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Benefits of Playing Board Games

Board games are one of those instruments that can obliterate any feeling of boredom in the player’s psyche. Endorphins or happiness inhibitor hormones are found in a happy person’s body. Just like online or video games, board games increase a person’s logical thinking abilities and make them smarter by developing their cognitive and Logical and mathematical Intelligence.

Gamers are usually big brains with expertise in sequential and abstract reasoning and inductive or deductive thinking. There are a few board games like Chess, Scrabble, Monopoly, Battleship, etc. that are popular among people of all ages. This article portrays some benefits of playing board games. Let’s have a glance:

Source: Maritime Industry Foundation

1. Chill out

Board games are the best way to loosen up with friends. These are good ice breakers as in the spirit of some friendly competition. People tend to open up more. When a board game is played among friends, it acts as a means to challenge each other’s capabilities right there in some friendly competition and makes the bonding grow.

Also, as mentioned earlier, endorphins are the prime source of happiness in a person, and board games can help them out when a person is really in need of some. If you feel that this sounds like a great idea – check some of the latest board games from boardgamesland.com. They have a vast collection of tabletop game reviews and even card games to a lesser extent.

2. Increases Brain Activity

Board games tend to keep you on your toes and penalize you for every instance of slip-ups on your part. Your adversaries in the game can get their hands on tools for winning while your slip up might have cost you a fortune.

Therefore, this type of gaming helps us focus on essential aspects of the gameplay like strategic and higher-level thinking, cognitive skills and inspires creativity in challenging circumstances which you have to get out of using your hippocampus and prefrontal cortices alone. When you are playing chess, it doesn’t require only analytic skills but also intuition, since it takes the information about a given situation and you should use that information to draw useful inferences about affected future outcomes. Addidtilay, chess helps you to increase your IQ, develop your problem-solving skills as well as prevent Alzheimer’s disease. To learn more about chess benefits check out the Secret Health Benefits Of Chess You Never Knew article on Kaoori.

Source: www.videoblocks.com

3. Health Management and Time for Family

As endorphin levels go up, chances of blood pressure decrease manifold. People play critically challenging games to unwind and relax and also to relieve stress. In current times, finding time for family is a tough thing for us Millenials to do. We are always so engrossed in our affairs that we do not prioritize our time with the family.

A post-dinner game with all of the family, even though everybody has different schedules, is indeed a possibility. This activity strengthens family bonding as it allows the members to joust playfully at each other yet be respectful.

4. Increase self-confidence and creativity

Individuals that usually have a hard time communicating through the fixed norms can show their creativity and unique thinking off in board games as these are quiet appraisers or their thought processes. Playing helps them by bringing their creativity out for the world to see, thereby boosting their self-identity and sense of individuality.

This type of gaming can also heighten your senses of association and locating, which can help you find things around the house faster as well as remember the map of your surroundings better.

Source: Inc.com

5. Speeds up responses

Board games are used by many as stepping stones to gain superior cognitive abilities along the lines of logical reasoning and data interpretation. Board games are scenarios that the player has to adjust to and win at any point in time to outshine his contemporary.

That leads to faster communication (i.e., two-dimensional commands are well understood and reciprocated to) and management capabilities involving decisions that need to be taken on the surety of extremely few variables. That adds to the skills of the player.

The decisions made in a split second are the ones yielding maximum productivity as the gamer’s mind has gotten accustomed to heightened gameplay where he cannot spare too much time for making a decision.

6. It teaches us how to set goals

Setting goals and having determination enough to achieve them shows a man’s character. Building up to a victory doesn’t happen overnight, but it takes strategy, ready wits, and patience. In pursuit of success, people often overlook the reason they needed a victory in the first place.

Games teach us how to set goals and achieve them in a stress-free and happy environment. The stakes in games are low so that the losing side doesn’t go bankrupt or suffer terrible losses, but can take note of what they did wrong and how they did it and build on it to attain economies of scale later. Thus learning to grow in an adventurous environment with patience as one of the essential virtues makes learning from board games so crucial.

7. Takes our mind off the terrible content available online

Social media used to be a platform that enforced creativity from the right kind of patrons. Nowadays, social media websites are just money hungry and care very little about the type of content that is up on their websites.

They only want traffic to increase, and as the days of mobile phones and internet connections are not foreign to any single citizen. Still, instead, everyone has their heads wrapped around in a bubble that is going viral.

These online contents and creators have very little care for what they are putting out, and these are usually rejects that try way too hard to appear relevant. Board games on sites like GameCows shift our focus from these contents, a more relative environment that can help us grow.

Wrapping Up:

Thus even in today’s world of high tech gadgets and fast-moving cars, board games haven’t gone out of fashion. These involve dexterity and coordination among the senses you never thought before could work so well together.

The ability of children to focus on subjects for more extended periods and pick up practical motor skills at an early age is made possible through this type of gaming activity.

Also, a functionally active brain shows slower risks of cognitive decline. Nowadays, board games are incorporated into popular culture, and thus relevant gaming activities are made to keep the youth and all other age groups hooked.

How Content is Crucial for Your SEO Strategy

Although there are several marked differences between SEO and content marketing, the two strategies are very much related and dependent on each other. In fact, without one, whatever amount of time and effort you invest in the other can be in vain.

As cliché as it may sound, content truly is king, especially where digital marketing is concerned. It is the solid foundation on which every SEO marketing strategy is built.

And it must be incorporated effectively into your marketing strategy if you expect your digital marketing campaign to be successful.

What is the content?

Source: SEO Strategy

Before we can talk about how relevant content is to SEO, we must first understand what the former is. When people hear the word, what first comes to their mind is text of a webpage or a blog article.

However, it isn’t restricted to text alone — it can exist in various other formats such as images, audio, videos, presentations, and so much more.

In the end, content is whatever readers visit your website to read, listen to, or watch. It is that piece of information that you provide for them to satisfy their needs and search intent.

To streamline this process, consider utilizing efficient marketing content automation. Learn more about how you can enhance your content management at: https://brandfolder.com/product/marketing-content-automation/.

What is SEO content writing?

Source: Fiverr

It is worthy of note that not every piece of information you come across on the internet is of high quality or relevant to the needs of the targeted audience. Some are poorly crafted and don’t come close to offering any kind of use to the reader.

Content that is optimized for SEO is the type you want to have on your website. It is always written in such a way that makes your website rank higher for keyword searches that are related to your industry.

Optimizing your content for SEO involves using related keywords in the title of your web pages and blog posts, and placing them strategically at various points throughout the entire article.

Nevertheless, you should have it in mind that optimizing for humans is just as important as optimizing it for search engines.

As such, your content shouldn’t be crammed full of keywords, simply because you want to boost your search rankings. Google may see this as spam and penalize your website for it, and it might take your website forever to recover.

There are several legitimate ways to optimize your website for SEO, including using header tags (<h1>, <h2>, <h3>) as well as other formatting tools to emphasize the keywords.

Ultimately, the fundamental feature of your writing must always be its quality, relevance, and value to your visitors. Not only will this attract more visitors to your site, but it will also boost your search engine ranking drastically.

The best thing is to work with Courimo.com that will meet your digital marketing needs while you focus on your business.

The relevance of content to SEO

Source: Shavi Tech

1. Quality content boosts your search rankings

Google’s algorithms are constantly evolving, but its goal has always remained the same — to enhance search results for its users. To achieve this, Google does its best to deliver the most useful and relevant pieces of information that is available to users on the internet.

They are ranked on the SERPs by order of their usefulness and relevance to users searching for related keywords.

2. What does this mean for you?

Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it? For your content to be of any significant SEO value, the information it provides needs to be useful and relevant to searchers. By making it informative and valuable, you optimize it for SEO.

And as a result, your search engine ranking and online visibility will skyrocket considerably.

SEO demands the usage of keywords

Source: Search Engine Watch

Even though Google ranks web pages and blog posts by measure and order of their quality and value, keywords still matter a great deal.

As much as Google prizes quality if your content doesn’t contain keywords that are relevant and related to your industry. This may negatively affect your ranking on the SERPs.

This is why you should use keywords in strategic places throughout your website. Places like the title, subheadings, and some other points in the body. Integrating keywords in your marketing strategy is great for helping you compete with and stand out from other brands in your industry.

Quality content helps you obtain social validation

Source: Search Engine Watch

There are several ways to obtain social validation, including paying to promote your content and offering promotions or discounts on your products. However, the easiest, cheapest and surest way to obtain social validation is by producing quality content.

When people find answers to their questions and solutions to their problems through your website, it is only natural that they would promote your content through their social media pages and word of mouth.

When they share your links on their timelines and their websites, Google recognizes this as social validation and considers it when ranking your website.

Tips for creating optimized content

Source: Medium

Before you can create content that is optimized for SEO, there are a few steps that you need to follow:

1. Do keyword research

While we have emphasized that your main focus should be to create useful and relevant content, bear it in mind that keyword research is also essential.

Before you write, use a reliable keyword research tool to find the keywords people mostly use when searching for the service or products you provide.

Next, ensure that the keyword you choose is relevant to the topic you are writing about. Then insert it at strategic point. However, be careful not to overdo it.

Content that is stuffed with keywords may be considered spam, and as a result, Google may penalize your website.

2. Format for optimal readability

Nowadays, people have the attention span of a goldfish. And so, if you want to retain them on your website for longer than ten seconds, not only should you prioritize quality; you should also ensure that it is easy on the eyes.

One way to do this is by breaking it down into a smaller chunk of texts using paragraphs, subheadings, and visuals. Content that is poorly formatted, no matter how informative it is, is greatly frowned upon by readers.

So, keep this in mind whenever you are creating and optimizing your website.

In conclusion, SEO and content marketing work hand in hand with each other — so much that one cannot succeed without the other. You must remember this concept and focus on creating quality, optimized content if you truly want your search engine rankings to improve.

How (Not) To Be A Complete Amateur In Apex Legends?

In several battling games that started to rise after the triumph of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and Fortnite – Apex Legends has also emerged. By its name, it seems like another conventional representative of the class that will be overlooked very soon. However, Apex Legends turned out to be one of the quickest developing player games. This data is not sufficient to give a genuine impression of the game itself, but there are tons of things that Apex did effectively contrasted with its rivals. What more, it even presented a few innovations.

Team Play – The Most Important Factor

Besides following the well-tested fighting equation well known to all, this game stands apart for its team play. In spite of the fact that there are other squad formations games – Apex Legends currently has teams containing three players each. This game additionally presents a ping framework that until recently existed merely in MOBA games like League of Legends. Although there is voice chat in the game, the ping system is designed in such a way that almost 90% of communication takes place through it. Such a system gives all the necessary information quite visible on the screen even without opening the folder.

Teamwork is also extremely important, even though there are players who can practically carry their team on their backs. One of the innovations introduced by Apex Legends is the ability to revive players on your team after someone has killed them. This ability gives a new dimension of importance to every member of the team.

Source: EV Gaming

Presence Of Different Classes And Characters

Another significant factor adding to team cooperation is the presence of various classes. There are essential 4 classes – the tank, heal, damage and scout. Since the majority of the capacities that the characters have are of an assistant type – it is extremely simple to pick diverse teams that can give a positive outcome. In any case, it appears that the tank class has no functional spot in this game. The main two characters that have a place with this class are Gibraltar and Caustic and yet, these two characters can be met in a match just once in a while. Simply, their abilities are not too influential on the course of the battle. For example, Gibraltar at first glance looks quite solid because of its huge defensive field.

However, it’s very easy to run into that field and kill the opponents. So, when you consider everything, it is very clear why few people choose these characters or why they are thought to be weaker than others. Of course, the development team will surely work on the balance, but generally, the impression is that the tank class is unnecessary, mostly because of the gameplay dynamic.


Weapons are an essential factor in every battle game, and so is the case with Apex Legends. At present, the balance is relatively solid in the sense that it is not necessary to have exclusively two weapons to win a game. The balance is designed to give players plenty of valid weapon combinations to use. However, there are currently two weapons that stand out the most in strength, as well as several weapons that are not strong enough.

Source: AllGamers

Wingman And Peacekeeper

These two are currently perhaps the best weapons in the game when it comes to mid-range or close combat. Wingman resembles a bit of an R8 revolver in CS: GO, but still requires far more precision than other weapons. Peacekeeper is one of the three guns to fall into the shotgun category and as such is very effective in chest-to-chest combat.

However, the problem with Peacekeeper is that there is a Precision Choke accessory that allows these weapons to be used at close range to become a mid-range sniper, which is a bit worrying. Things get much clearer if we consider that of the other two rifles in this category, one is completely useless (Mozambique) and the other one is a pump that is not so bad. Still, Peacekeeper can be far more useful. The development team’s official response to the balance is that they have made the game in which there should be bad weapons or weapons that become good after a few accessories, as well as weapons that are good and without accessories. However, in this case, they require the greater skill of the player himself.

Skill Is Important

Notwithstanding some of the benefits, this game still requires skill and a sense of teamwork. But what if you are still not a skilled player? Of course, you must first find your favorite Legend on which to “bake the craft”, before moving on to the rest of the colorful crew. And later? Well, then you can seek help from the true legends – and by that, we mean the legends of this game.

The best connoisseurs of this game are offering you their coaching services that will certainly be of great help to your progression in this exciting adventure. It all works very simply. You just need to visit this website, search for the game and coach whose services you may need. Then you make contact with a manager so you could organize your coaching session, and set your order. Simple as that.

What Distinguishes The Good From The Bad Players?

What separates the good from the bad players is the use of pitch, as it is very easy to climb different objects and thus gain a height advantage over opponents. It is also possible to slip on downhills and flat terrain which is far better and requires more skill in avoiding bullets, than squatting or lying down. As a result, more player mobility is gained, which makes the game’s dynamics much greater and as a consequence, the gameplay more fun.

Source: Socialnewsify.com

Best Features Of The Game

The best features of the game in comparison to competitors are the quality of graphics and animation, easy detection of opponents in the open and closed spaces, as well as the aforementioned gameplay. The quality of the graphics and animation stand out from the competition, and it can be seen that the development team has devoted a great deal of work to this segment. Therefore, the graphical menu has a sufficient number of options that will be suitable for players who are oriented by FPS numbers or those who are looking to maximize the image quality.


One can get the impression that this is an almost perfect battle royale game, which currently is the case. Still, the question is: What will happen in the future? It is known that new legends will be inserted, but even though the development team is actively interacting with players – there are still many unknown things. The main question that bothers the skeptics is whether this title will turn into another battle royale trend that people will forget in a few months or if Respawn Entertainment will be able to insert enough interesting content relatively often to keep the game fresh. Until then, all we can do is not think too much about the future and enjoy the hours spent playing Apex Legends with your friends.

Chandler Riggs Net Worth 2024


What Is Chandler Riggs Net Worth?

Chandler Riggs Net Worth: Chandler Riggs is a 20-year-old American actor and DJ from Atlanta, Georgia. The 5ft 6 (167.6 cm) was born on June 27, 1999.

Today, Chandler Riggs’s net worth is estimated to be close to $8 million dollars.

Chandler Riggs Net Worth
Credit: Lalo Yasky / Getty Images

Chandler Riggs Net Worth:

$8 Million

Net Worth:$8 million
Salary Source:Acting
Real Name:Chandler Riggs
Date of Birth:27 June 1999
Age, How Old:20 Years Old
Place of Birth:Atlanta,
United States
Partner:Hana Hayes
(2014 – 2016)
Last Updated:2020

Early Life.

Chandler Riggs was born to parents; Gina Ann and William Riggs on June 27, 1999, in Atlanta, Georgia. Riggs experienced his childhood growing up with his younger brother Grayson.

He took up interest into tap dancing and trained himself under Zack Everhart, who was a finalist of the popular dance show ‘So You Think You Can Dance‘.


Riggs started with his acting as a 4-year-old kid, his initial work for stage productions includes; ‘The Wizard of Oz‘, and ‘Oklahoma‘ at Atlanta’s Fox Theater.

In 2009, he was cast in his initial two feature film roles ‘Get Low‘ and ‘The Wronged Man‘, Riggs was just a 9-year-old back then. In 2010, he starred alongside Julia Ormond as her child on American TV channel ‘Lifetime’.

How much money does Chandler Riggs make per episode?

img source: wordpress.com

Chandler Riggs received his first big break on the AMC horror TV series The Walking Dead, the TV arrangement was based on an eponymous comic book. Riggs was given the role of the character “Carl Grimes” for the series in 2010. Riggs earned $30,000 per episode for The Walking Dead series.

The violent zombies series received good achievement and rating success. It was held #1 show in all of the TV series and particularly among grown-ups.

Leading to its success, ‘The Walking Dead‘ show cast won the 2012 ‘Satellite Award’ for “Best Cast in a Television Series”.

Additionally, Riggs was nominated for the ‘Saturn Award’ for “Best Performance by a Younger Actor in a Television Series”. Riggs was nominated on five consecutive occasions for the same and won the award three times in 2014, 2016, and 2018.

img source: fanfest.com

After already being nominated for the “Young Artist Award for Best Performance in a TV Series (Leading Young Actor)” in 2012 and 2013, Riggs won the honor in 2014.

Now being a well-know “The Walking Dead” personality, Riggs lent his voice to a special episode of sketch comedy series ‘Robot Chicken‘ — “The Robot Chicken Walking Dead Special: Look Who’s Walking” in 2017.

Later, Riggs wanted to give up on ‘The Walking Dead‘ character, the series pictured the extraordinary death of his character through the eighth season of the series, his final and 77th episode was aired on February 10, 2018.

Riggs later showed up in supernatural and horror films such as; ‘Mercy‘ in 2014 and film ‘Keep Watching‘ in 2017.

Experimenting with different vocations, Riggs began DJ-ing for events and at the end of December 2017, he released his first song “Hold Up” under the name ‘Eclipse’.

img source: fanfest.com

Riggs is now the cast of upcoming crime and science-fiction films like ‘Inherit the Viper‘ and ‘Only‘. In January 2019, Riggs took up the role of a family drama series ‘A Million Little Things‘.

To conclude, Chandler Riggs’s net worth is estimated at $8 million dollars.

Read Other Interesting Net Worth Stories.

Quotes from Chandler Riggs

“As an actor, you have a ton of downtime, so it’s always good to have a hobby, especially another creative outlet outside of acting.”

— Chandler Riggs

“Acting is awesome, but I’m really, really able to express myself creatively in music.”

— Chandler Riggs

“I like to be in ‘The Walking Dead,’ and I like to play video games and just hang out with my friends and try to be as normal as possible, so going to college would be another really cool, normal experience in my life.”

— Chandler Riggs

“I do a lot of video games – I have a YouTube channel where I record me playing video games with my friends and post it. That’s a hobby I have and a lot of what I do in my off time.”

— Chandler Riggs
Chandler Riggs – Life After The Walking Dead!

How Popular is World of Warcraft Today

Source: medium

Video games exist for a very long time now, but to be more exact, the first one appeared somewhere back in 1958. Many years passed since the release of the most basic forms of video games if you can even call them that compared to the modern ones we have today, and things changed, especially when it comes to the visual elements.

Some people enjoy a retro game now and then, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t pay attention to some of the latest next-gen titles. There are all sorts of video games on the online markets and platforms, and if you spend just a few minutes searching, you’ll find one that’s great for your interests.

You don’t have to be a “hardcore gamer” to find a title that you’ll enjoy playing, so even if you dislike video games, we think that you should give them a chance, you’ll most likely end up playing something for a long time.

Today we are going to talk about World of Warcraft, the most famous MMORPG title developed by the also world-famous studio called Blizzard Entertainment. Even if you are an older person, chances are that you’ve heard about this game even once.

There were many “crazy” stories out there about how people easily get addicted to this game, so you’ve probably heard one somewhere on the news or from a friend. Even if you didn’t, don’t worry, because we’ll tell you everything that you need to know about this video game.

The beginning of WoW

Source: IGN Adria

When World of Warcraft first got released, people immediately saw the potential of this game. It was unlike anything that they’ve seen before, and it just got a lot of people “hooked” instantly.

Unlike other games where you play a match and after you win or lose, you just start a new one, this video game allowed you to create a character that you’ll play with for a very long time before you decide to make a new one. If you die, it’s not game over, you just respawn and continue your story.

This idea was something that a lot of gamers found appealing, so the player base of WoW was rapidly increasing day after day.

When Blizzard Entertainment saw that the game is making a success, they decided that it was time for an expansion, and so “The Burning Crusade” was born. That was the first expansion of the game which allowed players to continue their story with new quests, storyline and left them with many enemies to defeat.

“The Burning Crusade” was a huge success for the company, so they decided to keep this up and make another expansion, which was called “The Wrath of The Lich King”, and this had an even better result. There were many new expansions since then, and all of them were pretty solid.

WoW Today

Source: Wccftech

In all honesty, back when World of Warcraft was released, there wasn’t any competition, because there were maybe one or two more games with a similar idea, but the quality was still far from what World of Warcraft was.

Fast forward a decade, and you have all sorts of MMORPG games that are threatening to bring Blizzard down from the throne. Some examples were Rift, The Elder Scrolls Online, Shaiya, Talisman Online, Conquer Online and many others. Did they manage to do it? No, they didn’t.

World of Warcraft remains one of the most successful MMORPGs of all time, if not the most successful one, but there were are few things happening with the game lately that made players quite frustrated.

If you happen to be a newer player, and you have a hard time progressing into the game, you can either hire a coach to help you out or play together with a more experienced player who will help you achieve anything that you want in the game. For more information, you can click here.

At one point, Blizzard started making the newer expansions very beginner-friendly and easy to progress, so most of the hardcore WoW players were frustrated because it seemed like all of their efforts is worthless. Imagine spending a year to level up your character to the maximum level, and then a new player has the option to pay a few bucks and enter the game with a character that’s just ten levels below the maximum level cap. You’d be frustrated as well, right?

This caused many players to quit the game, but Blizzard didn’t care because they were getting many new players and from a business point of view, WoW was still a very successful game.

WoW Classic

Source: metro

We can’t deny that the situation wasn’t very critical at one point, because the company was getting “bashed” by many people, but Blizzard came with a brilliant idea to release a very old version of the game, back where everything was pretty “hardcore” and difficult to do. And so, WoW Classic was born. This was another huge success that allowed the more serious players to enjoy their “grindy” experience while allowing the newer ones to have fun on the latest expansion. WoW, Classic was a huge hit and tons of famous streamers and YouTubers that played this game back in the day tuned in for some mind-blowing throwback.

So, how popular is WoW today?

The question that you’ve all been waiting to be answered. The truth is, it’s still as popular as it was back in the day, and before you start disagreeing, hear us out. Even though most of the older and serious players left, the game managed to attract a lot of younger gamers. Why? Because everybody wants to experience what was such a “big deal” back in the day, and when they start playing the game, they realize that it is fun. Maybe it’s not as serious as it was many years ago, but people these days want to have fun, and it’s not like you get everything very easily in the latest expansions.

Currently, Blizzard Entertainment is a studio that works on many other games, but WoW will forever remain one of their most successful projects, and we honestly think that this game will never lose popularity, it’s an absolute evergreen in the world of video games.

8 Awesome Anniversary Gift Ideas To Win Your Wife’s Heart

Source: medium

For married couples, initial anniversaries are very special and they are always too eager and excited to celebrate their anniversary. Wedding anniversary reminds a couple of the day when they officially united. On anniversary one realizes how far they have come in a relationship and they have been for each other through thick and thin. Anniversaries are all about thinking of good times a couple has spent together and also cherishing those golden moments. Some couples believe in having a grand celebration on their anniversary while some like to spend quality time with each other and surprise each other with some romantic gifts and gestures.

So if you are the ones from the latter category we will be of great help to you. Because sometimes one might get confused as to what you can give to your loved one on anniversary day to tell them how much they mean to you. Thus we are here with some awesome anniversary gifts & ideas to your beloved’s heart.

1. Romantic Anniversary Flower

Source: Chic Vintage Brides

You can surprise your lady love at midnight with romantic anniversary flowers. Different flowers represent different meanings and there are so many flowers that are associated with love. So you can choose the favorite flowers of your loved one and wish them a happy anniversary. Also, there are official flowers for various anniversary celebrations so according to your years of togetherness, you can choose the flowers and convey your anniversary wishes to your wife. Flowers are women’s favorite and every woman expects flowers on anniversary day so surprise your lady love with a bunch full of flowers to convey your love to her.

2. Heart shape Red Velvet Cake

Source: Cake Bake Online

Heart cakes are the popular pick for the anniversary celebrations. You can celebrate your love and togetherness by cutting a red velvet cake. Cakes make the celebration more fun and memorable and so a cake is best to surprise your loved one on an anniversary. Red is the color of love and so red velvet cake that too in the shape of a heart is a perfect pick for anniversary celebration and surprise as this gesture would surely put a wide smile on your wife’s face. Get wonderful anniversary gift ideas from an online cake shop such as from crustncakes.com and have the most memorable anniversary with your significant other which you will cherish forever.

3. Romantic Balloons

Source: Evibe.in

Balloons have always been a gift that brings joy and happiness around. Balloons are so jolly that they can literally bring cheerfulness around. So you can surprise your loved one with red heart-shaped balloons for Anniversary. Balloons are romantic and quite inexpensive and won’t hurt your pockets. With balloons, you can also decorate the bedroom and surprise them. Even if your wife is upset with you over something these jolly and cheerful balloons will take away all the sadness and lift up your loved one’s mood.

4. Something Long lasting – Plant

Source: Crimons

Married life is quite similar to a living plant in many ways. Just like the plant the beginning of a new bond between wife and husband is tender. With time the relationship between the couple grows just like the plant grows stronger. So if your partner is a nature lover they would sure appreciate this plant gift. You guys can together nurture this plant and make it grow just like your love grows. When you gift an indoor plant to your wife, it will bring happiness to home and brightness your home space too.

5. Personalized Mug

Source: Memento

Sometimes it is so difficult to convey your emotions to your loved one. So if you are not able to express your love you can do it with a personalized gift. Personalized gifts are special because of their unique and they are one in thousands. So this anniversary you can present a personalized mug to your loved one from Collage with you and your wife’s photo on it. Thus even if you will be away you will be the first thing that will cross their mind when they will have their morning coffee every day. Your partner will definitely admire this gesture and love the gift.

6. Love Combo

Source: Flipkart

You can surprise your loved one with chocolates, teddy bears and wine combo. Teddy bears are such cute gifts that have the ability to express your heartfelt feelings to your loved one. You can choose chocolates according to the liking of your partner and greet them with the same. And as it is an occasion of love and happiness there should be something sweet to celebrate so you can surprise them with a decadent chocolate box. You can spend quality time with each other over wine’s company and whenever you will be away this teddy will give comfort to your loved one on your behalf. Thus love combos will double the celebration and you guys will have a memorable anniversary.

7. Sweet Love Notes

Source: Notonthehighstreet.com

There’s nothing more romantic than surprising and spoiling your partner with love. You can straight up making them feel special by writing them love notes from the bottom of your heart. In each love note, you can write a different reason why do you love her so much. These reasons will certainly bring a huge smile on her face. This type of gesture will make them fall in love with you all over again and they will feel really lucky to have a partner like you. You can order amazing and romantic anniversary gifts from qflores.com and surprise the love of your life with the best gifts ever on a special day.

When it comes to selecting the perfect anniversary gift ideas beloved’s heart, it’s essential to choose something that truly speaks to your beloved’s heart, ensuring a lasting impression and a meaningful gesture of love.

8. Set up Candle Light Dinner

Source: Blue Osa Yoga Retreat

If you cannot think of a particular gift for your partner, get ready to surprise her with a memorable night. You can take your wife to her favorite restaurant and make the arrangements for a candlelight dinner specialty for your anniversary. There again you can go down on your knees to express your love to your wife. Thus a candlelight dinner is the most classic and subtle way to make your partner feel loved on the marriage anniversary. You can order her favorite cuisines and desserts and enjoy the meal with romantic music playing in the background. These are some best gifts for her to give on anniversary which she will definitely love and will be delighted to them.

We hope these lovely and awesome anniversary gift ideas help you win your wife’s heart again and she falls in love harder with you.

Joel McHale Net Worth 2024


How Much Is Joel McHale Worth?

Joel McHale Net Worth: Joel McHale is a 47-year-old American comedian and actor from Hollywood Hills, California. The 6ft 4in (1.93 m) was born on November 20, 1971.

Today, Joel McHale’s net worth is estimated to be close to $14 million dollars.

Joel McHale Net Worth/ Credit: Gabriel Olsen / Stringer

Joel McHale Net Worth:

$14 Million

Net Worth:$14 million
Salary Source:Comedian, Actor,
Television Host
Real Name:Joel Edward McHale
Date of Birth:20 November 1971
Age, How Old:47 Years Old
Place of Birth:Rome, Italy
Spouse:Sarah Williams (m. 1996)
Last Updated:2020

Early Life.

Joel McHale was born to parents, Jack McHale (father) and Laurie (mother) in Rome, Italy. His dad is from Chicago, Illinois and worked as a dean at Loyola University Rome Center, his mother is from Vancouver, Canada.

McHale was raised as a Catholic and he experienced studying at nearby Mercer Island High School where he grew up (Mercer Island, Washington).

Following his college education, McHale attended the University of Washington and acquired a bachelor’s degree in 1995, while he was there he choose to join the football team.

At the University he acquired a ‘Master of Fine Arts’ degree from the Professional Actors Training Program and as a football fan, he was a devotee of the Seattle Seahawks.


img source: boltdns.net

Joel McHale started his career by being a cast of a local sketch-comedy television show Almost Live!‘, later he became an individual from the ‘improv comedy group’ at Unexpected Productions, partaking in Theatersports.

McHale had an advantage in acting and soon moved to Los Angeles to perform minor roles in TV drama’s such as; ‘Diagnosis: Murder’, ‘CSI: Miami’, ‘Will & Grace’ and films such as ‘Lords of Dogtown’.

As a guest, he featured for the NBC improv comedy show ‘Thank God You’re Here‘, as well as, for an episode of Pushing Daisies. He was seen doing the minor role of Mr. Jacks (bank supervisor) in Spider-Man 2.’

In 2004, McHale began hosting for E! networks ‘The Soup‘, and also for a syndicated radio show ‘Loveline‘.

img source: thedailybeast.com

He has additionally done few plays at the ‘Circle X Theater’ and occasionally shown for several shows such as; ‘The Adam Carolla Show‘, ‘Mickey and Amelia‘, and ‘Opie and Anthony Show‘.

McHale was a judge on ‘Iron Chef America’ and was involved in the TV show ‘The IT Crowd‘ (American version), he made a guest appearance on the finale of ‘Last Comic Standing’s‘ (6th season) and also for ‘Countdown with Keith Olbermann.

In 2009, McHale featured for the sitcom ‘Community‘, and showed up on the fifth season of ‘Tosh.0‘. In 2012, she was seen “Rex” in film Ted, and played an NYPD officer for the horror film ‘Deliver Us from Evil‘.

In the Fall of 2016, McHale was seen performing as a lead in the CBS sitcom ‘The Great Indoors‘, and can be seen as “Chris” in 2018’s horror-comedy series ‘Santa Clarita Diet‘.

img source: srcdn.com

It was reported at the end of 2018 that McHale will be seen in the character of “Sylvester Pemberton” for the upcoming DC Universe arrangement ‘Stargirl’.

McHale has hosted many big-name events in his career, such as;

  • ‘White House Correspondents’ Association annual dinner (2014),
  • ‘Independent Spirit Awards’ (2011),
  • ‘ESPY Awards’ (2015),
  • Live! with Kelly‘ (2016),
  • ’43rd People’s Choice Awards’ (2017), and the ‘Webby Awards’ (2017).

Joel McHale received his own talk show ‘The Joel McHale Show‘ which premiered in January 2018 by Netflix, later in April 2019, it was reported that he was would host the Card Sharks, an ABC network game show.

Joel McHale is now the father of two sons with Sarah. They wedded in July 1996 and lives in Hollywood Hills, California. McHale is an enthusiast of the esports team LA Gladiators and likewise of RuPaul’s ‘Drag Race’ as well.

To conclude, Joel McHale’s net worth is estimated at $14 million dollars.

Quotes From Joel Mchale.

We are all just making this up as we go. The best advice I can give–no matter your job, your goals, or your rue passion in life–is to work hard and try no to take anything too seriously. Do what makes you happy and be a decent human being.”

— Joel Mchale

I knew I wanted to be an actor. I just kept saying, “Until somebody tells me to stop, until I have to go get a real job, and until I’m practically homeless, I’m not gonna get one.”

— Joel Mchale

My goal and my career is definitely not to be famous. That’s a really horrible goal, just to be famous for the sake of having fame.”

— Joel Mchale

Read Other Interesting Net Worth Stories.

Joel McHale talks about Fortnite, Swimming with Sharks on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Bobby Bones Net Worth 2024


What Is The Net Worth of Bobby Bones?

Bobby Bones Net Worth: Bobby Bones is a 39-year-old American radio personality from Little Rock, Arkansas. The 6ft (183 cm) tall was born on April 2, 1980.

Today, Bobby Bones’ net worth is estimated to be close to $7 million dollars.

Bobby Bones Net Worth
Credit: Jason Kempin / Getty Images

Bobby Bones Net Worth:

$7 Million

Net Worth:$7 million
Real Name:Bobby Estell
Date of Birth:2 April 1980
Age, How Old:39 Years Old
Place of Birth:Hot Springs,
United States
Last Updated:2020

Early Life.

Bobby Bones was born when his mom got pregnant at the age of 15, his father was 17 back then.

He was born in Hot Springs, Arkansas, but raised in Mountain Pine by his mom and maternal grandma. His biological father gave up on his responsibilities and disappeared when Bones was 5.

Bones developed his passion for radio at an early age, he saw “radio” as a medium to end the financial crisis that the family was going through.

At the age of 17 Bones started with his radio career at the grounds station of Henderson State University (KSWH-FM 102.5 The Pulse).


Moving forward with his education, in 2002, Bones graduated with a B.A. in Radio/Television from Henderson State University.

How much is Bobby Bones’ salary?

img source: parade.com

Bones’ first full-time radio agreement was with KLAZ in Hot Springs while he was still in college. The contract paid him $17,000 and he was put on broadcasting live inside a couple of long stretches.

Later, he was hired by Q100/KQAR in 2002, at that point working for a radio station (KLAL) which led to promoting his show ‘The Bobby Bones Show’ on KHFI-FM in Austin, Texas.

Bones and his co-hosts have driven the show to be a fruitful success, his show became a top-rated morning show in Austin, Texas and was syndicated in a couple of local markets.

Bones was flooded with many offers outside of radio but chose to stay with Clear Channel. Bones initially tried many co-hosts for the show but settled with a co-host “Amy” to be the shows perfect fit.

In 2012, Bones’ show was moved to Nashville with its Top 40 format airing ‘The Bobby Bones Show‘ across the country. Bones now started with broadcasting from WSIX-FM in Nashville on weekday mornings from 5:00 a.m. onwards.

img source: repository.com

Bones’ show is now a down-home for big-name music celebrities like; Luke Bryan, Taylor Swift, Blake Shelton, and Tim McGraw who visit the show regularly. His show additionally adds a blend of popular news culture.

Following the controversy, Bones confessed of spreading PR campaign for sympathy wording “GO AWAY BOBBY BONES” by spending $13,000 on Nashville billboards in 2016.

Followingly, The Bobby Bones Show was launched with 35 stations and conveyed by 68 FM radio stations after the national syndication with Premiere Networks.

In February 2013 the show was made accessible through iHeartRadio.com and the iHeartRadio app.

The Bobby Bones Show now drives 3 million estimated listeners to the show and has covered its biggest market in Washington, D.C. Additionally, Bones also hosts the “Country Top 30 with Bobby Bones” carried on more than 100 radio stations across the country.

img source: billboard.com

In 2014, Bones was considered to open the iHeartRadio Country Festival as a host in Austin, Texas. He was also approached for presenting the ‘Country Song of the Year’ at the first iHeartRadio Music Awards in Los Angeles.

Bobby Bones has additionally shown up in the film, ‘Bandslam‘ (2009) and musical drama ‘Nashville‘. He has guest-hosted ‘Live! with Regis and Kelly‘ alongside talk show host Kelly Ripa.

His can be heard on podcasts such as ‘The Bobbycast’ and ‘Nashville Podcast Network‘ where he talks with musicians.

Books: Later, his book ‘Bare Bones, I’m Not Lonely If You’re Reading This Book‘ became New York Times Best Seller. His second New York Times Best Seller is entitled Fail Until You Don’t: Fight. Grind. Repeat.

For season 16 of American Idol 2018, Bones was a guest mentor, he becomes a full-time mentor for the starting season 17 and guest-hosted an episode after host Ryan Seacrest was unwell.

img source: parade.com

Bones also was one of the dancing celebrities on the 27th season of ‘Dancing with the Stars‘, he ended up winning the competition with his professional dancing partner Sharna Burgess.

In 2013, Bones and his crew became well-known for setting the Guinness World Record for “Most hunger relief meals packaged in one hour (team)”.

In May 2015, iHeartMedia had to pay a $1 million FCC fine for Bones’ accident of triggered the Emergency Alert System, the EAS test interrupted coverage locally.


Bones achieved the honors of “Best Radio Personality” by the Austin Music Awards for his run from 2004 to 2008. His show as recognized for the “Best Radio Program” from 2007-2008.

Later, Bones and his co-hosts ‘Amy’ and ‘Lunchbox’ won their first ‘Academy of Country Music Award’ for “National On-Air Personality of the Year” in 2014. In Chicago, Bones was inducted for the US organizations ‘National Radio Hall of Fame‘.

img source: soundslikenashville.com

In 2014, 2016, and 2018, his show (The Bobby Bones Show) had grabbed the ACM Awards for National On-Air Personality.

To conclude, Bobby Bones’ net worth is estimated at $7 million dollars.

Read Other Interesting Net Worth Stories.

Quotes from Bobby Bones.

“The sooner you embrace this truth, the sooner you can leave behind the bitterness of what you don’t have and start”

― Bobby Bones

“Truth is we feel like everyone is always watching and judging us. Nope. People just care about themselves. You’ve likely seen someone really botch a presentation or be really nervous speaking in public and never given it a second thought once it was done. Return the favor to yourself.”

― Bobby Bones

“I’m not a cowboy. I don’t wear a belt buckle, or I don’t have those traditional old-school country music radio elements about me. But from where I grew up and how I grew up, country music has always been the fabric of the music that I’ve listened to.”

― Bobby Bones

“Get to be genuinely nervous about a potentially positive outcome. Being nervous is uncommon; it’s uncomfortable; it’s stressful. That’s why it’s awesome. Being nervous is how I feel alive. To me, it’s a rush. A mental bungee jump.”

― Bobby Bones
Bobby’s Opinion On Garth Brooks Winning Entertainer Of The Year At The 2019 CMAs

Iliza Shlesinger Net Worth 2024


How Much Is Iliza Shlesinger Worth?

Iliza Shlesinger Net Worth: Iliza Shlesinger is a 36-year-old American comedian from Manhattan, New York. The 5 ft 7 in (1.68 m) tall was born on February 22, 1983.

Today, Iliza Shlesinger’s net worth is estimated to be close to $1 million dollars.

Iliza Shlesinger Net Worth
Credit: Vincent Sandoval / Getty Images

Iliza Shlesinger Net Worth:

$1 Million

Net Worth:$1 million
Salary Source:Comedian & Entertainer
Real Name:Iliza Vie Shlesinger
Date of Birth:22 February 1983
Age, How Old:36 Years Old
Place of Birth:Manhattan, New York,
United States
Spouse, Partner:Noah Galuten (m. 2018)
Last Updated:2020

Early Life.

Iliza Shlesinger was born in a Jewish family in Manhattan, New York, she experienced her childhood growing up in Dallas, Texas and attended the private Greenhill School.

Later, Shlesinger experienced her freshman year at the University of Kansas and performed with a comic organization ComedySportz, she additionally took an interest in Semester at Sea.

Where did Iliza Shlesinger go to college?

Moving forward with her studies she majored in film at the Emerson College in Boston and turned into a member of the campus’s comedy groups, Jimmy’s Traveling All-Stars.


img source: nflxso.net

Iliza Shlesinger completed her graduation and moved to seek after a career in stand-up comedy in Los Angeles where she became a part of the most famous group — Whiteboy Comedy.

Later, Shlesinger was introduced to the stage at popular comedy club The Improv in Hollywood, she also won the ‘So You Think You’re Funny‘ challenge and was recognized as G4 network’s “Myspace Girl of the Week”.

In 2008, Shlesinger contends against other comedians to win the sixth season of NBC’s ‘Last Comic Standing‘, she also showed up in ‘The Last Comic Standing Tour’.

Shlesinger’s additionally narrated the ‘Imagine It!² The Power of Imagination‘ documentary released in 2009, the following year she took her website to release a comedy video, ‘Man Up and Act Like a Lady‘, and comedy album, Iliza LIVE. Also, business comedy video series for Slate.

Shlesinger’s following endeavors include hosting for The Weakly News (2007 to 2012) on TheStream.tv and hosting dating competition series Excused (2011 to 2013). You can see her act in the 2013 film Paradise.

img source: online.com.au

In August 2014, Shlesinger started highlighting VIP guests and close companions to her weekly podcast called ‘Truth and Iliza’. She also hosted season 7 episode 12 of ‘StarTalk Radio Show‘ alongside Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

Shlesinger later started her own comedy series ‘Forever 31‘ on July 13, 2016, her late-night show ‘Truth and Iliza’ which was under development under cable channel Freeform started airing on May 2, 2017.

Book: On November 7, 2017, Shlesinger’s book Girl Logic: The Genius and the Absurdity was introduced by American actress and author Mayim Bialik.

In December 2017, Shlesinger’s girls-only show was sued by a man who was denied admission at the venue, but later the complaint was dismissed.

Iliza Shlesinger’s Netflix Series.

img source: nflxso.net

For a while now, Shlesinger has been releasing her comedy album and video series on the media provider Netflix. Her first comedy act ‘War Paint‘ recorded at The Lakewood Theater in Dallas, Texas was released on September 1, 2013, on Netflix.

Her second act ‘Freezing Hot‘ was recorded in Denver, Colorado and premiered on Netflix on January 23, 2015. Her third act ‘Confirmed Kills‘ was recorded at The Vic Theater in Chicago, Illinois, and released on Netflix on September 23, 2016.

Her 4th comic act ‘Elder Millennial’, was recorded aboard USS Hornet, at the USS Hornet Sea, Air & Space Museum in Alameda, California and premiered on July 24, 2018, on Netflix.

Personal Life.

img source: pinimg.com

Iliza Shlesinger is now a married woman, her marriage took place on May 12, 2018, with chef Noah Galuten.

To conclude, Iliza Shlesinger’s net worth is estimated at $1 million dollars.

Quotes from Iliza Shlesinger.

“You can hate me for being a woman, you can hate me for being smart, you can hate me for being funny, but you hate me because I am doing something you could never do. End of story.”

— Iliza Shlesinger

“No matter who you date, people are going to make fun of them, jealous people are going to say stuff, people get creepy – all the things that come with the public eye.”

— Iliza Shlesinger

“What keeps me going is that this I all there is. I am a comedian, and this is what I do. It’s like telling a fish to stop swimming. It’ll die.”

— Iliza Shlesinger

“Unfortunately, we don’t live in a society where you can say whatever you want, and there will be no repercussions. Pick and choose your battles. I think that’s the key.”

— Iliza Shlesinger
Iliza Shlesinger discusses how her dog passed away right after her wedding.

RZA Net Worth 2024


What Is RZA‘s Worth?

RZA Net Worth: RZA is a 50-year-old American rapper, musician, actor, and director from Staten Island, New York. The 6ft 2in (1.88 m) was born on 5 July 1969.

Today, RZA’s net worth is estimated to be close to $18 million dollars.

RZA Net Worth
Credit: Dia Dipasupil / Getty Images

RZA Net Worth:

$18 Million

Net Worth:$18 million
Real Name: Robert Fitzgerald Diggs
Date of Birth:July 5, 1969
Age, How Old:50 Years Old
Place of Birth:New York, New York,
United States
Last Updated:2020

Early Life.

Robert Fitzgerald Diggs (RZA) was born in Brownsville, Brooklyn, his mother was an incredible follower of leaders; Robert Kennedy and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, this is where his name comes from.

His younger brother, Terrance Hamlin, is also a rapper called ‘9th Prince’.

At the age of 9, RZA became acquainted with hip hop genre and his passion soon progressed towards competing in rap battles.

While he moved to live with his mom in Ohio, he got involved in drug-dealing and attempted murder in Steubenville.

Music Career: RZA then known as “Bobby Dynamite” formed a rap group with his cousins, in 1988 they recorded their first 3 songs which enjoyed local success.

Later, RZA debuted under the name “Prince Rakeem” as a solo artist and released the ‘Ooh I Love You Rakeem‘ EP in 1991. In 1992, he had to face an eight years jail sentence after a shoot-out that took place in Ohio.

In 1992, RZA formed a new group ‘Wu-Tang Clan’, and choose his moniker “RZA”, his two cousins and five other childhood friends from the group also choose their own nicknames.

In December 1992, The Wu-Tang Clan discharged their first single, “Protect Ya Neck“, and their debut album, ‘Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)‘ released in November 1993. RZA was the head and manager of the group.

RZA continued as a creator of Wu-Tang after his group’s members set out on solo beginnings, he released a hit single of his own “Wu-Wear: The Garment Renaissance“.

img source: googleapis.com

His song gained popularity and was included in the comedy film ‘High School High‘ (soundtrack), the song was also used to promote his Wu-Tang clothing brand.

Later, the “Wu-Wear” single peaked at #60 on the Billboard Hot 100, his release of the second studio album ‘Wu-Tang Forever‘ was highly appreciated as well.

After ending all his productions for ‘The Wu-Tang Clan’ he started composing film scores in 1999. His first work with American film director “Jim Jarmusch” earned him much recognition for the crime film “Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999)“.

In 2007, RZA chooses to sign for SRC Records, moving forward he released his little known instrumental album “The RZA-Instrumental Experience”. He also helped the big-name rapper Kanye West with his album ‘My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy‘.

Later, he helped Kanye and Jay-Z for their ‘Watch the Throne‘ album in 2010. RZA has also given away instrumentals from his Wu-Tang Clan that he never used, the instrumentals were given to Nas, Busta Rhymes, Talib Kweli, and Kanye West.

img source: indiewire.com

After contributing vocals for artists like John Frusciante and Kid Cudi, he successfully found his own record label ‘Soul Temple Records’ in August 2012.

At the end of 2012, he hosted one episode of the web series Equals Three, and contributed a verse for track “Molasses” on Earl Sweatshirt’s album Doris. In 2014, The Wu-Tang Clan somehow managed to release their sixth album ‘A Better Tomorrow‘.

RZA is known for having multiple aliases for various melodious styles he produces;

  • Prince Rakeem,
  • The Abbot,
  • Bobby Digital,
  • Bobby Steels,
  • The Scientist,
  • Prince Delight,
  • Prince Dynamite,
  • Ruler Zig-Zag-Zig Allah,
  • RZArector.

RZA’s cameo appearances in acting include films like…

  • Funny People,
  • Due Date,
  • Gospel Hill,
  • Ghost Dog, Life Is Hot in Cracktown
  • Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

Other appearances include;

  • Derailed,
  • Coffee and Cigarettes,
  • American Gangster,
  • G.I. Joe: Retaliation,
  • Repo Men (2010),
  • Brick Mansions (2014),
  • District 13,
  • Tom Yum Goong 2
  • The Man with the Iron Fists (2012),
  • The Dead Don’t Die (2019).

RZA’s directorial success was with his first feature film, The Man with the Iron Fists, which released in 2012, he had composed scriptwriting for the film in 2011.

Personal Life.

img source: oxygen.com

RZA is generally observed wearing the 5% Nation’s flag necklace (Five Percenter) around his neck and effectively lauds the 5% culture.

RZA’s two books; The Wu-Tang Manual and The Tao of Wu has portrayed his belief of different cultures like; Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Islam, and Christianity.

RZA is also called the “encyclopedia of martial arts films” because of his insights and knowledge into the film genre.

He is additionally a lover of Chess, he is now considered Director of Development and champion of the Hip-Hop Chess Federation.

RZA has developed sympathy for animals and supports PETA, as a vegan, he is also now a promoter of the Vegan lifestyle.

img source: scene7.com

To conclude, RZA’s net worth is estimated at $18 million dollars.

Quotes From RZA

“A wise man has to always listen to the peers he surrounds around himself. That’s why you surround yourself with other smart people. Captain Kirk keep Mr. Spock right beside him”.

— Rza

“When you defeat somebody, you’re not really defeating them: they’re defeating themselves”.

— Rza

“I tell you one thing I did use to like: the fish and chips,” he said in 1997. “But I stopped eating fish this year. One day I just felt the death in it.”

— Rza

“I became a vegetarian in 1995. I had some fried chicken, and my teeth hit the bone. My mind said, ‘Dead bird, dead bird.’ It didn’t feel right, so I stopped. I kept eating fish until one day, in 1997, the chef brought my ginger-fried snapper with the head still on it”.

— Rza

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RZA on Wu-Tang, Current State of Hip Hop, Scoring Movies and MORE!

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