Milk is a traditional drink that humans have been drinking for hundreds of years. This is because of its immense nutritional value and the benefits it brings. Milk has been known to provide both physical and psychological benefits to the human body. This makes it ideal for many practicing a good diet or wanting to be healthy. Over the years, there have been additions to different types of milk. One of these new additions is known as powdered milk. Powdered milk has been in the spotlight for quite some time and rightfully so.
Powdered milk is known for having a unique production process and different composition of ingredients. It has similar effects to normal milk yet achieves them in different ways. That being said, powdered milk has areas where it exceeds normal milk too. These can be better benefits and also worse off drawbacks. Luckily we’ve compiled a set of advantages and disadvantages of powdered milk beforehand. This helps consumers make an informed decision on what type of milk is better for them. But first, we must know how powdered milk is made.
What Is Powdered Milk
Powdered milk is essentially created after raw milk is pasteurized. After this, the product is to be evaporated to dryness. The pasteurized milk mostly consists of water which is to be evaporated via spray drying. Once all of this is done, milk in the form of fine particles is created and known as powdered milk. The powder is then into powder filling machines to be distributed into glass containers or packets. High-quality machines much like Levapack Powder Filling machines help distribute the powder more evenly and accurately. Click here for more info.
The powdered form leads to several impressive benefits of milk that sometimes exceed those of fresh milk. Some of these are detailed below.
Increased Shelf Life
Powdered Milk is usually stored in packets or sealed glass jars. This helps increase the shelf life it has significantly. The powder takes longer to spoil and can be stored in homes easily. A teaspoon or two is to be added and the rest is safe in its container. The longer shelf life is credited to the glass jars being airtight. This means the powder comes into less contact with air and diminishes slowly.
Easily Stored And Accessible
Powdered milk is readily available in almost every supermarket. This makes it accessible to those who find fresh milk is harder to find. The longer shelf life in this case also helps make it more attractive to consumers.
In addition to this, powdered milk can be stored in many mediums at home. The packets can be placed in glass jars and placed anywhere. Refrigeration is also not a necessity for powdered milk. It would help to know how to sterilize glass bottles to increase longevity. This makes powdered milk convenient for buying and storing in large amounts.
Low Cost
One of the biggest benefits of powdered milk is its cost. The powdered form ensures that the cost decreases up to 50% of normal milk cost. This makes powdered milk better suited to those on a budget due to the decreased price.
This is also the reason why many fast-food restaurants utilize powdered milk for their milkshakes and such. The low cost helps generate more profit for them while incurring less cost. The long shelf life coupled with the cost makes powdered milk an attractive option for sure.
Lower Lactose
Powdered milk increased its market size due to the formula it is made from decreasing the lactose count. This substantially generated hype and interest in the market for lactose intolerant individuals. The lower risk and price meant they could afford to have milk with fewer risks attached.
With many benefits already scored, powdered milk was bound to sacrifice some aspects. There are both minuscule and serious disadvantages of powdered milk. Some of these are detailed below.
Bland Taste
Those who consume powdered milk daily may get used to the taste it brings. But, the difference in taste between powdered and regular milk is significant. Many dislike the taste of powdered milk and would rather have alternates. The popular opinion is that those who prefer better flavors should opt for alternate options of milk.
Physical Risks
When pasteurized milk is evaporated, the cholesterol in it is oxidized. This means the final product contains some level of oxidized cholesterol. This can prove to be detrimental to our bodies in several ways. Higher consumption of powdered milk may mean dental problems could arise. Oxidized cholesterol is also known to disturb our blood vessels which can further put our heart at risk too.
Less Nutritional Value
The most common reason against powdered milk is that it offers less nutrition than fresh milk. Powdered milk is a mixture of natural and concentrated ingredients to help achieve the same effects as normal milk. This sounds great in theory yet it is not uncommon for powdered milk to be inadequately mixed. This can result in more drawbacks to our health and put us at risk.
In the end, we recommend going with powdered milk only if it helps you substantially. Powdered milk has its fair share of benefits and drawbacks. It is an attractive option for lactose intolerant individuals and those on a budget. Though the less nutritional value and bland taste may put several consumers off.