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Which Hobby Fits Your Personality

Source: pinterest

It seems that nowadays, when information about all sorts of things via the internet is at our fingertips, finding a hobby should be a simple task. It is, in theory, but in practice, many people very often give up hobbies after a short time for a number of reasons. They spend a lot of money, precious time, but in the end, they have to give up, and instead of one more experience, they are left with a bitter taste in their mouth.

Even though no hobby should be for life, as life circumstances and interests throughout life can change, if you are just in the process of thinking and finding the most ideal hobby, this article can certainly help you in this quest. You can view finding a new hobby as one of the business ventures that can change your life for the better and bring you, above all, pleasure and immeasurable spiritual wealth. Are you wondering which is the best hobby for your personality?

Try different activities

Source: The Criterion Collection

The easiest way to determine if an activity is right for you is to try it yourself. Are you a sports guy, artistic or curious, so you’re interested in everything? Fortunately, there are ways to easily determine what works for you. It is easiest to start with physical activity. Take a week to plan your time. It is best to ask a friend to join him. You will have someone to show you and further motivate you.

If you want to try out some artistic skills, such as adult painting workshops, then sculpting, decoupage, jewelry, modeling…There are organizations that hold workshops that are about developing these skills.

Push your boundaries

Source: Sixty and Me

What is the first thing you think about pursuing a new hobby? “No it’s not for me! I can’t start skydiving because I’m afraid of heights or painting because I don’t know how to paint? ”
“Or it’s the perfect hobby for me! Gardening is an ideal hobby for me, I just need a piece of garden. ”

In the first case, you need to deal with fears. Although it is not very simple, ask yourself what is the best way to release these fears. If you are not going to be successful, at least you will know that you have tried and where your limits are. Secondly, you need to ask yourself if you are realistic about your hobby. You can’t garden without a garden, nor can you jump from a plane without a parachute.

So, it’s important to push your own boundaries, but also to be realistic.

Search the Internet for recreational activities

Source: diytomake.com

If you don’t have anyone in an environment you can look up to, or just don’t care enough to try it yourself, the internet is always here! Explore what the hobby process itself looks like, you may be blown away by the final result and make an effort to repeat the result.

When you see an old jewelry box become a beautiful decoration in the room, as a result of the decoupage, you’ll want to transform something yourself. Handmade jewelry looks great? I want mine too! You make the point.

What kind of hobby do you want?

Source: IamExpat

Just like in any other decision, when you think about this, think about whether it would be something that you would deal with on your own, without the presence of others, or whether it would be a social activity that brings together different people with equal interest. Of course, if you want to broaden your perspectives and meet new people then you need to choose a hobby that is also a social activity. It’s the same with a business venture, you need to consider whether you want to work alone or have partners.

What hobby fits your personality?

Source: Mass Music

It is very important to think about this, and we will help you with advice. Assess yourself if you are capable of something. If you are very introverted and shy, acting is by no means the right choice for you and the like. Here are the best options for each type of personality.

  • For the competitive spirit

Sport is certainly a consideration, but we will leave it a bit late. Ideal for you is a game like darts, pool, or the increasingly popular bumper pool. You will compete against your friends, which is not exhausting and does not require physical conditioning. You have opportunities to make a lot of progress, so it will be interesting for you to develop your skills.

However, for this game, you will need some equipment and for the best bumper pool table reviews, check this.

  • For the discerning

The best choice is chess, then various types of card games as well as puzzle. You can also dedicate yourself to learning new languages, this is a great brain exercise and is very useful. It’s fun because you also learn about new nations and customs of the people.

  • For people who like physical activity

The choice is endless. You can start with the usual things like playing football, basketball or tennis. Of course, check your health before doing so. Then hiking and walking. If you want to make a serious commitment, then marathon running, mountain summits, etc. are also considered. Dance is a great choice as well. If you live near the sea, you might also consider surfing and sailing.

  • For lovers of nature and science

Pick an interesting topic and start exploring. That can be anything from astronomy to history. Buy a telescope or myoscope. If you love nature, birdwatching is the first choice. You can also get a pet, so you have close contact with the animal. The choice is great, from dog to fish in an aquarium to lizards. If you’re considering a fish tank, myaquarium.net has some very good tips and suggestions for you.

  • For stress relief

Generally, every hobby should play the role of an activity that relieves you from stress. But this will especially happen if you start practicing things like yoga and meditation and start exploring the whole world that surrounds those activities.

How to make money from a hobby?

Source: OCA Truth

You have determined what fits you in and what you want to invest in your free time. You must have become successful over time. Your friends and family admire your results. How do you take your activity to the next level? There are several ways of doing what you do.

If you become a fitness enthusiast or run marathons every month, you can create your own blog and write about your experiences, give tips and directions. Over time, the blog can be commercialized, whether through sponsorships with sports brands, or advertisements on the blog itself.

Maybe the internet and blogging don’t appeal to you so much? You can do the same thing live, become a personal trainer to someone in your area.

If you’ve mastered artistic skills, you’ve probably started giving your friends and family unique gifts that they always love. You can create pages on social networks and sell what you make in your spare time.


As we said in the beginning, not every hobby you start with is the right one, nor should you be involved with it forever. Just like work.

But unlike work, a hobby in a certain part of your life should always entertain, relax, make you happy …

Top 10 Office 365 Security Tips in 2024

Microsoft Office 365 is one of the most popular SaaS environments in the world. There are more than 200 million active users of Office 365. That’s why keeping data secure is essential. But how to protect your data? We’ve collected 10 essential tips for keeping Office 365 safe.

Create a Strong Password Policy

Having strong passwords is crucial. Yet, often setting up a strong password policy is left behind in favour of more sophisticated security techniques. Neglecting passwords may lead to serious vulnerability, especially against brute-force attacks.

There are essential rules of a strong password policy:

  1. Do not use simple and obvious passwords like 12345, abcdef, qwerty, and so on.
  2. The password must be at least 8 characters long. Longer the better.
  3. Include uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and special symbols.
  4. Never use the same password for multiple accounts.
  5. Set up password expiration correctly. You can do it in the security and privacy settings of your O365 account. Passwords should be changed at least once every 90 days, preferably more often.

Set Up Multi-factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) provides another layer of security by ensuring that only authorized users can access the system and data. MFA double-checks the identity of a user. In addition to password, MFA requires a mobile phone of an authorized user to confirm their identity once again. To confirm the identity, a special code is sent to the user’s mobile device.

It is required to install the Authenticator mobile app to log in to your Office 365 account after MFA is enabled.

Have Your Data Backed Up

Having a backup is one of the best security practices. Backed up data is secure in case of a cyber attack, accidental deletion, or insider threat. With backup, all lost or damaged files can be restored to their original form. What features you should pay attention to while looking for Office 365 backup?

  • Backup of various O365 services: Onedrive, Outlook items, Contacts, and others.
  • Indefinite data retention.
  • Customizable backup frequency.
  • Data versioning and point-in-time restore.
  • Recovery with preservation of the folder hierarchy.
  • 24/7 support.

For example, all of these features and functionalities can be found in SpinOne 0365 backup solution that can be upgraded with additional anti-ransomware features.

Use Anti-ransomware Software

Ransomware is a significant threat to Office 365 corporate users. Hackers launch ransomware attacks to encrypted cloud data and demand ransomware to give it back.

Office 365 has some built-in ransomware protection features. However, it may be a good idea to use third-party software to get an additional level of ransomware protection. With anti-ransomware tools, you can detect and stop a ransomware attack before the virus spreads through the system and encrypt all files.

Control Roles and Permissions in the Security and Compliance Center

Configuring roles and permissions in the Security and Compliance Center is vital to restrict unauthorized access to system-critical data. Permissions and roles determine the data, which can be accessed by a user.

The best way to configure roles and permissions in the Security and Compliance Center is to limit the level of access of users to the level which doesn’t exceed their responsibilities. However, do not over-limit access, or it will have a negative impact on productivity. Finding the golden mean is essential to keep the workflow secure without making it slower.

The global admin role gives the widest options for configuring Office 365 settings. For obvious reasons, global admin access should be used only for the top-level operations. That’s why it’s recommended to create additional accounts for minor security tasks, without involving the global admin’s access. This practice will help to diversify the potential security risks.

Use Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection

Security and Compliance Center has many other features and settings, not only configuring permissions. Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP), which helps to monitor attachments and detect corrupted ones. Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection includes ATP Safe Attachment protection that ought to be turned on.

First of all, find Threat management in the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center, in the left navigation pane. After that, select Policy and choose ATP safe attachments. After that, you can configure the policy to ensure the security of attachments in your working environment.

Monitor Your Security Score

It’s always good to track your security performance. Within Office 365, you can find out more about the level of your security. Microsoft Security Score, a native O365 tool, will help you. This tools analyzes your cloud data and suggests possible ways to make it more secure.

Use Office Message Encryption

Office Message Encryption is a built-in feature of Office 365. Office Message Encryption gives another layer of security to corporate communications. With email encrypted, only intended recipients can view them.

To encrypt an email, go to Outlook for PC. Select Options, then Permissions. After that, tick Encrypt.

Arrange Cyber Security Trainings

Cybersecurity awareness training should become an important part of any organization’s routine. Educating employees about cybersecurity threats, anti-ransomware measures, ways to spot phishing attacks, and other security-related topics will help you to decrease the probability of a cyber attack.

As a result of training, all Office 365 users should understand the basics of cybersecurity like:

  • What is a phishing attack and what are the ways to prevent it?
  • What websites and links may be dangerous?
  • What are the reasons for data loss and how to avoid them?
  • What is tailgating and why is it dangerous?

Though even trained Office 365 users may click a phishing link or accidentally delete important information, the security education helps to decrease the probability of accidents.

Continue to Learn about Office 365 Security

New cybersecurity threats appear constantly, and the ability to react effectively is vital for the security of your Office 365 data. Besides, Office 365 often rolls out new updates and features. That’s why keeping your hand on the security pulse is extremely important. After all, being aware means being secure.

Free Online Slideshow Creator – 2024 Review

Source: Website Design

Let’s say that some special moment is coming soon. For example, the anniversary of your marriage is coming for 2 weeks and you are preparing to surprise your partner. Logically, you will want to buy a present. If want to get out of the box, you will also organize to go somewhere. This doesn’t necessarily need to be a trip. You can both go together to dinner and eat your favorite food.

Fortunately, a tool like Free-Online-Slideshow-Creator.com allows us to be even more creative. We live in a world of advanced technology, don’t we? It would be smart to use the advantages that the online world brings. This doesn’t only include business opportunities. You can easily share emotions and surprise your partner with this tool.

Anyway, the photo slideshow creator is a tool that can turn many memories into reality. The image that captured some unforgettable moments is not a “basic” image. It means a lot more to both of you. Despite that, things can be even better if you a slideshow creator with music. The music improves the way how you show some nice emotions to the other person.

Well, because of that, we would want to review this tool and explain to you how to use it.

Slideshow Creator

Source: Cincopa

As we said, this is a completely free slideshow creator that can be a great present. Many people have the wrong way of thinking. They spend a fortune on a current gift and they believe that is the right choice. Well, some cheap or even free presents can cause happiness more than the expensive one. This tool is going to ensure that.

There are three basic steps that you need to go through to make the slideshow with your pictures and videos. You do not have to be a genius to realize how it works.

Pick a Themed Template

Source: Forager Funds

Well, choosing the themed template is the first thing that you have to do. Well, this might not be a challenging process. However, you have a huge number of options to choose between. More precisely, there are more than 180 beautiful ready-made templates.

Yet, it is good to know that each one is suitable for a special purpose. For example, if the reason why you create a slideshow is a birthday, then pick the one in that style. You will find the themed template for different templates such as anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, etc.

Add Your Pictures and Images

Source: Reactionary Times

Okay, here comes the main part that deserves the most of your attention. Picking the ready-made template won’t be a huge challenge. It will be obvious which template is going to be perfect for your slide show. Yet, which pictures you will choose is a bit tougher.

We have one recommendation for you. Pick the images that truly mean a lot to both of you. It is not the point to pick the ones that are the “most beautiful”. Even these pictures were taken with a professional camera, that doesn’t mean they are the right choice.

The number of pictures that you will add is unlimited. The online slideshow creator is not limited to the number of photos. You can add them millions if you want. However, we have another suggestion that might make your slideshow better.

As we said, this online slideshow creator comes with music. In the background, you can add the favorite music track. We recommend you use this feature. Add the favorite song that also means to both to you. Anyway, the length of the song is probably around 3 minutes. We suggest you add a picture every 10 seconds of the music. For those 10 seconds, the person will have the chance to remember the moment that the image is associated with. If the song is 3 minutes long, then that means between 15 and 20 pictures would be enough. Of course, this also includes short videos.

Yet, if you are not sure which music to use, then that won’t be a problem. This free online program will pick a tune for you.

Save and Share Your Creation

Source: Calipso Comunicaciones

The program itself will make everything instead of you. The help of the templates is huge, especially for those people that are not so talented for designing. Everything you did, you can save by clicking on the “save” button. You do not have to publish the slideshow automatically. Maybe you made it a couple of days before the important day.

The tool gives you two options. The first option is to directly to your YouTube account. If that’s not something you want, then sharing your short movie on your social media is the option you have. Most people pick the second option. They share it on their wall on Facebook or Instagram and tag the other person.

We suggest you do that when the person is not even online. In that way, we believe that the surprise will be even stronger.

When to Use Online Slideshow Creator?

Source: isightinfo

Well, we already mentioned some of them in the introduction of the article. However, there are 4 moments when using this tool would be a perfect choice.

1. Heartwarming Family Slideshow

Source: Delas

Is there a more valuable thing than family? We hope that you know the answer to this question is “no”. Well, you can mark every part of your family’s life with a festive slideshow. Use this tool to make every memorable event “touchable”.

2. Holiday Slideshow

Source: Facebook

We all like holidays like New Year, Easter, Christmas, etc. Well, these are all some sort of family holidays. You can surprise them with a slideshow. We suggest you include the pictures that were taken on the previous holidays.

3. Thrilling Vacation

Source: KINO&CO

Whenever we travel somewhere, we usually take a huge number of pictures. Well, it is okay if you got all those pictures on the shelves. However, you can once again use the benefits of Internet technology. Make a slideshow and add different backgrounds and effects to make those memories even more beautiful.

4. Dreamlike Wedding

Source: AdobeStock

Yes, we already mentioned this, but we need to repeat it once again. This is a special day for each person in the world. There will be a huge number of pictures. You will have to take a picture with every guest that you invite. Well, the online slideshow creator is not limited to a current number of pictures. Add them all in your slideshow and make your memories even nicer.

3 Ways Modern Technology is Changing Real Estate Industry in 2024

Source: Medium

Technology is slowly changing all aspects of life and business. One very important industry that modern technology is changing is the real estate industry.

The real estate industry with all of its branches and sectors has been notoriously slow and in desperate need of change. Digitalization is the only way forward, but it took some time for the real estate industry to catch up on this trend.

What was once private listings that could be seen only if you pass by the house or in the paper are now fully online for everyone to see and enquire.

Nowadays, actually seeing the property first hand is the step that people take as last. What they do before that is actually view a website, view the contents of a specific listing, enquire, and then decide whether to visit the property or not.

Naturally, this is a very convenient way of doing business, and an even better way of not wasting your time.

But that’s not all, and there are far more ways that modern technology is changing this industry. To clarify things and hopefully shed some light, we’ve decided to tell you about the X ways this is made possible through modern technology.

1. Blockchain

Source: Mprise

With increasing speculations that Bitcoin and the blockchain may completely revolutionize the way we do finances, real estate agents and companies are willing to risk and take payments using the blockchain.

The blockchain is a decentralized digital space that no monetary authority has nay authority over transactions or history. The blockchain technology is projected at a $200 billion worth in more than a decade since first operating.

But how exactly is it changing the real estate industry? Well, first off, we touched on the matter that it is completely decentralized. But it is the potential of this technology that makes it such a lucrative offering to the real estate industry.

The potential to completely change the way we pay for things, complete transactions, and even buy homes and property is what makes it a hot property in the real estate industry.

2. VR and AR

Source: Pinterest

Virtual reality and augmented reality are yet other pieces of technology that are instrumental to the buying process of a property in 2024.

VR, for those that don’t know, is a 3D technology that simulates any surrounding. This makes it possible for a real estate agency to effectively simulate a potential listing and offer the chance for potential buyers to “step in” and browse it.

VR is a very, very, sought-after tech in the industry, with more and more agencies hiring personnel to create their listings in the virtual space. But more so, an entire industry of design studios for 3D renders has emerged to air the real estate industry in making this a possibility.

Furthermore, potential buyers can customize their potential homes through the use of virtualized interior design, to determine how their potential home would look. This, as we said, has the potential of completely changing the way we buy homes.

As we talked at the beginning of the article, it is all because of VR that potential buyers don’t need to come and see the potential home their buying until the latter stages of the decision making.

To know more about vitalized space, how it can be used, created, and even see examples of professionals doing it, then make sure to head over to Voxelworlds.com.

3. AI

Source: Real Estate Forecast

Artificial intelligence has a grasp in all things, including this industry. Artificial intelligence is used for a more consumer-centric approach to real estate.

Things include anything from robots giving house tours to streamlining the process. This consumer-centric approach paves the way for convenience for both sides; the consumers and the sellers. AI has the potential to completely streamline the buying process, making it very convenient for the potential buyer to do what’s needed.

AI is often seen as the technology that will end humanity. But in real estate, and in various other industries, AI has the capacity to relieve many of the problems that burden the buyer.

Why Technology is Changing the Real Estate Industry?

Source: Dreamstime

We talked about how technology changes the industry, now let’s talk about why.


Source: Shutterstock

It seems that the reason why technology is heavily finding its use in this industry is all down to speed. Transactions take a lot of time to finish, and it can be a very painful wait to have everything processed and done.

This is where the blockchain industry comes into play. Not only is the blockchain decentralized, but transactions are super fast with minimal fees. Although it might take some time before the blockchain sees its use on all levels in this industry, the unmatched processing speed is yet another reason why agencies tend to use it.

Lack of Human Touch

Source: Medium

If there is one thing for certain in this industry is that there are too many salespeople that you have to meet while looking for your dream home.

Artificial intelligence and virtual reality are the technologies that help those that don’t want human contact when buying their home. We talked about how VR has the potential of showing a buyer the house, and we talked about how AI has the potential of streamlining the process.

Well, put two and two together and you have a recipe for success. With the two combined, a buyer doesn’t even have to meet a salesperson to buy his dream home.

Real-Time Data

Source: iStock

Yet another reason why AI is used in real estate is that it makes real-time data ready and easily accessible for all parties. With real-time data, potential buyers can acquire about the availability and state of a potential listing before even making the call.

This includes anything from availability, price, soil stability, and various other pieces of information that the buyer might deem useful.

Most of these things were gradually avoided by salespeople, as they feared it would turn people away from actually visiting the listing. Nowadays, it is welcomed by everyone with open arms and actually helps get the job done.

Top 6 Ways to Get the Loan You Want Easily 2024

Source: Paisley

If you’re in the market for finding a loan that meets your exact requirements, you may find that the options, depending on what you want, can be limited. Whether it’s because a lender needs you to have a specific credit score, be a homeowner or have a minimum income, it can be more complicated than it seems. Due to the various hoops a lender can get you to jump through to get the financial help you crave, many people may become disheartened or frustrated with the process.

When trying to get the exact loan you want, there are a number of ways to improve your chances of doing so. Although nothing is guaranteed, if you do everything possible that will elevate your application, there is every chance you’ll be successful when applying. You want to make yourself as desirable as possible to lenders so they will find it difficult to turn you down. But how can you achieve this? Well, we’re happy to give you some direction with our guide to the top 6 ways you can get the loan you want easily.

1. Compare Lenders

Source: Finance Infinity

When you know what you want, you need to check all the available ways to get it. It’s important to see all the available options before committing to anyone lending product. You can compare online loans very easily with the help of websites such as personalloansnow.co.uk, highlighting the options that are best for you against your exact loan requirements, making the process of applying much quicker and easier.  By using a comparison website, you can take the manual process away when finding suitable lenders, replacing it instead with a few clicks or swipes to have a full overview of what’s available. Comparing lenders in this way will save you time and effort, rather than looking through each lender manually to check the available deals.

Comparing loan lenders will also allow you to see the different types of loan available to you. Depending on what type of loan you need, there are many different products out there that will be suitable. From secured loans to guarantor loans and personal loans, you’ll need to carefully think about what the loan will be used for and how much you want to pay each month. If you’re looking to buy a car, for example, you may want to look at a personal loan that’s unsecured and won’t mean you have to put the vehicle up as collateral if you can’t maintain the loan. If you need to purchase equipment, click here to get the financing you need.

Comparing your options will also show you the products you will want to avoid. You may find options that are easy to get but come with heavy interest charges and bigger penalties if you get into financial difficulty. With 1 in 5 adults not knowing the difference between a personal loan and a payday loan, it’s important to understand the different loans available to you. The reason being, picking the wrong product can cost you a lot more to pay back overall.

2. Check Your Credit Score & Report

Source: Impulsa Popular

Just as important as checking your available options is checking your credit score. Doing so will give you a quick indication of how likely you’ll be seen as a suitable applicant. You can do this for free by contacting one of the 3 main credit reference agencies (Experian, Equifax or TransUnion) or by using apps/websites such as ClearScore or CheckMyFile. ClearScore is a great site to use as they provide the credit score and report totally for free, forever (unlike other providers who may provide it free for a trial period only, and charge you monthly fees after it ends). By checking your score, if you see you have a good or excellent rating, then you’ve got a great chance of being approved. However, if your current score is less than you were expecting, fair to very poor, you’ll want to find out why that is.  According to finance.co.uk, if you have a poor credit score you can get loans that require no guarantor. Having a poor credit score doesn’t mean you can get a loan, but it will mean you’ll find it very difficult to get the terms you want, especially without paying higher amounts of interest.

Most credit reference agencies will allow you to see your full credit report for free for a trial period – usually no longer than 30 days. After this, it will cost you a monthly fee to see this information. You don’t have to check your report with all 3 main credit agencies as they should all show the same information. The reason checking your credit report will be extremely useful to you is because it will detail the positive and negative aspects affecting your score. This means you can pinpoint the areas that are causing the issue.

To stand the best chance of getting the loan you want, you’ll need to review this information and start to make changes where needed. For example, if you have a credit card that you keep making late payments on, this will impact your credit score. By addressing the problem and making payments on time, this will improve your score. You’ll find many different aspects that will affect your overall score, so check the negative factors and start to put them right.

3. Don’t Use All Your Available Credit

Photo by Webaroo on Unsplash

If you have an existing overdraft and/or a credit card, are they currently maxed out? If you answered yes, then you will be seriously impacting your chances of getting the loan you want. By being close to or maxing out the credit limits on a credit card or overdraft, it will reflect on your credit report that you rely on these amounts. This will not put confidence in the lender that you can comfortably afford further borrowing if you already have products with low available credit. What you need to do is work on reducing the amount that is currently in your overdraft or credit card, aiming to get to 50% credit availability on them. For example, if you have a £1000 overdraft limit, you need to get the balance down below £500 to show a reasonable amount of affordability.

If your credit file can show to a lender you have your finances under control, it will help raise your score and provide lender trust that you can manage further borrowing. A credit file showing a high debt-to-available-credit ratio will cause concern for a lender, so work on reducing this to elevate your score.

4. Don’t Apply With Many Lenders at Once

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

A definite top tip when you find the loan offers you like the look of is too not apply for all of them in a short space of time. Of course, if you get accepted for the first loan you go for, great, but if you are declined after that first application, hold off from applying for another too quickly. The reason why is because a hard search will be conducted on your credit file each time you apply for a loan product and will be recorded. The more hard searches you have on your file, the more this has an effect on not just your score, but other lender’s judgement. If you apply for a loan and the lender sees you have been declined 3 times already in the last week, this does not have a positive impression. It could show that you are in a desperate situation for money and will influence a lender’s decision. Your best strategy when you have been declined is to space out the applications you’re making. As much as you want to quickly get a loan, applying for many things too quickly will not end positively for your credit rating. Then, you’ll have an even tougher time getting the loan you want.

5. Work at Bringing Your Existing Debts Down

Source: Save Your Dollars

Linked nicely to keeping your available credit under control, if you have existing debts on loans, credit cards, overdrafts etc. you should review how much you actually have outstanding to pay. Your credit file will show a total of the debt you currently have on personal lending. This means a lender will be able to see just how much you owe overall and will be considered when assessing your application. Of course, if you have a lot of different lending products you are currently paying off, a lender will have cause for concern. Even if you are currently maintaining all your debts and have a good credit score, if you have a high amount of lending already, a creditor may reconsider adding to your financial commitments.

If you can demonstrate your working to bring these balances down, this will paint you in a positive light. If you’re currently or are looking to make overpayments, a lender will be able to see this on your credit file. If you have a credit card, for example, if a lender can see you only ever make your minimum repayment, they may see this as a sign of struggling. The key takeaway is, if you can afford to pay more off each month, then do so. A lender will consider this a good habit when assessing you.

6. Budget & Check Your Affordability

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Last, but no means least, you should fully assess what you can actually afford. It’s all very well wanting to borrow more money, however, it’s another to be able to afford to maintain the loan. Say you want to borrow £20,000 to cover the costs for a new car; great, but have you considered how much this will cost you each month (including interest), depending on how long you want to pay it off for (5 years? 10 years?). The idea can be different from the reality, as you will need to consider if a lender can offer you the terms too. You may find a lender that is happy to lend you the full amount, but only if you pay it back a year quicker than you originally had planned. The risk here is, you may agree to the adjusted terms the lender gives you without checking if the new monthly repayment is still affordable for you.

It’s highly recommended you check through and compare your current monthly income against your monthly outgoings. This needs to contain all of your current commitments that need to be paid each month. It may take time to work it all out thoroughly, but it is time well spent in the long term. If you haven’t ever done this or not for a long time, you may have not realised just how much your outgoings in total are. Small purchases here and there can mount up over the course of a few weeks; you may be surprised by what you find. Once you have determined your disposable income (after all the essential payments have been made), you can work out how much of this you’re willing to spend on further lending. Ideally, you do not want to be using all of these funds to do so, as it will mean all of your income is accounted for. You can then match this up with suitable products to find the ideal loan you can afford.

Spending time on working out your budget will go a long way to getting the loan you want, as you’ll be able to see if you can really afford it. Hopefully, you’ll find you have a healthy disposable income that means you can afford to pay for many different terms a lender can give you. Being fully prepared is the best way to go into applying for a loan. Combine this with shopping around, comparing the offers available to you and applying for products your eligible for, will improve your chances of getting the loan you want.

Email Security 2024: What You Need to Know

Source: Last Line Solutions

Email servers are a top target for cyber attackers. In order to find the protection you deserve, read this blog to learn some email security best practices.

Email is a very popular form of communication for millions of people. Email communication is vital for many businesses and many organizations wouldn’t know how to function properly without it. But as many emails contain confidential information, we must ensure that we are keeping these emails safe.

With cybersecurity threats haunting many organizations, staying protected is a top priority for many businesses. But as emails are a top target for many hackers, we live in a time where the threat landscape is very serious.

In this post, Los Angeles IT support expert, Holden Watne from GenerationIX discusses a few common email security risks, including some of the leading email security options on the market today.

Common Security Risks

Source: Winnipeg Free Press

Given that sensitive information is constantly sent via email, this poses some serious security risks. Keep reading to learn about some of the more common risks we deal with today.


Source: AdobeStock

Flooding is when numerous emails are sent to an email server. Flooding is a type of denial of service attack, and these emails can cause many disruptions for email systems. Using this approach, the attacker can easily create a program that sends millions of emails to a single email server. If the system doesn’t have adequate security, then the server may experience a denial of service. This occurs because all of the resources of the server are busy processing the influx of emails.

Mass Mailing

Source: trainghiemso

Mass mailing is commonly called spam, and it involves the same email being sent to a large number of recipients. This is another common type of attack used by hackers and these security breaches are becoming very popular. This is mostly due to the fact that there has been a large increase in the amount of electronic commerce over the web. This eCommerce increase has caused an invasion of unsolicited commercial emails. When emails are sent, they pass through multiple systems before getting to their destination. If the email isn’t encrypted, then any hacker is able to read it before it reaches its final location.

Protection Options

Source: Webhoster AG

As hackers have become more sophisticated, so too has our defenses. Keep reading to learn a few best practices for keeping your emails safe.

Email servers typically have security measures available, but they must be configured properly. This is especially true for protection against flooding and mass mailing. If you take a look at many of your servicer applications, they will typically have methods for fighting such attacks. Another tip is to work with your internet service provider (IPS) to ensure that the server is equipped with the right level of protection.

Use a Strong Password

Source: iowadatacenters

This tactic may sound simple, but you’d be surprised at how often this is overlooked. In the world today, we have passwords for many different systems. That being said, it’s easy to use a simple password for fast and easy access. However, this can pose a huge security risk for your email server. To provide a high level of protection, be sure to use a strong password that is impossible to guess. Also, make sure to never use your name, phone number, or address in your password as these are simple to guess for any hacker. Using a strong password can help to protect your confidential information.

Use Caution with Attachments

Source: Twitter

A common tactic used by hackers is to send unwanted emails with unknown attachments. Dangerous links, viruses, and malware are typically hidden behind these types of attachments. To offer protection, you can run a virus and malware scan to determine the legitimacy of the attachments. However, it’s important to note that harmful attachments can come in various types of formats, so be sure to never open unfamiliar attachments and always be very cautious when using your email account.

Utilize Virus and Malware Scans

Source: Cybera

Luckily, malware and virus scan technology have become very advanced in the world today. That being said, these scans should be used as a strong line of defense when trying to find protection from cyberattacks. Given that many unsafe links and email attachments are hidden very intricately, virus and malware scans can help to detect these with ease. Here are some of the leading malware and virus scanners available today:

  • McAfee Total Protection
  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus
  • Bitdefender Total Security
  • Check Point ZoneAlarm Anti-Ransomware

By utilizing one of these options, you can put up a strong wall of defense and prevent a serious cyberattack.

Mastering the Mobile Advertisement: 5 Mistakes to Avoid in 2024

Source: Medium

Mobile advertising grew to a $190 billion industry last year and with no indicators of slowing down, it’s actually expected to surpass 280 billion USD in just two years by 2024. Oh and also, the research shows that 81% of Americans are mobile phone users which, of course, makes mobile one of the most effective ad solutions these days. We do know that in our new mobile-first reality people are inseparable from their mobiles, our tech-savvy generations spend more time on their phones than on any other device, and for them mobile internet is the internet.

Overall, advertising through these glued to customer’s hand screens can offer marketers awesome benefits: highly precise targeting, immediate engagement, accurate location-based information delivery, effective data collection and much more. The world of in-app mobile advertisement keeps rapidly growing and evolving so all of us just going to have to buckle up for the ride and do our best to avoid damming mistakes along the way. We have 5 of those for you today.

1. Treating mobile like it is a mini desktop computer

Source: Big Cat Agency

Mobile ads aren’t teeny-tiny versions of the desktop ones and why companies choose to treat them as such is beyond understanding. Shrinking ads to fit smaller mobile screens won’t fly here at all – the tech-savvy crowd will spot that lack of effort on your part. Most of the differences can be easily pinpointed and addressed, you just have to pay attention to the way users experience desktop vs. mobile. For example, common sense should tell you to cool it with the amount of content, because scrolling and scrolling on mobile is not anyone’s cup of tea. Furthermore, we all know that mobile has a really limited memory when compared to desktop, hence avoiding intensive graphics and videos should be a no-brainer. Mobile users are on-the-go customers, meaning the desktop recommendation of “fewer words, more visuals” should become a non-negotiable rule for mobile ads.

Mobile ads must be unobtrusive, with short and engaging massaging and easy-to-follow calls to action. The biggest thing that separates mobile ads from desktop ads is location-based targeting, hence there is a sense of immediateness with mobile ads and customers are more likely to immediately act. Then there’s the need to make your ads digestible without any sound whatsoever as more often than not mobiles are used in public places. Honestly, there are a hundred and one things that differ, and assuming that desktop and mobile are the same experiences for the user is a huge mistake that can seriously damage any ad campaign.

2. Subpar understanding of the mobile ad types and formats

Source: Tech-Wonders

It’s crucial to understand what in-app ad types and formats would be beneficial for your ad campaigns and ultimately help you reach your goals. To meet demand and ensure visibility among a sea of competitors a knowledgeable approach to in-app advertising should be a rule, you cannot be choosing your ad-formats willy-nilly and hope for the best. That approach isn’t a productive one. Now, we are not proposing studying and analyzing all of the available formats, how they work, what they can be used to do, the pros and cons, etc. That’s a mix of practical and theoretical knowledge that can’t just be obtained in a jiffy.

The best suggestion here is: find yourself an exceptionally professional ad network that’ll do the job for you and help you to keep up with the ever-changing types and formats. eMarketer says that almost 90% of mobile usage time is spent in-app, so you have to make sure that you know how to use all of that time wisely and reach your customer base. The right ad format will help you to boost engagement,  retain your existing customers, increase conversions and revenue. If you read this blog article from Admixer you’ll see exactly how you can benefit if you partner-up with a knowledgeable ad network. Check out their detailed guide to best mobile types and formats you’ll be deciding between the swipe, scratch or cube formats like a pro in no time.

3. Using a weak DSP

Source: e helper team

Unlike all of the others, this one can actually harm ad campaigns and brands as well. Mobiles bring a sort of one-on-one very personal conversation to advertising, thus people pay more attention to mobile ads. And the right approach to in-app ads can effectively increase product awareness and boost sales. A sub-par DSP with unimpressive data analytics, poor targeting options, and insufficient inventory will help you achieve the exact opposite. The art of effectively attracting and converting the right audiences via mobile devices is less of an art and more of data-driven science, with the right DSP that is. A professional DSP has an advertiser-centric approach first: they offer a continuously growing premium mobile inventory, access to large-scale publishers, SSPs as well as ad networks and exchanges.

Though the most exciting thing for mobile advertising able to  drive real engagement is precise targeting that allows us to accurately target clients based on a multitude of data points. By advertising in mobile apps, advertisers get access to targeting possibilities that are absolutely not available with any other ad channels.  According to Google,  91% of smartphone owners purchased or planned to purchase something after seeing an ad they described as relevant, so striving for relevance with precise targeting should be an unquestionable priority. However, there are other unique aspects that a good DSP brings to the table and shouldn’t be overlooked when searching for one: detailed reporting, human monitoring and fraud detection tech that offer exceptional brand protection.

4. Ignoring the trends

Source: iStock

This one is among the biggest no-nos. Advertisement is all about customer engagement, so why would you knowingly turn away from something customers welcome in their phones? Staying in your comfort zone is only comfortable to you, sticking to one type of content won’t do in 2024. So, whatever is trending today – whether it is in-app gaming ads, mobile video advertising or augmented reality – you need to get on that trend train. Just take a look at rewarded in-app video ads, for example, they are actually on their way to becoming all-round winners for everyone – publishers, advertisers, and customers.

In fact, 68 percent of people have a positive attitude towards rewarded ads, people know they will be rewarded for their time, while sell-side and demand-side both see the highest view-through or completion rates. Then there are the  playable in-app ads which in essence are games for consumers and successful customer engagement for advertisers. Playable ads are interactive, informative and highly memorable. They were already popular for more than a few years within game apps, but now ad gamification is taking a center stage and everyone wants a piece. So, this mistake is easily avoidable: pay attention and invest in whatever it is trending amongst your customers.

5. Not analyzing results

Source: Mesh-Net

Some mistakes are so common they are not even viewed as mistakes, and this one is one of them. Companies spend time and money, invest in data analytics, tracking and gathering crucial data and then just move on to the next campaign without properly going through gathered information. Marketers should never be too busy for result analysis. Proper analysis of your in-app advertising data will help you to offer highest levels of ad personalization make well-informed data-driven changes to your mobile ad campaigns and effectively adjust your in-app ad strategy.

Now, you can, of course, go ahead and start your educational journey in math, computer science, statistics and everything involving data science and analytics, or, perhaps you can just opt for a professional DMP. Great data management platform will collect, organize, prioritize, analyze all of the data and present it to you in a very helpful and actionable way. By taking the time to find competent DMP you’ll be able to have all of your vital data in one place which in turn will help you to paint a complete picture of your customers, you’ll be able to carry on campaigns with custom segmentation, and in full compliance with the GDPR.

MSPY Review – Phone Tracker for the Safety of Your Kids in 2024

Source: findmykids

MSPY is the leading mobile phone tracking company that enables parents to monitor all mobile phone activities of their kids to safeguard them from vulnerable risks or threats through the net. It is seen that most of the kids undergo depression because they are getting bullied or are ill-treated in their schools. Sometimes they are even trolled on social media networks as well. They fear to share this to their parents, and when they cannot handle situations themselves, they commit suicide. If you do not this to happen, then you should use apps like MSPY to track the activities of your kid’s phone. Some people think that spying on children’s phones is entering into their personal space. However, this step is considered ok if it is done to avoid any future loss.

What risk your kids are exposed to when they use mobile?

Source: bostonglobe

• Social trolling – Your kids use social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. They make new friends every day without even knowing the purpose of friendship. This allows the unscrupulous minds to blackmail them and ask for money.

• Kidnapping – There has been an increase in kidnapping incidents if we look into the period of a decade or so. The mobile phone is something that is provided to all kids these days for their safety. However, if you do not spy on your kid’s phone, then you will not be able to check their recent messages, location history, and mobile activities.

• Addiction to games – Children love to play mobile games. Some play generic games while others play war or action games. A war or battlefield game is very addictive and is generally loved by kids if you want to see if your kid is addicted to mobile games or not, you must track their android phone.

• Online harassment – Guardians are often unaware of the online harassment of their child. They need software that can track the message history, chat transcripts, and people with whom they are communicating. These softwares help you to take a sneak peek so that your kids are safe from any online harassment.

Features of MSPY mobile phone tracker

Source: apkpure

• Parental control mobile tracking software – This feature allows parents to spy on the kid’s phone and track all their mobile activities from social media to messages on mail or text message, their chat history. It also helps them to see how much time they devote to mobile and which app they use most of the time. To read more about you can also check out this review.

• Available for both android and iPhone – MSPY is available for both android based mobile and apple devices. It helps you to monitor you and your child’s mobile phone.

• Installation is fast, and secrecy is maintained – The fascinating part of this app is that this is highly optimized for quick installation and can remain in stealth mode. Your children will not come to know that you are spying on them.

How this app can help you?

Source: adlnet

• Manage the unwanted calls on your child’s phone by blocking them in stealth mode. Using this feature of MSPY, you can view call logs and check the incoming call details as well as outgoing call details.

• Track messages on your child’s mobile phone. See to which site they are registered and check out their interaction through text messages, Whatsapp message, or Face book, Messenger.

• Track the location of your kids – Find the exact location of your child and track their position with 100% accurate precision.

• Manage the apps that are installed in your child’s mobile phone and block the apps that you do not want your small kids to get access to by MSPY application.

• Check all the multi-media files stored in your kid’s mobile phone and access gallery, video, audio files without being noticed.

• Many parents are worried about their child’s addiction to phones. You can use the app to monitor their internet usage and watch out to which site they are spending maximum time. Check out their browsing history, website bookmarks, and saved passwords.

• Read their emails and block the unwanted people to send emails to your child or family. You can read their incoming and outgoing emails secretly.

• Keep track of the events by accessing their calendar that is installed on their phone. In this way, you can check their plans and know any risk factors beforehand.

Certainly, this app is the best parental control app because of its features that work in stealth mode. You can also get comprehensive reports in CSV or XLS format on a single click.

To read even more MSPY reviews on bestphonespyguide.com.


Get the Ultimate Title Loans for Your Needs (2020)

Source: ThriftyFun

Now and then, people need a large amount of money, and they approach different banks for assistance in loans. The loan could be for educational purposes, any emergency, or for business investment. As bank loans are not a convenient option for many individuals living on a moderate income and a tight budget, a title loan is just the solution for your financial issues.

Without worrying about any hidden or extra charges, you can easily apply for title loans and obtain cash according to your needs. You can get an auto title loan quickly if you own any vehicle such as a car, truck, or motorcycle.

How Much Can you Borrow?

Source: MegaMarketing

The amount you get to borrow primarily depends on the equity of your vehicle or the market value of the auto. The higher the market value of the car, the bigger the loan you receive. You also need to make sure as you provide your vehicle as collateral, that all previous mortgages taken upon purchasing the car have been cleared. In most cases, the amount you get for a loan equals to around 20 -25% of the car’s total worth. It is done to ensure a speedy and comfortable recovery of loans and a smooth process of repayment.

The Option of Rolling Over

Source: Lending Bear

As this is considered to be a short term loan, it needs to be repaid quickly, in about 15-20 days. However, not every individual finds that manageable. Repaying a loan in such a short period can seem a bit challenging. Hence, you are provided with the option of rolling over your loan. In simpler words, you can renew the loan for a month. However, you need to check the State Law first, if it is allowed or not. It’s because each State has a different law regarding the title loans.

Applied Interest Rates

Source: Finance-Solutions

Generally, loan applicants are charged a 20 to 25% of an interest rate of the total amount for one month. However, with an increase in the period, the interest rate increases as well. It is advisable to check with the State law as each State has certain limitations regarding interest rates.

Apply Online

Source: Flexy Finance

Getting a loan could never be more comfortable than this. If you wish to receive the ultimate title loans for your needs, you need to log onto the internet and apply for auto title loans online and complete the formalities. Within no time, you can have the amount in your hands without the extra legwork. You can get more information about these title loans from companies such as The Net Lender.

Quick Cash on a Short Term Basis

Source: inafina

If you want a loan very quickly, especially in case of an emergency, then an auto title loan is the best option for you. You can quickly get a loan without any long waiting or hassles according to fair market rates. You can hand over your vehicle to the lending party until you can repay the amount. You can also get a customized repayment plan to pay the amount back.

Tips to Get the Best Title Loan Deal

Source: adobestock

Title loans are quick money. If you need money quickly, a car title loan is one of the best options. Here are a few tips that will guide you and help you get the best title loan deal provided by tfctitleloans.com:

Background Check

Source: Twitter

Before you select the company for your title loan, make sure to check the background of the company. Check their reputation and how much experience they have or how long they’ve been working. You should check if they have a physical office. These are essential things before you apply for a title loan.

Eligibility is another thing that you need to check is if the company has the license for business in your State. You’ll get the title loan only from the companies that have permission to do business. Laws and regulations regarding title loans vary from State to State.

Check the Payment Options

Source: DSOP Educação Financeira

It is crucial to know the title loan repayment options offered by the lender. Do they accept paychecks, or do they accept direct payment? You need to check the payment options before you apply for title loans. Another thing that you need to know is how long the repayments will last? If it lasts for a more extended time, the lower should be the amount of the repayment.

Know About Pre-Payment Plenty

Source: marktindex

Once you get your title loan, your interest will start counting. Obviously, you don’t want to the interest amount adding up, and you would love to pay the loan before the due date to save your money and time. Make sure that your company doesn’t penalize you for early repayments. Yes, some companies will charge you with pre-payment plenty if you pay your repayments early. So, before you sign the agreement for title loan, make sure that there is no clause of pre-payment plenty in your agreement.

Application and Approval Process of the Title Loan

Source: Wealth How

The application and approval process varies from company to company. Different companies offer an online application process, and everything is taken care online, and you don’t have to visit the office. While some companies may call you for verification or may request you to visit their office physically to verification. So, make sure to check the application and approval process of the title loan.

Know About the Car Types your Company Accepts

Source: Shutterstock

Yes, knowing about the car type your company accepts is one of the important things. Some companies accept the car manufactured from the year 2000 to the current year, but some companies may accept the vehicles from 1995 to the current year. Milage is an important factor too. You should check the mileage figures too.

Make Sure that you Keep Driving your Car

Source: OSV Ltd

Before you sign the car title loan agreement, make sure that the company lending you loan allows you to keep your car. There are companies that will keep your car in return of title loan. Some companies seize your car if you are unable to repay the loan. So make sure that you keep driving your car.

6 Steps to Kickstart a Perfect Morning

Source: stuff

It’s been 2 months into the year 2024, and probably you are well on your path to fulfilling your new year resolutions. Staying healthy is probably one of the most common & important things you can do. Nothing can be better than to set up a morning routine that sets you up for success. When you take control of how your day unfolds, this is not just healthy but empowering as well.

Time and again successful people have emphasized the importance of a morning routine in shaping the day. So, here are 6 key things to do every morning to kickstart your day.

1. Get Organized

Source: earlytorise

A healthy morning cannot start if there’s chaos. One of the common reasons for morning chaos is lack of organization. People living in cluttered homes are less likely to focus properly and end up frustrated in the morning. When this takes a toll on you, things take control over you.

A perfect way to organize your home is by starting one section at a time so that you don’t feel overwhelmed, allowing you to slowly gain confidence. Another great option would be to buy a corkboard to pin items on as it can visually tell you what all things need to get done.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Source: ReviewBox

After a good night’s sleep, your body can go dehydrated without ingesting water. The effects of dehydration can be reversed immediately by drinking ample amount of water early in the morning. Before you start brewing your coffee or having a fruit juice, drink at least a glass of water to replenish your body. Drinking enough water in the morning prevents fatigue, headaches, lethargy, and much more.

You should reconsider drinking tap water that has not been treated. While bottled water could be a convenient option, installing a water filter does the job pretty well. A reverse osmosis system delivers bottled like drinking water at a fraction of a price. Check out the complete range of water filters here.

3. Exercise

Source: medium

After a glass of water, you should be feeling awake. A quick exercise in the morning helps you stay physically fit and energized throughout the day.

Exercising regularly controls Cortisol – a hormone that keeps you alert. In an ideal circadian rhythm, cortisol level is highest in the morning and remains at the same level throughout the day.

A 10-minute workout would pump all the energy all you need in your day. It provides an instant boost and increased mental clarity that will lead to a productive day. Doesn’t it sound great to start your workday free from built-up stress?

You need a kind of workout that targets wide muscle groups but something you can do at home with minimal preparation. Set up your own routine or use an exercise app that guides you on what to do. Try new exercises and see which you enjoy the most.

You wouldn’t want to drain all your energy and feel exhausted after a workout session. It is critical you take enough sleep before working out. Aim for 7-8 hours of good night’s sleep. To save time, set aside your workout essentials the night before.

4. Take Shower

Source: allure

If you’re not sweating after your workout, you’re not doing it right. But if are sweating, you need a shower at this point. An early morning shower jolts you awake. If you turn the water cold for the last few minutes of your shower, your metabolic rate will increase, and your body would be ready for action. If you just can’t seem to get moving in the morning, no matter how much you’ve slept last night, a morning shower is just for you.

Research shows taking shower as a part of daily routine triggers signals to brain clock that it’s time to start the day. Taking a cold shower produces proteins that promote longevity, testosterone, and reduce depression.

It also works wonders for your skin. A morning shower stimulates the skin cells and helps skin look healthier.

5. Set Goals

Source: theladders

If you work, then you need to plan your day by setting out your daily goals for yourself. Without a schedule, it’s easy to get to the end of the day and realize you’ve done nothing of importance.

Rather than scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, skip the loafing around and start doing something productive. Saying no to screen time would be hard at first, but it gets easier over time.

At the very least, you can list down all the tasks that you want to complete during the day and set your priorities. It is important not to be overly excited and try to be as realistic as possible about what can be done in a day. Instead of creating a long list of activities, which otherwise would be impossible to complete in a single day, go for important tasks that need your attention.

You can take it up a step further and create deadlines for every single item on your daily to-do list. This ensures you’re always on track and never caught up in anything for long.
There will be some days when you won’t get everything done and need to switch things for one reason or the other, but it gives you a good plan to start your day off. No matter what, you’ll definitely start seeing the positive results in the form of increased productivity.

6. Be Consistent

Source: usejournal

It’s just not enough to do things once in a while. Being good at something requires dedication and consistent effort. There would be mornings when you would hit the snooze button at least 3-4 times before getting up and more than 5 times you’d probably grab your phone.

Sticking to the plan would keep you organized and top of your work schedule.
Once you get these things right, you would be surprised to see how much you’ve already done by 8:30 in the morning. Building a great morning routine doesn’t happen overnight. But over time, it can evolve into something inspiring.

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