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How To Effectively Manage The Transportation of Milk

Source: dairyfarmersofcanada

Milk is a food staple in households around the globe. We use it to pour on cereal. We drink it plain. It’s used in addition to other ingredients in baking. It’s used in nutritional products. We add chocolate syrup to it to make delicious, nutritious beverages. It has so many uses and is enjoyed in countries around the world. But the question is, if it’s in practically every household in the world, how does it get there?

Milk Production

Source: trak

Before milk can be shipped, it must first be produced. Before milk can be produced, the cow must first be lactating. This can only happen after the cow has given birth to the calf. The milk then has to be extracted, and that’s done by using your hands or for bigger production needs milking machines are the preferred method. Milking machines have evolved. The first form of milk production was done by hand.

That eventually evolved into the use of the vacuum milking bucket. Which then evolved into the Surge hanging milker, a leather device that was fit under and over the cow’s lower back. The milker hung under the cow from a strap. This milking process would allow the cow to move around naturally rather than stand perfectly still during the process.

The Milking Pipeline

Source: wa

The milking pipeline was the next innovation in the milk production process. In this process, a permanent milk return pipe, along with a second vacuum pipe that encircled the barn and or parlor above the cows. This milking device shrank in size and weight as a result of eliminating the need for the milk container.

The sucking force of the nipples being milked by the vacuum system is what held the device up without the assistance of any other cumbersome devices. The milk would then flow into a storage tank by way of the milk return pipe and vacuum system. This process greatly reduced the need for physical labor to extract the milk.

Fully Automated Robotic Milking

Source: gea

In the EU in the 1980s and 1990s, the fully automated robotic milking system was birthed. The cow can choose her time of milking freely with this particular system. Thousands of these are now in routine operation around the world. The cow is fed nutritional concentrates every time it enters the milking unit. This is done to ensure the health of the cow.

This system also monitors the cow is not over milked which has caused health issues with cows in the past. Over milking a cow can actually negatively impact production because a sick cow doesn’t produce as much milk as a healthy cow. Cows are normally milked twice a day. Samples are taken from milk vats prior to collection and tested for bacteria, milk-fat, bulk milk cell count, and antibiotics before it enters the milk processing area. It is rejected if it doesn’t meet quality standards. A sample is also collected from each farm pickup prior to being pumped onto the tanker.


Source: food52

Pasteurization is the process of heating the milk to a certain level for a certain period of time to ensure all harmful bacteria are killed off and then allowing it to cool down again without recontamination. This ensures the delivery of a safe and nutritious product for human consumption.


Source: bukidnonmilkcompany

Homogenization is a process that involves pushing the milk through an atomizer to separate the fat into tiny particles to be evenly dispersed throughout the milk product. This process essentially prevents clumps of fat from forming and floating to the top of the bottle.


Source: agr

Separation is the process of rapidly spinning the milk through a centrifuge to separate the cream from the milk. The milk and the remaining cream are then remixed to create different milk products with different fat content levels. To produce different kinds of milk products such as 2% low-fat milk or skim milk, whole milk, etc.

Shipping And Distribution

Special stainless steel insulated refrigerated storage tanks are required to transport the milk after its production. Most transport trucks use 7,000-8,000 gallon tanks. The rest are straight chassis tank trucks, usually able to transport 5,000 to 6,000 gallons. The milk is normally collected from the farms every 24-48 hours.

It is then loaded onto the truck for transport to its destination areas. Milk transport services have the responsibility of ensuring the shipments arrive safely to their destinations. There a number of milk transport services in the United States and in other countries around the world.

Source: Roadstars Mercedes Benz

Once tested and put on the trucks it is then shipped to it’s specified grocery stores, refrigerated and stored until sold. The process of production is not that complex and is pretty straight forward. And milk transport services ensure families around the world can enjoy the nutritious benefits and delicious flavor of milk worldwide.

With three generations into the freight, dairy and food-grade transportation industry, a company like FreightLinxs can help you transport your milk from one place to another with utmost safety.

A Freight Broker is a company that helps its customers find a freight carrier that will be able to provide on time and on budget freight services.

Technology allows more transparency today than ever before in history. It only makes sense that we use that technology to better service the freight community. Without profitability, no company survives. Therefore, the purpose is simple; optimize carriers loaded miles so the shipper can benefit with more competitive freight rates. We can only move forward by adding value to both sides of the equation. The shipper and carrier combined.

Look at Your Phone Screen – What You Need To Know About

Source: Digital Trends

A lot of us will claim that we are not dependent on our phones, however, at the end of the day, if we started recording how many times we pick up our phone within an hour, then the numbers might surprise you. We get agitated when our phone is not around, and even if we do not have any notifications to tend to, we cannot help but take out our phone, unlock it, and then swipe quickly through any social media application, lock it, and then put it back in, only to repeat the process after a few minutes.

This dependency on our smartphones was not predicted back when they were first launched in 2008, but it is safe to say that they have changed the way we operate in the world. The iPhone started a revolution, and things have never been the same since. If you are an iPhone user, you are probably really satisfied with your phone, simply because it is an iPhone. Of course, regardless of whether you have an iPhone, and Oppo, a Samsung or any kind of smartphone, you still have to take care of it, and in case you notice any problems, you either have to troubleshoot it yourself or take your phone to a repair store and have them take a look at it.

Some problems are considered characteristic of iPhones, and this includes issues with battery life, problems with water damage, and of course screen issues. For the sake of this article, we will be focusing primarily on the iPhone screen and problems that you can encounter with the screen. In case you already know that you need an iPhone repair screen job, then you should go to a reliable phone repair service such as BreakFixNow.

Cracked Screens

Source: Cult of Mac

You must keep your phone’s screen protected at all costs. Getting a good quality screen protector will make a difference, but sometimes, even they are not able to do their job entirely. In instances of multiple falls or one or two serious falls, you can end up with a cracked screen. Of course, if there is only a small crack or a few minor ones that do not affect your phone’s functionality, then you are good to go. However, if you have a giant crack or a crack that has spread everywhere, or is continuing to grow worse and spread over time, then you have a problem. These types of cracks can affect your screen visibility, your screen’s responsiveness, and of course, your safety in case the cracks are expanding as you are using the phone.

There is only one way of dealing with cracked screens, and that is to get the entire screen replaced. For this purpose, you will have to take your iPhone to a repair shop and have them take a look at your phone and let you know whether or not getting the screen replaced is worth it or in some cases, it’s better to sell your broken iPhone through sites like swifttechbuy.com.

Damaged Home Button

Source: iOS Gadget Hacks

We are aware that the last few iPhone models did not have Home buttons, however, if yours does, and you are noticing that your Home button is not working or responding correctly, then you have a problem. The most likely culprit in this scenario is also fall damage. In the case of a faulty home button, you should take your iPhone to a repair shop and have them try to identify the extent of the damage and whether or not your Home button can be replaced or if your iPhone needs to be replaced entirely.

Unresponsive Screen or Touch Sensitivity Issues

Source: Buyback Boss

When the iPhone was first unveiled, one of its most appealing points was the fact that the touch screen was seamless and responded immediately after a finger was placed on the screen. However, if you are noticing that your screen does not respond or requires extra pressure to respond in certain areas of your phone, then that means that your touch sensitivity might be a problem. You can try to remove your iPhone screen protector and then use your phone to see if the problem is because of the protector. If that does not resolve your issue, then there are two other possible culprits, and this includes either fall damage/physical trauma, or a manufacturing fault.

If you have started noticing this problem after dropping your iPhone, then this is happening because of fall damage. However, if you have been facing this issue from almost the beginning since you bought this model, then chances are that there is an error on the manufacturer’s end and you need to take your iPhone directly to an official Apple store and have them check it out. In case, this is happening to you because of the former reason, then you need to take your iPhone to a repair shop.

Black or White Screen

Source: iDownloadBlog

A lot of Apple users might call this the “Black or White Screen of Death.” When you notice that your screen has become entirely black or white and won’t allow you to do anything else. This usually happens because of a problem in the hardware. So, if you ever find yourself facing this problem, you can try out a few things to see if any of them work.

The best thing you can do is to Hard Reset your phone. This requires that you press and hold the home and the sleep/wake button until your phone resets and then restarts again. Different iPhone models have different methods of doing the hard reset since the later iPhone models do not have a home button, so in that case, you usually have to hold the volume button and the wake/sleep button until it happens.

Another option that you have is to connect your iPhone to your cable and try to go to recovery mode. You want to hold your side button and continue holding it until the iTunes logo shows up on your screen. You can then connect the cable to your computer or laptop and use your iTunes account to help restore your iPhone or perform any updates and then see if that helps your problem.

But there are times when phone repair is just urgently needed. rapidiphone.repair can help in this case in a short time.

Things to Consider While Choosing a Lawyer 2024

Source: Medium

A proficient lawyer is essential to win the case. The expert team of the lawyers is highly efficient in winning justice for their clients. These lawyers are famous among the clients because of their expertise in family law. They always prepare the files to prepare the case because they have complete knowledge about the case. Their work philosophy is different from others because proficient lawyers work on the case for the sake of money. You can hire them in affordable rates. You must consider some points when you are going to hire a lawyer.

Offers free consultation

You need free consultation to discuss your cases. Yes, a lawyer always focus on up-to-date planning, time and authentic guidance. They know how to plead your case in court. They will provide your help in filing against protective orders. Being an extraordinary law firm they offer reasonable costs of each extravagance administration. Offering innovative ideas for providing the true solution of their problems according to the law of the state is the incredible strategy of the company. You can apply for mediation as per law.

Source: Money Crashers

Have complete knowledge about the laws

The lawyer must have complete knowledge about the laws. They prepare your file with complete planning.

Expert in the relevant field

Always hire a layer by understanding the field in which you need to present your case. Achievement of truth is their major concern through which they enhance the convenience of the customers, according to Qredible. They guide the customers according to the state’s law. Their major perception is to enhance the expectations of the client in a realistic and practical manner.

Source: Eight Ball Bail Bonds

Does your lawyer can handle Arrest Pardon and Bail?

The arrest will be taken seriously. If a teenager has arrest conviction in case of crime guilty then he requires for pardon application. Your lawyer will apply for a pardon on your behalf. If you have applied for the pardon and the court has granted it, then you will have a criminal background check for volunteering, travel, and employment. It is significant to hire a lawyer who is experienced and proficient because it is vital to understand the laws of the state.

Helps you in bail

Yes, you can apply for a bail bond for a felony. It is a less severe Class C felony. For the driver under the age of 19, the rule is minor. For minors, it is illegal to buy, consume alcohol, possess, and attempt to buy. For minors, it is against the law to misrepresent their age for alcohol use. They will face penalties in case of having liquor, wine and beer. If the crime is a Class C Misdemeanor, then the bond runs five hundred to seven hundred fifty. Post for 0ne hundred fifty for the Class B Misdemeanor or small crime. If you need a bail bond, then you have to go to the office and then sign it. This document cannot be posted without a signature.

Source: wiseGEEK

Is it possible to apply for the Bail?

Yes, you can apply for a bail bond for any felony. It is a less severe Class C felony. Your lawyer will guide you about it. For instance, you are offensive in a driving case or DUI case. For the driver under the age of 21, the rule is minor. For minors, it is illegal to buy, consume alcohol, possess, and attempt to buy. For minors, it is against the law to misrepresent their age for alcohol use. They will face penalties in case of having liquor, wine and beer. If someone has been arrested, then you need to apply for the bail bonds for DUI. If the crime is a Class C Misdemeanor, then the bond runs five hundred to seven hundred fifty. Post for 0ne hundred fifty for the Class B Misdemeanor or small crime. If you need a bail bond, then you have to go to the office and then sign it. This document cannot be posted without a signature.

Is a lawyer experience?

Every attorney takes a start in his life. Many beginners are talented and bright and will make a successful career. When beginners handle ligation, they begin with simple and small cases, often they work under the supervision of the majority of the experienced lawyers. After gaining experience, they start to work on more complicated cases. Experience is the best instructor. Mistakes teach people but in legal matters, there is no chance of mistake. The experienced lawyer never makes mistakes. This is what you need. It permits lawyers to attain skills and they learn these things.

  • Negotiate with the insurance adjuster and seasoned lawyers
  • Makes solid arguments to the jury
  • Cross-examining witness
  • Forcing a sympathetic jury
  • Value a case for settlement
  • Persuades judge to make rules to provide client’s favor

In this way, lawyers will be able to deal with insurance adjusters and other lawyers. They learn about the local judges’ tendencies.

Source: Money Crashers

Cost and billing

Billing and payment methods are the most important things on which you will have to decide about the lawyer. Legal matters are not very easy to solve. So, experienced and famous lawyers always charge higher. It can be a big issue for you. Maybe, due to the lengthy procedure, you have not much amount to spend on it. This is the most important thing you need to focus on before hiring a lawyer. For this, you need to take online quoted to make your decision easy. This is good to compare the price as well as other specifications.

Some law firms provide services on an hourly basis. If you case is not much complicated and it takes a little time while presenting in court then you can choose this option. It will be economical in small cases. On the other hand, some people have complicated cases. In this situation, you need to hire an experienced lawyer who has successful cases on his record. In these matters, charge do not matter. You need to focus on the expertise of the lawyer.

5 Easy Styling Tips for Hiding Your Muffin Top

Source: momscove

If you’ve got some extra padding around your lower midsection, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. The lower abdomen is one of the most common areas for women to develop excess fat. There are many reasons for this that range from lifestyle-based to hormonal.

A muffin top is not something that you can get rid of overnight. Even if you started eating a cruciferous veggie-based diet and logging 60 minutes of cardio every single day, it would take weeks if not months to effectively lose your muffin top. Plus, muffin tops aren’t always caused by a bad diet or lack of exercise. Anything from a hormonal imbalance to aging to a pre-existing health condition that’s completely out of your control could be the main culprit behind your muffin top.

This isn’t meant to discourage you, but rather to remind you that even doing the best you can to live a healthy lifestyle doesn’t always guarantee that you’ll lose your muffin top for good. Fortunately, there are several quick and easy ways to manipulate your wardrobe to help you hide your muffin top more effectively and boost your body confidence overall. If you’re interested, check out these 5 easy styling tips that can help you hide your muffin top on an everyday basis without adding any more cruciferous vegetables to your daily diet.

1. Wear High-Waisted

Source: bustle

If you want to hide your muffin top, throw out your low-rise jeans ASAP and swap them for high-waisted bottoms instead. Pants that ride low on your hips press into the fat around your lower midsection and force it upward, which exacerbates the visibility of muffin tops, love handles, and lower tummy fat in general. High-waisted bottoms gently smooth your lower midsection to hide any extra padding around your tummy, hips, and waist.

Fortunately, high-waisted bottoms are currently very on-trend and easy to come by. You can find high-waisted versions of jeans, leggings, dress pants, etc. Virtually any bottoms you could ever want are readily available in a high-waisted style.

Don’t forget about skirts or dresses that are high waisted. They will suck your tummy in and they will make you look amazing.

2. Try Tummy Control Shapewear

Source: amazon

Shapewear can be a lifesaving body confidence booster for women who are insecure about how their lower midsection looks under their clothes.

Tummy control shapewear for women gently smoothes and sculpts your midsection to enhance and accentuate your sexy curves without hiding. Find a wide selection of shapewear for tummy control and muffin top control from luxury lingerie and shapewear retailer HauteFlair.

The great thing about the shapewear is that they won’t be visible under your clothes. You can wear them with form-fitting dresses or any shirts that don’t look perfect on you right now.

Did you know that pretty much every celebrity wears them on the red carpet? There are so many different styles available on the market, and you are free to choose the one you like the best. Another thing that is really important, they don’t look like shapewear! They are incredibly luxurious and modern, that they will make you look like you came out of a lingerie magazine.

3. Layer Your Tops

Source: yourstylevault

Layering a form-fitting camisole underneath your top can help smooth your midsection to reduce the appearance of fat around your lower tummy, waist, and hips.

If you’re wearing a looser blouse, layer a tight camisole underneath it for extra smoothing coverage. Or, consider investing in some shaping camisoles to take the smoothing coverage up a notch.

4. Size Up

Source: dailymail

Too-tight waistbands aren’t just uncomfortable. They’re also incredibly unflattering, especially if you’re a woman who struggles with hiding fat around your lower tummy.

Waistbands that dig into your waistline will make any excess weight around your waist, hips, and lower tummy more obvious. If your waistband leaves dents or red marks on your skin when you take off your jeans or leggings at the end of the day, that’s a good sign that those bottoms are too tight. If you’re in between sizes, it’s better to size up than to size down. Just accessorize with a belt if your waistband is a little too loose.

The same goes for shirts, you can choose a shirt or a blouse that is one size bigger and that will hide your midsection imperfections. Just remember not to get something too big because it will make you look bigger.

5. Keep it Loose

Source: pinterest

If you’re worried about your visible muffin top, avoid tops that cling too tightly to your midsection. Form-fitting tops make every bump, bulge, roll, and imperfection around your lower midsection much more obvious.

Loose tops, on the other hand, are much more forgiving. They mask the appearance of muffin tops, love handles, and lower tummy fat. Don’t go overboard with the loose clothing, though. Try pairing a loose-fitting top with form-fitting jeans or leggings to balance out your look and avoid looking shapeless.

Focus on your strengths, and hide the imperfections. For example, you can choose a top that is more flattering around the chest area and that is loose in the midsection. Combine it with a form-fitting skirt that will show those daring hips. If you love your legs, you can opt for a loose shirt and some short shorts. That way all the focus will go on your long legs and your midsection will not be noticed.

Remember that it is your confidence that matters, and if you feel good, you will look good as well. Unless you are a model or a celebrity, there is always going to be something you don’t like about yourself. Being body conscious is not something new, but it should not stop you from doing things.

You can combine different materials until you find the one that makes you look the best. And you should not avoid patterns you like, just learn how to combine them. For example, if you like flower patters, you don’t have to give them up. You can find a material that has a black or darker base and it features some bright colors. That way you can hide your imperfections and you will still be able to wear your favorite print.

Should You Rent or Buy a Wedding Tuxedo – 2024 Guide

Source: theknot

A wedding day is so special in many ways. It is a day of committing to the person you love and promising that you will be there for her for better or for worse. Besides taking important steps towards having a family of your own, there are so many decisions that this day brings. Organizing everything can be a real challenge and it requires a true commitment. While women spend hours looking for the perfect wedding dress, men want to have a perfect suit or a tuxedo. However, there is usually a dilemma – should you rent or buy a wedding tuxedo? Keep reading to find out the pros and cons of both options.

The price range is different

Source: whatitcosts

Depending on the budget you have, you should plan your expenses accordingly. Renting can be a cheaper option because you will need it just for a day. However, if you want to keep your tux and wear it during other special occasions besides your wedding, then buying should be your choice. It will be worth it and it will actually help you save more money in the long run.

Buying a tux means that you won’t get worried every time you have some special occasion ahead of you. Looking to rent can take a lot of time. Even though buying is a more expensive option, you will be able to customize it fully to suit your style and figure, so it will be worth the investment. Visit verouomonj.com  to choose one of many stunning tuxedos.

The preferences play a major role

Source: whatthetux

The style and fashion sense will be a major factor in the deciding process. If you don’t mind wearing a model that is not the latest fashion trend and the fact that someone else wore it before you then renting a tux can be a perfect solution for you. However, if you only like to wear brand new clothes, then buying a tux may be a better option. You will be sure that the only person who put it on is you and even though hygiene is not the issue because the rented tuxedos get dry cleaned regularly, there is something special about purchasing new clothes for a special occasion such as a wedding.

New clothes represent new beginnings. It is symbolically taking a clean slate and starting a new chapter in life. If you are superstitious and simply don’t want anything to ruin your special day, buying may be a better solution when compared to renting. Some people believe that clothes take on the energy of people who wear them, so if you share this belief, skip the renting part and make sure that nothing will bring you bad luck and ruin your happiness on the most special day in your life.

A perfect fit is a great confidence booster

Source: mnweddingguide

Imagine wearing a tux and one seam making you nervous. Do you think that it would be noticeable in the photos? Of course, it will. With the custom tuxedo, you won’t have that problem. Everything you have a problem with can be resolved very quickly. It will suit you perfectly, so you can enjoy your day to the fullest. Looking good boosts confidence and this is the day when you should have an abundance of confidence.

After all, this is the day that will be in your memory forever. You will be talking about it to your kids and grand-kids, so looking at the photos should only remind you of all the happy moments. Not only that, being in the center of everything is great preparation for everything that follows. Having a tux custom made means that you are the men of the day and it will reflect on the way you carry yourself and add a little bit to the seriousness to the occasion.

On the other hand, if your body type allows you to find a tux that will fit you perfectly without the adjustments, then you can definitely explore the option. However, this occurs in very few cases, so arm yourself with patience.

Remember – you and your bride are the stars of the day

Source: brides

You and your future wife need to look absolutely beautiful on your wedding day. You will be the stars of the event and under the spotlight the entire day. With so many smartphones and cameras, you can be sure that you will be tagged on hundreds of images after your wedding day. Think about how important it is for you to look perfect? Photos last forever, so make sure you look your best. Renting a tux may be less expensive, but as we previously mentioned, every inconvenience will show.

Buying a tuxedo is an investment in yourself and the overall enjoyment throughout the day. Every time you see the photos, you will be proud of yourself. Let’s not forget that your future wife will fall in love with you all over again when she sees how handsome you are. Well, it is a great way to start a marriage. After all, your bride will try her best to look like a princess, so be her Prince Charming. It is a day that will never be repeated again.

Before making a decision, think about the pros and cons and make a decision that you think is best for you. It is a personal decision for every groom and it is definitely influenced by many factors such as the budget, the time available for planning, the body type, and the fashion sense. If you have time for planning everything slowly, then you will also have enough time to go to the tailor a few times until you are fully satisfied with the result. Renting, on the other hand, is a great solution for people who live in the moment and want to get married right away. Either way, you choose, the most important thing is to have fun at your wedding and spend it with the people you love.

Tips to Travel in Budget With Right Luggage While Carry Goods

Source: moneycrashers

The small crowd dimmed their applause as the next comedian stepped onto the stage. For the fourth time that evening, the first words out of this new comic’s mouth was “How are we doing tonight?”

Fine. We were fine. He followed up the resounding silence with “Anyone from out of town?” The four of us uneasily raised our hands.

“Where are you from?”

“Michigan,” I said, speaking for the group of us.

“Duh, should have read the sweatshirt,” the comedian said, pointing at my shirt, sporting my university logo. “Why are you here?”

“Spring break.”

“Then why are you here?”

We had been asked that question so many times since we decided to take a road-trip five hours east to Toronto. Most of our peers were headed south for the week to escape the winter weather, but it seemed like we had just driven the wrong way. My best friends and I weren’t confused – we were being frugal. For the price of one plane ticket to Miami, we had an amazing five-day vacation. Here’s my tips for broke college kids filled with wanderlust!

Source: smartertravel

1. Safety first! Keep a loved one up to date with your general day-to-day plans and where you’ll be staying. Check in at the end of every day. If travelling internationally, check in with the State Department so they know you’re in the country in case of emergency.

2. Go during off-seasons: Our hotel was actually a rental condominium, which meant it came with a fully furnished condo, with all the perks of a hotel, in a high-rise. We got an amazing view of the city, free coffee in the morning, and free parking– all for $106 a night. We can attribute this to the fact that very few people are brave enough to venture up to Canada in February. Wherever you want to go– be it the Florida Keys, Seattle, or New York– go during the off-season to save a Tremendous amount of money, but still live it up in Insta-worthy style.

3. Don’t eat every meal out: Before we left, we took a massive grocery shopping trip to buy road-trip snacks and breakfast and luggage. We agreed that we wouldn’t eat breakfast out in the mornings. This saved us time to do more things in the city and saved us money! We also carried snacks with us while we walked around during the day so we wouldn’t be tempted to stop in every ice cream shop we saw (although we did that a lot).

Source: stltoday

4. Make a shopping list: If you’re anything like me, souvenir shopping is half the fun. Before you’re tempted to buy that shot glass you won’t really need, make a list of the souvenirs you actually want to buy. Limited yourself makes shopping more like a scavenger hunt than a shopping spree. Another pro tip: leave the downtown area of any city to buy souvenirs. Typically, souvenir prices will be reduced by half if you venture out to other neighbourhoods. For Toronto, we visited Chinatown for souvenir shopping.

5. Plan, plan, plan! I love to plan trips and research places to go. You don’t need to have your trip planned down to the second, but do get a general itinerary for what you want to accomplish each day. In big cities like Toronto, it’s easiest to plan your day by neighbourhoods. Find one or two sites you definitely want to see within that area and make an afternoon of exploring that area!

6. Don’t plan everything: It seems counter-intuitive, I know. We found on our trip that some of the best times we had weren’t from scheduled events, but from last minute changes to my beloved itinerary. We ended up spending our last night in that sketchy basement comedy club rather than doing another night of bar hopping.

Source: usnews

7. Say no to the zoo: It can be tempting to go to an aquarium, zoo, or extreme attraction, but your vacation is meant to be adventure. My rule of thumb for travelling is if you can do it within fifty miles of where you live, skip it. Find the unique things of a city! For Toronto, we visited the University of Toronto’s campus, Graffiti Alley, and the Harbour front Beaches.

8. Find the free stuff: This is similar to the last point. Our hesitation with that typical tourist attraction is that they tend to be extremely pricey. Blogs from people living in that city are a Great resource for finding these places– locals isn’t going to pay to have fun every weekend. This is the best way to learn about what the culture of a city really is.

9. Find a tour: After years of travelling internationally, I’ve learned the value in a good tour guide. This can be an exception to your “free only” rule. Find a cheap tour in the city and try to do it on your first day. Tour guides are a great resource to the layout of the city, notable attractions, and hidden gems. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, but don’t forget that tips are generally expected. Luckily for us, Toronto has a free tour guide service (with an expectation that you tip), so we got to know the downtown area pretty well before we even started exploring on our own.

Source: hgtv

10. Set limits for yourself: Be realistic! Before travelling, set a budget for yourself and stick to it. For us, we set a limit of $40 a day for food, $30 for a hotel, and $10 for transportation. That meant that in all, we spent about $200 a piece for five days in a big city.

11. Avoid ride-sharing apps: This tip works better for large cities that are walk able or have good public transportation systems. It can be tempting to just call an Uber when you’ve got to hike across town, but save those few dollars and take a walk. The best way to see a city is by walking.

12. It’s okay to get lost: See a side street that looks interesting? Go down it. See a cool shop? Go in. Does a bakery smell good? Go inside to get a better sniff. Want to pet a cute dog? Just ask. Obviously, use your best judgement while travelling, but it’s also important to take advantage of the time you have in a city.

Source: vox

13. Keep track: This is another one of my favorite parts of travelling. Take tons of photos; don’t be afraid to Instagram your food! I also recommend keeping a travel journal. We used the app BonJournal for our trip to Toronto which was an amazing way to keep track of each stop of the trip and upload photos all in one convenient place. If you’re more artsy than me, you can also keep a physical journal and add photos later.

14. Pack well: For graduation, I got an amazing luggage set (read more here), complete with a set of packing cubes. I packed five days worth of clothes and toiletries in a carry-on – an impressive feat for a High-maintenance girl like me. I recommend luggage with lots of pockets for organization and using packing cubes to maximize your space. Bring basic colored clothes with accents to mix-and-match. Being a college student should not be a limit to travelling. Use your breaks to see the world and learn what no textbook can teach you!

How Does A Credit Card Consolidation Loan Work

Source: medium

Are you struggling with credit card debt? Millions of people in the UK struggle with credit card debt. Leading UK financial service, NowLoan believes that the actual figure of those struggling with credit card debt is much higher. The Citizens Advice Bureau tries to help as many they possibly can to come to an arrangement with their credit card companies. But, with the amount out of credit card debt in the UK, this is easier said than done.

If you are among the people that are struggling and you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, luckily, we have some good news for you. There is, in fact, a way to pay off your credit card debt, and still be able to live your normal life; you just need to be wise and make a couple of smart moves. And of course, you need to know where to go and ask for help, because not every place will help you and give you the best answers.

We are going to help you on your way to paying off your credit card debt and explain the most important things you need to know. When it comes to credit card consolidation loan work in the UK, everything you need to know will be listed down below. You can also check out this guide from SoFi on lowering your credit card debt without ruining your credit.

How To Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Source: nqftraining

Is it possible to pay off your credit card debt and save money at the same time? Is that even realistic? Most credit card users who struggle with credit card debt also have other financial problems. The most common problem is not having enough income to meet monthly bills. If you are one of the many thousands of UK residents who have to resort to using their credit card to pay for daily living costs, you may want to find out what alternatives are available to you. If you don’t have enough money every month to pay for your everyday groceries, your monthly bills, and rent, you are doing something wrong. You need to make a new strategy and learn how to use your money wisely.

Coming to an arrangement with your credit card provider is one alternative. But, this is not necessarily the most effective solution if you owe money to several credit card providers. For instance, it may not leave you with enough income or money in the bank to pay daily living costs, such as utility and grocery bills. The most important thing that you should strive to is to have enough to pay for your rent, bills, and groceries. Once you are capable of doing that, and not have your credit card debt, you are on the right track.

Debt Consolidation In The UK

Source: badcredit

Debt consolidation is currently a hot topic in the UK, and it has been for an extended period. Does debt consolidation work, or does it not work? If you use it in the right sort of way, debt consolidation is a useful tool when it comes to dealing with credit card debt. Simply, it allows you to take control of your debts and take out one loan to cover them. You need to know how to use debt consolidation if you want to do everything correctly.
How does everything work, and what do you need to do?

Your lender will, in turn, pay off all of your credit card bills. It will leave you with a new loan agreement and one single loan payment per month. It is an excellent way to lower the amount you pay per month. It will also leave you with cash to spend on essentials such as food and utilities. One crucial thing you need to do if you decide that this is the right fit for you is to spend money responsibly. If you continue to spend the money that you don’t have on things that are not essential, you will be in a worse debt then you’ve had.
The rate of interest you will have to pay on your loan is significantly lower than the one you would have paid on your credit card. It is an essential part of any excellent debt consolidation agreement. And with a lower rate, you will be able to live normally with the income you have.

Debt Consolidation Providers In The UK

Source: experian

Can my high street bank or building society help me? By all means, you could try contacting your bank or building society. But, you should know that most regular lenders don’t specialize in debt consolidation. Stop and think about it, and you will soon realize that debt consolidation is a unique concept, and you will start appreciating it. Not all lenders are geared up to handle credit card debt or deal with the problem in a “creative” way. It is best to speak to a financial service provider that can talk to you through the alternatives. When trying to find excellent financial service, you should look for good reviews and someone that will take their time with you. Someone that is going to invest in your case and give you the best possible advice.

NowLoan provides a range of solutions when it comes to credit card consolidation. You can be open and honest with them and explain your circumstances and problems. Because being honest in a situation like this is one of the crucial things. Because if you are open and honest, the chances of getting your problem solved are higher. Loan companies often let you factor in other personal borrowings such as car loans and overdrafts. Consolidating all of your debts is a good idea when you want to save money and end up with cash for daily living costs.

Yes, you can save money, pay off your credit card debt, and continue to live normally. We hope you’ve discovered the answers you were looking for in our article, and we wish you all the luck in your future financial endeavors.

6 Essential Tips and Tricks for Camping In the Rain

Source: Advenport

Let’s imagine that you live in some urban place. Each town in the world is full of crowds and noise. It doesn’t matter which part of the day it is. Despite that, it also doesn’t matter which part of the year it is. Do streets truly become empty over the winter? Yes, they might be empty after midnight. Still, the noise remains the same (or even bigger) over the day.

Anyway, many people that live in cities would want to find their peace. Logically, you can’t simply move to another place to find it. Because of that, you can find many families that are camping. Camping over the summer is easy. You go near some lake, bring a tent, prepare food and there is nothing more to worry about.

Still, even over the summer, rain might start to fall. Well, the option number one is to cancel your mini-trip and plan it for the next weekend. Yet, this is not the only option you have. Camping in the rain can also be entertaining. Some people will tell you it is even better than usual camping. The only thing that you need to do is to get prepared for something like that.

However, this time you need to be a bit more careful. Atypical camping will ask you to bring some different tools and accessories. That’s why we want to share with you x essential tip and tricks for camping in the rain.

Enough talking; let’s find them out together.

1. Create an Outdoor Living Room

Source: Pinterest

Logically, you won’t spend the entire camping in your tent. Despite that, is that even possible? Most of the people bring small tents for the weekend camping. In most cases, maximally 2 persons can get in that type of tent.

Anyway, a lot better thing would be creating an outdoor living room. Well, making a camping rain shelter is not as difficult as you think. You will have to string up a tarp or two overhead. Besides that, there must be also one on the ground.

2. Don’t Forget Camping Stools

Source: Thrive Global

Are you going to stand in your rain camping shelter all day long? Of course, you won’t. To make things even more comfortable, we recommend you also bring camping stools. Imagine that you sit on the grounds. If the rain is falling, there is a big chance that the temperature is low as well. It won’t past a lot of time until you get cold.

The important thing is that you have the necessary number of them. We believe that you already have some at home. Still, you need to ensure that every person has the chance to sit. Because of that, we suggest you visit this website and see which choices you have. You will find a wide range of designs there.

3. Bring the Food from Home

Source: RangerMade

Grilling in the rain is, unfortunately, quite difficult. First of all, firewood is not going to help here a lot. All the wood around you is going to be wet and you won’t be able to get a fire. Yet, with some other accessories, this might be possible.

Still, a lot better choice would be to prepare some food at home. The first thing that we suggest is a cup of hot cocoa. This will warm you up and make the camping a bit more comfortable. Despite that, Aztec hot chocolate with chili will make things even better.

Still, this is not something that would bring you calories. In this case, they are necessary to maintain body temperature. That’s why you can get a killer campfire pizza or Dutch-oven lasagna. These two meals contain ingredients that will add calories to your body and keep you warm.

4. Wear Only Light Colors

Source: REI Co-op

We are not exactly sure why you are camping. If you are just planning to spend some time outside of the town, then the color of your clothes is irrelevant. Still, let’s imagine that you went camping during the hunting season. Well, in that case, it would be smart to wear some lighter clothes. In this way, you won’t be mistaken for a deer or something else. Despite that, if you are planning to go through the woods, you can be sure that you won’t get lost. All the campers will be able to see each other at every moment.

Our vote goes to orange color. This is the maximally visible color.

5. Bring a Bivy Bag

Source: Bob’s Outdoor Products

Just like you should bring camping stools for sitting, you should also bring bivy bags for sleeping. Indeed, you won’t sleep outside the tent. However, it is necessary to stay warm inside the tent as well. That is the reason why a bivy bag is a good choice.

First of all, they will protect your sleeping bag from moisture. However, they will also help retain a little heat.

There is one more thing that you probably should do. Our advice is to double up on sleeping pads to keep you warmer. Still, many people make a common mistake. Because of the low temperature, they cover their face as well. This is something you should not do. Your face needs to be exposed.

The reason why we say this is simple. The breathing into the bag will cause the insulation to get wet. Logically, that will influence its performances.

6. Flip Your Water Bottle

Source: Taste of Home

We believe that happened many times that your water bottle has frozen during the night. Well, the solution to this problem is quite easy. The only thing you should do is flipping your water bottle.

Did you know that water always freezes from the top? Well, even in this way you can’t expect that the bottle is going to be full of water. Still, you can expect to get at least a few sips out in the morning. After that, the temperature is going to grow over the day and you will get your water back.


Source: SunnySports

We gave you a couple of tips that will make your rain camping a lot easier. We hope you will apply them the next time you go. Still, the most important thing is not to get nervous if some things go wrong. The rain won’t be your enemy if you are calm.

How iOS Keyloggers Can Help With Parental Monitoring

Source: findmykids

Nowadays, it has become completely normal that each and every one of us possesses a smartphone. In most cases, we are talking about the iPhone. What’s more, the age bar when it comes to kids who have phones has also dropped. A decade ago, it was almost unimaginable that a child would have one of these.

However, as you can see, things have changed drastically over the years. Not only do parents give their young kids phones to entertain them, but they also buy them their own devices. This is something that has caused a lot of debate, but most people take this step because they want to be able to communicate with their child at every given moment.

Nevertheless, purchasing them iPhones and basically giving them unlimited access to the Internet can in a way jeopardize their safety. This is especially true when it comes to teenagers. Let’s be honest, they all use numerous social media platforms, share their location, photos, videos, and some of them might even share their personal information without even realizing it.

Due to this, parents usually believe that they do not have a choice and that the only thing they can do is talk with their teenagers and hope for the best. Still, this isn’t the case. Even though many people would argue that this is something you shouldn’t do, you can use iOS keyloggers to monitor your child’s phone.

What is a keylogger?

Source: medium

The first thing that we are going to try to explain to you is what a keylogger exactly is. If you try to locate any definition online, you will see that basically, it is software or an app that can be used to monitor someone’s device.

When it comes to iPhone Keyloggers that you can use to monitor your child’s device, you should click here to learn more about how they work. Essentially, when you install this app on the smartphone, you will have insight into everything that a person does via the device. You will be able to read all the text and listen to all the voice messages, see new apps installed on the phone, check out the browsing history and locations, and so on.

You are surely wondering about one thing. No, the person will not know that the keylogger has been installed on their phone. Actually, this is the main reason why most people opt for this type of app.

Why you should use it?

Source: nixsolutions

Now that we have told you how it works in summary, you should do a little online search to learn more about its main features and also to investigate different apps that are available. We are going to provide you with some reasons why you should opt for using these, and tell you how you can benefit from it.

Monitor activities

Source: mobilespy

Clearly, this is the first and main reason why installing a keylogger on your child’s device sounds like a good idea. Simply put, it provides you with the opportunity to see all the messages and phone call history. Without a doubt, this is the best way to find out if your teen is in contact with someone you do not know or someone who is much older than they are. As you know, oftentimes teens can be naïve and easily tricked by pedophiles and other dangerous individuals, so you have to always be on the lookout.

Oversee their Internet activity

Source: ikeymonitor

These days, there isn’t anything that you can find online. This sounds like a great advantage of living in this age, right? However, this can be a problem when it comes to kids that are not always able to understand what can be dangerous for them.

Staying informed on everything that your child searches for online is another benefit of using keyloggers. If you learn that they have been visiting some inappropriate websites, you have two options. Firstly, you can simply use the software to block access to those pages, or on the other hand, you can limit your teen’s screen time.

Follow the location

Source: findmykids

We are not trying to be rude, but we have to be realistic – oftentimes teens lie about their current location. It is simply in their nature. They want to have their own privacy, so they might tell you a lie about where they are going.

This doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing, but still, you want to make sure that they are in school, at a friend’s home, or on their way home. You just want to be certain that they are safe, right? Another thing, when it comes to posting on social media, you should talk with your teen. Naturally, they are going to continue adding photos and videos, but you should advise them not to post their current location. Yes, everyone else does this, but you should try to explain to them why and how it can be dangerous.

Protect them from cyber attacks

Source: cpomagazine

We have already mentioned that kids can be exposed to inappropriate content online, but unfortunately that isn’t the only danger lurking. There are also numerous gambling websites and ads for them that pop up almost every time one tries to google something or open some page.

In addition, this era of the Internet has taken bullying to an entirely new level. In the past, kids would only be bullied in school, but nowadays, many of them are attacked online. There are multiple pages and profiles that are used to make fun of people, and the worst thing is that once something is uploaded to the Internet, it stays there forever. What’s more, these mean photos and posts can spread at the speed of light.

Unfortunately, many teens experience this kind of bullying and it can have terrible consequences for their self-esteem, and in some extreme cases, on their health and even life. Sometimes, they feel too ashamed to share this with their parents because they believe that it’s their fault. Because of this, you have to know everything that is going on in your child’s life, and sometimes, the only way to do this is to use keyloggers on their iPhone.

8 Reasons Why Vietnam is Worth Visiting – 2024 Travel Guide

Source: Conbeo

From the amazing cuisine and beaches to the breathtaking sightseeing spots, Vietnam is a place that can offer something to every person that visits it. With its mesmerizing coastline and interesting culture, it is basically waiting for tourists from all over the world to explore it.

For most people, Vietnam is on top of their travel destination list and some want to visit it, but are not sure about whether or not they should actually go there. Well, if you are in this situation, this article about the top 8 reasons why you should visit this nation can be quite helpful. Let’s take a closer look at the list of reasons:

1. The Locals Are Simply Amazing

Source: Stop Having a Boring Life

One of the main reasons why you should consider visiting this country is its people. Firstly, they are incredibly happy to share facts about their customs, culture, and traditions, and secondly, they are quite polite. Women and men at the local green markets will help you pick vegetables and/or fruits and they’ll definitely enjoy asking questions about your background while you are at their stall.

They are also quite approachable and relaxed, which means that they’ll always help you get around the city or find your way back to your hotel. Interacting with the local people in any Vietnamese city will definitely make your vacation more memorable, enjoyable, and complete.

2. The Cuisine Will Leave Your Taste Buds Craving For More

Source: Vietnam Travel

If you are a fan of Asian cuisine, it is not a secret that Vietnam has the best one. One of the biggest surprises for most tourists is that the food is quite accessible. For example, if you visit any other foodie capital you’ll find various dishes at various price points, at specific areas.

However, once there, you can try various tasty dishes at a wide range of coffee shops, markets, restaurants, street vendors, and bakeries. Besides tasting amazing meat, rice, and fresh baked goods, do not miss out on trying their traditional strong coffee, also known as “weasel”. Trust me, you’ll not try anything better.

3. It is Relatively Cheap

Source: City Pass Guide

The best thing about visiting this couontry? It is incredibly affordable. The accommodation cost, public transportation, the food, every single thing comes with a low price tag. It is perfect for people that are on a tight travel budget or the ones that love spending more time in one country.

There are various accommodation options that you can choose from, which means that you can definitely find one that will fit your budget – keep in mind that one night at a hostel can cost as low as 2 dollars! Additionally, the food is quite cheap with some street food costing as little as one dollar.

4. The Nature Will Take Your Breath Away

Source: Bunnik Tours

The first thing you should know is that Vietnam is currently ranked 16th as a country that is rich in biodiversity. The nation proudly showcases their amazing forests, clean rivers, diverse lagoons, and colorful coral reefs. For example, you can choose to spend a night in a hut made from bamboo located near a river.

Now, it has hundreds of places that will allow you to experience some of the most incredible natural sights, hence, make sure that you incorporate some of them in your itinerary. If you want to learn what things you can do and see, check out Explore One VietNam for more information.

5. There Are Festivals All-Year Long

Source: TripSavvy

Thanks to its rich culture, traditions, and history, as well as Buddhist influences, Vietnam has hundreds of festivals that are organized all-year long – most of which are incredibly fun to attend. For instance, the “Tet” holiday is perfect for families who want to celebrate the love for their ancestors, as well as for each other.

The best thing about these festivals is the fact that they always decorate the streets with colorful lights, there are special meals that are prepared during the duration of the festival, which means that you can try even more tasty food, and there are often fireworks that will take over the night sky. All in all, attending at least one of these festivals will make your vacation even more memorable.

6. Incredible Beaches

Source: Passepartout Homes

Is there anything more relaxing than spending your afternoon or evening at a pristine beach? Well, I think there isn’t. Let the waves, water, sun, and sand relieve your stress and anxiety that has been accumulating in your body for far too long. Vietnam does have a few world’s top beach listings, hence, make sure that you check at least some of them.

There are various activities that you can do, including sunbathing, kite-running, windsurfing, snorkeling, diving, and so on. Additionally, you can choose to stay at some of the best beach resorts in the world – which is perfect for newlyweds or families. You can also have your lunch or dinner close to the sea, which will perhaps, be the best part of your vacation.

7. The History

Source: Vietnam Tourism

Vietnam’s history is somewhat complex, which is why colonial influences can be seen almost everywhere. From their architecture and monuments to their cuisine and amazing coffee – influences from all over the globe can be noticed. Which is why Vietnam is considered a blend of several cultures.

There are also dozens of museums, monuments, sculptures, and buildings dedicated to the events that happened in Vietnam, hence, you can learn a lot of things about their tumultuous history. It is important to remember that the history of this country is not only interesting, but it is important for people to learn about it as well.

8. Take a Walk in One of Many City Parks

Source: Vietnam Tourism

If you take a walk through some of the city parks in the early morning or evening, you’ll see men and women exercising on the open. A lot of people – both younger and older – gather around one instructor and follow exercises while the music is playing in the background. Hence, make sure that you visit some of the parks if you want to participate in some of these activities.


Source: Times of India

Vietnam is a truly amazing country and with all the things that it offers to tourists, it is not a surprise that it is actually on top of a lot of travel bucket lists. Hence, now that you know what are the reasons for visiting this mesmerizing place, do not lose any more time. Instead, you can start planning what you’ll do, try, and see while on your vacation in Vietnam.

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