The bells are ringing, birds are chirping, signaling the due season is here, and the most awaited guest is about to rock the world. It would amount to suicide to enter the delivery room and usher the most priced blessing without ample preparation.
Babies stuff comes in different shapes and sizes depending on the needs as well as the kind of lifestyle a parent would want their kids to live. However, there are must-haves to the stock ahead of the big day.
While getting ready for a newborn, here are the top five things to keep in mind.
1. Baby Clothes

Walking into the delivery room having not made necessary arrangements for baby clothes, amounts to carelessness as an upcoming parent. Clothing is an essential basic need that any kid is entitled to, in addition to food and shelter.
While it is impossible to predict the ideal clothing size ahead of delivery, it is essential to be prepared with some clothing. A mixture of different outfits made up of shorts, t-shirts, both long and short, as well as socks, should be part of any checklist ahead of delivery.
The outfits should be in different sizes, as babies tend to grow faster than anyone can imagine. While purchasing clothing, think of comfort and ease of wear. Soft, roomy, and durable clothing should carry the day in this case. You can also buy second-hand clothes or accept hand me downs of you are low on budget.
2. Diapers and Diaper bags

Babies can use up to ten diapers a day, one of the reasons why planning is crucial. You can go with either clothing or disposable diapers depending on the budget you are working on, as there is no right answer on which one is the best. Whatever you choose, be sure to stock enough.
At the start, it might be wise to go with disposable diapers until the baby is finished passing the green, black stool that makes the first poop. Afterward, you can work with clothing diapers alternating with disposable diapers while traveling.
A diaper pail can accompany diapers as an outlet of disposing any used diapers and keeping smells at bay. You might also need a diaper bag for stocking new and clean diapers.
3. Feeding

While planning for a baby, it would be wise to decide on whether to breastfeed the kid or use formula. Bottles, as well as bottle sterilizers, are some of the must-have items ahead of a baby’s birth. Similarly, you can stock nipples, burp cloths for catching spit-up and other baby fluids, and a nursing pillow if possible.
If you intend to breastfeed your kid, then prepare in advance and get a breast pump, to pump breast milk and relieve engorgement. While you can pump milk straight into a bottle, you can also use specially made plastic storage bags as well. Before buying a breast pump read guide on the best bread pumps and pick the right one for you and your baby.
For parents who intend to feed their kids on formula, then it would be wise to talk to a doctor to get the right prescription when it comes to the right baby formula to use. This is true especially if you can see that your baby is allergic to dairy. While there are other alternatives out there, it can also be a good idea to try and make your own to keep the ingredients list limited.
4. Bathing Essentials

While bathing a kid is very important, it should be done with caution. In the first two weeks, hold off bathing the kid until the umbilical cord falls off and heals properly. Until then, you can resort to cleaning the diaper and sticking to sponge baths.
Some of the essentials to have in store for bathing include baby bathtubs as well as washcloths and hooded towels. You can also stock baby shampoo mild baby soap and a thermometer to check the water temperature.
While you may not think so, bath toys are also essential. They can make it much easier for you to bather your baby and keep them at bay while you wash them. It will keep their focus on the toy and away from trying to escape from your arms and the water.
5. Life Insurance

Preparation for a newborn baby won’t be complete without taking life insurance coverage. Life insurance purchased for a baby will act as an asset to their adulthood. Such policies provide protection t the entire lifetime of a child.
Insurance companies offer whole life insurance policies, as there is usually no justification for purchasing a term life policy that would expire at a certain age. Whole life insurance policies for babies tend to be extremely inexpensive, given the reduced risk of death as long as everything goes well.
Taking a life insurance policy is paramount if parents are to protect themselves should the unfortunate pass away. The death benefit paid can go a long way in settling medical bills that might arise upon death. Similarly, the death benefit can help cater to funeral expenses, thus help relieve some pressure at a time of need.
The rates of purchasing life insurance for babies tend to be minimal as compared to when one is in their 50’s. Low premiums make such policies extremely inexpensive and come with a cash value benefit. As the cash benefit grows over time, it can go a long way in funding college fees once the kid is all grown up.
To determine how much life insurance can cost you, you can run free quotes on websites like this.
6. Don’t Stress

When it comes to having a newborn, there is going to be a lot of first, and that includes you figuring out what to do. Get the essentials like ones from TheSafeParent and figure the rest out on the way! The most important thing is to enjoy your baby. They grow fast so this list of essentials will change as fast. It goes especially fast when you’re not getting any sleep. Get ready for your life to be a blur for the first few months. Get prepared ahead of time!