We all want to find that special someone with whom we will spend all our lives, and so many poems, plays, movies are made precisely on this topic because love is and will ever be the greatest strength and feeling of all. Okay, people have also done some terrible and even unspeakable things in the name of Love, but still, it is our greatest inspiration, and just like with the famous saying, when it comes from the heart, you know that it is worth it. But, what we don’t talk about enough is how to make the relationship last, as we are all different with a unique personality, and even when we find our soulmate, it doesn’t mean that everything will go as smoothly, and it shouldn’t, because the effort is a must for everything, especially when it’s about something we hold dear.
1 of 5 long-term relationships are sexless
When in a relationship, many problems can occur, and as you progress in life with that special someone, you need to find a way to love someone because of their flaws, and not despite. Only then can one be certain they found something that really matters in that other person. What mainstream “love gurus” won’t tell you is that sex can be a huge problem when with someone, especially when in a long-term relationship.
So let’s clear out something first, and having sex problems with your significant other is nothing strange nor something one should be ashamed of, and so-called “problems in bed” can occur due to many things, and by studies done on this topic, around 15% of all relationships are sexless. Now, in most cases, the reason for that is the loss of that spark in bed, but in a modern world, there are plenty of ways to spice up your love life. Toys for adults, or sex toys, are available today more than ever, and one can easily find what they like by simply browsing through the net without having to go to some sex shop in person. Another cause is erectile dysfunction, or ED, which can also be easily solved. Don’t believe us? You should, and no, it’s not about some unproven studies done on this topic, just pure facts, so let’s check them out.
1. Communication is crucial
Every relationship has its ups and downs, and good communication is crucial when it comes to downs. There is no such thing as an ideal relationship, and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will be willing to work on it and solve any problem. When it comes to sexless relationships and ED, open communication can be helpful, and it can help us to detect and maybe solve the problem. Besides that, your partner will feel your support and that you are in it together, so it will be much easier to overcome all the difficulties.
2. Find a therapist
Probably the best way to save our relationship when we think that it is impossible is to find a professional to help us. There are a lot of them specialized for this type of problem, and visiting them is not something that we should be ashamed of. Therapists can help us as individuals but also as pairs through marital counseling and couple therapy. Many people are skeptical about therapists and their therapies, but there is no reason for that since they can help us a lot in situations when we do not know what to do anymore. They do not offer us a magical solution, and it is impossible to solve the problem for only one session, but they can teach us how to deal with it and solve it by ourselves in the end.
3. Learn to be intimate
When we say to someone to be intimate, their first thought is sex, but it does not mean only it. Being intimate is much more than sex, and learning how to be intimate without it can save our relationship during hard times. We can talk with a partner about our hopes and dreams, watch the movie together, cuddle and show tenderness whenever we can, and that is something that can change our relationship and make it stronger than ever. Spend more time with partner and learn about their habits and wishes or simply remember old days together, and you will be happy.
4. Spice up your love life
For those who think that they are in a sexless relationship because of boredom and saturation, adding some novelties to love life can be a great thing. There are many sexual aids, and buying some of them may light the fire once again and spice our love life. Talk to the partner and choose the sex toy together, and it may prove to be your best decision. Buying these toys is no longer taboo, so there is no reason not to try them, especially if they can help.
5. Try some medicaments
For those who think that they tried everything they could, but it was without any results, there is still one more solution. It is still not time to be desperate and to give up on your partner and relationship since there is one short-term solution that can be helpful while you are seeking the long-term one and make it more pleasant. There are many medicaments that can help with impotence and ED, but if you decide to try them, it is necessary to talk to a doctor first and follow their advice. If you do not know where to buy the medicaments of the best quality, check topapotheke24.de. They have a great offer, and you can order the medicaments and wait for them to come to your address without leaving the comfort of the home.
Final thoughts
It’s interesting and amazing how something simple as a talk can solve many of our global problems, not to mention marital or relationship ones. That is why even though talking about your problems will not make them disappear, it will make you feel better, and talking about it is the first step in finding a solution. Combine that with modern medicine and the latest tech, and you will spark up your love life once again.