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5 Benefits of Hiring a Web Design Agency in 2024

Source: Medium.com

For a business – whether large or small – that wants to impact the future, the difference between a substantial online presence and unceasing obscurity may depend on the presentation, visibility, uniqueness, professionalism, and functionality of your company’s website. Your website is your business’s face on the Internet – this is how you make a first impression on your potential customers. And it’s either hit or miss, as you’ll only have a couple of brief moments after a person lands your website. If users like what they see, they will stay a little longer, and if the functions are great, users will browse the site, and if you represent your services or products in the right way, they might even make a purchase!

The thing is, trying to build a website on your own will lead you to waste too much of your precious time. In the end, you will start looking for professional web designers. That is precisely where web design agencies come in. You can find more information about the top 5 web design agencies in the world here.

Professional website design that meets your business vision, goal, and appeals to your target audience will help you stand out among your competitors, increase client conversion rates, and boost your sales. The quality of your website can either become a grave for your business or its key to success. Hence, let’s review the key benefits of hiring a web design agency. You can check ippei.com for a web design course to take.

Source: Tech Flix

Benefit #1. Brighter Than the Flashing Lights

If no one can find your service or product, it doesn’t matter how great it may be. Professional web design agencies are capable of providing their customers and their respective websites with the most exceptional Search Engine Optimization services. Proper SEO will keep your site from getting lost among the websites of your competitors. Your website will not only most probably appear in the first few search rounds, but also a short overview of your company’s services or products will be added. Reputable web design agencies may help you to be the very first brand to draw potential clients in your niche.

Source: Mac’s Spring Web Design Guide

Benefit #2. The First Click Takes It All

Here’s how it works. When you step onto the online market and run across an archaically looking and generally distasteful website, the chances to click the “Buy” button are incredibly low. Furthermore, you will think twice or thrice before trusting such a firm with your financial information and its safety.

The moral of this story is that you want to avoid losing potential clients when you launch your company’s website. You may have the right product or service, but an unprofessionally executed website can ruin your marketing campaign at the very start, according to thomasdigital.com. Letting a professional web design agency create your site will make it appealing to your audience and will make them make the right decision – BUY! – Within the first few clicks.

Source: www.topicstalk.com

Benefit #3. Functionality Made Right

Probably, the only thing that can damage your online presence more than a poor visual presentation is a site cluttered with broken links, displaced pop-ups, and malfunctioning scrollbars. Your front page is a façade for a much more complicated thing that makes everything work: the code. It is everything the user doesn’t see, but is making all the cogs and spindles of your site move properly. Letting professional web developers take care of this part of your website means that your webpage will be optimized for multiple platforms and will load faster. Plus, by hiring a web design agency, you get access to customer support services, who will help you solve issues after you launch the project.

Source: Infographic Design Team

Benefit #4. Building Trust

One of the most crucial aspects of the way you present business to the target audience is professionalism. Web design agencies are the best way to create a professional website. That is, you want your site to radiate with trustworthiness and let your potential clients know that they can believe your business model. Each page must feature content of the highest quality possible and aim at a particular audience you want to draw to your business. A reputed web design agency will make sure that your site conveys your business model to the public and provides in a well-organized manner that induces trust, thus boosting your website’s traffic and your company’s sales.

Source: Trendy Crunch

Benefit #5. Prominence

Last but not least, hiring a reliable web design agency will allow you to have a unique, customized website that will have something new to bring to the table. That is a much more beneficial solution than using pre-designed templates that overcrowd the web.

Your website should illustrate the uniqueness of your business. Your customers should be able to know the extent you’re willing to go to convince them why your company is the best in the niche. Most of all, you want to make a positive and long-lasting first impression, so your customers will always have you in their thoughts when considering using the services or products you and your competitors provide. Using professional web design services from a trusted agency will help your brand stand out from the crowd or you can hire a freelance software developer Check this website for detailed information.

Source: Table 31


All in all, web design services are available in a wide variety of forms today. Some hire freelancers and end up tangled in complex management issues and spending more than they expected. But you can always hire a web design agency that has all the needed professionals in its staff and is capable of building a website that would excellently match your brand. None of the modern businesses that strive to survive in today’s crowded market can do it without an online presence. And if you want to become a memorable, valuable, and successful player, you should start with hiring a web design agency.

Tips For Solo Travelers to Ireland

Source: Medium

When you think about Ireland, the first things that probably come to your mind must be amazing pubs, breathtaking landscapes, the color green, and incredibly welcoming people. Nevertheless, if you did some research before reading this article, you must feel a bit overwhelmed by the number of things you can see and do there.

If you found yourself in this situation, this article might be extremely helpful for you – especially if you are thinking about visiting Ireland alone. This is why the text below will feature the things you should know before hopping on a plane headed to Ireland, as well as some of the things you should experience and see there. Let’s take a closer look at the list:

What You Should Know Before Going

Source: www.farandwide.com

When preparing yourself for any trip, there are various things that you should consider, the same goes for Ireland. The things you will want to know include:

1. You Will Need to Pack Various Things

Source: www.onetravel.com

The first thing you should pack is a raincoat, no matter what season you are planning on going – especially since there are heavy rains during summer as well. Also, if you are planning on some adventurous activities such as hiking or mountain climbing, you should also pack boots and leggings.

3. Where to Stay And What to Eat

Source: Daljine.rs

Now, you should know that almost all hotels will charge for a double room, meaning that it is better if you opt for a hostel that offers a single room. Irish people do not think that it is weird that someone dines alone, hence, know that you will be able to eat comfortably at all restaurants. The prices are also affordable, however, as you know, this will depend on where you choose to eat.

3. The Safety And Emergency Lines

Source: Pinterest

When compared to some European countries, Ireland has an extremely low crime rate. It is incredibly safe to travel alone, especially if you are planning on visiting smaller cities. However, there are other precautions that you should take, including getting travel insurance.

If you are thinking about enjoying some activities like hiking, mountain climbing, or other activities that may be a bit dangerous, you should absolutely purchase a travel insurance policy. If you want to see more about it, check out www.theaa.ie.

The policeman and policewoman are often referred to as “Gardai”, which means “the Guards” – and they will be present in most major cities. If you need to call an emergency service, you should call “999”, which you can dial for both the fire department and ambulance. Now, if you are a woman who is will travel alone, you should not worry about anything since it is incredibly safe for women to travel alone as well.

Things That You Should Experience While Traveling Alone

Source: The Everygirl

If I listed all the things you can see and do in Ireland, you would probably be reading this article for several hours. That is why the list below will feature the must-see and do things while in this lovely country. The things you should definitely see and do include:

1. You Will Definitely Want to Visit The Amazing Pubs

Source: shed plans simple

When you think about Irish culture, the first thing that comes to mind is a traditional, Irish pub. Once there, you can gain new friends, try the real Irish beer, and make your dream come true by playing real darts instead of the electronic one. If your goal is meeting new people, simply pay a round of drinks for the pub visitors, and you might be amazed when you find yourself going to your hostel at 3 am after a long night of mingling with people.

2. Spend One Day Exploring the Nature

Source: Gowrie Training

As you already know, besides the common reasons for visiting Ireland – like the amazing culture and history, hospitable people, and amazing food and beverages that you can try – one of the main reasons individuals choose to come back to this country is its incredible nature. That is why you should put on the hiking boots you packed, go out, and enjoy getting lost in the vast wilderness.

3. If Planned Right, You Can Attend The St Patrick’s Day Festival!

Source: We heart Moscow

If you are thinking about going to Ireland during March, you should unquestionably attend the festival organized for St Patrick’s Day – which is a day that is celebrated all over the world. Besides them celebrating St Patrick as their patron saint, they also celebrate the day as a symbol of acceptance, togetherness, and luck.

4. Ireland Has Long Been a Symbol of Finding Inner Peace

Source: Meditation

Solitude is a perfect chance for you to find inner peace. Exploring Ireland’s sacred locations and remote areas, and going to meditation and yoga retreats can help you learn more things about yourself. It is the best place for isolating yourself for everyday life, but, it is also an amazing location for spending the best alone-time ever.

5. Visit Amazing Museums, Galleries, And Attractions

Source: Culture Trip

One of the things that you should definitely not miss visiting is the wide range of attractions, galleries, and museums Ireland has to offer. There are several Nation Museums, as well as National Galleries that will allow you to glimpse at some of the most beautiful artworks in history. Also, if you are a beer enthusiast, absolutely opt for visiting the Guinness Storehouse.

6. Go to Live Music And Dance Gigs

Source: Dolan’s

Ireland is also famous for its music and its traditional dance. If you are like me, you are probably a big fan of these things and that is exactly why you should do to live music or dance shows while on this island. To see these things live will probably create some of the best memories that you will fondly remember and talk about.


As you can see, there are various reasons why you might want to visit Ireland. Besides its amazing people and landscapes, you will also enjoy some delicious food and beverages. Traveling alone is another benefit since you could spend that time to relax, think about the things that you want to do, as well as create friendships that could last a lifetime.

So, now that you know what you should do before your trip, as well as what you should visit once in green Ireland, do not waste any more time, and start planning your trip to this magnificent country right away!

How to Start Creating Your Own Techno Music

Well, techno is definitely one of the most popular types of music in the entire world. Wherever you go, you will find at least one club that plays techno music. Because of that, many DJs have chosen to play it.

Yet, techno music is not a typical genre. For many people, it is a way of life. That’s why you must know some tricks that will make your music attractive to the audience. If you only copy the rhythms from the world-wide famous DJs, they will consider you as a scam. You need to find a way to put your music in their heart and their subconscious.

Here are a couple of ways how you can create your own techno music and become successful.

Be Sure that You Want to Do It

As we said, techno is a specific type of music and for someone, it is a way of life. You can’t do this only because you want to earn money. The audience needs to understand that you are one of them. That’s what makes techno one of the most complex music genres of all. If you meet all the “requirements” that the audience has, then you are ready to start.

Source: MusicTech

Pick the Right DAW

DAW is an acronym for digital audio workstations. It is a music producing software that allows DJs to make their music. We don’t have the desire to promote any of the software solutions that you can find. However, we would like to mention some of the most popular ones. For instance, you will find many beginners that are trying to develop their music with FL Studio. Despite that, there are also some of them such as Pro Tools, Cubase, Ableton, etc.

Remember one thing. Some of them will only work on PC while others will only work on MAC. Of course, there are some pieces of software that will work on both. We suggest you google a little and see which digital audio workstation will satisfy your needs.
Now when you picked the software solution, then you learn how to use it in the best possible way. You can do that in several different ways. However, we suggest to beginners to start with researching YouTube. There you can find many tutorials that will explain to you the features of each tool.

To enhance the efficiency of your DAW, there is the additional option of plug-ins like LANDR that makes a curated library of samples all that much more accessible.

Find the Right VSTs

VST is one more acronym on our list. It means virtual studio technology. We can explain it as the audio plug-in software that integrates software effects and synthesizers in digital audio workstations. We suggest to beginners not to make quick decisions here.
First of all, why would you buy hundreds of virtual instruments when you do not know how to use them? It takes time to learn how to use all these things. That also means that you should not chase the most expensive ones. Save the money you have and invest it in some other things.

Source: Landr

Get a Good Speaker

This is another important piece of equipment that each DJ needs to have. The goal is to sound “neutral”. This means that your music needs to sound equally good on different devices. People can listen to it in a club, in their room, or on their mobile phone. Because of that, do not hesitate to spend money on this piece of equipment. Use the money that you previously wanted to spend on different VSTs.

Educate Yourself

When you get the basic equipment that each DJ needs to possess, the toughest part of this job comes. Even the most expensive equipment in the world will not guarantee you success. It is necessary that you have the knowledge and skills to impress the audience and make their parties even crazier.

So, we have noticed one very common mistake that DJs are making. When they get the necessary equipment, they immediately start to make a track. We understand that you are inpatient and that you want to make art as soon as possible. Yet, we suggest you, first master, each instrument that you plan to use before making tracks.

Source: alekbo.com

Make a Track

You are probably laughing know because we just said that you should not make the track. However, we know that the majority of beginners are stubborn because they have huge plans and goals. That’s why it would be better to give some piece of advice on how to start this move.

Making tracks should only serve you as a way of practicing. Do not get upset if you do not succeed to make something powerful in the beginning. Actually, it can happen that you won’t be able to do that in the first month or two. Still, if you stay mentally strong during that period, you succeeded to defeat the first barrier on the road to the top.

The first track doesn’t necessarily need to be original. Find some tracks that other DJs were making and try to mix their music. This is a good way to analyze how good your skills are. It doesn’t matter if the results are not bad. You are not in a hurry; there is plenty of time to boost your skills. Besides that, who is going to hear those tracks? Despite you and your neighbors, no one will ever hear it.

Find Your Style

It is quite important to discover which style of mixing music suits you the most. We suggest you start listening to some of the most popular DJs in the world. Of course, it is not the point to completely copy their work. However, it can serve you as an inspiration.

Source: Top Department

Offer the First Track to Audience

Well, after months of the hard work it is the right thing to check what your audience thinks about music. In the beginning, you should start working as a ghost producer. More precisely, you can sell your tracks to the ghost production platform.

Ghost production is a good way to analyze your audience. You will get honest feedback that will confirm which things you need to improve or completely change. Because of that, we suggest one ghost production platform to our readers. Visit edmwarriors.com and see which options this platform offers to DJs.

Why is Shopify a Better Platform for eCommerce?

E-commerce has fundamentally changed the business scenario. A growing number of suppliers now offer their products online rather than at physical stores. Therefore, it is necessary to develop e-commerce shops that reflect a perfect combination of aesthetics and functionality. Some of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the market include Magento, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, OpenCart, and BigCommerce. Shopify is a favored option for 88% of sellers who want simplicity, quality, efficiency and advanced features.

Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that allows you to create a basic online store setup quickly. Shopify has been used by more than 800,000 companies because the platform allows businesses to sell a single product or a handful of products based on their needs. Shopify is among the best hosted eCommerce platform, where you don’t need any server/hosting, SSL, etc. all you need is just a domain. They provide an all-in-one solution that includes hosting, SSL, security, performance, SEO, etc. For more details about these features, you can check review portal MyBestWebsiteBuilder.

Here are some reasons why Shopify is a better e-commerce platform

Source: IsItWP

1. Quick setup. Easy to use

Not all online entrepreneurs are technology experts. For this reason, most entrepreneurs fear setting up their own e-commerce shops, as they would encounter difficulties while building an e-commerce store. Shopify is a hassle-free platform that is easy to set up and use. It is the best alternative for people who are looking for a complete solution without having technical knowledge about the development and hosting of an online store.

Shopify offers a platform that you can use even if you do not know how to code at all. They took care of the hosting and the servers. All you need is your product and the name of your online store. Shopify provides several tutorials on their website, that you could watch to understand the basics. After that you only need a few minutes to create your basic online shop. Just go to the Shopify website and create an account with them and you are done.

From there you can easily customize your shop and list your products. Shopify is even easier than creating a blog on WordPress. Once you’ve listed your products to the platform, you can edit descriptions, customize color schemes, and add titles to your images.

You can manage your inventory using the Shopify admin, offer discounts, track orders/sales and manage transactions with ease. Shopify takes care of everything you need to manage a successful online store. Shopify is also a leading platform for dropshipping, with a lot of apps that can make your life easier, such as SaleSource. For more info, click here.

2. Great Security and Reliability

Another great advantage of Shopify is the security and reliability it brings for its users. Security is vital for online business because your customers will share confidential personal and financial information on your web store while completing their purchase. Key customer information that you process through your eCommerce includes credit card information and bank details. Shopify addresses these issues and all you have to do is focus on selling your products. Not needing to take care of security and reliability issues allows you to concentrate on building your business without worrying about the security of your customer’s confidential details.

Source: NVIT Marketing

3. Mobile optimized stores

Mobile responsiveness is key to the success of an e-commerce business because the number of mobile users is increasing every day. If your online shop is not easily accessible on mobile phones or if it loads very slowly, you will lose most of your customers to your competitors.

A mobile-friendly website increases the customer experience and ultimately increases your sales. Studies have shown that a majority of the people who now use their smartphones for shopping, no longer use desktop computers. An adaptable mobile website makes your online business a solution for the future.

Shopify takes care of mobile responsiveness so that you need not do anything. It comes with an extremely responsive website which keeps updating with new requirements as they become available. The prime goal of the platform is to take care of all the technical needs that stores may have, so that you only focus on selling products.

4. Secure and easy default payment option

A major challenge for an online retailer is the integration of a secure and reliable payment gateway. The payment gateway you use must allow buyers to pay with different payment options. While this is a big problem for self-hosted eCommerce websites, it’s not a problem for those using Shopify.

Shopify has its own payment provider to accept credit card payments. With Shopify, you can easily configure this payment gateway. Stripe the default payment gateway is one of the safest payment gateways available. You also benefit from cheaper credit card rates and the fact that you don’t need a business account to use Stripe’s services. Further, if customers do not have a credit card, other options like PayPal, Amazon, etc. are also available for tm to use on a Shopify store. Shopify provides support to lots of third party payment gateways that can be linked with the Shopify store if you choose not to use Shopify’s gateway.

Source: www.moneyunder30.com

Some of the main key features of Shopify are listed below:

Key features of Shopify:

  • Easy to use systems
  • Hosted Solution and Cloud-Based
  • Default Shopify payments (with stripe) and if needed, support for 100+ third-party Payment Gateways – check litextension.com for all you need
  • Responsive store, manage it from mobile
  • Unlimited Products and Bandwidth (visitors)
  • 24/7 dedicated Support
  • Security and Reliability
  • Better Performance
  • SEO Friendly
  • Supports blog
  • Shipping carrier integration
  • Thousands of Free and paid themes available on the Shopify Theme Store
  • Shopify own blog
  • Powerful Analytics
  • 14-Days Free Trial

Shopify provides lots of free and paid apps on the Shopify App Store to help you build your business, you can find some of the best ones on launchtip.com integrate with external services, and add more advance features to your Shopify store. Some of these features are:

Shopify Apps features:

  • Support for Multiple Languages
  • Dropshippers integration
  • Marketplaces integration
  • Loyalty/Rewards program
  • Email Marketing
  • Social plugin/feeds
  • Product Customization
  • B2B features like Wholesale Pricing, approval, etc.
  • Live chat

Shopify Pricing Plans

Now depending on the type of business, Shopify offers several subscription plans that have different monthly fees, transaction fees, and store features. There are four Shopify pricing plans to choose from:

  • ‘Basic Shopify’ – $29 per month
  • ‘Shopify’ – $79 per month
  • ‘Advanced Shopify’ – $299 per month
  • ‘Shopify Plus’ – fees are negotiable but in the region of $2000 per month.

Source – shopify

Bottom Line:

If you want to launch an online store, but are new to the industry, Shopify is a good option for you. If you do not benefit from your online shop, you can end your subscription at any time. This flexibility allows you to try out different models and ideas. If you are planning to launch your e-commerce store and want some professional help, have a look at the services offered by QualDev Inc. a Shopify development company.

If you are still looking for eCommerce platforms that help you with everything? -You can click here, to learn more.

Shopping For Gold Jewelry? Here are 7 Things You Need to Know

When shopping for beautiful jewelry accessories, gold is among the first things that come to mind. The use of gold in jewelry making dates back to the earliest civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece. The rich luster and beauty of gold have made it one of the most precious metals for centuries. The range of gold jewelry accessories that are available on the market can confuse jewelry buyers. There are unscrupulous dealers out there selling poor quality gold imitations which call for caution when shopping. If you are on the market for gold jewelry, SO ICY JEWELRY offers a wide range of high-quality products. In this guide, jewelry experts offer tips on how to make the best gold jewelry purchase and get good value for your money.

Why Invest in Gold Jewelry?

Gold accessories serve both as a form of an investment and as fashion accessories. Vintage gold jewelry is among the most popular items at auctions. Most fetch astonishing prices. Gold fashion can transform your ordinary outfit into something glamorous and stylish that turns heads. The popularity of gold has forced jewelry makers to refine the metal to get the perfect composition. In stores, you will find gold items in different karats, shapes, sizes and metal combinations. This makes it easy to find a beautiful piece that suits your style and budget. These accessories are versatile and work on multiple occasions.

What to Know When Shopping For Gold Jewelry

There is wide range of gold products on sale. You need to gather as much information as you can to make the best purchase. To find that perfect 10K gold Jesus pendant or any other gold piece, here are some things to consider:

1. Purity/Karat of Gold Jewelry

Source: GoldSilver

Gold purity is represented in karats (K) The number before the ‘K’ denotes the amount of gold in a piece. The higher the amount of gold in a product, the higher the karats. For instance, 24K gold contains 99.9% of pure gold and it is very expensive. On the other hand, 22K gold contains 92% of gold, while 14K gold contains 58.3% of gold. Beyond4cs.com has a fantastic article that covers the differences in more detail.

It is important to note that gold in its pure form is soft and not ideal for making jewelry meant for daily use. Pieces made from pure gold would require a lot of care and maintenance. That is why jewelry makers mix gold with other metals like zinc, nickel, or copper among others. Jewelry made of an alloy of a metal and pure gold is more durable than items made of pure gold. Although mixing gold with another metal affects the purity of the gold item it makes it sturdier and durable. For instance, some 10K gold rope chains have ten parts gold (41.7% pure gold) and 14 parts of another metal such as copper, zinc, silver or nickel. It is still authentic gold but with enhanced strength, making it ideal for making items that serve as accessories meant for daily use.

3. How To Check The Purity Of Gold

Source: Pinterest

When shopping for gold jewelry online, you have to be aware of fakes, cheap imitations and gold plated items that are available in plenty in the market. The popularity of gold accessories makes it easy for unscrupulous dealers to dupe buyers looking who look for a bargain.

Luckily, you can distinguish the real thing from fakes by looking at the hallmark or stamps on the gold piece. A gold item will have a hallmark or stamp as an indication of the purity of gold.  You only buy gold accessories that have a hallmark to ensure you get the best deal.

The hallmark denotes the purity of the gold in the piece you wish to buy. For instance, a 14-karat gold piece will have a 583,14K, 14kt, or a similar variation which indicates that the item you are buying is made of 14 parts of gold for every 24 parts in the alloy.

4. Buy From A Trusted And Reputable Dealer

Source: Medium

The greatest blunder you can make while shopping for gold jewelry is to buy from the first dealer you find. Imposters use exemplary marketing tactics to lure shoppers but they sell poor quality products and also offer poor services. You should take your time to read reviews, testimonials and also seek recommendations from other jewelry lovers. This guarantees that you enjoy professional services from your jeweler and receive high-quality products.

5. Check the Weight

Source: wikiHow

One of the most important things to remember when buying gold jewelry is that the weight of a piece affects its quality and durability. Troy ounces are used for weighing gold accessories, and heavier piece costs more. The weight of an item will include the weight of other components such as gemstones as well. Many gemstones, like semiprecious ones, are much cheaper than gold weight for weight and when used in jewelry, only add weight to inflate the price of the entire gold item. However, you should consider the quality or suitability of the gemstones that are added to the jewelry piece to determine whether they are worth having for the price you pay for the entire piece. You may buy a heavy jewelry item that has a high price and a lot of gemstones, yet a very little amount of pure gold in it.

6. Consider The Making Charge

Source: Fashion Industry Network

The price of the 10K gold Jesus pendant you want to buy might vary from store to store due to the making charge individual jewelers charge. The making charge is the cost of the labor involved in creating an entire piece. These charges are a percentage of the current price of gold and you might end up paying an inflated making charge because the rate of gold is high that day.

7. Shop when Gold Prices Fall

Source: Yahoo Finance

The price of gold jewelry varies depending on the time of year that you choose to buy them. During the holidays, gold accessories are in high demand as everyone looks for a gift for their loved ones. This is the time fashion lovers also shop for the best jewelry to upgrade their collections. You will find better prices when the gold prices on the market fall.

8. Don’t Pay Extra for Color

Source: My Gold Guide

Pure gold has a soft, warm yellow hue and it oozes elegance and class. However, you will also find other color variations, including white gold and rose gold. Some jewelry dealers will ask for a higher price for colored gold jewelry. Do not fall for this play. Rose and white gold contain other cheaper metals alloyed with gold and do not necessarily add value. With this knowledge, you can demand a better price for your colored gold accessories.

Final Thoughts

Buying gold jewelry can be an exciting experience. The thought of owning beautiful and elegant jewelry thrills any jewelry lover. However, it may also lead to poor decisions. Take time to learn about gold jewelry, including the purity rating and pricing. These ideas should start you off if you want to buy a high-quality 10K gold rope.

Digital Marketing Trends In 2024 – Rules That Don’t Change

Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, so anyone with a website should keep up with the trends in digital marketing. Not only is new technology changing the way people search the internet, but search engine scrollers use different criteria to rank sites. Implementing these trends in SEO marketing will help every business remain competitive in 2024 as well.

Technology In Digital Marketing

Source: Information Age

We know that year after year the trend of increasing the budget for digital marketing is much more applicable. Today, we have faster interaction, more channels of communication, more accessible technology, artificial intelligence, etc. As trustactivity noted, the technology in digital marketing is changing too fast and it has become extremely difficult to keep track of changes, but consumers expect us to apply those changes. They expect us to be available with as accurate and personalized information as possible. It’s not always so simple, so trends in this area must be followed. If you want to be successful in business – you have to be up-to-date with all the things that accompany this marketing sphere.

Importance Of Following Trends In Digital Marketing

Needless to say, it is impossible to run a successful business today, or even exist at all, without several types of digital marketing –  whether it be websites, social networks, or any other online advertising method. In recent years digital marketing has become a “must-have” and who doesn’t use it is not IN. Because the time has come in which the ways and types of online advertising are constantly changing, it is extremely important to be aware of upcoming trends in 2024. We present to you some of those we consider important.

1. Live Video – Adoption And Creative Use

Source: iTechify

The growth of live video form could be traced long back to 2015, and it has not stopped since then. It was primarily due to the rise in popularity of live Youtube streaming and Facebook’s Live service. Forms of marketing promotion through live streaming service are very powerful and exciting. Instantaneous and spontaneous live video gives you the ability to show your brand or company through streaming behind-the-scenes and short live reports that engage your social media followers to interact with the company at a more direct level. Therefore, you can provide them with a better sense of belonging.

Are Requirements For Such Marketing Forms Demanding?

This type of live video requires very little in terms of equipment costs and preparation time – and gives you a more natural way to communicate with your audience. On the other hand, it also allows you to create more polished types of shows, with multiple cameras, scenarios and a prepared studio if you want to stream a particular event or broadcast a conference that might otherwise be unavailable to most of your audience. You can schedule these live events on each of the platforms and keep track of the number of people watching them. The audience can participate in the discussions within the comments. After the streaming is complete, the video is saved and you can change its name, add captions and additional information, as well as other options – such as the Call to Action button on Facebook Live videos.

2. Native Advertising and Content Marketing

Source: plista Blog

Traditional advertising models are becoming less effective year by year, and the past year has not given us any reason to think that things will get better. In contrast, native marketing has gained in popularity and the number of investment companies have made over the last few years and has expanded across several different online platforms. People generally like the idea of ​​getting their ads organically and engagingly. That means without too much impact on their experience on the platforms and with a barely noticeable difference from the non-advertising content of a site. Users are also more willing to follow the promoted content, especially if they see it as useful and if the content is targeting a good demographic in the right way. Another form of personalized targeting and audience reach is content marketing, which is gaining in its importance.

Importance Of Content Marketing

Content Marketing allows your company to build interaction with your audience and gain trust by offering them useful and relevant information at a regular pace. Content marketing is a technique that is feasible for any company or brand, as it can cover almost any topic and can be done in many ways. The key to successful content marketing is consistency in brand presentation, type of speech and approach. Of course, we must not forget about SEO optimization, which is of great importance. With a good SEO partner like EZ Rankings, you can expect very good results and better positioning that you need to complement with some high-quality content. You should also have a high level of presentation at a steady pace, with a focus on the true purpose of your content. If you make your visitors feel interested and well informed – they will come back and monitor your content in the future. Visit Techslang to learn how their team of professional writers can help you achieve this.

3. Influencer Marketing

Source: www.coriweb.it

We have seen a rise in popular online personalities with a large number of followers. They mostly reached them through their blogs or by interacting on social networks. Therefore, they may be a great “tool” to advertise to concentrated interest groups. The past few years have been particularly “strong” in terms of this type of marketing, as large companies have regularly used influencer services.

Personal Recommendation Always Has An Effect

Marketing through influential personalities is gaining more and more significance, as their natural style of conveying information through personal recommendations allows you to generate great interest with potential clients. Choosing an influencer for your focus audience can significantly affect how successful your marketing campaigns will be, and how many positive reactions you can generate.

4. Mobile Integration, Augmented Reality And Temporary Content

Source: Construction World

Mobile Integration

Mobile integration itself makes the whole marketing plan focused on speed. Over the coming years, we will see a further increase in the popularity of mobile media usage, so you should initially include this in your marketing plans.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is a very promising segment of technologies that are available to almost everyone right now. There are already many wearables and other products on the market that offer unobstructed advertising options for companies – such as smartwatches, rings, glasses, etc.  It’s still not clear what can be classified as augmented reality, but there are already apps that provide you with a good method of advertising according to your current location or by connecting to a camera on your phone and recognition software.

Temporary Content

Temporary content can be seen as a similar concept to online marketing, and Snapchat is making major strides in terms of popularity and number of users. It can be used in a similar way to live video services but should be seen more as a mobile-focused platform. Marketing through the Snapchat app, along with ideas taken from the live video service, can also be done through influential personalities, promotions and prize competitions.

Smart Shopping Tips to Follow in 2024

We all love to shop and we do it frequently, especially during the holidays when we want to buy gifts for friends and family. It may be one costly endeavor, but we want to make everyone happy and enjoy this period of the year the best way we can. Striving to work and balance all the obligations simply requires a celebration from time to time.

Being a little wise about your shopping can help you use your budget well. It is very important to do a small research before going for a shopping spree because finding stores where they offer discounts may save you a lot of money. Stores don’t offer a discount at the same time, so doing small research online may be a good idea. Here are a few main tips to follow when you want to go shopping, so you can save some money along the way.

1. Review and Compare

Source: PCMag

If you are interested to buy kitchen appliances, furniture, or some other costly items for your home, reading reviews can help you a lot. First, you will better understand the advantages and disadvantages of that particular item you are looking to buy, helping you make an informed decision. People who already purchased things like a washing machine or a dryer can tell you a lot about all the options that these appliances have to offer, as well as the downsides of these particular models.

It is very useful to go through as many reviews as you can because the experiences of others can be pretty valuable when making this kind of decision. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about all the things that you’re interested in, because the more information you have the more satisfied you will be when you actually make the purchase.

Compare all the reviews you can find and choose the item that suits your needs the most. There are also many websites that do this kind of comparison for their users, making your research a lot easier. With so much information online, it is nearly impossible to make a bad purchase. Simply get the best of the available information, give yourself some time to make an informed decision and this will certainly pay off in the long run.

2. Find Discounts

Source: Money Crashers

Many big companies offer discounts for their loyal customers, so some will offer a discount if you sign up, or when the total price reaches a certain amount so doing research in this area is also very helpful as well. Compare the prices and you will certainly be able to spare some money this way. Don’t shop on the first website you find because the first may be the priciest available.

Install a shopping app that will show you the best deals available. If you scan barcodes of the item you would like to buy, you will instantly get the costs of that particular item online and in various local stores. It is very easy to use and it can make your shopping a lot easier and faster. There is also an option of receiving the alert when the price of the wanted item drops. The only thing you need to do is react fast and grab it while you can. Also, many stores allow their customers to use coupons and it can be a pretty useful thing for making a better deal. If you wish to check some of them, visit GetYourCouponCodes.

3. Keep Your Eye on the Local Discounts

Source: Business Insider

Every local store, where you probably buy your groceries at, has discounts from time to time that can also be a way to put the few dollars back into your savings account. The big packages are usually cheaper, so take this into account when making a shopping list. Planning your weekly menu will also help you make the most out of the food you buy because many pieces of research have shown that most people buy more than they can eat.

Think about it carefully before you go shopping, write everything down because if you go to the store with the list, you will decrease the chance of buying a lot of unnecessary items. Also, one piece of advice – never go to the store when you’re hungry. You will buy everything that’s your stomach tells you it’s tasty, which will probably increase your bill significantly. Don’t get surprised if you come back home with bags full of unhealthy food choices without any items that you actually wanted to buy.

When it comes to buying clothes, stores usually give discounts around the holidays, so planning your shopping around these dates may be a smart thing to do. Also, reevaluating your shopping strategy may be something to consider. Buy a few statement items that can be combined numerous times which will also be great for your budget. Shopping clothes for kids is one constant ride because kids grow fast, so shopping in advance and when the discounts are big can be a smart investment. It can save you a lot of money because let’s face it – why would you give all the money away when there is no need to? That money can be used in a much better way.

Source: Business Or Pleasure

Online shopping has made everything much easier, so take advantage of that – research, read, compare and ask everything you want to know before making the final decision. Stick to a budget and strive to save at least a few dollars every time you buy anything. Appliances must be of the highest quality so they can serve you a long time. If you are looking for a piece of new furniture, consider selling the old one which will also bring you a certain amount of cash into your bank account. Don’t engage in hasty shopping, and because even though something you saw looks nice, it doesn’t mean that it will have a practical and real value to you. Think about everything twice and enjoy yourself once you complete your shopping goal!

Different Size Pools: Which Ones Should You Choose?

Installing a pool in your garden will not only be beneficial for entertainment purposes and cooling down during the scorching summer days, but, it will also bring various health benefits for your family and friends as well. However, if you did some research before opening this article, by now, you are probably overwhelmed by the number of things you will need to think about.

If you are in this situation, you might find the text below helpful. The article will mention the best tips for choosing a proper size for your swimming pool, however, it will also feature some of the things you will want to consider. Let’s take a look at the things you should first think about:

What Will It Be Used For?

Source: Agoda

This might look like a question that you can easily answer, it is not that easy. In fact, there are literally hundreds of reasons why someone would like to install a pool. That is why you will want to consider all the things a pool can be used for. These things include:

  • If It Will Be Used For Relaxation And Fun Activities

If this is the reason why you want to have a pool, it will need to have both a deep and shallow end. The deep part can be used by people who are experienced, while the shallow one is perfect for kids and younger teenagers. If you want people of all ages to use it, you should consider how deep the pool ends will be.

If your family has more than 6 people, opt for an 18×36-foot pool, which will be suitable for this number of people. This should be enough to avoid crowds and people will also be able to play fun games while inside. The best shape for a pool that is this large is a rectangle. However, if there are less than 5 people in your family, a smaller 16×32-foot one will be sufficient. Hence, you and all your family members will be able to swim and relax in the pool. The best size for this size option is a kidney or a free-form pool.

  • If You Will Regularly Exercise in it

If you are someone who wants to regularly swim and exercise in the pool, you will want to get a rectangle pool. It should be at least 30-feet long, and the depth will depend on the type of exercise you perform. If you, for example, want to use it for laps, you should know that a swimming lane is important as well.

  • If You Are an Athlete

If you are an athlete, the depth will need to be more than your height. This will allow you to maximize your efforts and you will also be able to perform the perfect strokes. Now, it would be impossible for us to tell you the right size for athlete swimmers because it will depend on your height, as well as your preference. This is why you will need to decide what you will be doing in the pool before thinking about calling a company.

Do You Have Enough Space For it?

Source: booking.com

As mentioned earlier, there are various reasons why people choose to implement a pool – however, all of them will need to consider the size of their yard. The space you have available will influence how large or small the pool will be, as well as if you want it to have other features.

How Often Will People Use it?

Source: My Pool Guy

Yet another thing to consider is how often you will use it. This will influence how much you will need to maintain your pool. Insects, debris, pets, and people can make it unusable, especially if it is not maintained regularly. Choosing an in-ground fiberglass pool might be the best option, especially since they are durable and strong. If you want to see more information about fiberglass pools, check out localpools.com.au.

Will You Add Other Items to Your Pool?

Source: Party – LoveToKnow

You will need to determine the overall size restraints before you install a pool in your yard. Once you place it and other things, like a patio, you will want to ensure that there is still enough space for other things that you will like to have in your garden. These things can include a barbecue, trampoline, a table and chairs, gardening shed, and so on. These are important things to think about because your yard might be small for everything. Hence, determine what you might want to add in the future and then determine how big your pool should be.

Your Budget Will Influence Your Options

Source: Calculating Destiny

Of course, you know this, but it is still worth mentioning. Your budget will drastically influence the options you can choose from. Now, this does not only revolve around the size of your pool, but it will also revolve around the design, type, and style you can get, as well as what features do you want the pool to have.

So, before even thinking about calling a company that will install your pool, you should definitely know what your budget will be like. This will not only make things easier for you but for the contractor as well – especially since they will be able to tell you what pool you can get by knowing what your budget is. Visit “Titan Pavers” to learn more!


The tips previously mentioned in the article are some of the most important things that you should consider and determine when thinking about installing a swimming pool in your backyard. Keep in mind that a swimming pool can actually raise the price of your estate, hence if you are planning on selling your house in the future, the pool will turn out to be a good investment.

Choosing the best pool size and type might not be the easiest process and decision you will make. You will need to think about so many things that you might get stressed at first, however, by following the tips above, you might be able to make the entire process of opting for a swimming pool size easier, less time-consuming, as well as less stressful for you. So, now that you know everything that you should consider, do not waste any more time, and start searching for a pool installer company that will make your wishes come true!

Top 4 Benefits of Using Chatbots (2020)

The main use of chatbots is to further enhance the effectiveness of a business’s online presence. Chatbots are slowly becoming very popular amongst entrepreneurs and startups.

Those that do use such technology are clever enough to see the benefits that come with them. From a purely business standpoint, you only want the best for your business to succeed. And that is precisely what this technology provides business owners.

In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the benefits that come with using chatbots.

1. Chatbots Greatly Benefit Users

Source: Medium

There are three main benefits when it comes to users of such technologies. By users, we mean the people that the chatbots are meant to help. These are ordinary website visitors who’ve stumbled upon the website in question to enquire about the businesses’ service.

The three main benefits are:

  • 24/7 Customer Support:

Unlike human customer support, where the issue of strict work times and long queues are almost guaranteed, chatbots completely eliminate both and provide users with 24/7 customer support.

This means that every time you need to enquire about specific things, the technology will be available for you to do so. Furthermore, a response is almost instantaneous and users save on average four minutes of their time.

  • Instant Answering

To elaborate on the previous point, instant answering is a huge benefit of using this technology.

No one wants to wait in line, especially not if we are in a hurry. Since chatbots are client-side, they instantly reply whenever we ask a question or enquire about specific things.

Chatbots are an excellent way to keep your customers satisfied.

  • Ordering and Booking

This technology has the potential to sell a service or product. Furthermore, their use goes beyond the buying process and they even allow for orders to be placed. By using this tech, you can put an end to customers having to call you for booking an appointment, buying a product, or placing orders.

2. They Generate Leads

Source: Medium

Moving onto the benefits that come with chatbots for the business, nothing beats more than having an automated process generate leads.

Since businesses sell their products and services across various channels on the World Wide Web, a great deal of importance is placed on how effectively they can sell their services and products.

A customer visits your website or social media account to inquire about a product or service.

The customer does this because he is interested in buying from you, so the connection must be established. The best way to do so, without the customer having to do so, is to use chatbots.

In the case of both websites and social media accounts whenever a customer visits your website, the chatbot will pop up somewhere in the bottom right corner.

This effectively established a connection between your business and the customer, and it can be done only through the use of such technology.

3. Solve Customer Service Costs

Source: Freshdesk

On average, businesses spend around $1.5 trillion per year on solving customer requests. This is a staggering amount of money for having to answer questions and requests.

And, according to botsurfer.com, a service that allows you to employ your own business chatbot, the technology can help reduce costs up to 45%!

Most of the fees come in the form of hiring new employees. And as any business owner knows, new employees need to be paid, trained and provided equipment to work on.

These costs can accumulate through time, and it only weighs down on the business. Furthermore, having to pay people to work 2nd and 3rd shifts can cost you even more, hence why businesses that use human customer support don’t provide the service at a specific time of the day.

Businesses can cut back on these costs without even compromising the quality of their customer support. Through the use of such technology, a business can scale its support to accommodate every person regardless of when they need support.

Another thing this tech does is fully automate the ticketing process. This means that not only will they provide each customer with an answer, but they will create a ticket, store it in your database, and archive it.

So, with zero costs, you can use AI customer support and scale it depending on your working needs. Click here intellipaat.com for AI Course.

4. Help With Engagement

Source: Small Business Trends

Brands and businesses want customers to engage with them through various means. However, a recent study has pointed out that chatbots can increase customer engagement by up to 40% if the tech is implemented in the right way.

The technology cannot communicate with customers on its own, you need to make certain tweaks and changes for it to successfully work.

So, to help you, here is how you can create the most effective bot to increase customer engagement.

  • Make the Customer Satisfied

The customer wants someone to come and solve his problem. Since the tech will instantly reply and communicate with the customer, it will make the customer himself satisfied.

  • Personalized Touch

With the help of big data, chatbots can be thought to learn how the customer engages and communicates with it.

Thanks to the machine learning algorithms, the chatbot can analyze each reply and provide an answer based on it. This level of personalization can make customers engage more with your brand, by knowing that you are a trusted source for information and a problem solver.

  • Improve UX

One large factor that determines how satisfied a customer is is to provide him with the best possible experience while browsing your website.

By using this tech, you are providing the user with more information and more channels where he can reach you. With instant messaging, you are eliminating customer dissatisfaction.

By having chatbots communicate in real-time with your visitors, you are solving their problems and helping them navigate throughout the buying process.

As a matter of fact, this service can be used to help the customer complete the purchase, by providing key information related to the product or service.

Eco-friendly Tech: Innovations That Help Sustain Environment 

Green-tech, clean-tech, eco-friendly tech are terms used for technologies that help preserve the environment. However, we like to call it “the dire need of the collapsing ecosystem.”

It hurts, it practically hurts, to read and write about the current environmental condition of the Earth. The planet is burning, starving and decaying every passing moment. The global temperature is rising, natural resources are depleting, and the world is still divided about finding a solution for this phenomenon.

As per the recent study, 2019 was the warmest year on record of the world’s ocean because 93% of the excess heat caused by greenhouse gases from human activities were absorbed by oceans. This has shielded the Earth from the worst effects of rising temperatures for now, but ultimately there will be consequences.

Living in a world filled with technology, it’s justified for us to believe that only technological inventions can play their role in stopping this planet’s decay. And this is true too to some extent. Green-tech inventors have come forward with some environment-friendly tech gadgets to help save the world:

Renewable Energy

Source: Energy News 24

The clean energy sector has contributed profoundly to eco-friendly tech advancements. Green tech inventors have come up with various eco-friendly technologies that use renewable energy concepts. Reliable sources of energy like wind, solar and hydroelectric power have become a widespread phenomenon and cheaper option for sustainable energy usage.

Renewable energy along combined with technological inventions have also become a cheaper and more efficient source for large scale businesses.

Going Digital


While boomers accuse Generation Z of bringing planet Earth to the verge of extinction by consuming all-natural resources, research shows a contrary perspective.

Ipsos MORI, on behalf of Amnesty International, conducted a survey with Gen Z about their opinion on the current state of human rights, the issues they feel are most important and their opinion regarding who is responsible to address the abuses.

The study showed that a total of 41% of respondents selected climate change as an issue that should be addressed immediately.

Thanks to the advent of technology, the world is going digital. Using a smartphone to manage schedules instead of a notepad have made people less independent on paper.

Many companies around the world are also going digital now. From email newsletters to communicating through Skype, the business world has managed to save a lot of trees from being cut down by decreasing the use of paper.

Smart Homes

Source: TopTech Electric

The desperate need for environment-friendly inventions for a sustainable environment have resulted in smart homes.

Houses are one of the biggest energy consumers, therefore the need to replace the idea of old housing styles was a must to sustain the current deteriorating environment. Smart homes support the environment with tech inventions such as smart thermostats and motion-activated lighting that lets you save money and energy at the same time.

Gadgets like these are available to accommodate homes as well as businesses to help save energy and waste fewer resources needed by the planet.

Environmental Monitoring

Source: Xylem

Technological inventions are being used on a macro level to help protect the environment.

In most of the developed and developing countries of the world, environment-related laws and regulations have been established to help secure the environment from further deterioration. However, it has been observed that the implementation of these laws has become a hard task for governments.

Here’s where technology comes into play. Technological inventions such as drones act as security cameras in the wild. In areas where poachers hunt for endangered animals, drones come handy in protecting animals from illegal hunting.

Environmental monitoring also helps governments in keeping an eye on companies whether they are following the laws and regulations to help sustain the environment.

Sharing Economy

Source: IBIMA Publishing

The sharing economy concept has come handy in enabling an informal impact on society.

Companies like Uber make it easier for people to get around without owning a car. Similarly, platforms such as Airbnb makes it easier for people to utilize empty spaces that benefits both the environment and travelers alike.

Take Away

Climate changes that we have caused are now biting us back in the face. However, we can use technology to our advantage to combat environmental changes. Technological discussion shouldn’t only be restricted on coming up with a BuyTvInternetPhone or a smartphone that rules over all other flagship smartphones. Rather, we should expand our horizons and discuss how technological inventions can playing their part to make the world a better place.

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