Water damage is a severe problem as it causes massive property damage. Lakhs of cases related to water issues are reported daily. Water damage can happen due to a pipe leakage, bursting of a line, or maybe an overflowing sink.
Just imagine you were in a hurry to your office and left the kitchen tap open. If you are lucky, the water will pass through the sink drain, but if it’s a bad day, the drain may be clogged, and the water may start coming out of it. This water will create a pool of water inside your house. Now, this problem has turned into a big mess.
Water can damage all the material present in your house. To make matters worse, if the problem is not resolved in less than 48 hours, then the mold may start to grow and cause more damage. Then what should you do if your sink overflows? In this blog Trustfirstresponse enlists several ways by which you can unclog the drain.
Possible ways of unclogging your drain
Sink overflow can happen at any point in time, and you should have basic knowledge on how to tackle such a situation. If the water level starts to reduce, then it is a clear indication that the drain is unclogged.
1. Check the disposal line
The first step should be to turn on the water and let the water pass through the disposal pipe. Water might open the drain, and the drain may get unclogged. If the water level starts to reduce, it is clear that the drain is unclogged.
2. Try using warm water
Boil a warm bowl of water and mix salt in it. Once the water is boiled, pour the water into the sink and see if the water starts to drain. If this method does not work once, then try this method again. Otherwise, it would help if you tried some other way.Keep in mind that you handle the bowl of warm water properly. Hold the bowl with the help of oven mitts or a cloth.
3. Use a solution of vinegar and soda
Baking soda and vinegar are both utilised in a variety of cleaning treatments. They can cut through trash as well as eliminate odors. Make a vinegar-soda solution. 1 cup vinegar and 1 cup baking soda should be poured down the drain. Pour baking soda first, followed by vinegar, down the toilet.
The fizz may escape if the solution is not mixed first. After pouring the vinegar and seeing the fizz, pour a bowl of hot water to ensure that the drain is thoroughly unclogged. Wait for a few moments; otherwise, the procedure will fail.
4. Use a Plunger
This method should be your last resort if nothing works. The sink should be full of water to cover the bell and ensure a tight seal when using the plunger. When plunging a double sink, you should plug the clean drain first before unclogging the other side.
5. Call a Plumber
If nothing works, then you should probably call a plumber; otherwise, the issue may increase further. The plumber can tackle the issue further.
What should you do after unclogging the drain?
Once the drained is unclogged, you should clean the area properly with the help of a disinfectant; otherwise, water may cause damage to other things. You should take these precautions:
- Mop the nearby area, such as floors and cabinets.
- Clean all the surfaces with a detergent and disinfect them afterward.
- Open all the fans so that all the moisture evaporates; otherwise, mold may start to grow.
- Keep the pantry and cabinet open so that everything dries appropriately.
Ways to prevent sink overflow
You can avoid this condition of overflow if you keep the following things in mind. Here is the list of ways:
- Keep your kids away from the sink as they may through their small toys in the drain that may clog the drain. This way, the water may start to stop in the gutter. Allow them to use the sink only at the time of brushing and washing their face.
- Do not through food in the drain. Food such as eggshells, coffee grounds, and vegetable peels may start to accumulate around the draining pipe, forming a solid cover that significantly reduces water flow. It clogs the drains.
- You should not drain oil, fats, and another type of oils directly in the drain as these oils stick to the pipe and clog the drain. You can throw them once they are cold.
- Do not throw your hairs in the drain as they clog the drain badly. Usually, the pace of water slows down when a lot of inches reside in the gutter. If you notice your drain getting clog then hairs can be one of the reason and you should remove them.
- Do not leave the taps open. Always double-check that the taps are closed. When people are in a hurry, they often leave the taps open, causing an overflow.
Final Word
We have a busy living style where we do not have time to take care of everything. We are occupied with our jobs, children, and other essential things in life. You should have regular cleaning of your sink so that the drains always remain clean and never get clogged.
Manging such a situation on your own can be very exhausting, and you may not have time to look after it. You should call the professional in such a matter as professionals have the expertise and technical know-how to deal with such problems.
You should also call a water restoration company for a routine check-up. It ensures that such instance never takes place.