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5 Tips to Plan the Perfect Getaway

Source: unsplash

Planning a getaway can be difficult sometimes, especially when you have kids that you want to tag along. Also, when celebrating a special occasion, many individuals wish they had a short vacation of about two to three days, but end up giving up the idea due to difficulties in planning. A getaway is essential as it relieves you from everyday life activities. The idea is to get a perfect getaway that allows you to stay sane before going back to your daily life. So, you need to plan well. This article helps you come up with a plan for a perfect getaway. The tips include the following;


Source: familyvacationcritic

You don’t have to stress yourself by finding the destination of your getaway. The first to do is deciding on the timing for your visit. After choosing the best time, you can now proceed to pick where you want to visit. The time should fit well with your everyday life schedules. It can be during your leave or times off from work.

The place of destination highly determines the amount of time you need to be away from home. If the site is a thousand miles away, you need more days compared to when you are a few miles from home. Do you want to visit a national park? Are you longing to see the mountains? Filling in these questions helps come up with the number of days needed for a perfect getaway. Make sure you choose a time when the weather is convenient.


Source: europeanbestdestinations

The first tip for planning the perfect getaway is to set a budget. This plan helps you achieve a comfortable goal for your short vacation. Money is an essential part of the planning; that’s why you need to prioritize budgeting. It is what determines the whole outcome of your getaway. Make sure you work on an affordable budget. Don’t work on a budget that makes you empty your bank account or borrow extra cash from friends. Having a low budget doesn’t mean that you get poor getaway services. It only means that you go for what you can afford. Consider costs like food, transportation, and accommodation. If you realize you lack enough money for your plan, you can reschedule it for a later date.


Source: medium

Research is important when it comes to finding about the best destinations to travel. Traveling with kids can be challenging, but the outcome of a family vacation outweighs all the stress. Fortunately, you can now seek help from traveling sites for ideas on how to plan for your getaway efficiently. According to professionals from wanderluststorytellers.com, a reputable travel resource site makes the work easier for you by providing the essential tips you need for a family getaway. Some companies will share ideas on traveling gear for children as well as the best destinations to visit. The right tools help achieve the perfect getaway with a great experience. You also need to research activities to do during your vacation.


Source: familyvacationcritic

Our fourth tip for a perfect getaway is booking accommodation in advance. It can be stressful when hustling for a place to spend the night on the first day of your vacation. Make your booking before you leave home to avoid such stress. Also, choose one place to stay during your getaway. Changing accommodation tends to take much, and for a short vacation, you have like two to three days to have fun. Make it count! The most common idea for getaway accommodation are hotels. You don’t have to book hotels if you don’t want to. The internet offers other choices like Airbnb rentals, guesthouses, and campsites. What determines your accommodation choice is the kind of traveler you are and the place of visit.

Activity Plan

Source: unsplash

Planning for the activities to do is another way to achieve a perfect getaway of your dream. After identifying the number of days for your short vacation, come up with a schedule. The idea of activity planning is to make the most out of your holiday. The plan helps you save time and money. You need to be flexible with your schedule in case you are wrong, some factors like change of weather. You can plan for swimming in the afternoon of day one only for it to rain the whole day. To avoid the frustrations that come along with such inconveniences, be flexible in your activity plan.

Getaways are vital in life. Taking time off your regular life routine helps refresh the mind, clearing your mind off stress and pressure from work and home stressors. If you don’t like vacations, it’s time you enjoy the benefits that come from taking time off. The guidelines mentioned in this article are a good start for you. Have fun!

Unlocking the Hidden Wealth of Your Ancestors – Here’s How 

There’s a whole world to be investigated when looking for your family history so it can be quite difficult to know where to start, but once you get the ball rolling you can uncover some pretty amazing things. Family history spans the entire world and you never know what you could find. Many people are shocked to discover that their heritage is somewhere completely different to where they thought, which leads them into a search of many avenues. This kind of research does take time but it’s so rewarding when you start making discoveries, so let’s take a look at the best ways to unlock the hidden wealth of your ancestors.  

Source: pixabay.com

Your Family Tree

Starting with your immediate family is the best way to get your project going and you can do this by drawing your family tree with everyone you know that should be on there. Starting small this way will help you feel like you’ve made some decent progress whilst mapping out the beginning of what you need to grow. Once everyone is in place you will be able to speak to everyone to see if they have any information about the family that you might not know, grandparents are usually a good place for this kind of information as they will be able to tell you about generations before them. You can display this in any way that you like, a hand-drawn family tree will look pleasing to the eye, but one that’s displayed on a computer will give you allowance for more detail.

Get a Professional

That’s right, there are professionals in this line of work and they are called genealogists. Most of the time when researching our family history we might hit what’s known in the industry as a brick wall, this is where we have delved down a line so far that we can’t seem to get any further and this is where the professional genealogists come in. They have top-notch sleuthing skills that will enable access to records you didn’t know existed, even if you have paid for an online historical documents archive. Take a look at this site for more information on genealogists, having one in your corner will help your search develop more than you could imagine. It’s also brilliant to have access to their opinions on things, they’ve seen so many cases that they might be able to shed light on something you would have otherwise found meaningless.

Source: wikihow.com

One At a Time

When searching through your history it’s probably best to keep it to one storyline at a time, this will help reduce confusion and help with being productive. It’s a difficult thing, researching numerous storylines at the same time without getting confused so keeping to one will do you good. Choose a bit of your family you find interesting and delve into that lineage and keep going until you can’t find out anything more. You could find yourself expanding your family tree by hundreds of people researching from your grandmother alone, just imagine how big it could get once you’ve done that with everyone. Who knows, you might even discover some long lost relatives that are alive today. Family crests are also a good starting point for your research – more information can be found here: How to find your family crest.

Start at Home

When I say at home, I don’t mean your apartment in the city, I’m talking about your family home. These will often play host to a wealth of information you will need to get going. If you are able to go and visit your family home then talk to your parents or grandparents, this is a vital part of understanding your family history as they will have the keys to many locked boxes. You’ll often find scrapbooks full of information or letters from previous generations, all of which will give you clues as to how they were as people and how they used to communicate.

Source: pixabay.com


A brilliant way to get your search started is searching with your DNA, this will give you a whole host of information you didn’t know you could gain access to and really kickstart your search. Genealogists will be able to help you with this avenue or there are some websites online that will send a starter kit, in this situation I would go with the professionals as you don’t want to be given false information.

Starting your family tree is an exciting prospect and one that will give many answers to even more questions that you never knew you had in the first place. There are so many benefits of discovering your lineage that may include some vital medical information, so if you’re just starting your project then get deep into some research and enjoy the process.

Thoughtful Housewarming Gifts

Source: giftideasblog

Buying a house or an apartment is truly exciting. If one of your friends, coworkers, or family members took this huge step in their life, then you must find a perfect gift to give them when you go see them for the first time in their new home. First, it is important to think about the purpose of the gift you plan to get them – would you like to buy something practical or you are more inclined towards getting them something sentimental. Take a look at a few ideas we have chosen and get inspired so you can make a decision easier.

A comfy chair

Source: rakuten

All the moving, packing things, unpacking, and cleaning will leave your friends completely drained and tired. If you wish to buy something nice for them, think about a massage chair or comfy Mamasan chair where they will be able to relax and simply enjoy their new home. Sometimes people forget to think about comfortable things that will increase the overall appeal of their new home, so make sure you surprise them with the one you believe is the most suitable. If you’re not sure which one would be the best choice, you will find more info from this website. It will make your search much easier.

Interesting kitchen towels

Source: pinterest

Kitchen towels are not only necessary, because they are inevitable in every kitchen, but they can also be very funny gifts that will make your friends smile. There are also ways to customize them, so you can choose something that you constantly laugh about and make their kitchen time even more entertaining. Choose a few kitchen towels that you like the most and make sure you wrap them nicely. It will be a surprise and also a practical gift that they will use all the time.

A nice lamp

Source: patternbyetsy

Lamps make every room better, nicer, and cozier, so make sure you choose one that will complement their home decor nicely. There are many interesting designs, so you can choose levitating lamps, classic, elegant, smart lamps, so it is only up to you to choose the one you think would be the best fit. Every time they turn the light on they will remember you. It is a gift that will make their house a home.

Customized coffee mug

Source: cnn

Mornings cannot be nice without a strong cup of coffee. Every person has their favorite mug that makes them smile and that is a perfect measure for the awakening and getting ready for work. Make sure you choose something that will make them happy and brighten up their mornings. You can choose a quote from your favorite movie or anything else that is inspiring. It will become their favorite for sure because a gift from a friend holds an enormous value.

Personalized coasters

Source: housebeautiful

Every home should have nice coasters to avoid watermarks on the new coffee table. You can put their names, surname, or the names of their kids and help them enjoy their home to the fullest. It will be a great reminder for everyone to be careful when having drinks and simply will be a nice detail on the table that will contribute to the overall enjoyment in the new home.

Herb planter

Source: pinterest

Lately, there is a great choice of herb planters that you can choose from. It is nice to have herbs such as parsley or basil when cooking a meal. There is nothing better than nurturing your garden and feel joy when it starts growing. Give it to your friends so they can fully customize their kitchen and enjoy all the advantages that it gives them. It is a nice gift for sure. It is only up to you to choose the kit you like the most.


Source: amazon

If your friends are into aromatherapy and massage, they will surely appreciate candles that smell divine. Choose a scent that you think your friend will enjoy the most and personalize a note on it to make sure that your friends know how happy you are for them. It is truly a relaxing and inspiring gift.

Dessert plates

Source: etsy

With numerous designs of dessert plates, choosing one will be a piece of cake, so to speak. Find the design that will reflect their personalities, inspire them, and simply make them happy and cheerful. Moving into a new home should be all about new beginnings, happiness, and inspiration. Choose some colorful dessert plates, so every time they have a dessert, they will remember you and be happy that they have such a good friend.

A customized cutting board

Source: weddingpartydesigning

There are various designs of cutting boards, so you can choose the one that your friends would enjoy the most. It can be a classic one, in the form of a fish or any other animal, or the shape of a guitar. Choose an inspiring note and have it customized, so every time they use it, it will simply be a great enjoyment. With so many models on the market, it will be easy for you to choose the most appropriate one.

Wonderful doormat

Source: pinterest

Every home should have a doormat, so make sure you choose something inspiring, honest, or simply nice and appealing. If your friends love to have fun you can choose a doormat with a funny note, so every time someone comes, they will smile after reading it. We hope we managed to inspire you and help you choose a gift that your friends will appreciate and love. In the end, don’t forget to bring a bottle of wine and a good mood when you visit your friends’ home.

Make sure you have a great time and simply show your friends how happy you are for them. Gifts are a great way to show them how much you appreciate your friendship and enjoy their company. Some people are dear to us and occasions like this are perfect for celebrating life, family, health, and new beginnings. Whichever gift you choose, give it with lots of love.

Importance of a Good Website for Business

Source: ft

Nowadays there isn’t a successful business without a website, so if you are planning to start one on your own, or you’re already the owner of a smaller business or an enterprise, we recommend that you follow the advice we’ll give in this article.

Without a website, you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities, and that’s exactly what we’re here to talk about today. It’s really important to follow the latest trends in the business field, so whether that means making a phone-app, optimizing your content for SEO, or following the latest marketing methods, following them is important for your growth.

According to our previous experiences and what others have to say about this, making a website is not a costly investment, but it has such a great return. You can get your money back in less than a month, since so many people are going to know about you from the internet. It’s time to say bye-bye to landline phones and all of that because people nowadays want access to something in just a couple of clicks.

You’re probably as excited as we are for this one, so let’s not make this introduction any longer and jump straight into the content.

A lot of exposure

This is the first and most valuable thing that you get as a benefit from owning a webpage. If someone hears about your services, products, or whatever it is that you have to offer, they can easily share it with their friends and family, simply by giving them the link to your page.

They no longer have to explain that “they know a place” with this and that because everything can be displayed properly and transparently on your site. We all know that exposure is the key to getting more customers, so don’t disregard this one.

Source: Template Monster

Easier to promote

How can you explain to someone what you’re doing if you don’t have a fully-functional website? Or, maybe you can, but imagine explaining to each one of your customers, it’s going to take forever. This changes completely when you’re able to just tell them the link, and they can see everything in-detail from their home, or on the spot if they decide to follow it through their smartphone.

Also, when you’re doing marketing campaigns, videos, and collaborations with other influencers, they can just add your link and it’s so much easier for people to see what you’re offering.

You show professionalism

Honestly, as cruel as it may sound, people today think that if you don’t want to put some time and effort into making a fully-functional webpage, you don’t deserve their attention. There isn’t one successful business in 2024 that doesn’t have one, and when all of your competitors are doing this, you shouldn’t be left out. The corporate world is very competitive and you have to follow the trends and changes that come with each following year, otherwise, you won’t see much success. If you want to start right now, and all you need is a hebergement web, you’re more than welcome to visit tophebergeur.com.

Source: Forbes

It lasts forever

The great thing about investing in a website is that you’re making a life-long investment that you’ll never have to replace in the future. No matter how much designs will advance, you can always just update, so you’ll never have to do it again from scratch.

Considering the prices nowadays are very affordable, and developers, designers, and programmers are also available, putting one together shouldn’t be a problem at all, and it won’t even cost much.

Online store

Now, this is where things get interesting. You can automate the entire process of selling your products and services to other people, solely through your website, without having to open up a store at a physical location. This will, of course, depend on the type of business you’re operating, but for most of them, it’s more than possible.

An online store will allow people to choose and purchase some of your items or merchandise with just a couple of clicks, and that’s the beauty of living in the future.

Source: Eluxuryc Shop

Updates and notifications

Let’s say that something urgent came out and you won’t be able to work next Friday. How are you going to tell your hundreds of customers that your shop will be closed? Are you going to phone-call each one of them separately? Nope, that’s pretty impossible, and even if you had all of their phone numbers, you’d be making a pretty large expense.

Well, you can do it for free by just adding one post to your webpage as a notification, and now everybody knows that you’re closed next Friday. It’s simple as that, and it doesn’t cost a dime. However, you must have a webpage to be able to do this.

Easier “contactless” contact

Some people are getting anxious on the phone, and this is a lot more common than you think. When an anxious person needs to phone-call a business-owner and ask them a couple of questions, they usually feel a lot of stress and they get very nervous, something even deciding that it’s better not to call.

Well, if you have a website, you won’t be losing this anxious customer because they will find it a lot easier to contact you through an e-mail, a live-chat system, or by simply acquiring all of the information they need from your page without having to ask any questions. Think of these people as well.

Source: mamamia

This is the modern way

Last but not least, it’s important to understand that the new generations don’t want to spend a minute searching for something, and they want instant results. Even some older people don’t care anymore about which hairstylist they’re going to visit, or what market has the best prices. Everybody just takes out their smartphone and googles “market near me”, and the first, most SEO-optimized one will come out on the result-page. Then they’ll simply head to that one and that’s where their money will end.

Every time something like this happens, and you don’t have a webpage to come out on the front page of the Google results, you’re losing profit, and that’s something that you don’t want to happen.

How to Overcome Financial Problems in Business

Owning a business is something that most people dream of. Having your own company and not answering to anyone is liberating and brings a sense of fulfillment. However, there are good and bad days in every work and when you are the one responsible for everything, that can put you under a lot of stress. Sometimes things can go south and financial issues can appear.

Many people think that all is lost when you run into money problems, but the reality is, almost every business deals with issues like this at least once. To help you overcome your financial problems, we created a lot of things you can do to salvage your company. Try these things our before you give up and you will see that at least one of these things will help you.

Attract more customers

If you want to make money, then you need to sell your product to more people. Usually, financial problems happen because there are not enough customers, so you have to change that as soon as possible.

The first thing you should do is find out why your product is not selling. Are you spending more money to create it than its retail value? If yes, you have to change that as soon as possible. The next thing you should do is advertise it. Make a really good deal, promote it, and don’t forget about small gifts and offers. Do everything you need to do to attract customers that will change your financial state overnight. Sometimes investing in marketing is better than doing everything else you find on this list.

Source: Business Talent Group

Find out where your money is going

Sometimes we don’t really know what we are spending money on. We make new deals, subscribe to things and we let ourselves and our employees spend a lot. All of these things happen when the business is blossoming and we want everyone to be happy. But when money is tight you need to reevaluate your expenses.

Sit down and check all the financial documents, see what you can cut some expenses on, and if there are things that you’ve been spending money on that you don’t really need.

Take out a loan

Sometimes the easiest thing you can do and the best choice for your company is to take out a loan. Right now, there are a lot of banks and other types of companies that offer different types of loans. You can look at this site for help when it comes to online loans, and users say that these types are the fastest way to get the money you need.

Some owners think that when you borrow some money you are going to make a bigger mistake; however, statistics show that it is easier to focus on paying one thing than to risk losing your business. You need to be careful about the rates and fees, so make sure you do really good research before you apply. Click here to learn more about this topic.

Source: Wealth How

Stop using the business card

When we have a credit card that is connected to our company, we forget how much we spend. We don’t see the money disappear, so it is not our problem. This is something too many people do, so if you want to overcome your financial problems, you need to stop using that card.

If possible, set a limit for all the credit cards that you or your employees are using, and swipe them only when really necessary. This does not seem like something that will help, but in reality, you will notice a huge difference even after just one month.

What is your plan?

People who start a business usually have an initial plan and a goal. Those things can change over time and we may even forget about that. The best thing you can do about your company is to sit down and think about your plans and goals. Are they changed? What do you want to achieve? How can you do that? Think about these things like you are just starting the business and see what you come up with.

The next thing you should do is to find out why your company is experiencing these financial issues and what you did wrong. When you find the root of the problem, it is going to be easy for you to find the solution. You can talk to your partners and coworkers and see what they think about it. Maybe they noticed something you didn’t, and all of you can find the best way to keep things going.

Source: The Balance

Sell things

This is not something that people want to hear, but if you want to financial state to improve, then you should think about selling some assets. When you start looking at the things you own, you will be surprised by how many of them you are not actually using. We buy too many things, both at our home and in our company that we don’t really need or use. So, go to the warehouse and check the equipment you own.

If you are not sure if you’re using all the tools you have, then talk to your employees. Make a list of the things you will need and check all the inventory. If something needs to be replaced or updated, it is better to sell it and invest in equipment that will get the job done faster and easier. Sell some of your assets to patch things up and when you stabilize your financial state, you will be able to invest in better and newer things.

Online store

People who want to sell things, need to be up to date with the latest trends. Customers don’t really like to go out and spend hours looking for the things they want to buy. Attract your customers by setting up an online store and invest in making the whole website look great. You can do most of the things on your own and you don’t have to spend a lot of money to do it.

Experts suggest that you can even increase the price of your products, but don’t double it. Bump it up by a few dollars, so that customers cannot notice the difference, but you will still receive extra money. When you combine the online store with the new prices you get a recipe for success.

Source: Webmasters Digital

Sometimes you need to spend money to make money. Focus on your online store, create a good marketing plan, and when everything looks perfect, start looking for new business partners and investors. A loan can save you a lot of time and that is a quick solution to most of your problems. When you get the money you need, you can focus on examining every part of the business and find mistakes and errors. You can also hire a financial advisor and follow their advice on how to solve your problems.

Covid-19 Lockdown Sparks New Wave of Green Fingers

Covid-19 lockdown measures have varied from one area to the next, but most countries affected have demanded that residents stay home and stop socialising. With so many popular hobbies consequently off-limits, thousands have been turning to their garden to entertain themselves.

In the UK, the Royal Horticultural Society reported a 500% increase in visitors during the first nine days of lockdown to its ‘how-to’ page on composting, compared to the same time last year. The Society also reported a 500% rise in requests for information on dividing perennials and a 40% rise in visitors to the pages on managing lawn moss and sowing seeds outdoors.  The Society undertakes a wide range of work which includes sharing practical knowledge on plants and gardening with both adults and school children alike.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Whilst gardening may be a good answer to the entertainment shortage, there is a more serious undertone in taking up this hobby for some. Governments across the world quickly put in place protectionist measures to prevent food shortages – but panic buying and a shortage of field workers have seen empty shelves in many areas.

In the States, concerns of food shortages have prompted an interest in the ‘grow your own’ movement to ease worries over the distribution of crops. The Burpee Seed Company based in Penn reported an unprecedented flood of vegetable orders; while Oregon State University’s offer of a free vegetable gardening course on social media has been shared more than 21,000 times.

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in Missouri similarly reported 10,000 orders on Monday, 30 March alone, around 10 times what they would expect – overwhelming the company. Seed companies in England have reported a similar boom, with one company resorting to limiting the time its website was open for online sales to just two hours on a Sunday evening.

Source: Facebook

Seeds would perhaps have been something most of us might have made a trip to the garden centre to acquire. But garden centres in England, UK were forced to close their doors in England on March 23rd, due to the outbreak. At present, they remain shut – and the lockdown will cause an estimated £687m in lost plant sales by the end of June should it continue  However, whilst the Prime Minister did not directly reference garden centres in his latest speech, senior Government sources have confirmed to the BBC that they will be allowed to open again from May 13th in England. This will be welcome news to many growers who have been facing a major stock write off and have declared themselves on the brink of insolvency.

The renewed interest in gardening hasn’t been exclusive to the Western world. Elsewhere, it is reported that Russians are isolating themselves in cottages out-of-town and growing veg on plots of land, whilst those in Singapore who rely strongly on imports are turning to rooftop gardens to sustain themselves.

For those gardening to support themselves, is it really possible to sustain a family off a small plot of land? In the 1970s the Ecology Action Organisation together with John Jeavons found that you would need a plot of 4,000 square feet (approx. 370 square metres) to sustain one person on a vegetarian diet for a year. However, you’d also need a further 4,000 square feet for storage and access paths – so in total, you would have to have a plot around 80 by 100 feet (or 24 by 30 metres) for each person. The average British garden is 40 square feet according to Foxtons, so it is unlikely a family would be able to achieve self-sufficiency from their back lawn. Further, many hours of work would be required to tend a plot so big.

Source: Medium

This shouldn’t put people off altogether. It is true that the majority of us may not achieve full self-sufficiency akin to Tom and Barbara Good in the immensely popular 70s series, ‘The Good Life’. However, it is thought that home vegetable gardening could reduce demand for trips fetch groceries, thereby helping to curb the spread of the virus.

May is an important month for those looking to plant crops as it is when most vegetable seeds are sown. The weather in England has warmed up sufficiently for many seeds, such as carrots, lettuces, cabbages, zucchini, beans, peas and radishes can be planted directly into the ground. Many seedlings that have been planted under cover may also now be transplanted. Many plants can be planted in succession (every 2 – 4 weeks) to deliver a higher yield from a smaller space.  The space used for those with a short growing season – peas for example – can also be replanted with crops that are suitable for later in the season, such as aubergine (eggplant). Carrots, lettuce, bok choi, radishes, spinach and turnips are also great choices for succession planting.

Of course, these are all steps to take for those looking to their garden for food. Many of us simply want to relax in the sun, surrounded by beautiful blooms. If digging, planting and tending to seedlings all sounds like a little too much hard work, there’s another solution to effortlessly spruce up your garden space: artificial flowers may be the answer.

Source: World Future Council

UK-based supplier ArtificialFlowers.company has seen a huge spike in orders for their fake hanging baskets, topiary balls and other artificial products since the beginning of lockdown.

They noted, “Our orders have increased by around 5 times, and April has been the biggest month for sales we have seen to date. Artificial hanging baskets are a great way to brighten up the garden without having the hassle of planting, watering and feeding a hanging basket or container every single day. They last a long time and modern-day designs look wonderfully realistic.”

Whilst the measures in England are set to partially lift over the coming weeks, the opportunity to socialise normally with friends and family is still severely restricted. Further, many feel that it is not yet safe to resume their previous activities, and it is likely in the meantime that the Country’s interest in gardening will continue to thrive.

Source: American Public Gardens

Diane Blazek, executive director of the National Garden Bureau, thinks this new emergence of green fingered enthusiasts could be a rare positive trend to emerge from an otherwise devastating situation. “We’ll come out in the end and hopefully everyone will be eating better and gardening more and more self-reliant,” she suggests.

Energy and Mystery of Ruby

Source: thespruce

With the fiery energy of the planet sun, ruby is a magnificent gemstone that symbolizes nobility and elegance. This captivating stone can ignite the passion and devotion in its wearer. It brings prosperity and keeps you protected against all evils. The enigma of the ruby gem is strengthened by its unique energy and an aura of mystery that surrounds it.

Being revered in almost every culture of the world, it has surpassed almost every other gem in terms of virtue and value. From China to India and Egypt, this gemstone has been used as a talisman throughout history.

The glow in its hue is said to emanate even if you cover the stone with thick clothes. It was worn to ward off pestilence and plague in the earlier centuries. Travelers kept it along to be warned of impending dangers on their voyages. No wonder, Hindi Vedic scriptures describe ruby as Ratnaraj of the King of Gems.

What Makes Ruby a Special Gemstone?

Source: nammu

The beauty of the ruby stone is intense and unique due to its rich red color. It also carries exceptional metaphysical properties. The pure red rays emitted by this stone have a unique vibrancy that isn’t found in any other mineral. By stimulating the base chakra, it can improve the life energies in your physical and spiritual selves.

Being a representative of the sun brings light and removes darkness from your life. You can take pleasures in the physical indulgences and invoke your spiritual energies at the same time. From transforming your thought process to the manifestation of your dreams into reality, it can truly turn around your life. The idea is to wear the right type of stone inaccurate ways for stimulating these powers.

The symbolism of Ruby for Blood

Source: gia

The pigeon blood-red color of ruby proves its association with life-giving and sustaining forces. In ancient times, it was believed that people risking their lives are closely connected to this gemstone. It was conveniently venerated as the gem of soldiers and warriors.

By bestowing courage and invulnerability, it makes the fighters strong enough to face any adversary. Legends in Burmese culture talk about inserting the ruby stone into the flesh so the warriors will be safe from flesh wounds caused by any weapon. Some sources also believe that ruby benefits in curing inflammation and bleeding, as well.

Ruby and the Inner Fire

The innate glow of ruby gemstone holds a lot of mystery about its cosmic powers. While it surely has a visual effect, there are many folklores talking about the magical abilities of this gemstone. If you place a ruby in water, it can cause boiling due to its inner fire. That’s what the ancient cultures believe. Some legends even describe this stone as the one that shines like a bright torch.

Rubies as the Sentient Beings

Source: wikipedia

Many cultures in the world believe that gemstones are inhabited by spirits. They consider rare and pure gemstones as sentient beings with their emotions and feelings. You may find descriptions talking about the stones getting dull or pale when they are not worn.

Also, they believe that rubies properties contain exceptional protective powers that can fight evil, dispel disputes, and manage the anger. In the middle ages, gemstones carved with images were believed to occur naturally in this form, even though those were the pieces created in pre-historic times.

Such beliefs create a unique mysticism and mystery surrounding this gemstone. If you want to experience the life-force existing inside a ruby, buy the stone in its pure and natural form from a trusted place.

Symbolism of a Ruby for Dreams

Source: nammu

It may be hard to believe but many historic texts discuss the importance of rubies appearing in the dreams. For example, when a ruler dreams about rubies, it is said to bring immense fortunes to such ruler.

In modern times, dreaming about ruby may indicate unprecedented success in your professional endeavors.

When a farmer has a dream of ruby, it may be harbinger of a profitable harvest. No matter who dreams about it, ruby offers success, happiness, and joy.

Symbolism of Ruby for Love and Passion

Source: klenota

Ruby has metaphysical energies that overcome timidity and stir the hearts. It encourages a person to enjoy their existence in the physical world. This gemstone has always been symbolic to unconditional love and passionate commitments.

It is preferred to be wedding stone as well. Ruby works as an aphrodisiac that helps you to experience every form of love and closeness. Even if you want to honor a distant admiration, you can still rely on ruby to convey your feelings in the best ways.

Symbolism of Ruby for Success in Life

Source: wonderopolis

From pre-historic times, ruby has been embraced as a powerful stone that can resolve all your worries with its striking energies. It has an air of mystique and superiority about it. Undoubtedly, the owners of this splendid gemstone feel the same way. They have vested interest in the things they possess and that include the priceless rubies.

It’s a gem that can add to your wealth and keep you protected from any harm. Well, it may also have a high ruby price to prove its worth.

Ruby for Chakra Healing

Source: cbsnews

The energy of ruby carries the frequencies that stimulate base chakra. It invokes the flow of Chi or life energy throughout your body. By activating the kundalini energies, ruby controls spiritual and physical desires.

Since the base or root chakra, exists at the base of your spine, it also controls the movements of your body. If it is not aligned, you may feel lethargy or lack of enthusiasm in life. And when your spiritual energies are thrown out of balance, it can make you feel flighty and distant. So, ruby helps to keep these energies in perfect balance to rekindle your strength, stamina, and self-confidence.

These are the manifestations of energy and mystery of ruby gemstone. This beautiful and rare gem can intrigue your mind and create a sense of security. The close association of ruby with the planet sun lends its powers to rule your heart and experience freedom like never before.

But, choose only the choicest of the stone at Gempundit, where it comes from an authentic source and left untouched by any chemical process.

What Makes a Successful Job Application?

Source: safeandsecurenigeria

Competition in the job market has never been higher, with redundancies as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak have sent unemployment figures soaring. Now, more than ever before, job seekers need to find ways to ensure their application stands out from the ever-growing pile of CVs or resumes.

So what should candidates do to ensure they get noticed and land that all-important first interview? Our panel of experts offers their top tips for success.

Use an ATS-friendly CV or resume template

Source: creativemarket

According to Criteria Corp’s annual Pre-Employment Testing Benchmark Report, 55% of companies use ATS (Applicant Tracking System) or HRIS (Human Resources Information System) software, and a further 19% are considering adapting this technology. This jumps to a staggering 89% for companies with 500+ employees.

One function of such software is to ‘parse’ and filter job applications, saving the recruiter a great deal of time. “The job of the parser is to extract the key components of your CV, such as your name and email, the degrees you hold, the skills you have and your work experience”, explains Miguel Forte at Workable. “But you need to follow some basic rules to make sure your text can be extracted properly.”

These rules include avoiding graphics (or “Word Art”), columns and tables, all of which can prevent the parser from correctly interpreting your information. It’s also advisable to provide your CV in Microsoft Word format, rather than PDF as not all systems can handle the latter. This means avoiding any fancy fonts which the recipient might not have installed on their PC.

Write a new CV for every application

Source: mscareergirl

Writing a fresh CV for each and every application may seem like a lot of extra work – but it’s worth the effort. In a saturated job market, it’s quality rather than quantity that breeds results.

Study the advert carefully and ensure you address the requirements throughout your CV. Use bullet points to ensure that your target employer can quickly verify your suitability for the role. Or you can visit resume-example.com and find some useful advices.

Use a format that’s easy-to-read

Source: excite

With hiring managers spending just a few seconds on each CV, you don’t have long to make the right impression. Ensure your CV can be scan-read and the important facts can be found without having to read blocks of text. The simplest way to achieve this is to stick to a simple, single-column format and write your CV or resume using sections, headings and bullet points.

Write a strong personal statement

Source: veganjobs

Your personal statement can be the most powerful section of your CV if you get it right. “It is like the opening statement in a courtroom hearing which grabs the listener’s attention and makes them want to hear the rest of your case,” explains Jen Wiss-Carline, Solicitor and owner of popular careers site CVTemplateMaster.com.

In 3 or 4 lines, tell the employer exactly how you meet their person specification, AND why they should hire you over other candidates.

Use keywords from the job advert

Source: thebalancecareers

With many companies turning to an ATS to process their applications, it’s essential to include the right keywords to pass the software.

“It’s becoming fashionable these days to gratify one’s self with a fancy title. JavaScript developers become ninjas and rockstars, online marketers become growth hackers, and before you know it civil engineers will end up becoming architectural transmogrifiers”, notes Forte. But these are not the keywords that recruiters will have programmed into their ATS.

Study the job advert and pick out the words relating to key skills or experience that the employer has used. If your past job title wasn’t the standard description of your role, modify it. If the recruiter is advertising for a ‘Javascript Developer’ and this is fundamentally what you did, use that term to ensure you get an exact match.

Make good use of LinkedIn

Source: topresume

A standard CV will never exceed two pages – while a resume rarely goes past one. While it can be difficult to include everything you’ve achieved in this short space, LinkedIn has the answer.

“Your CV can work alongside your LinkedIn profile during the job application process”, explains Jen Wiss-Carline. “Put all the vitally important information in your CV and enrich what you tell an employer using LinkedIn. Your LinkedIn profile has no space limitations, so you can offer a lot more detail. You can also collect some endorsements and recommendations to further boost your credibility.”

Make sure it’s clear what the employer will find on LinkedIn, to incentivise them to look. For example, if you’ve blogged extensively about industry-relevant topics, you might give a few examples on your CV, followed by an invitation to see more on your LinkedIn profile.

Give a Skype handle

Source: computerworld

More recruiters than ever before are using Skype to conduct interviews and this is especially true whilst Covid-19 restrictions are in place. Including your Skype handle shows you’re open to this form of interviewing and ready to participate in a video chat. This also shows confidence in yourself and your abilities.

Include a Twitter handle

Source: digitaltrends

Twitter is a great place to establish your credibility within an industry. You can follow industry leaders, comment on the latest stories and developments, share relevant content and offer up your own content if you’re blogging. Including your Twitter handle on your CV allows prospective employers to see that you’re involved with and passionate about your industry. It also shows that you’re staying in touch with professionally relevant developments.

Blog, blog, blog…

Source: Mashvisor

If you’re blogging for your current employer, make sure the hiring manager knows about it. It’s another way to show that you’re immersed in what you do with up-to-date industry knowledge. If you’re not yet blogging, consider starting a professional blog of your own and once you have a few posts, share it on your CV. WordPress is a great way to get into blogging, allowing you to produce a very professional looking site without needing technical ability.

Tell them about secondary skills

Source: careers

You may have skills in addition to those listed within the job specification which are desirable to an employer. “As the economy has contracted and competition for jobs has increased, employers often have to choose from multiple candidates who come with such expertise. This means that secondary and tertiary skills are now more important than ever”, explains Mark Badley, Managing Director of Ronin. These skills, such as IT competence, project management or the ability to train, can help you stand out from other similarly qualified candidates.

Cash-strapped employers may have had to make substantial layoffs in these difficult economic times – and skills that are secondary to your main role could be of great value to them. Consider which skills you have that might be beneficial to the specific employer and include these on your CV or resume within the skills or hobbies section, depending on which feels more appropriate.

10 Things to Consider When Remodeling Your Bathroom

Source: mrsteam.com

Remodeling any room in your home is a daunting process, however, renovating your bathroom will require a wide range of consideration, especially since there are a lot of factors that you need to think about. This means that you’ll need to carefully – and wisely – think about what you want to do.

If you found yourself in this situation, this article might be able to help. The text below is going to feature a list of 10 things Keyrenter McAllen Team says that you need to consider when thinking about remodeling your lavatory. Of course, most of these things will depend on your preferences, but, it can serve as a guide. Let’s take a closer look:

1. First Things First: Set a Budget

Though you can do some digging on the average prices for bathroom renovation, each project is different. How much you’ll spend on the process will depend on the size of it, the things you want to do, and the materials you want to purchase. Hence, set a budget and stick to it.

Source: congrurts8

2. Slip-Resistant Flooring Can Be a Life Saver

When you are choosing the flooring, you should think about getting a slip-resistant material, especially since this can prevent you and your family members from falling when exiting the shower. For example, a wider grout line and smaller tiles create friction, which means that it will be more difficult for you to slip, fall, and injure yourself.

There are literally hundreds of styles and colors that you can choose from, hence, you’ll probably be able to find something that is relatively cheap, yet that suits the style and design elements. If you live in a region that is cold, you can also install flooring that can heat itself under the tiles, so, the floor will be warm during the entire year.

3. The Storage Space

One of the most important things that you can consider adding is more cabinetry. This will not only provide you with more storage space but, it will also keep your counters and shelves neat and clean. The one thing that you should keep in mind is that it should be made from high-quality materials.

Now, you might be wondering – why should I pay more for the cabinets? Well, the bathroom is quite wet, and if you do not choose the right materials, it might end up warping from the humidity. If you are interested in seeing the top 5 bathroom remodeling mistakes to avoid, check out 800Remodeling for additional information.

Source: jmwoodworks

4. The Countertop Material Does Matter

If you are looking for something that is easy to maintain, you should definitely consider getting granite for your countertops. Now, it does cost a bit more, however, it will provide you with several benefits. For starters, you’ll easily make a statement and you’ll be able to dress up the entire area.

Additionally, granite is extremely easy to clean, which means that you’ll save a lot of time on the maintenance. Do not worry, the counter space for any bathroom is usually less square footage, which means that it will not take a lot of money from your budget.

5. Tiles or Paint?

This choice will mostly depend on your budget, however, you can choose to either go with tiles for your wall or a fresh coat of paint that will provide you with a neat feel. If you want to save money, you can opt for placing tiles on the shower walls and behind your sink. But, if your budget is tight, you can invest in paint that will resist moisture and prevent mold for occurring.

Source: Wyposazeniowo

6. The Lights

There are several things that you need to consider when you are choosing the lighting. First, you should think about choosing color-corrected bulbs, LED, or halogen, especially since this will provide you with a light that seems more natural. Second, the lavatory is where we groom our beards and put makeup, hence, opting for a softer light will make it easier for you.

7. Add Mirrors

One of the best things that you can do is to add more mirrors. This is especially meaningful if the room is smaller. Mirrors can provide an illusion of a larger space, which means that you’ll feel more comfortable and less claustrophobic while inside. Besides the one above your sink, you can add one close to the entrance as well.

Source: bella-vista.net.au

8. The Drain Size is Important

The industry standard for the drain type is about 1.5 inches and most companies will choose this size. But, the biggest problem with a small drain is that it will easily and quite quickly become clogged with debris, hair, and other materials. Though it might cost you a bit more money, it is wise to get a larger drain since you won’t need to maintain it or pay for the repairs if it gets clogged.

9. Tub or Shower?

When determining whether you should get a shower or a bath, it is always smart to ask yourself how often will you actually fill the bathtub. Keep in mind that you are not renovating your bathroom for potential future buyers, but for yourself. Hence, even if you’ll live in the house for another 3 years, it is smart to install something that will be more convenient and useful for you and your family members. Additionally, there is no way of telling what a potential buyer might like, hence, always choose what you want.

Source: pinterest

10. Exterior Wall Plumbing Needs to Be Insulated!

If your home is located in an area that is extremely home, having exterior plumbing that runs along the walls of your home can be extremely dangerous and expensive to repair. This means that you’ll need to insulate those pipes, especially since you’ll reduce the risk of the bursting and ruining the structure of your house.


As you can see, there is a wide range of things that you’ll need to consider before you actually start renovating your bathroom. So, now that you know what you need to think about, do not lose any more time. Instead, go back to the beginning of the article and figure out what might suit your needs best.

Eero Saarinen Piece of Art: Womb Chair & Ottoman

Source: midandmod

The only furniture items worth creating replicas for are those of styles from renowned pieces that transcend time. The Womb Chair & Ottoman is still iconic more than 60 years after the Finish-American designer Eero Saarinen had the concept to create it.

The dreamy basket full of cushion that designer Florence Knoll asked for at that time is still alive and standing. Nevertheless, like numerous extraordinary ideas, it took a long time to create, and needed numerous iterations to perfect.

Eero Saarinen before the Womb Chair

Source: buildingcollector

Known worldwide, Eero Saarinen was born in the Republic of Finland in 1910. Saarinen is acknowledged for his developments, design and for the controversies that enclosed his work. This particular architecture symbol pressed the limits of design and produced new styles in each job he worked on.

An artist primary steps

Source: dedece

Everything started when Eero’s household moved to the USA when he was 13 years old. Motivated by his dad Eliel Saarinen, who was a popular figure in the American (and European) art circles of the time and his mother Loja Gesellius, an extremely famous sculptor, Eero started operating at an extremely young age.

Right after graduating from Yale, he began his long-road career by dealing with numerous amazing projects like the design of architectural symbols such as St Louis Gateway Arch in Missouri, CBS structure in New York, and the TWA flight center in John F. Kennedy international airport.

It wasn’t until he chose to follow the steps of his dad by signing up with the Cranbrook Academy of Arts in Michigan, that he was going to begin crafting furniture innovations. Undoubtedly, while studying in the Academy, he became pals with different mid-century modern designers and nowadays figures, consisting of Harry Bertoia, the Eames couple, and Florence Knoll.

Is the Womb Chair & Ottoman still famous?

Source: smow

Nowadays it is one of the most popular furniture pieces from mid-century contemporary design, and among the best-sellers from our store. Perhaps, the only method a reproduction can exist is by following designs of iconic furnishings pieces, this chair made its method after the Finish-American designer Eero Saarinen had the idea to make it take place, to the 21st century, 60 years later.

In consequence, the basket loaded with pillows dream-chair that designer Florence Knoll requested at that time, is still alive and standing.

As we have actually spoken about previously, it was in 1946, simply after a short meeting with Florence Knoll at the Cranbrook Academy of Art, that the Saarinen principle was born. Back then, Knoll informed him that she needed a chair that she might merely “being in sideways or any other method she wanted”, tired of uncomfortable lounge chairs that everyone had back hens.

Saarinen then proceeded to work on the primary variation of the piece by taking a modern’s womb as motivation. He felt that not many individuals had been comfortable in their lives considering that they left their mom’s womb.

This specific seat is a favorite by heaps of individuals all over the world who are very praised for the sense of safety that communicates. With an ottoman by its side, the piece has achieved a long story of making people naps, breaks and reading times the comfiest ones.

If you browse the net for ideas, you’ll realize that most people concur that the comfort the chair provides isn’t only singularly genuine but interesting. Similarly, a fast Google search will pop-out many forums where individuals seeking comfy chairs that don’t break their backs and posture are being advised to get Eero’s creation.

Reviews from celebrated furnishings websites concur that the chair is almost non natural, a fact we won’t comprehend up until experiencing resting on one. Nevertheless, public opinion has actually set a spotlight for this piece, thanks to whole womb seat enthusiasts making clear their point amongst the whole designer furnishings field: The womb chair is among the most comfortable and lovely chairs and it may be the very best for 6″ 1 individuals who can’t fall for Eames lounges. For more information visit manhattanhomedesign.com.

One of the most popular uses: a comfy book reading seat

Source: detroitbechum23

Thanks to its functionality the best places we can advise you to fit it are research studies, offices or libraries. Maybe offices are infamous for their boredom-monotony, it does not imply you’ll keep all of them such as this. Certainly, Eero Saarinen’s development, whether it is an initial or reproduction, is suggested to break boring visual appeals and add a splash of eccentricity.

Let’s use our imagination again: Home workplace or research study, old-fashioned accents (wooden systems, wall panels, desks, devices), brown and white pieces, library. Now, include a red or purple Saarinen seat, for those into the retro-eclectic kind-of eccentric vibe, to the photo. Or, if you’ll prefer the modern however conservative “cozy fulfills elegant” type of plan, picture it white or gray.

It doesn’t matter what style you are into, it’ll be the mold-breaking presence in the space that everyone needs. This seat style and convenience are two of its most attractive qualities; making it the best candidate for comfortable, contemporary created reading nooks. This seat has a sculptural shape – it not only fits and molds shapes of your body in comfy, natural ways but serves as a piece of art.

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