Animation porn can provide for your wildest fantasies, without ever treading foot in reality.
For a surprising amount of people, pornography can prove to be fairly alienating. Not that the majority of us don’t watch it, but it doesn’t necessarily always scratch that itch. For a number of people, live-action porn can be a bit off-putting, especially if the actors are bad, the quality of the film is questionable, and the plot is less than ethically supportive- which pretty much accounts for every type of live-action porn available.
Pornography is fantasy. It’s completely fake and rarely has many ties to any sort of reality we live in, which is part of the appeal. This fact alone can make it a bit hard to get into once in a while, especially if you’re watching with a critical eye. “Animation porn provides something that real porn can’t. There are virtually no rules for animated porn.” Say the pornographic masterminds of PornDoe, a website offering all types of free online porn videos. Including some pretty great animated titles. “Animation porn allows people to explore some far-out fantasies without ever having to get close to the reality of them. Suddenly, getting turned on by tentacle porn isn’t so uncomfortable, because you’re safe in knowing that exactly zero humans and animals were actually involved in the physical production of what you’re seeing.”
The experts suggest that this means that animated porn provides an outlet that allows fantasy to stay just that, instead of breaking the veil and bringing into too close a focus.
Animation Porn is Really Well Made
What may come as a welcome surprise is finding out that most animated porn is actually really well made. From the more hand-drawn look to the surreal Pixar-Esque CGI, the attention to detail in most animated pornography videos is genuinely incredible.
Without the poor poker face and obvious tells of actors having a less than stellar time getting pounded by the pool boy, animations don’t fall prey to these moments that cause the fourth wall to crumble. Because of this, many of these films and clips are fully immersive, with little to nothing that will break your concentration.
Something about the time and care put into this type of porn- from the ultra-artistic hentai to the fun riffs on your favorite movie and video game characters- these pornographic renditions definitely engage the senses and the libido.
A Firm Exit From Reality
Few, if any, animation porn themes are designed to perfectly align with reality. While there is a call for augmented and virtual reality porn, there’s a definitely line between the two. Animation porn tends to lean toward themes and characters that are pertinent residents of the imagination.
You may be watching a robot pile drive a unicorn, or Ariel go down on Elsa. Even in the titles that showcase more realistic human-like characters, you can clearly see that no one in the film is real and that all the characters are obviously computer-generated. Which does make that awkwardness of worrying about whether or not your favorite porn star is well paid and fully consenting, tend to evaporate.
There’s no need to question the ethics behind animation porn, because again- there are no real actors. So, no one is getting hurt. At worst, your mind might wander to the imagined geeky lair of whatever mid-40s computer nerd has created this fantastical landscape, but past that, there’s really nothing to think about. This gives a number of people inherent permission to feel okay about getting turned on by the colorful and fantastical images that are floating past their screen.
Animation Porn is a Solid Way To Explore Unusual Fantasies
The other really incredible asset that animation porn brings to a randy repertoire is that you can arguably indulge in your absolute wildest fantasies, without guilt or prosthetics. Gorgeous, busty women can sport tools that would make even the highest-paid male porn stars blush. Robotic genitals can trigger earth-shaking orgasms from lithe woodland elves, or you can finally see what sailor moon is packing underneath that modest breast plate.
There’s no limit, and no rules, for animation porn. The breast can be impossibly large while still staying painstakingly perky, bending genders and physics in any way that gets you going. And that’s perfectly fine. Contortion and bondage, impossible dilation, and absolutely zero gag reflex.
Don’t tell me you’ve never wondered what it might be like if Lara Croft got bent over by Duke Nukem. Animation porn doesn’t just offer an obvious departure from known bodily forms but also makes it possible to explore kinks in any conceivable environment as well. From 14th-century jail cells to the lush forests of distant planets. There are just no limitations in the genre, which means you don’t have to have any either.