We have our smartphones with us all the time, and even though technically, we may spend just 3 to 4 hours per day using them actively, they are still next to us all the time. We use these devices for much more than just phone calls, and we need to make the experience better and more enjoyable if possible. Luckily, we live in a world where the things we don’t even know we need already exist, and here, we are going to list some of the best phone accessories that will make your life instantly easier.
1. Touchscreen pen
The item that we are going to start this list with is something that we all need – a touchscreen pen. No matter if you want to keep your hands clean; if you don’t want to take your gloves off during the winter months, if you want to be able to eat and use your device, or if you cannot properly type because of your long nails, this accessory will help you out.
There are so many different types of these pens available on the market, and the sizes, shapes, and colors vary depending on what you are looking for. They are pretty inexpensive, they are easy to store and clean, and you can put them in your phone case to have them with you at all times. Once you start using one, you will never go back to using your fingers to type.
2. Camera shutter remote control
Nowadays we are all about taking an amazing picture, and even though selfies are still popular, we want to show off our curves and we want to be able to take a picture that is more than just our face. Doing that with a timer is possible, but running back and forth to set your device again, hope that you’ve made the right pose and spending time checking each image out is boring and time-consuming.
So, instead of relying on timers alone, you can just get yourself a camera shutter remote control. They are small, easy to use, they can be connected to any device via Bluetooth, and you can hold it in your hand and take as many pictures as you want, on any of your preferred apps.
3. Crossbody cases
If you are one of the people who doesn’t like looking for their devices in their bags or purses, and if you want to be able to reach your phone at all times, then this product is the right one for you.
With these accessories you will be able to keep your device near you at all times, and it will be protected as well as easily reachable. Check out https://keebos.com/ for more details.
These cases come in many different colors and models, and the straps allow you to have your hands free while keeping your cell near. Note that you will look modern and stylish, plus, the cases have additional storage that will let you keep money or cards there. You won’t have to carry your wallet or bag with you, and you will have everything within reach.
4.Table stand
When we think about cell phones, we usually think about watching something on them, reading, or just going through social media. More often than not, we do that when we eat alone, when we just sit and relax, or when we are waiting for something. Holding your phone in your hand sometimes gets boring, and at other times, we need both of our hands, but we still want to be able to watch videos on our devices.
If you are one of the people who like to use their device while they are having a snack, then you definitely need a table stand. These units can be easily installed on any make and model, and they are sleek and easy to conceal when you are not using them. Depending on the type you’ve chosen, you can just pull the stand back when you don’t need it, or pop it out when you do. They come in different colors and with different thicknesses, plus you can use them both horizontally and vertically. You will never again have to hold your phone when it can just sit straight on the table.
5. Ring grip
This is a literal lifesaver for anyone who wants to hold their device all the time. We’ve all had our phones falling when we hold them, especially when we are scrolling through social media late at night and holding our devices above our hands.
If you want to add extra security, no matter if you are walking, running, watching something, or just using your device, you need a ring grip. They are extremely easy to install and use, and they will not take away from your device’s beauty. There are models for both men and women, and they are probably one of the cheapest and best investments that you can make.
6. Wireless charger
The last thing we are going to talk about is something that everyone needs, and if you don’t already have it, you have to buy it. The wireless chargers are changing by the day, and nowadays, you can even add one to the back of your phone and charge it on the go. You can choose if you want to use this accessory in the car, at home, at the office, or even when you are outside and having coffee with your friends.
Their small and sleek design allows users to carry them anywhere, and they are extremely lightweight and can fit pretty much anywhere. This is an investment that you have to make if you don’t want to worry that your phone is going to turn off because you have just a few percent battery left.
There are dozens of accessories that are going to help you have a better and more enjoyable experience, and these six are some that you need right away. You can choose the design, type, and size depending on the model of your phone and personal preferences, and know that all of the things will not cost you more than a few dozens of dollars, and they are going to save you a lot of time and trouble in the long run.