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How to Raise Money From Investors

Source: forbes

One of the biggest reasons why people do not venture into entrepreneurship is lack of capital. It is also one of the biggest reasons why people go out of business. Suffice to say, capital tends to be a big driver of businesses in several ways.

That should not, however, be a premise for failing to start a business or going out of business altogether. You can always look for financing options to get the much-needed capital. One of those options is to raise money from investors. Raising money from investors is a skill that can be learned. That is what we will be looking at in this article. We shall be discussing the important things you must know.

An Interesting Gender-Based Insight

Source: kevinsmithgroup

Studies shows that businesses run by females tend to succeed more than those run by males. This may be subject to debate but some studies have shown that. It has also emerged that businesses run by females tend to be downplayed yet being potent enough to succeed. This here presents an interesting dynamic – how investors can actually consider this gender element.

Thus, when looking to seek out investments take time to comb through the prospective investor’s investment portfolio or history. It might be in your best interest to know the investment habits of a respective investor. As much as biases are not good most investors tend to have gender-based biases when deciding on whom to fund.

Pitching Is Inevitable

Source: businessnewsdaily

Supposing you have been given the platform to speak with an investor you will have to or be required to pitch your business idea. The time you will be given to do that pitch varies from investor to investor. What we can advise you to do is that always have one-minute pitches ready.

If you actually get more time that will be a bonus for you. Most investors have no time to entertain you for long given their busy schedules. The important thing is for you to have a comprehensively constituted yet compact pitch – well rehearsed so that you can deliver it any time.

Must-Haves For Your Pitch Content

Source: fnews

Your pitch is usually the key to your getting funded. It is also vital to also have a business plan handy as that will be necessary for further evaluation of your business idea. More information about business plans can be found on this website. In your pitch clearly show your business’ unique value proposition.

Your financials must be well presented i.e. turnover, gross margins, net profit and so on. Investors are so keenly interested in those details. If any, point out notable accomplishments your business has attained – it beefs up your credibility.

High-Risk High Potential Businesses Stand A Good Chance

Source: business

Investors usually want to fund businesses that have two key attributes namely, high risk and high potential. This means that if your business does not wield these qualities getting funding might be a long shot.

Essentially your business must exhibit the quality of being scalable into a big brand as time ensues. That is what investors want to invest in – businesses that will bring about huge returns on investment. If your business is high risk yet high potential, it is even possible to get funding from angel investors.

Raising Money Is Not A Once-Off Thing

Source: pixabay

Bear in mind that raising funds from investors is not a once-off thing. You might have to take a stepped approach which is cumulative in nature. What we mean is that you raise a certain funding amount to use to take the business to a certain level. Then once it gets there you then set out to raise more funds in pursuance of another level you want to reach.

The beauty of this approach is that if you do reach all those levels you set out to reach the valuation of your business will be getting bigger and bigger. This would mean that getting investors to fund you becomes far easier as you move ahead with each new level attained. This also means that you can end up getting investments from several different investors towards just that one business.

You can try a fundraising campaign that can instantly reach out to a whole bunch of potential investors. If you were able to raise some capital through this campaign, you can now use it to take your business up incrementally. This makes the process far easier and faster than ever before because crowdfunding being used in the same manner as a business is becoming more common today. Get a few fundraising ideas by checking out fundraisingexpert.com.

Know The Various Funding Options And Terms Available

Source: Warengo

When approaching investors you must be well versed with these options. There are several of them, for example, angel investors, venture capitalists, and crowd funding just to mention a few. When talking about investments we can mostly look at angel investors and venture capitalists.

Angel investors are not always easy to find, they are investors who are more concerned with helping people to set up businesses. When they fund someone they do not necessarily need to be paid back or they might not want paybacks with interest. Managing to get an angel investor to invest in your business will be a jackpot.

Then there are venture capitalists – they want their money paid back and with interest. Their thrust is to fund you to get definite and guaranteed returns on investments. When approaching investors you must know the type of investors they are so that you know how to discuss with them.

What Is In It For The Investor?

Source: techglows

Most investors want an offer from you in exchange for the capital investment you are asking from them. Actually, they usually want equity or a stake in your business. Demands or conditions may vary as some might simply want principal repayments with interest. Whichever the case may be you must be ready to negotiate.

It is important to know the implications of offering up equity that is too high. For instance, offering up a 60% equity in exchange for a capital investment might not always be a great idea. This is because you would not be having a say in key decision making. Thus, when approaching an investor know what to offer and be ready to negotiate.

You must also consider that most investors want to invest when you have injected or contributed something of your own. This shows that you believe in what you are doing and are willing to take risks. Try as many options as possible; never give up! Once you master these skills, you will be able to get funding for any kind of business!

A Guide to Purchasing Moroccan Babouches

Source: lonelyplanet

If you ask any native Moroccans, what are the most popular traditional slippers found in morocco? I guess the first name they might say is the ‘Moroccan Babouches’. Some of the movie geeks might even say these are Aladdin’s most favorite shows. The term Babouche comes from French, which in fact comes from Persian (Papushie flat shoes). In Moroccan Arabic, here we are speaking of Balgha.

You’ll find an endless variety of souvenirs to purchase during your trip to Morocco, particularly in large souks such as Fes and Marrakech. The Moroccan leather slipper, a traditional Moroccan leather slipper, gives a fun gift to friends and relatives. You may also purchase a pair of babouches, because they are both sturdy and user-friendly.

The manufacture of Moroccan slippers is a continuous procedure, also known as ‘babouche.’ It starts when raw animal skins are collected and handled (cobbage skin, cow skin, and camel skin), cleaned, dried, and died until the right amount of softness for what is called ‘Balgha.’ There is thong that must be clarified here that there are two types of Babouches, the traditional Moroccan slippers that pass through the craftsmen ship of a talented artisan and the others are the ones made from the machines. Among these the hand made products find more popularity among purchasers because they perfectly fit.

Today, we are going to present to you the guide that we did with artisanat-shop, on how to purchase Moroccan Babouches, let’s get started.

The Best of the Sorts

Source: lonelyplanet

The first thing to remember while buying a pair of babouche is that you want to wear it outside or indoors. Indoor babouche is supposed to have a softer sole, while outdoor babouche is supposed to have a harder sole on the bottom.

Finding the Right Pair of Moroccan Babouche

A successful babouche may take a few years to replace. You will note that tourists not only love the babouche, but that many people take it indoors and out. If you don’t know the price of the babouche, you can ask local people or visit the shops where local residents sell.

A Perfect Suit

First, you’re going to want to try a couple of your beloved babouche. You cannot take the same steps as your sneakers or sandals as you pick the scale of your babouche. The main thing is to choose the correct style to choose a pair without any garbage, which blends comfortably into your shoes. Slings are meant to be stiff when first used, but gradually expand and over a period of time forms into the shape of the foot. A pair of babouches “worked-in” should look like personalized feet.

Source: moroccotravelblog

The Best Theme Style

Second, find all the paint and design choices for your indoor / outdoor babouche. Many flat toes and some with toes pointed. Some of them have a simple matte color range, while others have rather complicated sticking and style.

The colors and designs of the slippers used by locals can even be analyzed in order to determine the current trends. On my last visit to Fes, I bought a pair of brown pointed babouches with a single stick on which I saw a new fashion trend among the citizens of Morocco. You’re going to decide whether you want to head down the design road or choose something that’s calling you! Shopping for the correct babouche pair can be a nice experience! We are guessing that you love shopping or even if it’s just going there to have look around!

Soft and Easy going

As slippers might be the most popularly used product at home. And because of them being comfortable, easy to move around with, and if you can find your self a pair that molds to your feet. This the best feeling of being at home and I think most of you might agree with me. And if you have to ask my opinion on this! I might suggest that the Moroccan Babouches are the choice in this aspect. A Babouche pair have a thick soul even adds to the comfort.

Source: mosaicnorthafrica

Finding a good product distributer

I have already discussed it in the previous section that if you are making up your mind to buy a pair of Babouches then the hand made products from these talented artisans is the best choice but if you have to go about buying a product from some company’s then wee have some suggestions for you. Among all artisanal-shop, Fez and Marakesh. Moroccan Leather Babouche, is reinventing conventional Moroccan babouche slippers in a streamlined and modern theme. Hamid and his wonderful team have been making slippers for Bohemia for more than ten years at their workshop in the Medina in Marrakech. Each of their slippers is custom made with their aged techniques. Because this is need from every customer that they need to be made at home with these soft, supple leather slippers.

Their Odor

It is to be noted that a genuine traditional Babouche has been passed through a natural process of crafting and you might find a dreamlike odor to it. This is one of the most important selling points of this product.

Source: theculturetrip

Get a measure of your foot

The first step is to measure your foot against your oriental slippers or your preferred Babouchescuir type. If you don’t have a pedometer at home, we have the best solution. First of all, it’s essential to wear socks or be bare feet. Then take a sheet of paper and position the foot flat below the big toe and one at the end of the heel.

That is then measured in centimeters, 1 cm added, and then 0.666 divided the gap between the two axes. You simply round up to the nearest millimeter with two measures in order to obtain the correct value with France/The European Union.

Please bear in mind that their oriental slippers, sandals and boots are crafted by craftsmen of good quality goatskin or calf leather in Morocco. It is likely that the leather would feel rigid at the first test, relax in time when wearing the pair.

5 Working From Home Productivity Tips

Source: 1-grid

Working from home has so far been reserved only for freelancers and has been pretty much out of people’s minds. Simply, the world way not ready for working from home. The fact is that we love to socialize and spend time with people while working. It was somehow the vision we all had in mind. However, in the light of recent events when people were forced to stay at home in quarantine because of the coronavirus, people started wondering how would that work. Well, people are adaptable and learn quickly. We are here to help you out to organize better if this is all new to you. So, let’s dive in!

1. Help people understand your work

Source: cnbc

Just a while ago, the first thing that would come to people’s minds when the work from home would be mentioned is that it is just sitting the whole day in pajamas and drinking coffee. While some people do sit in their pajamas and drinking coffee, that is far from what else they do. If you want to avoid being interrupted a hundred times a day and being frustrated, then you will need to talk to your family and explain your working hours and that you need to be fully concentrated.

Simply put, create a schedule and place it on the door, if you are lucky enough to have a separate room for an office. This will prevent them from coming to you all the time to ask you things. We all know that productivity drops with the speed of light after every question that someone asks, so do everything you can to prevent that from happening.

2. Get a suitable chair and desk

Source: parade

Considering that you will work every day for at least 6-8 hours, and let’s face it – some days, even more, you will need a comfortable chair and a quality desk to be able to work. Productivity is closely related to the position you sit in. If you are constantly leaned forward and in an unnatural position, you will start to feel the pain sooner or later. You should know that this is an investment into your health because all the experts and doctors will tell you what it means to constantly put the pressure on your back.

In order to avoid this, invest in a good chair that will support your back and the desk big enough for your laptop and all the things that you will need during working hours. If you are not sure how your desk should look, check out this guide theconsumer.guide for choosing a computer workstation. It will help you to make the right choice and improve your posture, so you can be productive.

3. Turn out the notifications

Source: flexjobs

Being a member of Viber groups, getting your notifications from Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, answering emails, and being interrupted by your family member will leave you exhausted at the end of the day. Set your phone to silent mode and let your friends know your schedule, so they avoid calling you during your working hours. This may be weird at first, but it will save your sanity and help you finish the planned work faster.

Every time you get interrupted, it will add up to the time you will spend in your home office. Be strict about the way you handle your time. It is the only way to be able to do anything besides work and actually enjoy every segment of your life. Working from home may blur the lines between work and family time, but it is up to you to handle it as much as possible.

4. Take breaks

Source: entrepreneur

The experts recommend taking breaks every ninety minutes to take a walk, look away from the screen, or simply stretch your legs. It is necessary for relaxation, better functioning, productivity but also for getting some new ideas. It will help you to feel refreshed and continue with some new energy. It doesn’t have to last long. It can be five minutes or just a walk to the kitchen to make coffee or tea, to take a glass of water, or to have a snack. Find a way to set a structure, so it is easier for you to deal with all the obligations you have. It is the only way to tackle all the tasks you have.

5. Create a routine that works for you

Source: nbcnews

It is not easy to switch from working in an office to working at home. Even though some people may have told you that this is the time to do what you want, the reality is completely different. You need to follow a certain structure to be able to live a fulfilled life and be productive. If your job allows you, work in the evening or early in the morning, if you are not productive enough during the usual hours.

Every person is different, so take advantage of the period when you feel most productive and work then. You will probably work much faster than when you force yourself to catch up on all the tasks. Set a schedule and try to stick to it. Of course, some flexibility is necessary, but learn to set the priorities, instead of pushing yourself to do everything at once.

These are the essential tips for being productive when working from home. Of course, you will find your own ways to organize your days, but these tips will help you ease yourself into the process and feel proud because you manage to finish everything on time. Make sure you remove all the clutter from your office and your desk. Every little thing impacts our ability to work, so make sure you arrange your working space the way you want to, so you can get inspired and productive. Working from home means that your working space doesn’t have to be conventional. Add a few candles, some inspiring image, a quote, and listen to music when your energy drops, so you can achieve the best results.

7 Most Popular 2010’s TV Shows

The pandemic is slowly ending, but until we’re allowed to continue with our lives, there are still a few weeks that we have to spend home, and the best way to “fly” through time is to watch TV.

If you are a person who enjoys putting on some quality content and relaxing in the comfort of your bed, you’ve come to the right place. In today’s article, we are going to talk about the most popular TV shows that came out back in 2010, which surprisingly is ten years ago. If you happen to be out of choices lately, or you’re just looking for a recommendation to watch something fun that you haven’t seen before, feel free to keep on reading until the end.

1. True Blood

Source: atlantablackstar

We know that not everybody is a fan of vampires and darker-themed shows, but we really cannot begin our list without adding True Blood which was a huge hit back in the day. When it aired out, True Blood gained tons of followers, and people were loving it, but there was also a group of people that considered it bad.

We’re not going to give our opinion on it, but it’s a very popular show that you have to watch if you are trying to keep up with some older content. Denis O’Hare and Anna Paquin were great, and you have to check out their performance if you haven’t already. Since this show is really popular still, you can find it on many commercial platforms such as Netflix or any other that’s currently your favorite place for watching. The show can be scary at times, so make sure you lock your home and turn your alarm on! And if you ever find yourself in the need of one, visit here.

2. Lost

Source: afirmator

Now, this is something that we like, and it also probably is the most popular TV show of the 2010s. Lost was entertaining from the very first episode, and all of the actors in it were amazing. Lost also has a huge fan-base, and a lot of those people are lovers of mysteries, so they came up with tons of alternative theories about the story, and you can find them all on the internet. However, we suggest that you don’t do that before you finish the entire 100+ episodes, because you’ll end up spoiling the plot for yourself.

We think that you should give this one a try, especially if you are into a thriller and mystery because this show has to offer a lot of both.

3. Grey’s Anatomy

Source: filmdaily

Okay, who said that TV shows cannot be educational? Well, whoever did it, Grey’s Anatomy is here to prove them wrong. This one is a great example of how tirelessly surgeons work to save lives, and it gives you an insight into how things are in a hospital environment.

Luckily, Grey’s Anatomy is not about that only, and it has a very interesting plot with a lot of twists and drama that will leave you wanting more after each episode. Thankfully, all of the episodes are out, so you don’t have to wait an entire week for them to come out like it was in the past. So, use this as a gift, and tune in for some amazing entertaining and educational content, you’ll learn a thing or two about the human body.

Oh, and if you are willing to watch without any interruptions, don’t forget your receiver device from tvaerialinstaller.co.uk.

4. Bones

Source: fox

If this name gives you some chills in your bones, then it’s the right show for you. A great crime-mystery title that offers so many hours of entertainment, and always leaves you wanting more. What’s great about Bones is that you’re always left with so many questions after each episode, meaning that you’re being served just the right “dose” of mystery, allowing you to figure things out on your own.

Tamara Taylor, Deirdre Lovejoy, and Arnold Vosloo have a lot to offer in this popular 2010’s TV title, so tune in for some fun and don’t miss out on such a great show.

5. Gossip Girl

Source: youtube

It’s time for something different from the things that we listed above since they’ve all been a bit “dark” in away. Gossip Girl is the type of a show that you put on when you’re bored and tired at the same time, so you just want to watch something that’s going to lift your mood and relax your mind.

Although most of the people watching this were and still are teenagers, it doesn’t mean that you won’t find it entertaining as an adult. Remember that this show has some pretty steamy hot scenes, so you might want to reconsider who you’re going to watch it with. It’s still pretty family-friendly though.

6. The Vampire Diaries

Source: castingcallhub

What’s the matter with 2010 and vampires? Well, we don’t know either, but there must be some correlation between these two. This one is a bit different from the previous vampire title that we mentioned above, so if you like this type of entertainment, but you’re looking to find it in a slightly different genre, maybe you should take a look at the diaries.

7. The Big Bang Theory

Source: independent

Last but not least, we have The Big Bang Theory, a show that’s so popular even today, and a lot of people consider it to be an evergreen. Comedy, entertainment, and great acting all combined in one? Yes, please.

The Big Bang Theory is definitely in the top three most popular titles of 2010, and we suggest that you don’t miss a single episode of it. Due to its popularity, you can find it on almost every platform, so either get yourself a Netflix account or use any other streaming website. It really shouldn’t be a problem finding this gem out there on the internet.


If you don’t have a better way of spending the last couple of weeks in the quarantine, watching TV is probably what’s going to help you fly through time easily. We do understand that there are so many titles out there that you can watch, but if you want some quality content, the 2010s are here to deliver. Feel free to check out our list and pick anything that you like from it.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Guide for Beginner – Tips and Tricks

Source: youthareawesome

CS: GO can be challenging to play for the newbie, but you can improve your skills and play style with CS: GO Tips. You might know about the popularity of CS: GO, and also see that it’s not welcoming to new players similar to Call of Duty and Battlefield. The game is challenging, especially when you have no idea about the game and even don’t know what or when to do. We recommend you never give up, yet you can’t play, because we have compiled a guide and some best tips for a newbie to make them stand out among other hardcore players by learning the basics.

Learn about Rewards

Source: counter

There are lots of things that you need to learn, but firstly you should know about rewards and the weaponry that available and can make the difference between life and death in competitive matches. Two types of competitions are available, such as Casual and Competitive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. First, you have to know that the CS: GO US Dollar is the primary currency of the game that you need to unlock additional content to play. You can earn by completing matches or visit the CS: GO Account Shop to purchase.

Casual and Competitive Matches

Source: youtube

In casual matches, the game requires you to have up to $10,000 that you can use to participate in 15 rounds and must achieve victory in the first eight matches. Similarly, in-game currency is required to play competitive games, but this time the amount is a bit high compared to that you need for casual events. In competitive events, both money and kill rewards are doubled.

Money Rewards

Source: reddit

Upon losing the round, you will obtain the following rewards, such as:

  • Losing the first round will get you $1400
  • Losing 2 rounds will get you $1900
  • Losing 3 rounds will get you $2400
  • Losing 4 rounds will get you $2900
  • Losing 5 rounds will get you $2400

Now, how much you will earn after winning two rounds in a row and then failing. For sure, the rewards are higher than the losing rounds and maybe rewarded you double cash. For more awards, you should continuously more matches to become the master.

CS: GO Weapons and Maps

Source: piunikaweb

Shooting is one of the most prominent things that you need to be enhanced if you’re willing to play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. While playing the game, you should always need to aim at a height where your head is, and during the gameplay, many players make this mistake by aiming too low. Improving your shooting skill is the key to success in the game. There are lots of weapons and you can select one of them to defeat the opposing team. Each gun has varied characteristics and requires upgrades for better performance. By default, most weapons are locked and required the completion of specific objectives.

CS: GO Team-play

Source: pcigre

As you know, the game offers you team-based gameplay, in which two teams can fight against each other. Before starting the game, the player has an option to create a team with random players or friends to play challenging rounds. Playing with friends is beneficial and ensure your victory. Similarly, playing the game with casual players are quite severe, because maybe all players aren’t cooperative.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Tips and Tricks

Source: Eneba

While the core mechanics of the game are relatively simple – enabling you to point your gun towards foes and hit the trigger. Once you approach the advanced levels, CS: GO proves itself a much deeper game than it seems first. We are here with lots of useful information regarding tips and tricks, so you can improve and unlock legendary weapons and skins to be the master.


Source: piunikaweb

In every sport, the first thing that makes you master is Practice. As said above, the game isn’t quite easy to play, and you won’t be going to be a master at it overnight. There’s only an authentic way to have better skills – play the game a lot. The rest of the given list will provide you several ways to get master.

Set your settings in the following Order

Source: gamespot

Are you a newbie to CS: GO? If yes, then you should need to know what kind of audio, control, and video settings will be better for you. Although there are no specific settings that can fully satisfy you, you must find out in what contexts are correct, so you can easily play the game without any hustle. Also it is very important that you use appropriate equipment especially made for your most favorite game, such as those at MyLazyDeal.

Play Deathmatch

Source: eneba

As you know, there are several playable game modes, but the most prominent mode is Deathmatch that comes with no objectives, rounds, and worries about money. In short, it’s a pure CS: GO gunplay, and introduces no downtime once you killed in the game. You can consider this mode is the easiest and quickest way to learn how different weapons will work. Although the mode isn’t going to teach you team tactics or how to complete objectives, relatively, it’s an excellent way to start learning the pattern and other players’ behavior.

Play Aim Maps

Source: eneba

The game introduces a training mode that seems a bit old, and you don’t see lots of people watching it anymore, but you can take it as a useful resource to practice and improve your rifle aim. There are several aim maps built in a way that pushes you toward practice for improving your aim.

Watch Pro Streams

Source: youtube

Surely, you have found many professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players on video streaming websites like YouTube, Twitch, etc. By watching their videos, you can learn lots of tricks and can improve your aim, as well as playing style. Watch them regularly for a few weeks and start playing the game in your style, because you can’t copy them –follow to learn how to master the game using what you have.

Play with Players Better than You

Source: ccn

Playing with new players will ensure your death, but playing the game with skilled players will let you learn lots of things and also provide your victory with rewards. However, the advantage of playing in competitive matches can’t be overstated. If you play with or against other players that are better than you, you will lose the game badly, but learn a lot. Finding yourself covered with skilled players is not a nightmare – it’s a way you can use to pick up the high-level game instantly and should you need an account, you can grab one on www.eldorado.gg.

Is Getting Your Doctorate in Business Administration Worth it?

Source: ceoworld

The DBA or doctorate of business administration is the next level up from the MBA or master of business administration degree. This is a notable credential and one that only a handful can boast about. But should you pursue your DBA? After all, an advanced degree does not always equal a higher pay grade. And what can you do with one? We’ll answer both these questions and explain why the DBA is an increasingly popular option for business leaders.

Why Should I Get a DBA?

Source: waldenu

A doctorate in business administration teaches you how to do original research. Depending on the program, you may be required to work as a teaching assistant. This is excellent preparation for becoming a professor one day. Or you could attend an online program that doesn’t come with these demands. A DBA teaches you more about leadership and teasing out the intricate relationships in business that are invaluable to market researchers and business analysts. Furthermore, these programs prepare you to work in management at any level.

This means that earning a DBA is a good choice if you want to work in advanced business analytics, academia or the C-suite.

You’ll Stand Out from MBAs

Source: ilearn

The MBA degree is so common that it is hardly better than a bachelor’s degree in business when you’re applying for various positions. A DBA shows that you’ve done that much more to prepare for a role in management. Then there’s the fact that Human Resources tend to prefer candidates with an advanced degree. If you earned an MBA from a run of the mill school, you could complete the DBA program via Aston University Online. Aston University’s online DBA is one of the most respected in the world. Then you’ll have a world-class credential on your resume and can get to the top of the stack.

It Is the Ultimate in Networking

Source: franklin

A DBA gives you the expertise that allows you to fill a wide number of roles. It also gives you the professional network to make the change. For example, if you’re sitting in class or attending online classes with healthcare managers earning a DBA, you will be able to connect with peers who could help you find your first job after graduation.

That’s aside from the job placement services offered by schools themselves and the network of alumni eager to help you. You’ll gain access to a new network while refreshing what you learned in your MBA program years ago. This ensures that you’ll be able to move into a better job, even if your current employer doesn’t promote you after you receive your new degree.

When asked what makes DBA programs so special, Vice Dean Bryan Booth stated that the diversity the program offers is one of its biggest advantages.

“If we have a class about leadership, for instance, one student can give an idea of what happens in finance while another student might give their opinion about what it means in the public sector,” he said. “This allows the for-profit people to learn from people in the non-profit sector.”

You Have Many More Career Opportunities

Source: northeastern

An MBA and DBA can both lead to the C-suite, whether you work as CEO, chief financial officer, chief marketing officer or in some other capacity. However, a doctorate in business administration allows you to work in academia, too. You could teach future MBAs. You could also move into management at the university. A DBA is almost better than a Ph.D. in this regard because a Ph.D. in business can only work in academia.

A side benefit of earning a DBA is that you could move into management in a totally different area, especially if your degree involved research-related to that field.

For example, if your capstone project is on the best ways the healthcare industry could adapt to change, you could become a medical and health services manager. Write about the impact of specific regulation on an industry and you could be asked to work as an administrator in that field. Or you could become a business consultant based on your expertise alone. Alternatively, a capstone project related to your current job could be what you need to earn that promotion.

A DBA Is an Excellent Way to Change Industries

Source: temple

Doctorates in business administration like MBAs offer concentrations. Common concentrations in DBA programs include:

  • Supply chain management
  • Human resources
  • International business
  • Information systems
  • Healthcare administration

If you’ve worked as an MBA in business, a DBA in healthcare administration allows you to become a healthcare manager. If you were working as a financial analyst in the insurance industry, a DBA in human resources may let you move into the HR department. You could move from the accounting department to sales or logistics. Get out of payroll and into supply chain management.

What Can You Do with a DBA?

Source: franklin

We’ve mentioned the academic career path that opens up with a doctorate in business administration. However, the DBA is valuable for those who want to work in the business world as well. A DBA degree prepares you for roles such as:

  • Controller
  • Treasurer
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Head of Human Resources
  • Administrative services management

Let’s take a closer look at some of these careers and what will be expected of you.


A financial controller’s main duty will be to oversee and prepare financial statements and gather insightful data from reports. They are also responsible for making sure that the data is accurate and ensure regulatory compliance as well. Financial controllers will need to report to CFOs.

Some of the duties of a financial controller include:

  • Business budgeting
  • Auditing
  • Payroll
  • Act as a chief financial head for smaller companies
  • Attend business events

Financial controllers need to stay abreast of the recent changes in the regulatory landscape. This is why they will often be asked to attend conferences and seminars. Financial controllers also have to consider more than just financials; they make sure that the company’s processes are cost-efficient and abide by regulations.

Source: growthfreaks


Treasurers are another type of financial officer but are often involved with non-profit organisations. Some of the duties of a treasurer include:

  • Taking care of budgets for the organisation
  • Financial oversight and management
  • Reporting
  • Working as a financial liaison

An organisation’s financial management will be a treasurer’s main responsibility. As such, everything the treasurer does will have a direct impact on the public’s perception of the organisation.

The treasurer will be asked to do things like finding a bank or banks for the organisation and building a relationship with them. They will need to be able to reconcile bank statements, as well as managing cash flow.

It is also their job to make sure that the monitor can have access to funds to avoid misappropriation. In addition, a treasurer might be asked to prepare annual budgets and check revenues against expenses.

Chief Technology Officer

If you have a background in IT, then getting a DBA will make you an unstoppable force and allow you to be a prime candidate for chief technology officer positions.

The goal of a chief technology officer is to oversee the development and implementation of various technologies in an organisation and also check compliance. They will also be responsible for creating policies regarding these technologies. A CFO needs to be able to reconcile the technology needs of a business with the organisation’s goals.

You will not only need to be able to fix IT issues and come up with prevention, emergency, and contingency plans but will also be responsible for evaluating and managing a company’s technological assets.

Chief Marketing Officer

Chief marketing officers are responsible for looking after the execution, planning, and development of a company or organisation’s advertising and marketing initiatives. As a CMO, you will report directly to the CEO and will be responsible for making sure that advertising campaigns are efficient and meet ROI targets.

You will be responsible for monitoring KPIs and making sure that you follow through with the proper adjustments. You’ll need to have a solid grasp of data analytics and a thorough understanding of new platforms as well.

In some cases, your role will extend to sales management. You might also be in charge of things like new business development, distribution channel management, product development, and customer service. This means that you’ll often need to know how to inform sales executives, compile, interpret, and analyse sales data, and work on customer relationships. This is a great option if you want to have an impact on multiple levels and affect all parts of the business.

Source: ligsuniversity


The DBA is a long-respected degree. It offers a number of benefits that go well beyond what an MBA provides. So, if you were still on the fence about taking the course, we strongly suggest you look more into it. Make sure that you speak with a counsellor today and see if it could be the credential that takes your career to new heights.

Tips and Tricks to Get Free Skins in Fortnite

Source: xboxplay

One of the main draws surrounding Fortnite is Skins. These offer players a way to stand out on the battlefield, to showcase more individuality and to show their dedication to the game by going through the means to get the one that they have chosen. Whilst a lot of these skins may be harder to acquire from the Fortnite shop such as Playerauctions than others, there are ways in which you can get them for free.

Some skins go as far as requiring you to buy console bundles, mobile devices and more just to get a certain rendition. Others either cost you a lot of your hard-earned V-bucks, or some are so rare that they aren’t even available in the game anymore. If you are strapped for cash, however, then fear not. There are ways in which you can get skins without even having to pay for them. This is a method which has become more popular in recent times, especially with the introduction of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2.

The arrival of the new season brought about a lot of new features, including new areas of the map, gameplay features, and a wealth of new cosmetics. If you have been looking around for ways to get new skins for your character, you may have come across a lot of online tutorials that don’t offer the best nor the most effective ways of getting them. Listed below are a few ways in which you can earn new skins without having to part with your in-game cash.

Twitch Prime

Source: epicgames

The idea of Twitch Prime is something that appeals to many in gaming. For those who have an Amazon Prime subscription, you can use the Twitch Prime feature to gain free content for a number of games. This rings true for Fortnite, as the service gives you access to a lot of free content.

So if you do happen to have a Prime membership, you can expect to find the likes of skins, as well as gliders and much more as a reward. Twitch Prime is always adding items too periodically, so be sure to keep checking back for when new content is added. You don’t want to miss out on anything new, after all.

LTE – Limited-Time Events

Source: youtube

Like with Twitch Prime, Limited-Time Events are something that you will want to keep your ear to the ground for. As the name suggests, they aren’t around forever, but they do provide you with an opportunity to get some new skins.

You can do this by simply logging into the game at specific times. The Limited-Time Events have a habit of not only changing up the gameplay in fresh and exciting ways, but also hand out free skins to those who participate. For example, you may remember the seasonal Winterfest 2019 event, which gave out a whole bunch of gifts to players (including skins) as well as additional challenges to participate in.

PlayStation Plus

Source: rur

We mentioned earlier that you could get exclusive skins based on different consoles and devices that you currently own, or are willing to invest in. If you are a PS4 owner and have a PlayStation Plus subscription, then you are in luck.

With PS Plus, Sony offers players a Celebration pack, which is available to subscribers completely for free. Included in the pack is a free skin and back bling, with the blue colors often representing the PS brand. This is probably a much more common skin since that a lot of Fortnite players are likely to own the console than having to pay out for an obscure mobile phone handset, but its still an eye-catching cosmetic nevertheless, and who can argue with free?

Fortnite World Cup

Source: dailyesports

The Fortnite World Cup is a massive event within the gaming community. Last year, the first World Cup event saw first prize winning a whopping $3 million, and brought about a few changes here and there with it coinciding with the new season.

The Fortnite World Cup 2024 is expected to take place in the summer of this year, though the location has yet to be confirmed. For those who are able to attend, you can get your hands on some free V-bucks to spend on skins. There was even battle passes given away at the event, which brings us on to our next point.

Battle Pass

Source: epicgames

This method is entirely free, but it is well worth your investment. This is because if you reach the end of the Battle Pass, you can expect to receive a ton of new skins that you may not have been able to afford individually.

What the Battle Pass provides is not only skins, but you can also be earning V-bucks in the process. So if you are able to invest some cash into the Battle Pass now, you are bound to receive a whole load of new cosmetics to keep your character looking fresh when dropping off the battle bus.

Iris Pack

Source: freegametips

This is another method which will require some initial investment, but it will lead to you getting free skins. The new season introduced something called the Iris Pack, which brought in a few new features to get you started.

In fact, not only does it contain 600 V-bucks to spend on skins, but it also includes the new “Iris” outfit to add to your colllection. Players who purchase the Iris Pack can also get a “Roundabout” Back Bling, and a “Pop Axe” Pickaxe to go with it.

So some of these methods do require a bit of investment here and there, but ultimately they are a gateway to you getting free Fortnite items. Those that are subscription based services have the potential to allow you to keep reaping free rewards from them, and the Battle Pass is worth the price alone for the items you’ll receive in the Fortnite shop. Whatever method you decide to go for, they are all viable ways for you to gain new cosmetics for yourself and letting you show off who you really are in Epic Games’ Fortnite Battle Royale.

Have you used any of these methods to get skins? Let us know in the comments section below!

Everything You Should Know About Stray Cats

Source: lovetoknow

Cats are one of the most adorable and adored animals in the world, yet it is not uncommon to hear that these lovely animals have been dumped in the street or dropped at an animal shelter. There are a lot of reasons why someone would choose to do this, but that shouldn’t matter. Instead, we are going to teach you what to know about stray cats so that you can make a better decision when you come across one in your neighborhood.

Determine if it’s a stray or feral cat

Source :rd

The first thing you want to do is distinguish between a stray and a feral cat. Stray cats are those that previously had a home and either got lost or were dumped by their owner. They are a bit skittish at first but will usually be friendly and approachable, so you might even get immediately attached to it and it to you. Street cats are a bit more apprehensive to humans, but they are more likely to run away from you than to attack you. If you happen to have some treats, they may even cozy up to you for a while to get it.

That’s what to know about stray cats, while feral ones are the opposite because they probably never shared a home with a human. In fact, most feral cats have been bred in the wild for generations with little or no human contact. Because of this lack of socialization with humans, feral cats are essentially wild cats and are more likely to attack, especially when they feel threatened. It is not advised to try taking in a feral cat, even by experts. The best you can do for them is to take care of them outside your home as street cats but not into the home. They are perfectly happy living outside anyway, so don’t feel guilty about it.

Decide what you want to do with it

Source: rover

It is important for you to be able to determine what you’re dealing with first so that you can make an informed decision about what to do next. The question comes down to whether or not you want to take it in. If the cat is pregnant, then that’s a whole other story. It’s not a simple task taking care of a pregnant stray cat. You can visit ourfitpets.com to learn how to care for a pregnant stray cat if you’re interested.

Should you choose to adopt a stray cat

Source: argospetinsurance

If you got overwhelmed by the cuteness of one in your neighborhood and decided to take it in, there are a few things to do before you can claim to have a new cat. The best first step is to verify if the previous owner is still looking for it.

You should start by asking around to find out if anyone has lost their cat or knows the owner. Lost and found templates can also be found online from which you can print found posters and spread around the community in case the owner is still searching. There are also some websites that reunite pet owners with their lost pets, and this is probably the easiest way compared to the rest. When all these fails, try taking it to a vet who will scan it for a microchip. The one that recently strayed may have had a microchip installed, which will show who the owner is from the database. It may be a lot of work, especially when you consider that cats roam over huge areas, but it will be worth it if you can reunite a pet with its owner.

At this point, you have either not found the owner, or they are unwilling to take it back for whatever reason. The first thing you should do is to take it to the vet even before taking it home to find out if it needs to be fixed and/or vaccinated. Stray cats are likely to have rabies, ringworm, feline leukemia and other infectious diseases, so you definitely don’t want to spread these diseases to your other pets or even humans. Most street cats may already have been vaccinated, and this should save you some of the cost, but it’s still best to have a vet confirm this.

When you finally take the cat home, do not expect it to be immediately attached to you, or start playing with your other pets. Remember that it may not fully trust you just yet, and, in addition, it is in a new environment. If you have another pet, start by introducing them slowly to each other until they are both comfortable. As for yourself, do not rush the relationship either. You should also purchase a few items for your new pet, such as a litter box, toys, catnip, and cat-scratchers. Since you’re dealing with a stray cat you know nothing about, it’s best to buy a few varieties of the toys.

Dropping off at an animal shelter

Source: pets4homes

A lot of us would love to take in more cats and kittens but cannot for different reasons, but you don’t have to be as irresponsible as the person who abandoned it either. So, if you really can’t take in a stray cat, then the most humane thing to do would be to find an animal shelter for it. For your own safety, though, what to know about them is that they may attack if they feel threatened.

When a cat doesn’t know you, and you suddenly put it in your car, it might strike out of fear. Therefore, you should be really careful when handling it and never force it to do anything at first. Once you have established a relationship with it and determined it doesn’t have an owner, only then should you take it to a shelter or animal rescue. You will need to answer a few questions at the center, but these are only to help the staff know how to deal with it and find it a new owner.

What to remember when dealing with stray cats

Source: myrescuedlife

PETA states that one of the most common reasons people give for willingly surrendering their cat at an animal shelter is because of behavioral problems. This means that you should understand if a stray cat does not act the way you expect it to. All of them are different just as no two humans are the same, so don’t get into it, expecting the cat of your dreams. Moreover, understand that adopting a stray cat is honorable, but you will ultimately be responsible for the animal and shouldn’t take it lightly and dump the cat thereafter.

5 Tips to Increase Productivity Working From Home

Source: thehill

Many people are transitioning to working from home temporarily as we do our best to deal with the coronavirus global pandemic. Working from home can be a challenge if you are suddenly thrown into it. Nobody trains you on how to adjust so it’s up to you to develop a game plan and stick with it. There are a number of distractions at home, perhaps you don’t have a space that you can call your own and you may have to contend with balancing work and family life. It’s so easy to get caught up in all your responsibilities at home and lose track of your work obligations. A number of clients and colleagues have reached out to me because they are truly struggling with trying to meet all their work commitments with all the interruptions that come with being at home. Generally, we come home from work and we can put some of the stressors behind us for the evening and simply enjoy our home life. Once you begin working from home, it’s much trickier. You lose that clear separation between those two aspects of your life. It’s up to you to create those boundaries in order to be successful and managing both. Here are some valuable tips to help you elevate your productivity at home while balancing work and home.

Brainstorming with Colleagues

Source: nbcnews

Mervat Elschwarby, lead Resume Writer and Career Coach from NYC Resume, Interview & Online Prep states “Working from home can make you feel isolated and less engaged. Staying connected with colleagues is vital in inspiring ideas, leveraging one another’s strengths and essentially feeling part of the team.” Click here to visit NYC Resume. Don’t lose sight of that. Schedule times to connect even if it’s not initiated by leadership. Be proactive in fostering those relationships. That sense of belonging to a team is a big part of making work rewarding and fun. Collectively, results are typically better. Everyone brings a different perspective to a project or initiative. With technology today, it’s much easier to stay connected even if you are not working in an office environment together. In fact, with globalization, we have more experience working with individuals all over the world. Continue to build those key relationships as you work remotely. It is essential for your career success.

Stick with Your Schedule

Source: medium

Try to stick with your normal work routine as much as possible. Wake up at the same time as you normally would and get ready for work. Do everything you normally do in getting prepared and that includes dressing up. It’s a mindset, getting dressed for work makes you feel ready to begin your workday. On the flip side, wearing sweatpants or pajamas signals you are home and it’s time to do chores and attend to your family life. Because your attention is divided, there’s also a tendency to take long breaks and then work all hours into the night. Establish a work schedule and stick to it. It’s still important to maintain a balance and separation of work from your home life. Without that, additional pressures tend to rise.

Workspace Organization

Source: 1-grid

It is essential to have a workspace where you can keep your computer, organize your documents and have limited interruptions. Structure is critical especially as you acclimate to working from home. Whatever steps you can take to develop that structure and discipline will go a long way in increasing your productivity and focus. There are some low-cost options available for desks and organizers that can make a big difference in increasing your productivity. Working at the kitchen table or on the couch is not ideal if you can help it. There are desks and organizational products that allow you to maximize small spaces and create order.


Source: entrepreneur

Let your family know that you need to concentrate on your work and your job is an important role you perform. Let them know your company has expectations of you. Take it as an opportunity to teach your children the importance of a strong work ethic and always putting one hundred percent effort into everything you do. If you have kids and they are old enough to take on some of the chores, now may be the time to give them more responsibility. This will free you up to focus on your work. If you have conference calls scheduled throughout the day, put your schedule on the refrigerator. This will help to limit interruptions. Schedule some activities for your family members as well. Think about fun and educational activities for the kids like puzzles, or projects that promote their creativity. Keep in mind, everyone is learning to adapt to these circumstances.

Take Breaks

Source: cnbc

If you typically have lunch at noon, then do that. Take some time to step away from what you are doing. Breaks help you to decompress and spark creativity. It allows you to think of a different approach to an assignment you are tackling. Moving around, getting some fresh air as long as you are social distancing will help get the juices flowing so to speak. If it’s a sunny day, try to get out even for a few minutes. It will elevate your mood and allow you to start fresh. There are studies that show working hours on end without a break tends to lower your productivity levels.

Working from home is a transition. Like any other change, there is an adjustment period and it’s critical to create a plan on how to be most productive working from home. Take these essential steps to ensure you remain productive while working from home. If you are still having difficulties, a career consultant can be invaluable in adapting to working from home. Career coaches have extensive experience guiding people in being successful in their careers. They see things that one may not see because we are too caught up in our own situation. They help you to stay grounded, practice new techniques, challenge your current processes, ignite creativity and overall lead you to a career path of success.

Emotional Intelligence is the Way to Improve Productivity and Happiness

Source: thebalancesmb

In recent years, many companies have implemented programs designed to improve the physical and psychological well-being of employees. However, most consider these initiatives to be a critical element in improving organizational productivity. But do such projects achieve their goals? This question remains open.

Jochen Menges, Professor at the University of Zurich, has been studying the role of the emotional factor in organizational life for many years. By seeing how positive feelings can motivate and inspire employees, he also makes sure that contributing to these emotions is an extremely challenging task. In a conversation with journalists, Menges explained why it is very difficult for companies to ensure the well-being of employees and what needs to be changed to achieve the expected results.

How effective staff welfare programs are?

Source: monster

These programs are a good start. After all, if an organization understands that the emotional state  directly affects employee’s productivity. However, Monny from MonitTask says to us in many cases the desired results are not achieved because the programs focus only on reducing stress (yoga, massage, etc.) and the root causes of mental tension are not eliminated. Therefore, if organizations are serious about the well-being of their staff, they need to change their approach to doing the work and work systematically to eliminate stress factors.

In addition, many initiatives do not achieve their objectives because they are universal in nature and therefore do not resonate with many employees. People feel happy in different ways. For some it is a state of peace; for others it is a feeling of joyful excitement. Some people need inspiration or understanding that you are valued to achieve happiness; and some will feel happy knowing that they have a reliable job. That is, we are different in how we want to experience happiness; and that is the basis of what we have defined as “emotional diversity”.

Happiness is achieved through personalization

Source: boomgroup

Talking to HR managers about how they plan to use this intelligence, you see that it is mainly a question of individualization of working experience. This technology should be applied not only in the context of the employee’s competence set, but also to create a certain emotional environment in which an individual can feel what he or she wants to feel.

Ask the managers you work with, “What makes you happy at work?” and then, “What happens when you are feeling happiness?”. They usually answer that this is due to high productivity. Then ask, “Write down the names of the three most important subordinates, and what makes them happy. At the end of the day – what makes each of these individuals happy is different. Acknowledging these differences is the first step towards personalizing the emotional experience, which means: in your attitude towards the employees you consider what they would like to feel when they are in the work environment.

Although most managers focus on what makes them happy and then project it on others. If people do not fit in with their vision, they start complaining that their subordinates’ attitude to work is not what it should be.

Realizing that sources of satisfaction are different for different employees, managers will receive a very effective tool. After all, emotions largely determine behavior and if we can individualize the emotional experience of employees, then we will move forward significantly, creating favorable conditions for the generation of innovations and productivity, as well as help to form emotional ties between people and the organization.

What prevents companies from effectively implementing their programs to make staff happier?

Source: stackoverflow

The organizational structure of most companies is almost the same as we had in the industrial era. It’s a multi-layered bureaucracy. The purpose of such system is to eliminate the emotional factor because it has always been considered that human feelings have a negative impact on efficiency. But if the bureaucracy was created in order to neutralize emotions, now, a hundred years later, we see that it does not work. The suppression of emotions generates negative feelings – the team is dominated by disappointment, psychological exhaustion, and stress.

For 25 years now, it has been discussed how important emotional abilities are for leaders. But there is need for emotional intelligence at the system level – at the organizational structure level.

How can organizations develop their emotional intelligence?

Source: rpmconsultancy

Study that examined 161 organizations and interviewed over 24,000 people, indicated that there are more happy, energetic employees in decentralized structures. Decentralization offers a great opportunity to generate experience tailored to individual characteristics. In turn, it can inspire people because they can make the decisions, they consider most appropriate.

The same research showed that in companies where employees consider themselves happy and energetic, HR systems are built around an emotional component (at least partially). For example, this means that not only professional characteristics, but also emotional abilities are evaluated in the recruitment process. Candidates are asked appropriate questions in order to determine how they deal with their own emotions and how their emotional characteristics are considered in their interactions with different people. Moreover, in addition to the results of an individual’s previous activities, their ability to inspire others is assessed.

An organization in which management positions are held by people with developed emotional abilities can make much more progress in their development, because such managers create processes, procedures and approaches that are different from the usual.

So, two aspects of building an emotionally developed organization: structural (less centralization is needed) and functional (HR plays a pivotal role in bringing emotion to the work environment). But this is just the beginning: the idea of creating such a company needs a lot of work.

Role of leaders in creating an emotional environment of a certain type

Source: verywellmind

There are many factors that form the emotional space of the organization, but the key is the figure of the leader. The structures where were observed the manifestations of positive emotions and the state of ascent were mainly led by charismatic leaders.

Such leaders can find out which emotion dominates the group; for example, they can see that the entire organization is exhausted because it has undergone many transformations; or they can see that it is angry because people are dissatisfied with how they have been governed in the past. Then these leaders also show a dominant emotion and by doing so they become members of the group.

That is, by feeling what others feel, leaders legitimize their leadership; but at the same time, they question the correctness of the emotion presiding over the group. They say, “We are all furious about this and can’t go on like this; but do we have the right to be so furious? Then people ask themselves if this emotion is really the right one. The leader offers an alternative: if we do this, we will be able to feel something else.

Listening to the charismatic leader, people forget what they care about and follow him. Call it the “grace effect.” On the one hand, it’s good when you want to implement a major change; on the other hand, it can be dangerous, because the followers reject the justified concerns and start implementing with an excessive enthusiasm the wrong plan of action.

However, the “pleasure effect” can be balanced with another leadership style, which is defined as “individualized care”. In a way, the best leaders are those who can be charismatic “on stage” and show attention to individuals “behind the scenes”. In other words, these individuals can create an emotional miracle in front of the crowd and people see them as guides and inspirers; but in a more chamber environment they can understand the individual workers and treat them as individuals.

In this way, these leaders can both unite the group and create an emotional experience for individual employees that helps the latter feel happier in the work environment. All this has to do with the main thesis that goes through all my research: the correct tuning of emotions through various means – both formal (structural) and informal (cultural) – and, most importantly, through effective leadership is the key to survival and success in the 21st century.

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