Nowadays, having a website is essential if you run an online store or if you simply want to advertise your company. Yes, there are numerous other marketing strategies that you should employ, but a web page is not only the most important one, but it is also the one that can take your business to the next level.
After all, we use the Internet every day. We are not only talking about social media platforms, but we use it to find all kinds of information. Just think about it – we search for the next travel destination, the best restaurant or bar in the area, and we even search for products or services that we need. Do you understand why having one that represents your company is important?
When it comes to creating and designing a website, in the past, this was something that only professionals were able to do. This meant that business owners would have to invest a significant amount of money. However, this is no longer the case.
Today, you can build a website on your own. You don’t need any coding and programming skills, but instead, only web design software, and in this article, we are going to introduce you to some of them. What’s more, we are even going to give you some advice and tell you about the things you have to consider before launching your company’s web page.
1. WordPress
Let’s begin with the one that is well-known by everyone. Even if you have never tried to design a web page, surely you are familiar with this one. It is the perfect software for websites that will be regularly updated, which is something that you probably need.
The only thing that you actually need is a hosting account, but getting one is super easy due to the fact that many providers offer it. Another thing that makes it so popular is the fact that it is free. Once again, paying someone to design a web page for you is usually expensive, which is why this can software is beneficial if you are making your first website.
When it comes to the designing aspect, you can choose between hundreds if not thousands of templates, or you can upload one of your own. In addition, there is a large community of designers who are more than happy to share their work with you.
2. Wix
This is yet another one software that is free, and therefore, very popular. Handling all the tools and figuring out how everything works is fairly easy simply because it is created for first-time web designers. All the tools are at your disposal free of charge, but you can also choose to sign up for a premium account that will provide you with more options such as a calendar, social media feed, and even a music player.
The installation part is very easy. You have two options. Firstly, you can choose to go with Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI). The software will ask you a few questions regarding the page you want to create, and upon concluding the questionnaire, it will create and design a website according to your answers. On the other hand, obviously, you can opt for doing everything by yourself, create a design that you want, or use some of the available templates.
3. Adobe Dreamweaver CC
The main advantage of this software is that the users have many tools at their disposal. Firstly, the three major programming languages are supported – JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Next, you are able to check every aspect of the page while you are still working on it. This means that you have the opportunity to see the live preview, that is, how everything looks, is everything functioning properly, and is there something that needs to be changed.
If we dare to say, the only downside is that you have to pay for the subscription. You can go with monthly or yearly payment, whatever works for you. Even though this software is not free, we still believe that it is worth the cost because of all the unique tools that users have at their disposal that will enable them to create a one-of-a-kind website.
How to create a website?
Before we conclude this article, we are going to provide you with some advice that will help you make the right decision. Naturally, there are numerous software available online, both free and premium ones, even though we have only mentioned a couple, so the first thing that you have to do is to conduct online research.
Start by thinking about the purpose of the website. Do you want to create one that will support an online store where you will be able to sell your merchandise? On the other hand, do you want a page that will enable you to present your company to potential clients and inform them about your products and services?
The next thing that you have to think about is design. Since we have already discussed this aspect in great detail, we are not going to elaborate it any further. By now, you know that you can choose between hundreds of templates, depending on the software you go with. However, you should also keep in mind that you have the option of hiring a professional web designer. If you want to learn what kind of services they can provide you with, visit the D-Isla website.
Furthermore, you have to choose a web hosting plan. As you can assume, there are many hosting providers, and there are even more plans that you can explore, and eventually pick one. Make sure to do thorough research on these because there are numerous types of plans, so you have to get the one that is the best for your website. Obviously, their prices also vary, so this is another thing that you have to consider.
Finally, make sure to come up with appealing and unique content. Yes, this is something that you have to do before working on the web page. Why? Well, first of all, by planning and organizing every single post to the tiniest detail, you will know what the layout of the website should be, how many pages you will need, and so on. Also, there is no point in creating a website if you don’t know what you are going to post. Remember that it has to be updated regularly if you want it to be successful and allow you to grow the number of clients you work with.