is not for you.
Do not hesitate to ask about difficulties you can expect if you get the job, what the daily routine at work encompasses, and so on.
6. Prepare for ‘awkward’ moments
Do you panic at embarrassing questions like the question of dismissal you may have received or the question of the salary you are looking for? How many times have you said a smaller amount than has ever occurred to you at home, and that’s just because you didn’t make it and you got caught up in the discomfort? It’s time to start because embarrassing questions are waiting for you at a job interview. To overcome the pointless panic and not get entangled in answers you don’t want to give, just practice. Practice answering aloud, over and over again until your discomfort grows into something completely insignificant.
Final thoughts
What you need to know is that you need to answer questions effectively. So, focus on the question, do not talk too much and do not get lost in the details, look the interlocutors in the eye and do not interrupt them as they speak, listen carefully to what the employer says and asks you, try to be as natural as possible, but take care rules of polite behavior and respect for interlocutors.
It is important to make sure that your answers are primarily job-oriented. If you’re not sure what the employer meant by asking you a particular question, ask for clarification.