Multiple studies showed that the unemployment rate of doctoral degree holders is low. Their findings state that more than 90% of these graduates are employed, which is significantly higher compared to undergraduates and even bachelor’s degree holders.
Most of the employment success is attributed to Ph.D. graduates, whereas 95% are known to be working. These statistics justify the essentiality of a Ph.D. in the workforce. But such degrees are not earned overnight and are not simple to acquire. So the question remains, what are the easiest Ph.D. programs and where to apply for the shortest doctoral programs?
Understanding the degree
Getting a doctoral degree is enticing as it is one of the highest educational attainments you can get. However, the road is not always easy. For many of its students, it is a place of war in the academe. Hence, it is essential to join the battle fully equipped with knowledge.
Doctoral degrees are acknowledged internationally as a form of academic excellence. In the beginning, when it was first introduced, those who have met the requirements and finished the graduate program are granted the title of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Over time, universities started to give other titles under the doctoral degree for different industries and fields of study. Doctor of Arts, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Professional Studies, and Doctor of Psychology are just some of the many titles you can earn through a doctoral degree.
In order to qualify for a Ph.D., you should have been able to complete an undergraduate program where you will earn a bachelor’s degree. Sometimes, universities also require applicants to have a master’s degree. This means that getting a Ph.D. is not a spontaneous decision. It takes years of investing in your studies. And without the degrees mentioned above, it is hard and nearly impossible to enter the doctorate program.
Once you are in, the program will demand a lot from you—physically and mentally. The most important thing you should deliver in order for you to get your Ph.D. is to be able to contribute something new in your field. This means that aside from the scheduled classes and seminars you have to attend, you will be mostly dedicating your time researching to produce multiple academic journals.
Earning a Ph.D. requires little less time than getting your bachelor’s and master’s degrees. In typical situations, it usually takes three years if taken full time. But if you are already employed and merely getting the degree to elevate your credentials, it may take you more time depending on your preferred schedule. It can also cause an imbalance in your work-life routine.
Reason for demand
Doctorates are popular because numerous high-income jobs require it. In-demand professions like in the field of medicine and education, ask for these degrees in order for its practitioners to be accredited and promoted. These are also proof that a person is truly an expert in their field, for they have taken their time researching and studying their industry. Also, when you have a Ph.D., your income rate is higher compared to others. You will also be most likely to be prioritized in getting hired.
Online degree market
Since the usual patrons of graduate studies are employed people and people who are already practicing professionals, several institutions have resorted to offering their programs online. Online classes are more accessible and more time-efficient for those who are already juggling work and other personal duties.
Online programs may be convenient, but they are not guaranteed to provide your degree or certifications any faster than those personally attending school. It will still demand you of your time and extra dedication to work. Sometimes, you will even have to buy more resources to support your research for your journals. It can also steer your focus away from your current work, leaving you to underperform and put your job at risk.
The good thing about websites like these is that they allow you to access programs provided by accredited and sometimes top universities like Harvard and Oxford. They usually offer short courses online and full-term classes for those who are interested. However, these courses will take at least months for you to finish.
Getting your Ph.D. fast and easy
There will be a time in your life where you will encounter a crisis in your career. For example, you are stuck at the same level in your profession for such a long time that you feel like you are not growing as an individual anymore. This leaves you a desperate yearning for a promotion. The only problem is, your credentials are not enough despite the years you have dedicated to your work.
Luckily, there are websites like expressuniversitydegree.com where you can get a Ph.D. fast and with only doing little to no work at all. All you need to do is provide your academic background and your work experience. Then they will be able to help you buy your Ph.D. from their partner universities depending on your field of expertise. These universities are accredited and certified. Therefore your purchased degree will be internationally recognized.
Doubts and fears
Buying degrees online will always be accompanied by doubts and fears. Are these documents legit or will the sites just run off with your money and leave you empty-handed with no degree at all? What if your employer finds out that you took the easy way and starts to overlook your other credentials? And of course, how risky is it for your career?
Just like any other decision you have to make, always take precautions when buying degrees. There are a lot of ways to verify whether the company selling the degree is genuine or not. Your local government still has a list of accredited institutions for this kind of market. You can also check if the offered degrees come with supplemental records like transcripts that are verifiable. These documents can support the legitimacy of your diploma or title.
Another sore point to identify when buying degrees is whether their only requirement for you to get your document is money. If it is that easy and fast, it is too superficial, whereas you are advised to look for another source.
Buying PhDs or any other degrees is a great way to elevate your credentials and help you increase your chances of success in your profession. If you are not careful, it could put an end to your career and get in you in big trouble.
It is also essential to know that buying degrees online should not be abused and misused. It should also be realistic and within the means of your expertise for you to be able to enjoy its perks and benefits thoroughly.