7 Reasons You Should Try Playing Shuffleboard 2024

Source: American Heritage Billiards

Shuffleboard is an amazing game that is usually played on a 22-ft narrow court.

Players compete by pushing weighted discs towards a specific area, to score points and emerge winners.

The game is physical and requires players to be strategic in their approach.

However, even with this, not many people know the benefits of playing shuffleboard.

So, if you’re new to it or are considering trying it out anytime soon, here are some reasons as to why you should get into it right away!

1. Helps Bond with Family

Source: Hammacher Schlemmer

In this era of busy schedules, pushing deadlines, etc. there’s barely enough time to catch up with your loved ones.

But amidst all that, there’s nothing that beats the feeling of being around your family. That, too, away from gadgets.

Intentionally setting time aside to play shuffleboard as a family, encourages bonding. You not only get to catch up but also have fun without a care in the world.

This is one of the most significant ways to create memories with your loved ones.

Also, without any technological disturbances, you get the opportunity to engage in real talks. This’s the best time for parents/ guardians to let kids loosen up and share recent happenings in their lives.

Is there anything more amazing than this?

2. Makes a Great Workout Game

Source: Lift Your Game

What do you think about having fun and exercising at the same time?

Sounds irresistibly awesome.

Well, you can have all that from playing shuffleboard.

According to this article, shuffleboard might not meet the standard cardio requirements, but it does help your body stay active throughout the playing session.

Never underestimate those small movements people make while playing.

It might seem like nothing much is happening on the outside, but inside, the body responds by increasing the blood flow. And that’s vital in achieving general wellness.

Also, just because playing shuffleboard is less physical, it doesn’t make the mental impact any lesser.

On the contrary, you get to experience a lot of mental workouts, which is a great way of sharpening your mind.

You also get to improve on hand-eye coordination, which is important, especially for the elderly.

3. Stress Reliever

Source: The Exclusive Channel

You don’t have to disagree with being stressed. Stressful situations do exist even when you try to avoid them.

People get stressed from life pressures and illnesses. And that’s part of life.

But that doesn’t mean you get stuck with your problems. You can easily take your mind off things, even for a while, by playing games and exercising.

This’s the same effect you should expect when playing shuffleboard.

The excitement of the game and the demand to focus 100%, will take you to a new world, where all that matters are the points you’re about to score.

So if you’re passing through a rough patch right now, shuffleboard is the game for you.

4. Play All Year-long

Source: Shufl

The outdoor shuffleboard is great. And it’s usually made up of quality materials to enable it to withstand various harsh weather conditions throughout the year.

But since your body is not built the same, and you can easily fall sick if exposed to extreme weather, you need other options to keep the fun.

The indoor shuffleboard provides you with that solution. You can easily transport your court inside and play as you enjoy the warmth and cozy appearance of your home.

So there’s no stopping playing because of the weather, well, not unless you want to. This guarantees your consistency.

Plus, your loved ones will appreciate having something to keep them busy indoors while everyone else is curling up around the fireplaces.

This’s what beautiful lifetime memories are made of. Making the seemingly impossible possible. The kids will surely love you for this and will live to tell the stories.

And if you’re looking for the perfect indoor shuffleboard experience, investing in a high-quality shuffleboard table from Watsons is essential. These tables are specifically designed for indoor use, featuring a smooth playing surface and sturdy construction. They come in various sizes and designs to fit any home decor.

A shuffleboard table offers a fantastic way to enjoy the game without worrying about weather conditions. You can challenge your family and friends to exciting matches right in the comfort of your own home. The smooth glide of the pucks and the strategic gameplay will keep everyone entertained for hours.

5. All age Friendly

Source: Costco Wholesale

The complexity of some games makes it difficult for kids and the elderly to play. But not shuffleboard.

The game is favorable to all, and with the few requirements and natural skills to master, you can enjoy a wholesome playing time, without anyone feeling left out.

The best part is that you can easily twist the rules to suit your needs. For instance, you can choose to add kids’ additional rounds, to encourage them to play. The same case applies to the elderly.

6. Great for Entertainment

Source: www.shufl.com.au

Shuffleboard is one of the largely recognized and loved bar games. And as such, most business owners are slowly incorporating the shuffleboard tables into their business as a way of entertaining their guests.

This is because, as mentioned above, the game has not only flexible skill level demands but also suitable for all ages.

Also, the shuffleboard tables are safe for use for commercial services. So if you don’t want to play at home, you get to play at your favorite entertainment joint as you boost their business.

Or if you’re a bar owner, you can invest in one and make additional bucks as people throng your premises for both drink and game fun.

But the best way to sell a product is by using it, so you got one more reason as to why you should try shuffleboard playing!

7. Long term investment

Source: Game Room Guys

There’s nothing as annoying as spending lots of money purchasing game equipment only to have them break in the 1st playing round.

If you ask around, most people have a story or two to tell about a damaged pool stick, lost darts, etc.

But that’s not often the case with shuffleboard game. The tables are normally durable and guarantee to serve you for a lifetime.

Also, there’s no aggressiveness during shooting. So if you love calm games, shuffleboard is for you.

It’s a one-time investment that’s worth your money. You can even pass it down to your family/friends.


Source: BarChefs

From the above points, it’s clear that playing Shuffleboard game is one of the best ways to keep yourself in touch with your loved ones and forming new friendships.

But that’s not all, there’s a health aspect to it, which includes the ability of the game to boost mental wellness. This is by helping players stay focused while encouraging strategizing.

Other benefits of playing shuffleboard include helping you relieve stress and as a way of exercising.

We hope those are enough reasons to get you playing in the next team. Be sure to have fun!