Getting a chance to build your own home form the ground up is a lifelong dream for most people. It is a lifetime achievement like no other since you will have a home like you always wanted. In this economy and the current hardships of the world, it seems that not a lot of average homeowners can afford such a luxury. Still, it is possible with a little bit of careful financial planning and joint efforts of a family.
Building a custom home means that you will be choosing each and every part of the house. From the size and room arrangement to the design and furniture, it is all up to you and the rest of the family who will be living with you. Service Star Management advises there is a lot to think about here and quite a few mistakes to avoid. And what better way to learn them than from the people who wished they knew such things well before they started building their own dream home.
In this article, we will reveal to you top things you need to know before building a custom home, largely from the experiences past first-time home builders have. All of this advice is crucial if you want the building to be properly build and for it to feel comfortable, spacious, and warm enough. Moreover, you will ensure that it lasts for generations and that it looks exactly how you wanted it without compromising quality. To find out more about this subject, you should check out Carmel Homes.
1. Scheduling is Key
The whole building process is long and could take well over a year. The construction site will be there even longer. If you wish to be as efficient as possible and waste minimal material, there has to be a firm schedule in place that will serve as a guideline. It should take into account all the different stages and contractors as well as possible bad weather and regularly occurring issues with building homes. Whatever the setback, there should be a reaction to it ready to take place. Contingencies will save you money, time, effort, and nerves.
2. Design and Build for the Future
Your family will be changing over the years and more people could be living under the same roof. This is especially true for younger couples without kids who want to have them some day. Therefore, never design and then build a home for just right now but think down the line. A time period of between 5 and 10 years is what you should be aiming for. It is better to have a few rooms empty for a few years than to lack them further down the line when you have two kids. The “right now” state of mind works for some things but planning for the future is always smarter. This is where experienced home builders like Impression Homes could help you out with planning and perfect execution.
3. Do not Move in Prematurely
One of the biggest mistakes those who are building a custom home make is move in prematurely, that is before the important work on the house has been finished. It is normal to feel impatient because it is a whole new chapter of your life after all. Still, you will have to wait until everything is done because living in an unfinished home can be both unhealthy and unpleasant. Finish all the projects with all the contractors and move in when things are fresh and clean. It will be much more enjoyable and you will remember the house in its full glory.
4. Storage, Storage, Storage
Shortage of storage is a common problem in modern apartments and homes. Older buildings of all sorts came with separate, dedicated rooms to keep extra stuff. The common way of doing so nowadays is to fit everything in the garage, the basement, and the attic. But that is for the things you need only a couple of times per year. What about the things you regularly use and you just so happen to have more than average? You should never settle for less clothes and groceries because you lack space. To avoid that, make sure your bedroom, kitchen, and hallways have enough storage from day one. More than average room for stuff is prime real estate in the 21st century, so plan for long-term organizing solutions like supporting cupboards all over, nightstands and closets, and hanging elements for extra room. Your whole lifestyle and organization could depend on it later.
5. Choose Colors Carefully
Most couples regret painting their walls in brighter or darker colors rather quickly following the end of construction. The same goes for their choice of furniture, window, and door colors. Regretting something that big and expensive to change is the worst feeling, so make sure to prevent it by going neutral and somewhat minimalist with the finishing touches like the shades of wooden elements and the wall paint. Beige, off-white, or light brown are the most commonly used solutions for new homes because they both look well with modern elements and can be easily changed later. What is more, it is always more pleasing to the eye and more aesthetic if you utilize accents than to go for specific colors throughout the entire home.
6. Fixtures are More Important than Décor
We admit, it is hard to resist decorative pillows and neat furniture elements when designing your interior. However, it is much more rewarding and smarter to first cover the fixtures of the home and then use the leftover money for the extra things. Fixtures are things that will stick around for decades and that are not generally changed or removed, often ever. Even when changing the décor completely they will stay in place and do their thing. Investing in a set of higher-quality fixtures will later allow you to swap out decorative elements, finishes, and colors without too much hassle and repairs. Most importantly, it will definitely be easier on the wallet further down the timeline.
Conclusion and Takeaways
It will be a stressful period, that much is certain. However, there is hardly anything more rewarding you can do with your money than build a home from scratch, just like you and your family wanted!