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Pros and Cons of Buying Used Car Parts in 2024

Source: medium

Many people will tell you that the car in their garage is like a member of the family. It doesn’t matter if you a huge car lover or not. When you drive the same vehicle for years, you get used to it. People feel bad when they need to sell it and buy a new one after many years.

Yet, something that is important is to work on the improvement of our car constantly. We do not want to say that you need to build a machine. Yet, certain parts of the car need to be fixed or completely replaced after some time.

This maybe sounds easy in theory. For instance, I will buy the part of the car and I will find someone to fix it. Well, the entire process is a bit more complex. It is difficult to find the right supplier of the car parts. Besides that, the most common question that you can hear is – “Can I buy used car parts?”

Well, if you ask us, there is no reason not to get used car parts. More precisely, would want to cover all the negative and positive side of used car parts. These pieces of information will give you a clearer picture.

So, let’s start.

Pros of Buying Used Car Parts

We will start this article in a positive manner. Yet, there is one thing that we need to say before everything. The benefits that we talk about here only count if you find a good supplier. For example, it is not a secret that many suppliers of used car parts are scams. Their goal is only to earn more money without any intention to provide you quality. That’s why we suggest you check online which suppliers are good. There are many of them, like UsedPart, that will completely satisfy your needs.

Anyway, let’s start with the pros of buying used car parts.

Source: cargurus


Well, this is probably the main reason why people choose not to buy new car parts. When you compare the prices with new car parts, then you will see how huge the difference can be. This especially counts when we talk about older vehicles that require the replacement of vital parts.
For example, let’s imagine that you have a vehicle that is more than 10 years old. Finding the new part for this type of car would be tough. Yet, even if you easily find it, there is no reason to do that. Of course, this is even more ridiculous if you ride it a lot. In that case, the used car parts would be a lot better choice.

Yet, we can’t tell you for sure how much money you will save. That depends on several different factors. More precisely there are three of them. First of all, it depends on the type of part that you want to replace. Despite that, the state of the piece is important is well because it could have been restored, recovered, or repaired. Finally, there is something that people do not consider often. The demand for a certain part in your area also determines the price. If people buy it often, there is a big chance that even used parts will cost you a bit more.

Yet, the price is not the key thing that you should follow. You are anyway saving money, and giving a couple of dollars more won’t be a big deal, right?

Source: Car Wreckers


Well, the buyer is not the only one who has the chance to benefit from the car parts. If you are willing to make your environment a bit healthier, then buying a car part will have a small influence on that.

Imagine how the entire process of developing a car part looks. First of all, there won’t be a need for additional energy waste. You are using the one that used the electrical and other types of energy a couple of years before. Imagine how good this can be for the entire earth. We are sure that it would be a lot healthier place if people change this sort of habit.

Source: cargurus

OEM Standards

Well, this is especially important if you driving an older vehicle. For example, some companies stop producing parts for certain models of the car. If someone tells you that the parts are original, be careful. Many people use this opportunity to make copies of the original parts that are usually far away from good.

On the contrary, the used parts were developed by the company and they meet OEM standards. More precisely, they meet Original Equipment Manufacturer standards. This means they are not manufactured by a third party. That will ensure the quality of the part. Despite that, it will ensure your safeness.

Source: OEM Auto Parts Dallas


Well, you already know that a huge number of car parts are reconditioned for the specific purpose of resale. Refurbishing makes used part almost equally effective and valuable as the new part. Yet, these parts might be a bit more expensive. Still, we told you that you should not hesitate to spend a bit more.

Cons of Used Car Parts

Well, our intention is not to convince you that you have to buy used car parts. We would want to stay objective and let you decide how to organize your budget. Still, we need to conclude that there are not so many cons of used car parts. More precisely, there is only one.

Source: dodsonautospares


Well, no one guarantees that your used part will last long. This especially counts if the previous owner used that part for a longer period. Yet, that doesn’t mean it will stop working after a month or two. In some cases, these parts can last for 2 or 3 years without any problem.

Still, we once again need to repeat one thing. It is crucial to find the best possible supplier. That will ensure that your old-new part will last for a longer time. If the supplier tried to upgrade it somehow, then you need to check if his improvements were good.
Anyway, we suggested one place where you should look for old car parts. We will let you decide alone if this is a good move or not.

How to Start Going Out Again After Having a Child

Source: refinery29

Amidst the hustle and bustle of having a new baby, new mothers often struggle to find time for themselves, let alone time to go out during the day. This is a common issue that many parents face after having a child but fret not, for there are solutions to this ubiquitous problem. In today’s article, we have a look at how new parents can embark on resuming their social activities after the birth of their child. Read on to find out more!

1. Bring Baby Along

One of the easiest ways to juggle a social life and taking care of your newborn is to bring your baby along with you. Whilst there are restrictions to where you can and cannot go, you can find strolls for the walk or baby car seats if you are driving a car. Starting off by going for walks in the park or to your local mall with your little one is a great stepping stone. Why not set up a brunch or lunch appointment with your friends? Not only will you be able to get out of the house for some much needed fresh air, but you’ll also be able to introduce your little one to your friends and family at the same time.

Source: verilymag

2. Accept That Your Social Life Will Change

Obviously, your social life is no longer going to be exactly the same as it was before now that you are a parent. It is important that new parents accept this fact and embrace it instead of feeling upset over it. At the same time, it is important that you still take the time necessary to get out and socialise with friends and family. We all know that one person who has a baby and then basically disappears off the face of this earth. In order to find the right balance, it is important that you surround yourself with people that understand your life changes and people who are happy to adjust to your new social needs. Accept that some people in your life may have to take a backseat due to differences in lifestyles and schedules instead of resenting the fact that you can’t attend social events that no longer fit your lifestyle.

3. Prioritize Date Night

It is no secret that parents tend to neglect their own needs when a baby is introduced to the home. Instead of going out on romantic dinner dates with your significant other, time is spent fretting over taking care of your child and meeting all their needs. Whilst it is important to pay attention to your baby’s needs, it is equally important to pay attention to your own needs. Instead of letting the passion between you and your partner die, we highly recommend prioritizing date night. Take one day of the week off, and hire a babysitter or get a trusted family member or friend to take care of your little one. Allow yourself to distress and have fun with one another for one night, completely worry-free. This will not only ease your stresses but also ensure that you and your partner are connecting with each other the way you used to prior to becoming parents.

Source: happybabyla

4. You’ll Need “Mom Friends”

One of the things we highly recommend to new parents is to make friends with other moms and dads. Not only will this mean that your little one will have friends to play with, but you’ll be able to socialise with people who understand what you are going through. You will also have similar schedules, hobbies and interests which can help you return to socialising a lot easier. Having “mom friends” shouldn’t be something that anyone is ashamed of. In fact, it is something that you should be proud of. Surrounding yourself in a healthy company and engaging in activities and outings with people who are at the same stage of life as you can be a truly rewarding experience as you will be able to bond, share problems and have discussions about any challenges you may be facing.

5. Get Back In Touch With Your Creativity

Did you once enjoy painting classes or pottery classes before the baby arrived? Perhaps you enjoyed going to brunch alone on a Sunday morning to read your favourite magazine and tuck into some amazing food. When learning to get out and about again after having a child, it is important that you get back in touch with your creativity, passions and favourite pastimes. Just because you have a child doesn’t mean you have to give up your favourite activities or hobbies. In fact, it becomes that much more important that you allocate time for personal activities once you have a baby. Failing to do so can cause burn out and can cause you to feel depressed or even left out. Hire a babysitter, ask a friend or family member to help out for the day and let go and enjoy yourself. If anyone deserves it, it’s you!

Source: qz

6. Acknowledge Your Fears

Last but not least, it is important that you acknowledge the fears you may have about re-entering the social circle postpartum. When something is brand new to us, we tend to believe that we can’t do it before we even try. A great deal of stress and anxiety may surround the idea of socializing and going out again, and we don’t blame you. However, it is important that you acknowledge your fears. Are you feeling guilty for enjoying yourself whilst your baby is at home? Are you worried that friends may no longer want to hang out with you? Acknowledging these fears and understanding that they are nothing more than nagging thoughts is key in venturing back out after having a child.

Re-entering the social scene after having a baby can be an incredibly stressful and anxious experience for many new parents. However, we urge you to face your fears and get back out there. Relaxing, socializing and meeting up with people can be an incredibly positive influence on your new lifestyle. We hope that this article has given you some insight into how you can start going out again after having a child. All the best!

Best Screen Recording Software to Download in 2024

Source: Leipziger Internet Zeitung

The demand for capturing screen activities on PC keeps soaring in recent years, in that the instant content such as live streaming videos, e-lessons, demos, presentations, online meetings, etc. is leading as a trend. A professional and reliable screen recorder can undoubtedly help you record real-time messages on PCs. Among so many programs and plugins, RecordAnyVid stands out as our top picks in 2024.

Source: vidpaw

Brief Information About RecordAnyVid

Available System:
Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP (32 bit or 64 bit)
OS X 10.9 or above (macOS Sierra and macOS High Sierra)

Free trial plan
1-Year License/1 PC – $34.95
Single License/1 PC (lifetime) – $49.95
Family License/5 PCs (lifetime) – $89.95

Supported Output Formats:
* Video
For Windows: WMV, MP4, MOV, F4V, AVI, TS
For Mac: MP4
* Audio
For Windows: MP3, WMA, AAC, and M4A
For Mac: M4A
* Screenshot
For Mac: PNG

RecordAnyVid Highlighted Features You Should Not Miss

All-in-one screen recorder with comprehensive tools – video recorder, audio recorder, webcam recorder, snapshot, video editing/drawing tools is all provided inside RecordAnyVid.
Previewing mode to ensure the best recording outcomes – RecordAnyVid allows us to preview the recording process before saving, enabling users to get the most satisfying recordings.
Personalized hotkey settings available – users can set hotkeys in their preferences to control the program, making screen recording to be the most straightforward and most convenient work.
Guaranteed output quality – RecordAnyVid empowers to output the recordings with high quality as original, which ensures users better playback experience.

How to Record Any Screen with RecordAnyVid

Only five simple steps are required to capture the screen activities on your PC with RecordAnyVid.

STEP 1. Launch RecordAnyVid and select “Video Recorder”.
STEP 2. Customize the size of the recording area and adjust the volume to ensure an ideal playback.
STEP 3. Start recording the screen by clicking the REC button.
STEP 4. End the recording by pressing the REC button again. Then adjust the tape in the previewing window.
STEP 5. Click “Save” to output the recording with the selected video format.

An intuitive and light-weight screen recorder is beneficial to the screen capture work on PCs, and RecordAnyVid is undoubtedly an excellent choice. For more information about RecordAnyVid, visit its official webpage here. Thanks for your support.

Guide to use your cell phone recorder

One of the most used elements of a Smartphone is the microphone. Without it, our smart device would be without its primary function, which is to make calls. This time we will tell you about the voice recorder, and the practicality of uses that we give to the microphone.

It is widespread to find ourselves in the situation of not being able to use the digital keyboard of our cell phones because we are doing something else. That is why we can immediately resolve our requirements using this tiny device.

Another situation that occurs frequently is to have different pieces of paper in the wallet or briefcases with many notes, reminders, telephone numbers, and even hastily copied addresses, running the risk of poorly scoring.

Using voice notes to replace those papers is the best solution. It is simpler to press a button and start recording than to find a pencil and paper.

Options for setting up the recorder

We will explain each of the elements you will use to make a correct recording.

a) To “start Recording”, click on the “red dot”.

b) During recording, the “Pause” button is enabled. With it, you can record, take a break, and then return to resume.

c) Finally, it is only necessary to click on the small “icon in the form of a white box”.

d) Once the box is pressed, there are two options, if you are sure of the message press “SAVE,” otherwise, in “DISCARD.”

Source: vidpaw

Play the recorded messages

At this point, you will learn to play all your voice notes that are recorded.
a) To “Play” the voice memo, press the “Record File List” button.

b) Tilda on the message and playback will start automatically.

c) By clicking on the “Details” icon, it displays the “Voice Quality” control.

d) In the following figure, you should always check on “High.”

e) If you check the “Recording mode” icon, you will see the options it offers you. Press one of the three alternatives, according to the environment where you are.

With these valuable tips, you can make use of this application that will make things easier when taking messages. Dare to use it!

How to make a screenshot with iPhone in simple steps

You still don’t know how to make a screenshot with the iPhone and want to learn how to do it? The short answer is: press the Start buttons and lock on your phone at the same time to take a screenshot. Unless you have an iPhone X or later, in which you will have to press the lock and volume increase buttons. For a more detailed explanation, read on!

Apple has never made taking a screenshot a problematic task. And, in doing so, a PNG file is created that can be edited and shared quickly between friends via email, text or on social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter.

You can even send screenshots to technical support for further analysis, or use them to make a guide that collects various tips and tricks of Pokémon Go. Regardless of the reasoning, here is everything you need to know.

Are you a macOS user? If so, we also have a complete guide on how to take a screenshot on a Mac.

Source: vidpaw

How to make a screenshot with iPhone

Step 1: Locate the necessary buttons: you will want to locate the Start button and the Lock button on your iPhone. Most likely, you probably know where they are because they are the only physical buttons on the phone. If not, do not worry. The Start button is circular and appears on the front of the phone, directly below the screen. The Start button has occupied the same property on all iPhone models. The Lock button, also known as the sleep/activation button, is located on the right side of your phone unless you’re using an iPhone 6 or later. Otherwise, it is located on the top of your device.

Step 2: Take the screenshot: Press the Start and Sleep buttons at the same time when you see what you want to capture. The iPhone screen will flash briefly blank, indicating that the screenshot worked correctly. You will also hear a weak shutter noise, as long as your device is not in silent mode.

If you press the Sleep button a fraction of a second before the Start button, your iPhone’s screen will turn off. If you press and hold the Start button for too long, then Siri will be activated. Timing is everything here, so if this is the first time you do it, you may have to try a few times to get the correct time.

Step 3: Edit the screenshots: once you’ve made the screenshot, a small preview will appear in the lower-left corner of the screen. This preview will automatically disappear in about five seconds, but you can also slide it to the left to discard it. By touching the thumbnail, you can crop or enlarge the image, or mark it with a pencil and various shapes. When you have finished editing, select Done in the upper left corner and choose whether you want to save the new image or delete it. If you take a screenshot, touch the preview and select Done. You can also select Remove screenshots and quickly cancel a screenshot that you did not intend to take, which is very convenient.

Step 4: Watch and share the screenshots: once captured, the st iPhone will automatically save the screenshot directly to the camera roll (also known as the Photos app). Simply tap the Photos app, which is represented by a multicolored sunflower icon, and scroll to the bottom of the photostream to see the recently captured screenshots. Then, touch the thumbnail to enlarge these images, or the box in the lower-left corner while viewing the icon to access the options to share the screenshot through text, email, AirDrop, Facebook, Twitter, and other services.

Benefits of Electronic Signatures for Your Business

Ever since people invented money, and societies became just slightly more advanced than what they were before that, legal documents and signatures became very important. Borrowing or lending money suddenly became a lot more official, and people were no longer promising things, they started signing instead.

Nowadays, the signature of a person can mean so much, and it can be used as legal evidence in case you ever end up in court. However, as technology keeps evolving, and everything around us slowly gets much modernized, the way we sign documents changed as well.

Today, most popular and successful businesses already transitioned to using electronic signatures instead of the regular paper ones, but why exactly? Honestly, it doesn’t sound like something that can make a lot of difference, but is that true? You’ll find out below.

Why Electronic Signatures?

A few decades ago, imagining an office without any paper in it sounded like something completely impossible. As years kept passing by, we slowly got to a point where computers replaced all hand-writing, and now we are getting to a point where paper might become unnecessary to have in an office.

But, are people doing all of this simply so they can say that paper is not needed, or is there a lot more to it? Let’s take a look at the following benefits and you’ll decide for yourself.

Source: copleycg

Practical and Easier

Sometimes when you are required to sign a paper or a certain document, you can find yourself in a situation where you’re either lacking a pen or paper. Of course, this is not the case when someone brings the document to you, along with a pen, but imagine working a job position that requires you to print out hundreds of documents every single day, and then signing them all.

For the average person, a pen running out or lacking paper are things that seem unreal but ask someone who works at an office how common it is for this to happen.

If you switch to electronic signatures instead, there won’t be any chance of materials running out. Besides, oil from the pen can sometimes spill out and cause a mess that cannot be easily cleaned, so stay out of trouble and use the more convenient way of doing things.

Saving the environment

Do you know how many trees are cut yearly just so that people can make documents and papers and then throw them away when they don’t need it, instead of recycling them? A lot.

Our planet is currently in a state where it needs to be saved and it needs people that will think eco-friendly. The best way to prevent trees from being cut is to stop using paper all that much and recycle the one that you’re using after you are done with it. If every office in the world switched to using digital services instead of printing out everything on paper, the tree-cutting will be reduced drastically, and that will make a very positive impact on our environment. For more useful information you can take a look at Docage Signature.

Source: pbverifyblog

A much safer way

Some people think that signing papers are the safest way of having evidence about certain something, but that’s not true. Although it is very safe, digital signatures are safer, and here’s why.

Just as we all know already, everything that you do on a computer, or the internet, leaves some kind of a trace. Nothing is completely anonymous, and something similar happens when you digitally sign something.

When a person signs a document with a regular pen, authorities can find who it was based on the handwriting, but they can never know exactly when the signing took place, which can be a piece of crucial information in some situations.

With electronic signatures, in case something happens and you have to use this information as evidence, the authorities can view exactly when the device was used and when the signature was done. It contains traceable information about who, where and how they signed, which is impossible to do with a regular paper signature.

You are saving a lot of time

Imagine that you are four or five board members of a large business, and you all need to sign a document about a certain change that cannot happen without the approval of everyone. If you do the things in an old-fashioned way, you’d have to print the document, sign it and then send it to the next board member.

After the next board member receives the document, they’ll have to download it, print it, scan it and then send it to the others, which is a procedure that can take up a lot of time, and it is not the most practical thing to do. We all know that in the corporate world there is no time to waste, so why do all of this when you can switch to the digital method?

Source: thomsonreuters

Fewer expenses

The entire point of running a business is to make more money than you spend, right? Well, you should try to apply this rule in every situation, including the expenses for papers, pens, postage, and all the required mailing supplies, as well as the time that you spend going to the post office and such.

It’s a lot more than what you think it is, but you will never really understand how much you’ve been waiting until you finally make the switch.

Showing modernism

One of the things that are very important to business-owners is how they appear to others in the corporate world. If you show everyone that you are following trends, being eco-friendly and thinking consciously, they’ll have larger respect for you, and this will have a huge impact on your career.

One of the ways to do this is by switching to using electronic signatures, and we guarantee that by doing this, you will motivate a lot of other businesses to do the same. Not only that you are saving time, money and resources for yourself, you are also helping the environment and the rest of the business world, all in one.

Why the Regular Maintenance and Cleaning is Necessary for Your Household Refrigerator

Source: Twitter

Refrigerators, like other appliances, need proper care and maintenance. Storing your food within the fridge can keep it tasty and nutritious. This also helps preserve the standard and lifetime of your supplies. These devices work similar to air conditioners. They make the chilling effect and supply cold to the inner items. There are several essential points from refrigeration-hvac-valves.com which you need to know about your device. There are several checkpoints such as proper cleaning, proper storage, proper operation.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of your refrigerator are necessary

Source: Brisbane Appliance Repairs
  • If you are going to do the proper cleaning, then it must be done after removal of all possible drawers.
  • If your fridge faces issues of leakage, then it is a must that you get in touch with the expert.
  • Put two tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda and 1 quarter of warm water and completely dry the fridge.
  • Do not make use of predicament as it may cause a breakage of the glass, and it also causes the melt of the plastic part of the refrigerator.
  • Even be sure and clean the door gasket to ensure an honest seal. You may encounter problems once you keep the fridge in poor condition.

Here are some recommendations on caring for your refrigerator to assist you to save food and energy.

Check the fridge seals

Fridge seals are not just ordinary rubbers. Your refrigerator also can maintain the temperature inside. It is likely to figure harder and consume more energy when the gaskets are broken. So, you have to take care of this as well.

Look at the compressor

Source: Yellow

Compressor fans are susceptible to overheating when the fridge works too hard. You will notice this quickly with the weird noises inside the refrigerator. If the compressor clicks on or off, check if it needs cleaning or professional services.

Keep the fridge closed as much as possible

Source: Stars Insider

Refrigerators consume more energy if you open and shut them regularly. Limit the food you store within the fridge and choose only the perishable goods.

Do not put hot food

Source: Twitter
  • The thermostat within the fridge does an additional task when it is to chill down hot food.
  • Once the nice and cozy air circulates inside, the system works and balances out the temperature.
  • This also results in higher energy consumption. It is advisable to attend the food to chill down before storing them within the refrigerator.

Replace old fridge

Source: OsloMet

Your old fridge may have its sentimental value, but it is going to be time to let it rest. Replace your old fridge and appearance for energy-efficient units. The newest versions have a better thermostat, compressor, and structure. These units also continue with style and residential trends.

  • It is also essential to concentrate on thermostat settings. Changing it may force the compressor to figure harder and suit different temperatures.
  • If dirt goes inside the internal part of the fridge, then it will be good to clean it with a vacuum.
  • It is necessary to take it to the expert after every 4 to 5 years so that he can dissolve all the faults in the refrigerator.
  • Anthony B. Miller from appliance-repair.co says that the best way to eliminate bad odors from the refrigerator is to rub the area with a sponge soaked in lemon juice and leave it on for five minutes. Its citric acid has effective antiseptic effects of cleaning surfaces thoroughly. We can also place the juice of three lemons in an atomizer bottle next to two cups of warm water. Apply on the surface, leave on for several minutes, and remove with a dry cloth.
  • Do you want to remove stains from all the parts inside the fridge? Then prepare a homogeneous solution of bicarbonate and water. You can apply it using a handkerchief, sponge, or soft cloth.

How do you use your household refrigerator properly?

Source: Beol
  • Many owners forget to map the pathway that they’re getting to follow when the refrigerator has already been delivered.
  • You ought to stop and consider the pathway of the refrigerator in your home. Confirm it can fit the doorway.
  • You will possibly need to remove the door from its hinges if you’ve got a limited kitchen space.
  • Confirm the stairway is wide enough for your fridge. Keep the empty fridge out of your child’s reach.
  • If you cannot spend all the food,  throw the unused foods away. The spoiled food can create unhygienic ambience in the fridge!
  • If you plan to leave the house for more than one week, then don’t switch off the refrigerator, but keep it on. And remove all the wet food from the refrigerator. You can keep dry vegetables if you go outside for a small duration.


Refrigerators are one of the essential household items in every house. It will be long-lasting if you clean it on a regular basis. To keep everything clean, it is recommended that you repeat this process every month, at least once.

There are also those who prefer to keep it tidy and clean, so every week they do a general maintenance cleaning of the refrigerator.

For more details please check “Your Appliance Repair

How to Guide to Obtaining a Security Guard License in Canada 2024

Source: guardtraining

Although the process can be intimidating at first, obtaining a security guard license in Ontario, Canada is now easier than ever. Various centres like nfsecurity.ca, for example, offer testing and training, do not hesitate to contact one today.

Security Guard License Eligibility Requirements

According to the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General, Ontario residents applying for a security guard license must be at least 18 years of age, must be eligible to work in Canada, and must have a clean criminal record. A criminal record refers to one who has been convicted of various offences under the Criminal Code of Canada, including forgery, fraud, harassment, causing bodily harm, murder, among others. These individuals are ineligible to hold a license under O. Reg. 37/08: ELIGIBILITY TO HOLD A LICENCE under the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 34.

Source: Securability Protection

Security Guard License Process

Firstly, applicants must successfully complete mandated testing and training and obtain an Ontario Testing Completion Number.

It will take up to 30 business days to process a security guard license, and the license will expire on one’s birthday, 2 years after issuance.

Often, the online application takes about 10 business days to be processed. The new security license card will arrive in the mail in approximately 8 weeks.

Photo requirements must be met, as well as having proper identification. The photos must be passport quality, 50mm wide and 70 mm high, taken within the last 6 months and be clear, and non-retouched.

In addition, 2 valid and non-expired documents must be presented. Examples of valid identification documents include driver’s license, passport, Ontario photo card, permanent resident card, Canadian birth certificate, certificate of Canadian citizenship, naturalization card, and a National Defence Card, among others.

Source: guardtraining

Finally, a guarantor form must be signed. A guarantor is someone who confirms one’s identity and information. The guarantor must be over 18, able to confirm basic personal information, able to see one’s 2 pieces of identification, and have known one for at least 2 years.

Payment is taken through Interac Online, pre-paid credit card, Visa, or MasterCard.

Holders must adhere to the 2005 Private Security and Investigative Services Act, as well as O. Reg. 363/07: CODE OF CONDUCT, which deals with issues, such as honesty, integrity, refrain from acting with unnecessary force, and treat all people without discrimination, among others.

In addition, the licenses must be on one’s person at all times, and security guards must identify themselves and present their license if asked. Failure can result in charges.

Dual Licenses

In addition, Ontario offers a dual license for both a security guard and a private investigator. One can easily obtain both license by completing one form and following the steps on Service Ontario’s website.

Source: columbia

Security Guard License Testing and Training

Many security guard companies now offer Security Guard Training programs for security guards in Ontario. The applicant must take a security guard basic training course and pass a basic test.

  • Basic Training Course – The Basic Training Course may be taken at a public university, community college, private career college, licensed agency, and at a registered employer. Many companies across the province offer training courses as well and offer free consultations. Do not hesitate to call one today.

Course fees are set by the provider. Costs often are in the $100 CAD range without first aid and $190 CAD including first aid certification.

Courses are at least 40 hours long, with certification in emergency first aid/cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Dual certification courses are 90 hours long. Dual certification are approximately $350 CAD.

Courses are offered either in-classroom on online. Topics include Introduction to the Security Industry, Private Security and Investigative Services Act and Code of Conduct regulation, Basic Security Procedures, Report Writing, Health and Safety, Emergency Response Preparation, Canadian Legal System, Legal Authorities, Effective Communications, Sensitivity Training, Use of Force Theory, and Emergency Level First Aid Certification.

In particular, for Use of Force Theory, takedown techniques, handcuffing, and baton work, knives, and suspect control techniques are covered.

Source: guardtraining

After one completes the Basic Training course, one will be given a completion number. This is needed to register for the Basic Test. Certificates must include student name, training centre name, type of training completed, date, and signature of the trainer.

  • Basic Test – The Basic Test is available at Drive Test centres in Ontario and consists of 60 multiple-choice questions. Tests are offered in both English and French.

The cost of a Basic Test is $66.50 plus HST, a total of $75.15 CAD. Results will be ready within 2 days of taking the test.

Once the test is passed, one can apply for the security guard license. For those who fail, unlimited retakes are permitted, with full cost paid each time.

By following eligibility requirements and obtaining training, it is quite simple to obtain a security guard license in Ontario, Canada.

Resurfacing Your Tennis Court – What To Know Before Giving Your Court A Facelift

Source: prestigetenniscourts

If you’re the lucky owner of a tennis court, or if you’ve just moved into a new house with a tennis court in the yard, you may want to know a thing or two about the upkeep they require.

Depending on their construction and overall quality, tennis courts should be resurfaced every 4-8 years, according to professionals from crowall.ca.

If your court sees a lot of play (for instance at a tennis club) it would likely need to be resurfaced a lot sooner than an at-home tennis court. And if you live somewhere with a lot of greenery, or in a climate that rains a lot your tennis court may show signs of wear more quickly.

Resurfacing your tennis court is a two-step process. Many people try to lower the cost of the project by simply repainting the surface, but the first step involves repairing the structural damage and wear and tear, while the second step includes an application of a colored acrylic coating which seals the surface against environmental stressors such as ice and rain. Ensuring the first step is done correctly is essential to your court’s overall longevity.

How To Know When It’s Time To Resurface

Source: kcrenterprisesllc

Some signs that it’s time to start investigating tennis court resurfacing can be found in the condition of your tennis court.

Firstly, look for signs of cracks in the surface of your court. Areas, such as the baseline, that receive high traffic can also develop ‘birdbaths’ or dips in the surface where water can collect

Other signs to look out for include loose sand, stray plants or slippery patches – when you start noticing these, it’s time to start resurfacing.

Do It Yourself or Call In The Pros?

Source: youtube

When it’s time to resurface your tennis court, you have a few options.

For the handyman, exploring Do-It-Yourself projects could be a good option to save some money. You’ll want to find a resurfacing company that can help you find the right acrylic sealants for the job, depending on the kind of damage your court has sustained.

Bear in mind, that while it may be less expensive, resurfacing the court yourself is a big job and requires a number of power tools. If you do decide to tackle this project, make sure to recruit a friend to help you on the way.

If you’re not interested in getting your hands dirty, you can always call in the professionals.

A professional resurfacing company like lasvegassportscourt.com can come to your property and handle the entire project for you, supplying all the tools and materials needed to get the job done.

Things To Consider

Source: localtenniscourtresurfacing

No matter which option you decide to go with, there’s a few key things to consider before starting this project.

When you decide to get your court resurfaced, it will take between 3-6 days to get the job finished, so you don’t want to be booking any games while the process is ongoing. Some experts even recommend ensuring that the new surface is fully cured, which can take up to a month depending on the season.

Consult the experts when you purchase your materials about how long you should wait for your individual court.

How To Make It Last

Source: etcsports

Now that you’ve given your tennis court a facelift, you’re probably wondering how to keep it this way.

Surface damage is natural in the usage of a tennis court, but there are a few things you can do to preserve the surface for longer. These include:

  • Regularly trimming grass and trees surrounding the court
  • Sweeping the court surface for leaves and other debris
  • Power washing or hosing down the court
  • Tackling minor repairs as soon as you see them

Owning a tennis court can be a great joy, but with it comes the responsibility of the upkeep and maintenance. If you take care of your tennis court you’re sure to see many excellent games throughout its life.

Wedding Photography – What You Should Know

Source: AdobeStock

Wedding Photography is the rave of the moment for every event; it captures those moments we want to reminisce, cherish and keep hold forever. Photography and weddings have relationship stories that go along with it and make it very unique.

Aside its visual frills, it also tells stories of how the journey started and eventually how it happened that day, what a gig!

Wedding photography in Canada is steadily gaining ground than other forms of photography due to the love and glorious captures blend together during wedding events. Wedding photography specializes solely on events and activities relating to weddings. It includes various activities and styles like a pre-wedding engagement shoot, Couple style at the beach, etc. All these activities can be used to make invitation cards and souvenirs

Source: Shutterstock

In this type of photography, portrait and documentary photography are the two popular mechanisms to cover activities and rituals that occur in the wedding – They are lovely moments to record and watch later, according to mangostudios.com.

Photographs boast a blend of photographic genres. It incorporates landscape and portrait style depending on the location beautification.

Although, this is really stressful because you can’t afford to make mistakes that will jeopardise your career and also give you bad reviews and comments.

This article will explore options and tendencies photographers can tap from to increase and build their brands.

Wedding Photography Earnings

Source: Perth Bride

Although this is not that kind of job you can expect to make a mountain at once but you can steadily build a mountain. An estimate shows people taking a career in wedding photography in Canada via their online ads posting.

Wedding photography earnings vary depending on regions in Canada. Nova Scotia region has the highest earnings of $46.069 per year. British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan comes next.

Normally, the average salary of a photographer in Canada is $36, 400 per year or $ 18.67 per hour.

This is just the basic calculation but if you are skilful and experienced you can earn more than that per hour and in a year.

The beauty about wedding photography is the hourly rate, which simply means you can do as many events in a day depending on the time.

Most Notable Equipments For Wedding Photography

Source: AdobeStock

It’s notable for a professional photographer to have sophisticated cameras to make his or her work different. The equipments are as follow;

  •  Camera: It’s the most important part of a photographer. Although there are a myriad of cameras like the mirror less camera that’s been around for some time, it’s beneficial and useful. There are also powerful digital cameras like DSLRs camera, tripods, etc.
  • Accessories: They are also needed to make your camera neat and keep in a better state. We have lots of designed accessories like camera bags, a cleaning kit for the lens, and memory cards.
  • Wireless Transmitter: it’s a great addition to your sophisticated equipment. It helps to increase workflow. It’s used to transfer files to your storage device or laptop. You can also send it to a nearby shop of a colleague and the intriguing idea of the Transmitter is that it can be edited as you shoot.
  • Lens: It’s important that you acquire as many as possible. You can’t use a lens to do a whole wedding session. You have to get an alternative because the lens help to gather and focus the light reflected from an object. The camera uses a convex lens.

Tips for a successful wedding photography

As a photographer, it’s pertinent you capture the best moments and make the event a memorable one after the wedding through your photography documentary and portraits.

We will explore how to take mind-blowing pictures and mistakes or carelessness to avoid because it’s a onetime event and that’s why it’s different to other forms of photography.

There are lots of challenges during wedding events, such as dealing with different kinds of people – the bride’s and groom’s family, also time can also be a challenge, Canadians are time conscious, so you have to work within the stipulated time.

Let’s highlight tips that can help you produce the best photography weddings in Canada

  • Assist the pro: it’s important you know the rules of a wedding event before orchestrating one. It’s advisable you work with a pro or veteran, you can gain experience and apply in your upcoming shoots.
  • Fix your camera: make sure your gadgets are working perfectly fine. If there is a need to change anything, please do, don’t manage a faulty part or device, you don’t want to expose and tarnish your image.
  • Get alternatives: it’s someone’s life event and it’s once in a lifetime. You should have alternatives in case unforeseen comes up. Spare Batteries should be available, lens and storage devices

Conclusively, wedding photography in Canada is a promising and unique career. Canada boasts top wedding photographers in the world; you can join the rank if you follow all the mentioned steps above.

Best Face Concealer for Oily Skin in 2024

Source: iStock

Women always aim to look their best which is why they frequently use a concealer for their oily skin, but sometimes applying your branded and most expensive concealer simply does not work. And, you can’t look your best if your skin constantly looks shiny like you have been applying oil on your face instead of makeup.

The problem with some concealers is that they are not waterproof or lightweight enough to handle skin that produces a lot more sebum than usual. So, next time you are out shopping for one, make sure you purchase one with the claim that it is oil-free or at least it has some kind of oil absorption properties.

So, choosing the right product can be a bit difficult if your most trustworthy brand stopped working for you, but fortunately for you and many out there, we have made a list of the best face concealers for oily skin that we believe might work for everyone. Naturally, everyone has a different situation, so you will still need to make your own choice in the end.

Best for almost everyone – Secret Camouflage, Laura Mercier

Source: beauty & le chic

This one is our personal favorite and we believe it can be the right pick for almost everyone because you have the option to customize the two colors. You can then create the perfect blend with the colors you have picked to cover up any blemishes, discoloration or scars.

Its formulation is cream which is the perfect option for those that have problems with oily skin. People who have bought this item claim that it is quite dry which is why it is so difficult to apply at first, but once you put it on, it will last for a lot longer than you would expect.

So, if you want to put on some concealer in the morning without having to worry about reapplying it or checking whether it is starting to fade, you should definitely get Laura Mercier’s Secret Camouflage.

Alternative pick – Bye Bye Breakout, It Cosmetics

Source: Perfectly Leila

What’s so great about It Cosmetics’ concealer is that it can easily cover up your oily skin and that it can be worn alone or with makeup too. There won’t be any noticeable creases or cracks even after hours and hours of wear and tear.

It’s oil-absorbing properties are also a great plus and it also contains kaolin clay, zinc oxide, tea tree, sulfur and many other ingredients that might help heal your skin and deal with acne. Basically, it is a two-in-one deal. You are both using it as makeup and as a remedy.

Long-Lasting – Infallible Pro Glow, L’Oreal 2024

Source: Brigettes Boutique

L’Oreal claims that this product can provide you with more than 16 hours of coverage, so if you are looking for a product that will last throughout the entire day, the Infallible Pro Glow is definitely your best bet.

With it, you can hide any imperfection on your face while also highlighting your best features. It is quite lightweight, so it won’t be clogging up your pores, but it still strong enough to prevent oil from getting through the concealer. We should note that it does have a nice radiant glow to it, so if that’s not the type of look you are searching for then this is not the product for you.

L’Oreal advises that the Infallible Pro Glow should be applied only after applying the foundation for the best results. If you are using it as a highlighter then you should pick a shade that is a bit lighter than your skin. If you are looking for other products similar to this one, check out Loreal Paris.

Full Coverage – The Sensual Skin Enhancer Concealer, Sephora

Source: Twitter

For anyone with oily skin looking for a full coverage concealer to help cover up hyperpigmentation, pimples, and any other skin problem you should definitely look into this product from Sephora.

This full coverage concealer looks natural when you put it on so it doesn’t look like you’re wearing any concealer at all. The best part is it can hold up to excessive oily skin with no problem.

The main ingredient in this concealer formula is jojoba oil, which according to Oily Skin Group is a plant-based oil that mimics the natural oil in your skin so your sebaceous glands is tricked into thinking it doesn’t need to produce any more sebum (skin oil).

As you can imagine, a concealer that helps inhibit the production of sebum while concealing blemishes and redness, covering up hyperpigmentation and acne, and correcting your other skin concerns is a heaven sent for someone with oily skin.

Sephora claims that this product doesn’t contain sulfates, parabens, or any other ingredients that can clog your pores and make your oily skin worse.

Some reviewers even believe this full coverage concealer makes an even better foundation. So if you want a waterproof, full coverage concealer that will actually help keep your oily skin under control you should definitely check out Sephora’s The Sensual Skin Enhancer Concealer.

Cheaper option – New York Fit Me!, Maybelline

Source: Project Vanity

The New York Fit Me! is also a great pick for anyone because it comes in all kinds of shades, so you won’t have to worry about getting the wrong cover. However, if you plan on buying it from Amazon, make sure you pick the color first before adding it to the cart. A lot of people make this mistake and think it’s the brand’s fault.

Don’t be misled by the cheaper price, the New York Fit Me! Is actually quite effective and can provide full coverage for quite a lot of hours. It will hide all of your imperfections without any trouble. It works on oily skin and most users report that it works on normal and dry too.

It looks quite natural, so if you do not want to people notice that you are wearing a ton of concealer, you should definitely consider this one.

We should also note that a few reviewers claim that it cannot cover deeper scars.

Alternative pick – Can’t Stop Won’t Stop, Nyx Professional Makeup

Source: HoneyBrisk

Great for those that are looking for something more lightweight while also being creamy enough to hide those pesky under-eye circles or deeper blemishes. It has a medium and buildable coverage degree which means it is up to you how much you will apply it on your skin. If you are the type of person who avoids thick layers of makeup, then you should consider Nyx’s Can’t Stop Won’t Stop option.

Keep in mind, this product does not come with its own applicator, so if you do not have your own equipment to apply it to yourself, you might be disappointed when using just the tip for application.

Nyx Professional Makeup claims that this product can deliver 24-hour matte coverage because of its waterproof properties. This means you won’t have to worry about reapplying it every few hours because of creases or wrinkles.

Nyx also claims that none of their products are ever tested on animals, so if you are about cruelty-free cosmetics, this one is definitely one of those.

It comes in 24 different colors which is always a great plus because you can easily find the one that will match your skin color.

With a price of just $6, you should definitely consider buying this concealer that works the magic just like most high-end ones.

11 College Dating Tips for 2024

Source: 3Diesel.com

When we talk about modern dating and modern relationships, you can get more information at hernorm.com – the only thing on the rise is breakups. It’s a devastating fact, isn’t it? It seems increasingly difficult to meet the “right person” with whom we could have fun or embark on a more serious relationship. This syndrome affects all populations, including college-educated people. Where are we heading to and what tips to apply to keep the relationship going in the long run? We will try to answer some of these questions.

Meeting The Ideal Partner

Source: NBC News

Although meeting the “ideal partner” is usually a matter of coincidence, making each relationship is preceded by a lot of work on yourself. However, one should also actively work in the form of making new acquaintances or attracting the attention of the opposite sex. Even though many of us try-hard, we have witnessed that often even a population of college-educated people have a problem finding a soulmate. Why is that so? Are the criteria we set to ourselves too high – or is it the fact that there are fewer such people in our environment? Should we look for our other half beyond the borders of our country? And what are some main tips for contemporary dating this 2024? Respecting all the individuality and diversity regarding new relationships, here are some college dating tips that can certainly help if you are looking for the right person.

1. Define Yourself And The Qualities You Seek From Your Partner

Source: Medium

Before embarking on any kind of relationship, it is very important to get to know yourself. This primarily involves raising awareness of your needs and therefore the qualities valued with the opposite sex. Define all the traits that determine your ideal partner. However, rank them according to the degree of compromise you are willing to agree on for each of them. Soon the picture of the “right person” will be much clearer, but remember: In reality, you may be attracted to a person opposed to everything you expected. If that happens, it will be helpful to know what compromises you are willing to agree to without being unhappy.

2. Strive To Strengthen The Qualities You Have Identified As Key In Choosing A Partner

Source: Lifehack

This step can help you find common ground with people who pay equal attention to the same values. Although opposites are often drawn to each other – relationships between people with more similarities often work much better in reality. Also, if you invest as much in the relationship as you expect from a partner, you will surely lay a good foundation for building a quality relationship.

3. Work On Yourself

You would probably want your future partner to be positive, confident and self-assured, so you should primarily make the effort to be the same person yourself. Do everything you can to be fulfilled and satisfied, making others feel good in your company.

4. Find A Hobby

Source: Advice from a Twenty Somethin

Not only does this step make us feel better, but it is also a great way to make new acquaintances with people with similar interests, which can be a great basis for building a quality relationship. Besides, a dance course, for example – is certainly a good way to make the first contact, and perhaps create first sparkles. Make time in the schedule for yourself while creating the opportunity to make new acquaintances. Business commitments are not an excuse.

5. Be Open

Source: Medical News Today

If someone approaches you or tries to communicate with you, try to be open-minded and do not reject this opportunity for fear of failure. Sometimes it can be just non-verbal communication, so make sure you recognize and respond to such signs if you are interested. Also, you do not have to be afraid to make the first contact. Probably the opposite side is just as difficult as you, and with that, you truly have nothing to lose.

6. Love Knows No Boundaries

Source: Pinterest

Do your best to be open-minded. The love of your life may not be in your neighbourhood, your city, your country – or even on the same continent. Love knows no boundaries, so you can find your soulmate in far parts of other continents like Asia. In recent years, there has been a marked upswing in relationships and marriages involving women or men from this area. Particularly noticeable are the increasingly common relationships between men from America or Western Europe with women from China. What is the secret of successful relationships and marriages with Chinese women – read on this website. In any case, do not allow distance from the person you like to be crucial in your decision to give up on love.

7. Relax

Source: Hormone Wizard

Being on the lookout for a new partner does not necessarily mean that you have to look at each person that way. Try to work on making new friends, and do not reject people who do not fit into your ideal partner image. If given the opportunity, they might surprise you, and if that doesn’t happen, you might make a new friend.

8. Do Not force anything

Source: RelRules

After the first sparkles occur, make sure to keep your heads cool. Finding the right person does not necessarily mean that you will be able to have a good relationship with that person. Be patient and don’t force it, so you’ll be sure things are going their way.

9. Don’t Neglect Your Other Interests

Source: Michael Gregory II

Although new relationships take a lot of time and investment, it doesn’t have to mean you have to ignore all the other things that make you happy. This way, even if the relationship does not have a happy ending, you will be assured that that time is not wasted. Enjoy with your partner, but take care of yourself first. Unless you do your best to be happy, your partner probably won’t succeed either.

10. Be Honest

Source: Photography by Tanya Plonka

Honesty can greatly facilitate the building of a quality relationship.

Beautifying yourself does not hold water if you intend to create a long-lasting and quality relationship. Therefore, try to be honest and simple from the start. Also, this way you can be sure that your partner is accepting you as you truly are.

11. Believe In Yourself

Source: PS I Love You

Self-esteem is extremely important, not only in the relationship with a partner but also in everyday life. As much as you value yourself, you can also expect others to have respect for you. Physical appearance, education or popularity in society can be advantages. However, in no case, these things should be disadvantages when you value yourself. Unless you are not making a big deal about such shortcomings – they probably won’t affect the opinion of others about you at all. Remember: honesty, simplicity, confidence and openness are the most common traits we all look at when searching for a potential partner.

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