How To Create a Winning Pitch Deck

Source: TeemuPaananen/Unsplash

It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. But in business, it can be hard to think of the right words to describe your product or idea. The best way to sell something? With an effective and compelling,

A well-written presentation can be the difference between success and failure for your company – so it pays off to invest time into creating a winning presentation before you begin pitching your idea. Here are some tips on how to do just that:


1. Beware of Buzzwords

Buzzwords are not only boring, they can actually hurt your pitch. Using words like “synergy” or “leverage” doesn’t make you sound smart – it makes you sound like everyone else! Be direct, be clear, and have specific numbers to back up your claims.

2. Be Confident, But Not Arrogant

You’ve worked hard to get where you are. You’re proud of your idea and passionate about what you do. But don’t let that go to your head! Like the old expression goes: “Confidence is good, but arrogance is real bad.” If you come across as arrogant, it can turn off investors and cause people to question your plans.

3. Avoid the Jargon

No one likes being talked down to. So don’t use complex or confusing words when pitching an idea. You need to communicate things in a way that everyone will understand, not just business majors. Instead of talking about “solutions,” describe how your product can help people. Use easy-to-understand phrasing and get straight to the point.

4. Remember Your Audience

You have a goal when pitching – you want to convince investors that your idea is worth investing in. So who are those investors? No two people are alike, so it’s important to remember that each investor is different. Think about their likes and dislikes, what they like to invest in, and what problem you can solve for them with your product or idea. With the right knowledge of your audience, you can tailor your presentation deck to suit their needs.

5. Keep it Short and Sweet

Most investors don’t have time to sit through a long boring pitch presentation — so keep your presentation short! No more than 10 slides. Make every word count. Try to find ways to rephrase similar information into different words if you need to.

6. Include a Call to Action

Last but certainly not least – make sure your presentation comes to an end! Your audience should know exactly what to do next after they see your final slide, which should include a clear call to action. The last slide could either be a business card or contact information if they want to learn more or invest in your idea. Remember – every good presentation needs an ending!


7. Make a Video

Telling your story in a pitch deck is one thing, but adding visuals makes it much more powerful. You can make a quick and easy pitch video with websites like Prezi or Haiku Deck – the presentation software that we created. With these tools at your fingertips, you can create engaging explanations of your business idea and share it with the world!

8. Be Confident

This is probably the most important point of all. You need to believe in yourself and your idea – even if you have self-doubt, investors will sense it! If you don’t believe in what you do, why should anyone else? There is a reason that this advice comes last – but it’s important to remember that you can’t go wrong if you believe in what you do and who you do it for. After all, passion and enthusiasm seep through the screen and make a lasting first impression!

9. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

If you are meeting with investors, remember that they are there to answer any questions or concerns that you have. You should always have a list of prepared questions beforehand — it’s okay to ask “dumb” questions! If you don’t understand something, just say so. The last thing you want is for an investor to think that you are in over your head.


10. Don’t Give Up

Investors love passion, honesty, and drive! If your presentation is rejected, don’t give up. Ask them what you can do better or how you can improve. Remember, there will be times when people reject your idea — it does not mean that your idea is bad, or that you are a bad person. Keep at it and follow this guide, one day you will reach your goal!

11. Make Sure Your Business Idea Is Legal

Before creating any presentation about an idea you should make sure it is legal to do so. If your idea infringes on someone else’s patent, it could lead to legal consequences. If you are unsure whether your business idea is legal or not, don’t take any chances! Consult with a lawyer first before creating that presentation slide deck.

12. Make Sure You Have the Right Graphics

Your presentation will only be as good as the graphics within it! Make sure that your graphics and photos are clear and easy to understand. So before you create that deck, make sure you have the right images with the right credits.

13. Make It Your Own

No one is going to care about your business idea unless it has a personal touch. Add in things that you have experienced, stories from employees or clients, or photos of happy customers enjoying your product or service! The more effort you put into a presentation the better the outcome will be — so don’t be afraid to get personal!

One way to create the best pitch decks is to use graphic designer software — an online infographic maker that offers various pitch deck designs for all business owners out there. Here are some pitch deck examples from their website!

A compelling presentation is a key to making your idea or product stand out. Use these tips and avoid common pitfalls when trying to create a strong and effective pitch deck.