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4 Tips for Getting Rid of Black Mold Naturally

Source: maids

Black mold is a type of micro fungus that can usually be found in various building materials such as wood, fiberboards, paper, and basically anything that has high cellulose content. It can also be found in green or in soil, but that is not that serious of a problem for people. The problem with black mold is the fact that it is very toxic and that it can grow in your home. It doesn’t matter if you live in a house or on the top floor of some building, it can thrive anywhere as long there are high levels of moisture.

This type of mold can easily be brought into your home. The spores of this microfungus are so tiny, they can easily travel through the air or attach to your body or even on your clothes. Just stepping into a soil that’s rich with the spores, you can easily bring them to your home.

However, even though the spores are all around us, that does not mean that you have black mold in your house. The microfungus requires a lot of moisture, so if you do not have high moisture levels in your home then you probably won’t have a problem with black mold.

Unfortunately, if it does start to grow in your home that can be a serious issue and you should immediately take care of it. The longer you leave it to grow, the more it will spread and it will be worse for your health. So, assuming that you want your family to feel safe and to stay healthy, you should get rid of it.

To help you get rid of it, we have made this simple guide with several tips that you will find useful.

1. Vinegar

Source: youtube

Vinegar has been proven to be one of the most effective killers of black mold. Not only is vinegar rich with antibacterial properties, but it can also be found in almost any household. Have you ever been to a friend’s house who doesn’t have vinegar? No, probably not.

So, what you will need to do is pretty simple. I would recommend getting a spray bottle and then fill it up with vinegar. Some people would say that you need to mix it with a bit of water, but for the best possible effectiveness, I would recommend keeping it vinegar only.

Grab the bottle and spray on the walls and other locations where you’ve seen black mold growing. Make sure you keep the spray bottle on the messed setting instead of the regular spray because too much vinegar may ruin the paint of your walls. Once you have applied it everywhere, you should leave it for a couple of hours to do his job. I would recommend going out grocery shopping or going to work because when you come back most of the microfungus should be gone.

You could also spray around the mold to prevent it from spreading in different locations.

2. Call the professional help

Source: homeguide

Not every person has the free time to deal with this kind of problem and finding the right ingredients can be a bit tricky. Sure, vinegar might work, but it won’t work for everyone. If you find yourself in a position where you do not have enough time to deal with the black mold in your home, you should consider hiring professional services that will easily do with it with the right tools and ingredients.

Of course, this is going to cost you a little bit more than just buying a single vinegar bottle, but at least you will know that the microfungus is completely gone and your family safe from any kind of toxic spores or hazards.

The chemicals most professional services use can be a bit strong which means you have to leave your house for a couple of hours until all of the mold is gone and the chemicals evaporate. It won’t take more than two or three hours, don’t worry. If you’re having trouble finding professional services for mold testing and removal in Honolulu and the island of Oahu, you should check out oahumold.com

3. Hydrogen peroxide

Source: homelight

This is another product that can be found in almost any other household, even if you do not have it you can easily buy it from any supermarket or hardware store. It is much more effective at killing bacteria, viruses, and fungus then vinegar, so if that didn’t work out for you should definitely consider getting hydrogen peroxide.

It can be used basically the same way as vinegar. All you need is just one spray bottle and that’s about it. For three or four centration hydrogen peroxide into the bottle and spray it on all the more the services around your home. Living on for 10 or maybe 15 minutes and then come back with a clean rag and start wiping. Don’t use too much force, but still you should get a good scrub. Pour out the rest of the hydrogen peroxide and fill the spray bottle with just water. Spray a bit of the water onto the more that services and then wipe down final with the clean, dry towel.

4. Baking soda

Source: maids

This is the third ingredient that you can easily find in your home. You probably have a couple of bags of baking soda, so you won’t have to run to the store to get it.

You’ll need to put a bit more effort to prepare it before applying it to the molded areas, but it’s still quite simple. Get a small bottle or a cup and fill it with water. You’ll want the cup to be half-full and then pour some baking soda in it. Start mixing until it turns into a paste-like substance. Grab a towel, a rag, or maybe even a toothbrush and put some of the mixtures onto it. Then use the towel or whatever you got and start scrubbing the walls riddled with black mold.

To finish up, put one or 2 teaspoons of baking soda and mix it with water. Add this to the spray bottle and then spray it on the surfaces with black mold. Give it a final wipe down with a clean towel and you’re done.

By using any of these methods we mentioned above, you will surely get paid on that nasty black mold that is endangering the lives of your family and yourself.

8 Reasons Why Abdominoplasty is So Popular

Source: forsythplasticsurgery

Abdominoplasty is very popular lately, especially for the women who cannot tighten their abdominal muscles in any other way. The reasons for losing the wanted appearance are pregnancies and weight gain. Just a while ago, people would have to make peace with their changed appearances, but thanks to the plastic surgery, the dream body is only a surgery away. If you have been thinking about going through an abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, but you can’t make up your mind, keep reading. We will tell you more about the reasons why it is so popular. Let’s dive into it!

1. Getting rid of the excess skin

Source: thelucascenter

Even though diet and exercising are proven ways for tightening muscles, the skin is a whole different story. Once it stretches, it cannot go back to the look you want in a natural way. People usually have issues with having too much skin after losing weight. This cannot be resolved without surgery. This is why so many people choose to do a tummy tuck and enjoy their dream body. The surgery involves removing the excess skin, which contributes to the more beautiful look of your body.

2. Dealing with stretch marks

Source: bvplasticsurgery

Women know that as the pregnancy progresses, the first signs of stretch marks start appearing. It is a significant issue for the confidence of women. Even though the best thing in the world is to be a mom, it is still necessary for every woman to feel feminine and look attractive. If this is your problem and you don’t want it to be the reason for your reduced confidence when you put on a swimming suit, then a tummy tuck can be the best solution.

3. Dealing with damaged muscles

Source: amwajpolyclinic

Women who have had multiple pregnancies often experience a certain level of muscle damage. This may result in looking like you have a pouch, which is certainly not something that anyone wants to see in the mirror. This procedure can help you to have your muscles in place again and enjoy your youthful look. There is a way to turn back the time after all.

4. Enjoying a better posture

Source: medium

A good posture is important for overall good health. A healthy spine plays a central role in the way we feel and look. However, hardly anyone thinks about the importance of the abdominal muscles for the proper posture. We need strong muscles to support the spine. A tummy tuck can repair the muscles, which means that your core strength will significantly improve, giving you the posture you want and helping you achieve the wanted look.

5. It can reduce the back pain

Source: hkbsurgery

As previously mentioned, abdominal muscles and the position of the spine are very closely connected. When the tummy is not as tight and fit as we want it to be, it can cause the unnatural position of the spine. Of course, this results in back pain and numerous issues with the posture. If this is something that you cannot resolve otherwise, a tummy tuck can have numerous benefits on your health, not just cosmetic ones.

6. Enjoy a beautiful waistline

Source: clinicalusoespanhola

An hourglass figure is the ultimate dream of every woman because it looks feminine. However, only a few women are blessed with it, but surely doesn’t mean that we can’t get a little help from the plastic surgeons. The waistline can be significantly improved and reduced with a tummy tuck procedure, which will undoubtedly contribute to the shape you want to achieve. Pregnancy can alter your waist looks, but it is good to know that this issue can be resolved pretty fast, so you can be fully satisfied with the result.

7. It is an excellent addition for a mom makeover

Source: cloudninecare

It is a known fact that pregnancy can alter the woman’s body even after the pregnancy is over. This is why many moms decide to go through a makeover after they have their baby. The main reason is restoring confidence, along with the figure they want to see in the mirror. A beautiful body has always been the main factor in the overall appeal of the person. The confidence we have helps us to form better relationships and enjoy life more. A tummy tuck plays a major role in that. Being able to put on a swimming suit and proudly show your figure is certainly worth going through the abdominoplasty.

8. It can help patients deal with the urinary incontinence

Source: theaestheticgroup

When we are young, we don’t think about urinary incontinence, so we can laugh, cough, or sneeze without any concerns. However, as we get older, this can become a big issue. It mostly affects women, but it can occur to men too. After noticing that you cannot control your bladder to the fullest, you can think about going through a tummy tuck surgery. Numerous patients have noticed significant changes in this area, helping them deal with the issue.

These were the main reasons for the popularity of the abdominoplasty. As you can see, it can help reduce the issues with appearance and a few common health problems, such as back pain and bladder incontinence. If you would like to get informed about the procedure, you can find out more here, nazarianplasticsurgery.com.

Before going through the surgery, make sure you get all the information you need about the general behavior recommendations during the recovery process and how you can prepare your body to recover faster. Make sure you get familiar with all the requirements, so you can make an informed decision that you will be happy with. One thing is for sure – tummy tuck is famous for a reason. It is a way to deal with the issues that bother you and that you cannot resolve any other way. After the procedure is done, you can proudly enjoy having your dream body!

Impact Of COVID-19 On Email Marketing

COVID-19 has created a wave of absolute uncertainty in the business world. This ongoing turmoil may be the perfect opportunity for businesses to reach out to consumers, and build solidarity.

Business as Usual and COVID-19 Pandemic

According to the Business Insider, the industrial production in the US posted a record low, with a 13.7% decline in April. Moreover, auto manufacturing has dropped by more than 70%. Consequently, this has dampened the spirit in the job market to a new low. In April, the unemployment rate reached a record high since the great depression with 14.7%. As economists scratch their heads, over 20 million people lost their jobs in April.

COVID-19 and New Opportunities

Despite the tremendous harm to people and the global economy, there is a silver lining to the story as well. On the flipside, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to over 20-40% website traffic growth in Industries like Food, Healthcare, Media, and Finance. Below is a chart that explains the recent trend.

So, there is a reason to cheer for global enterprises. Moreover, these hard times are also changing the way we converse with one another. For example, in the US, conventionally, supporting businesses during a financial crisis has been the norm in mainstream media. However, during this pandemic, business personalities like Marc Cuban, the owner of Dallas Mavericks have gone on record to say that the US government needs to put money into people’s pockets to spur demand. This is a major shift in the way we view the global economy. And, if this is anything to go by, we will likely witness a shift towards more solidarity between people and businesses as we fight our way together to rebuild the global economy.

Business Email Marketing

Now, you may wonder why knowing the conversation around may be important for businesses. After all, how personal can organizations get with their customers? But, herein lies the most important opportunity during this pandemic. It is difficult for people to get out there and buy anything today. However, a crisis is the best way for businesses to connect with their consumers, and strategies like email marketing can help you achieve this goal for as little as $49. Below are 3 reasons why you need to consider email marketing immediately.

Direct Access

Email marketing is one of the best ways for businesses to reach their consumers. Emails can be personal, yet do not breach privacy. Marketing emails also provide ample room for substantial content through long posts, while providing an opportunity for superb graphic integration, among others.


Among various end-use entities, governments use email campaigns regularly to interact with people. Moreover, according to a new report, despite the lowering spending in the economy, over 61% of consumers are ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to choose branded products over generics. Hence, emails with extended credibility can be a perfect way to enter the lives of consumers and guide their choices.

Increase in Engagement

The rising shift to remote work has led to increased email marketing engagement across the globe. This trend is really important for businesses to consider, as many reports reveal that remote work trends will likely continue after the pandemic. It is estimated that 18% of the total population works remotely now, with full-time job opportunities. So, if you want to invest in the future of businesses in a meaningful manner, email marketing is the way to go.

The pattern for engagement is visible across various reports. For example, email engagement tends to be lowest on Sunday, and highest on Monday. According to a new email marketing report, 22% of people tend to open their marketing emails on Monday, or Friday, the highest engagement. On the other hand, Sunday remains the best opportunity for click-to-open rates, standing at 14.7%, 13.8% on Wednesday, and 14.1% on Saturday.

Pay Per Clicks

The growing impact of COVID-19 has resulted in lower conversions for many industries. So, despite the increase in engagement for email marketing, the conversion rate for emails has gone down in COVID-19, according to Email Uplers. This may sound like a red flag for businesses; however this is what makes email marketing the tool to consider during these hard times.

Email marketing is a cost-effective mass communication tool. As mentioned earlier, the costs of email campaigning can be as low as $49. Moreover, email marketing companies are stepping up to invest in the long-term future of email marketing, thanks to changing trends. For example, Email Uplers has announced a pledge to support businesses with a banner, long-posts, and email campaign for free for a time to come.

So, while restaurants, barbershops, and retail stores are closed, the communication between consumers and enterprises is stepping up to build new bridges.

Business and Future of Email Marketing

According to a recent advisory issued by the World Health Organization, it is important for the general public to ‘Find opportunities to amplify positive and hopeful stories’. This could be an important advisory to businesses as well.  And, below are some of the best examples for businesses to maintain a hopeful and empathetic tone for email marketing.

Inspiring Confidence

This sample above is a great email template example of inspiring confidence and tackles issues like loneliness, which have gripped people across the globe. It is important for businesses to recognize the pitfalls of issues like loneliness and remind their consumers, they are willing to do everything necessary to provide solid support.


As mentioned earlier, emails can be a great tool to communicate important information. This is especially ideal for industries like healthcare, wherein the anxiety and stress level of people is at its highest during this crisis. Check out the email sample below from Lyft’s email campaign.

Ensuring Safety

For most consumers, their safety is of the utmost value to them during this crisis. This is likely to hamper some industries, especially the restaurant business. Hence, it is important for small restaurants and other businesses to ensure their consumers that they are taking every precaution possible to protect their consumers.

Lastly, Don’t Throw in the Towel

This is perhaps the greatest tragedy of our times. This crisis has spanned across continents and unleashed a wave of uncertainty, that we have never witnessed before. Hence, it is important to remember that we need to stay strong during this crisis, and perhaps, use some wisdom from people like Warren Buffett. Buffett once said, ‘Be fearful when other people are being greedy, and be greedy when other people are being fearful’. Despite the looming gloom and doom, the crisis will offer new opportunities for business growth. However, these will be far and few in between. Keep your eyes open, and invest in proven strategies like email marketing to secure your future at the lowest costs.

How Sealcoating Protects Asphalt

Source: striperite

Asphalt requires regular maintenance for it to last long. That’s the reason why you should apply sealer on asphalt after every two years to protect the asphalt. Although sealcoating is a simple job that everyone can do without being experts in that area, it’s important to understand what causes asphalt to deteriorate, and how sealcoating prevents that. This assists people with asphalt paved surfaces to take better care of these surfaces.

Different types of sealcoating

Professionals from ABC Paving & Sealcoating use two different products for sealcoating. These products are asphalt emulsion coatings and coal tar sealers—which are the primary products used for sealcoating.

Asphalt emulsion sealers can be applied easily, and they normally emit less (VOCs)—volatile organic compounds. The downside of these sealers is that asphalt emulsion sealers don’t protect the asphalt from chemical spills. Coal tar sealers, on the other hand, are the cheapest option. However, they normally require a lot of attention during application. These sealers are the best for anyone concerned about chemical and fuel spills. The biggest issue with coal tar sealers is that they emit more VOCs than asphalt emulsion sealers.

Regardless of the type of sealant that you choose, the higher the level of solids in the sealant, the better the quality of the product. However, you should always check the recommendations given by the manufacturer before choosing the product. Moreover, ensure that the sealant is designed for your application.

The other two forms of asphalt sealers are fast-dry and acrylic. Acrylic sealing products are typically made out of synthetic products, which comprise polymers and acrylic. The major benefit of using an acrylic sealer is that it’s doesn’t pose much threat to the environment. Besides, it’s much safer for people who frequently work with it. However, it a bit costly, and some experts argue that it offers a weak protective layer.

For the fast-dry sealers, on the other hand, they are ideal for areas that are used frequently. That means the sealed surface can be opened for foot traffic within a very short period of time after the sealer is applied. This is the best option for a business that needs to resume the parking lot or driveway to use very quickly. The downside of fast-dry sealers is that they don’t last long. Moreover, they need a temperature of 75 degrees F and above for application.

Source: charlestownlandscaping

So, how does sealcoating protect asphalt?

Sealcoating is essential for asphalt paved surfaces. Apart from protecting the asphalt, it also improves its appearance, and also makes it easy to clean the surface. Generally, sealcoating is an amazing way to protect your asphalt paved surface. Now, here’s how sealcoating protects asphalt.

Sealcoating protects asphalt from water damage

At times it doesn’t make sense how water can damage asphalt. But the reality is, water is one of the biggest threats to any asphalt paved surface. Water can seep through the small cracks in an asphalt surface. When this happens, the water can freeze during the winter, and then expand—which causes the crack to expand.

This cycle continues as the crack becomes bigger and bigger. Eventually, the cracks become large, weakening the asphalt, and this leads to the formation of potholes. Sealcoating, however, gives your asphalt paved surface a waterproof barrier. As a result, it protects the initial tiny cracks from water damage.

Sealcoating protects asphalt from chemicals

Asphalt is also susceptible to other materials like motor oil, gasoline, de-icing chemicals, and antifreeze. These materials can corrode, stain, and damage your asphalt paved surface. Although it’s essential to prevent these harmful materials from sitting for a long time, as they are harmful to the environment. Sealcoating, however, ensures that they don’t seep through your asphalt paved surface—and this protects the surface from any additional wear and tear.

Source: cactx

Sealcoating protects the appearance of asphalt

Although sealcoating isn’t applied for cosmetic purposes, it does come with cosmetic benefits. Sealcoating assists in protecting the brand-new appearance of an asphalt surface. Thus, it prevents it from becoming dull.

Although you shouldn’t do asphalt coating for cosmetic purposes only, you should understand that your asphalt paved surface makes the first impression of your property. Therefore, if you want to sell your home first or attract many customers, sealcoating will go a long way in making this happen.

Also, sealcoating helps in making the lines on a parking lot visible. Although this might look like a minor issue, it ensures that an asphalt parking lot is safe, as well as dent-free.

Sealcoating protects asphalt from UV radiation

UV radiation is among the top enemies of asphalt. Sealcoating assists in protecting an asphalt surface from the constant banging of UV rays. Asphalt surfaces with continuous exposure of sunlight are bound to weaken with time. This makes the surface to break apart or loosen eventually.

As the surface loosens, the binding materials will start to come out, and this will make the surface to become rough. With time, cracks start to form, which allows water to penetrate to the base layers of the paving. Also, cracks allow grass and dirt to grow, and this can make the paving lose its beauty.

If left unchecked, you might be forced to repair or replace the entire surface. However, sealcoating your asphalt paved surface protects it from the harmful UV radiation. It also assists you to avoid the unnecessary costs of repairing the surface.

Source: easternpavingct

Sealcoating protects asphalt from freezing

Just like sealcoating protects asphalt from UV radiation, it also protects asphalt surfaces from extreme cold. The frequent freeze and melt cycles make the surface to contract and expand, and this causes the surface to crack. However, sealcoating the surface protects it from extreme temperatures, and this prevents it from cracking.

7 Tips for Writing a Software Engineering Resume 

Source: vanderhouwen

Having a background in software engineering is very impressive, and it is a career path that will lead to a plethora of opportunities. It is considered a very in-demand job field, as software engineering involves having a general engineering background in addition to a computer science skillset. These skills are very technical, and companies are always seeking employees with that background. However, even for those with a background in this challenging and impressive field of work, resume writing can seem like a formidable task.

You may know that your skill set would greatly impress the prospective employee and feel confident you would nail an in-person interview, but in order to get there you need to wow a potential hiring manager with your resume. To ensure your software engineering resume is the best it can be, you will want to spend some time optimizing it before applying to jobs. To help with this, the staff of resume writers at ResumeGo conducted several studies to showcase how different variables involved with resume writing can impact your chances of landing an interview.

1. Tell a Compelling Story

Source: medium

In some ways, a resume is just a one-page story of your personal background and career. Hiring managers will be impressed when they can see a cohesive journey and progression of your past experiences on your resume. Make sure to build your resume with that in mind. You want to tell a reverse chronological story about your educational background, how you got into software engineering, and detail all of the positions you have had in the field since.

2. Emphasize Your Results

Source: flexjobs

You are trying to sell yourself to someone and explain why you are the best at what you do in the software engineering world. There is a very easy way to prove yourself- show your results! Whether it’s an optimization you made or a software program you wrote that is saving a company time and money, add in those metrics. Showcasing your past metrics is an easy way to prove you would be a talented hire.

3. Show the Hiring Managers and Recruiters You Are Well-Rounded

Source: thebalancecareers

Candidates with computer science backgrounds are often stereotyped for being more left brain oriented, or more analytical and methodical in their thinking. While these skills are necessary for the job, your resume is an opportunity to show you are a well-rounded candidate.

While recruiters want to read your resume and see that you are very familiar with software development processes, they also want to see that you can work effectively in both team and individual settings. Highlight examples of past projects where your work contributed to the good of the wider team and organization.

4. Prioritize Technical Skills

Source: theladders

Unlike a job in sales, your soft skills are going to take a backseat to your technical knowledge in the software engineering world. In order to succeed in a position, the hiring manager will want to ensure you are familiar with certain programs and software. It is crucial to ensure you add all of these skills to your resume to avoid being overlooked in the initial interviewing process. Some of the most common skills to list are: Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, PHP, and .NET. Without technical skills on your resume, a hiring team is left to guess what you know and will probably move on to other candidates.

5. Keyword Optimize to Outsmart Technology

Source: lifesavvy

Software engineering comes with a very technical vocabulary, and it’s a career path where it is fairly easy to weed out candidates who know what they are doing from those who are bluffing.

For the sake of efficiency, a lot of companies are turning to technology to filter through applicants and pick out the most relevant resumes.

This means a human may never see your resume if the content of your resume does not get passed the initial filter. To combat this, you want to add in relevant industry terms where applicable throughout your resume. This will help to ensure that if your resume is run through a digital screening filter you will advance to the next stage of the process!

6. Technology Industry Shows Less Discrimination

Source: masshire

If you find yourself worried about outside factors such as race affecting your chances of getting hired for a software engineering position, the good news is that the research shows you do not have to worry. The survey that ResumeGo conducted actually indicated technology was one of the only fields where racial discrimination between candidates was either completely absent or very minor.

With this knowledge, you do not have to be concerned that you need to edit yourself on your resume to sound a particular way. It is encouraging to see the technology industry be the front runner in equality for hiring. There is some logic behind this. In technology-based jobs, there is a strong focus on problem solving skills and technical knowledge. The requirements for these kind of jobs are very clearly outlined, so you have a high probability of succeeding if you are a candidate who meets the requirements.

7. Showcase Your Attention to Detail

Source: resumeprofessionalwriters

Proof-read your resume twice, and then have someone else who you trust read it too. This is really a tip for anyone writing their resume, but it is especially important for those in the software engineering field. You will be working on projects that are highly technical where a high level of accuracy is expected in order to succeed. A hiring manager can make a judgment on this skill just from reading your resume!

First, make sure you don’t have any typos. Next, make sure all the information you have provided is correct. Not only would it be harder for a hiring manager to get in contact with you if your phone number is mistyped, but they may use it as a strike against your application. It sounds like a very minor detail, but attention to detail really makes a big difference! Above everything else, it highlights your professionalism.

You might be the best in the software engineering business, but without a strong resume you may still find yourself struggling in the competitive job market. Take the time to really optimize your resume to ensure you do not get passed over by any hiring managers.

How Rapid Tooling Can Speed Up the Production Process, From Prototyping to Manufacturing Lines?

Almost all the gadgets and electronic devices that are currently available on the market use plastic parts. The material is used across the world, regardless of industry and type of product.

This having been said, plastic is not only important for assembling the finished product that will be placed on the shelves, but also for creating the prototypes and tweaking designs. In other words, all manufacturers need custom plastic components to create new products.

In an age when 3D printing is becoming increasingly affordable and easier to do from home, we’ve come to take plastic for granted, especially when it comes to creating and using precisely designed components.

What is rapid tooling?

Source: prototechasia

While 3D printers are great if you want to be creative and design decorative pieces that you can display throughout your home, creating plastic components for prototypes is more difficult than it seems. These elements need to have as few seams as possible to offer maximum structural integrity, and this means using injection molding.

The main issue with this technology is the fact that it takes a long time to produce the required components because a new mold must be created every time the specifications of the plastic piece change.

According to NiceRapid, fast tooling, also called soft tooling, refers to a manufacturing process where production is focused mainly on creating a single component, rather than on making several ones that have consistent characteristics. The method is mainly used for prototyping because it only takes a fraction of the time and is considerably more affordable that what production tooling would cost.

What are the advantages of rapid tooling?

Source: 1zu1prototypen

From a manufacturing point of view, rapid tooling is faster and much more affordable because it uses silicone molds that are easier to produce than aluminum or steel ones. Although these can only be used for 10-25 times before they deteriorate and become unusable, they can shorten the tooling time it takes to create functional prototypes for products that are currently in development. In other words, rapid tooling is perfect for short batches of components that are needed as fast as possible.

Another great advantage is the fact that the process is extremely cheap, which makes it easier to take small steps in terms of design and structural changes without having to worry about production costs. Overall, rapid tooling makes it easier to try new things or to create small amounts of plastic components for a fraction of the time and price of what would be required for production tooling.

Lastly, depending on the size of the designs and their complexity, a single mold can be used to create several plastic components, which means that rapid tooling can also be used for mass production, to some extent.

What about complex components?

Source: 1zu1prototypen

Silicone molds work best with simple designs, however, a bit of human intervention can add more details to the components or shape them so that they follow your specifications. Regardless of this, rapid tooling is, as the name implies, faster than other ways of producing plastic components.

Rapid tooling equipment for home fabrication

Source: additive3d

Depending on the type of rapid tooling that you choose for your prototypes, it is possible to move the entire production line to your home. However, this can only be done if you have all the required equipment. While the equipment is not particularly expensive, it should be treated as an investment. Depending on the complexity of the project, you may have to print each part separately and assemble them.

For more simple components, you will be able to use home 3D printers to manufacture them. Most of these devices are somewhat slow when compared to industrial 3D printers, but their capabilities will be enough to make 2-3 units each day. This having been said, it is important to keep in mind that the printed components will need further processing in order to smooth out their edges prior to assembling the product.

Generally speaking, there are several ways to set up a rapid tooling production line in your home. One option is to purchase multiple basic 3D printers that would work round-the-clock, leaving you only to assemble the parts. Alternatively, it is also possible to invest in high-quality 3D printers that are able to print several completely separate objects or even entire sets at the same time. These are more expensive, but they can print parts in bulk.

As far as the production line is concerned, if your product has components that can be printed at the same time, using a single printing head, and then separated, you will be able to cut manufacturing time in half.

How to save money when using rapid tooling?

Source: customplasticllc

Rapid tooling is one of the most affordable ways to prototype a product, however, the method can also be used to cut the costs of production in half. Starting with the design process where you can use soft tooling to create a mockup that will help you find the ideal form-factor of your product, to the manufacturing process that can be done using 3D printing, all aspects of creating and making a product can be done from home.

Although some form of mold-making may be required for certain parts of the product, it is possible to eliminate the need for third-party rapid tooling by purchasing one or more 3D printers. These will allow you to both save money as well as time by taking the shipping time for certain components out of the equation.

Furthermore, by using rapid tooling from home you will be able to make modifications to the assembly line on the fly, without having to spend time sending new specifications to a third party rapid tooling company. It will also be easier to tweak the production process to use fewer materials or to try different ones.

It’s Time to Pick a Better Smartphone Photo Editing App

The world wide web is filled with billions of photos that smartphone owners use to broadcast every minute of their lives. However, it is not enough to take a picture and post it on a blog or social network. It is also necessary to give it an additional effect to attract maximum attention.

At the same time, you don’t have to be a master in photo processing and know hundreds of functions of professional graphic programs. Just select and download the most convenient photo editor on your smartphone. This program will allow you to change the image in a couple of clicks, emphasize important details or remove too noticeable flaws.


Source: halide

This app is designed for conscious and staged shooting. It is not suitable for options when you need to make a quick shot. Halide implements gesture control to configure basic parameters such as exposure and focus. Among the main advantages of the app is a user-friendly interface for one-hand control, manual focus, histogram display for exposure control, and the ability to shoot in RAW. It is worth noting the presence of adjustment of the shutter speed parameter, advanced depth of field control. This is a great panoramic app. Go to freeappsforme if you are looking for other apps for panoramic shooting.


Source: lefchek

One of the most popular free photo editors with more than 2 million combinations of effects, filters, templates, and textures. A kind of pocket photoshop on your smartphone.

Key application features:

  1. Huge selection of templates for collages.
  2. Quick color balance adjustment.
  3. Dual exposure function.
  4. Filters for pencil drawing, poster, watercolor portrait, and so on.
  5. Removal of “red eyes” with one click.
  6. Hundreds of effects to create a unique image.
  7. Fine photo processing: change of tone, dimming of bright colors, overlapping of shadows.
  8. Adding text and frames to photos.
  9. Selecting your favorite effects in a separate folder.
  10. Synchronization with social networks.


Source: VSCO

VSCO is the best application in the filter application segment. App developers make amazing presets that can completely change the mood of a photo in one click. In addition to filters, the app has a set of tools for correcting images, including color adjustment, changing perspective, sharpness, tonality, white balance, vignetting, and separate toning. It is also a great tool to unblur photos.

The built-in smart mode analyzes the image and suggests the most appropriate filters.


Source: youtube

An app for bokeh lovers. It supports the iPhone with a dual camera. Focos will help you achieve the effect of low depth of field of SLR cameras in mobile photography. Main functions: changing the focus after creating a picture, presets with different apertures for a variety of bokeh, the ability to add a bokeh effect to the finished image, and the function of adding portrait lighting.


Source: fox

Many users often compare this photo editor with Photoshop for its abundance of features and capabilities for editing images. The application allows us to adjust the color correction, blur the background, glare, bokeh, shadow, glow, and hundreds of other effects.

With the help of the application it’s very easy to experiment: change the background by placing the photo character in a new environment, add masks, hairstyles and hats, animation, and much more.

By the way, if the user does not find the right template in the application, PhotoLab will allow you to create it yourself.


Source: lifewire

An application that is rapidly gaining in popularity. Due to constant updates, new filters, effects, textures, and functions are added to the mobile program. But the principle of editing remains unchanged – easy and fast in a few clicks.

Features of the application:

  1. Portrait image processing.
  2. Tooth whitening and digital makeup.
  3. Tanning and blush effect overlay.
  4. Dotted editing of individual parts of the image.
  5. Overlaying depth of field, blurring, shading.


Source: apkthunk

The app combines tools for creative processing and traditional functions for photo correction. The user-friendly, minimalistic interface hides powerful features. The features that distinguish this app from other photo processing applications are the ability to create your own presets, modeling techniques for painting and pencil sketches to turn photos into paintings, drawing on photos, restoring lost detail, and noise reduction.

If you are tired of conventional filters, you can go even further in photo processing and experiment with unusual solutions. For example, the most popular scuffs and dust particle effects, texture overlay and double exposure, non-standard lighting, or even destructive filters. All of these effects radically change the aesthetics of the images. If you are bored with working only with colors, the following selection of apps is for you.


Source: beautifulpixels

This app is a godsend for fans of a creative approach to image processing. Apply grainy film textures, light effects, color gradients-experiment with an infinite number of layers. If you like the result, save it to a formula that you can share with other users.


Source: glitcheapp

An application for creating destructive glitch effects, which is loved by stars and brands. Among them are Gorillaz, Marilyn Manson, Pharell Williams, Nike, and Diesel. The main advantages: more than 30 tools for creating digital effects, the ability to apply filters in real-time during shooting, and working with layers.


Source: lensdistortions

Very easy to use application. With Lens Distortion, you can add natural light sources, glare from the lenses to the picture, and enhance the addition of weather effects such as fog, rain, or snow. The free textures are enough to pump any image beyond recognition. Add sun where it’s missing, or enhance the atmosphere by emphasizing cloudy weather with rainy textures. When free textures become scarce in Lens Distortions, you can expand your library with paid packages.

Tips for Fans of editing photos on a smartphone

Source: prophotoblog

Photo editors are powerful tools for creating interesting images that are also quite easy to learn. If you’re just getting started in photo editing, take advantage of the recommendations that will help you become a real photo guru and post-processor:

  1. Images of nature will look more spectacular if you darken the light areas and add brightness to the dark ones;
  2. Dark tones in the picture can be corrected by adding sharpness and contrast.
  3. To make the photo look more natural after post-processing, reduce all added settings by 50 percent.
  4. For better photos, use smartphones with a quality camera, at least 13 megapixels with autofocus.

What Does Your Favorite Flower Say About Your Personality?

Many people would take on gardening or decorating their gardens and home with beautiful flowers as a hobby. Many people have the understanding that flowers look amazing and provide their homes and gardens with a cool and rustic feel. This assumption is true but doesn’t help in digging deep into the meaning of having flowers in the first place. So, you have flowers because you like them and want to be surrounded by them at times as a hobby, but what good they ever provide you with? Why have you never tried to understand the attacked history with a specific flower and most importantly what does your favorite flower depicts about your personality?

These are all the questions that should be answered and this article can be a source of doing it for you. Many people carry on loving or decorating their homes with flowers without first knowing what do they symbolize? Following is a list of what does having a specific flower means and what they say about your personality;

1. Roses

Many people starting out in the flowering business start out with the roses first because if it isn’t the roses which they are going to pick first then what should they. Roses can mean different things and relate different things with your personality based on the color that you like them in or based on their intricate types. Red roses often symbolize that the person has a great aptitude for love and desire and pink roses mean grace, gentleness, and happiness like traits associated with the person.

White roses often mean that the person is the innocent and neutral type and likes silence and being alone the best. Yellow roses are the state mark for friendship, jolly mood and behavior, and an urge to start something new with a bright and open mind. Orange roses are for desire and enthusiasm while the coral roses are for a modest and empathetic personality. Lavender roses entail that the person often has love at first sight with many splendid things that they come by.

On the whole roses provide a fragrant and enchanting overall appearance of the person using them, it also entails that you are a person of taste and this trend which you have instated with the use of roses is not going to go out of fashion anytime soon.

2. Tulips

Tulips are often considered a flower that has a hard time being nurtured as gardened produce by people and is bought from the cutflower website to be used by the people who love it. But as a matter of fact, they can be easily taken up as a hobby and grow lusciously in a garden. Tulips often come around the concept of being accepted as perfect or true love and of course the fame. Red tulips are associated with the declaration of love while the yellow ones associate the person being jolly and always smiling with a beautiful honey-like sweet smile. Purple tulips are associated with the person being royal while the white ones are associated with being neutral, forgiving easily, and treading on with the future despite the heaviness of the past.

Tulips are considered as the national flower for many countries many such include Kyrgyzstan. On the whole Tulips advertise you as a brave and confident person who relatively has plenty of moods and changes things a lot based on their current energy and mood. Despite the fact, you change your living style a lot but it still remains rustic, bent on being coordinated and cool as always.

3. Daisies

The description of the term “Daisies” can perplex you a little because this word originates from the old English and literally means the eye of the day. Daisies on the whole represent a mix of things while the most general being hope, innocence, and depicting pure intentions. Gerbera Daisies are one of the distinct types that come in bright and cheerful colors and simply mean that the person themselves are joyous, have a light mood, and are cheerful to the extreme.

On the whole daisies depict that you are a strong person with a rigid moral code and probably you are an optimist who is always positive about a particular outcome. It also suggests that you are a morning person who doesn’t like anything as their first-morning chore expect to grab a cup of coffee or tea and start hustling with the many tasks they have to take care of in a single day.

4. Lilacs

Lilacs, on the whole, symbolizes youth and the innocence that accompanies it but they can mean different things based on the type of the Lilac a person uses or the specific color which they like. Purple lilacs mean class and innocence as well as first love but the white ones only represent being a humble and polite person. On a general note having attached with lilacs mean that you are a nostalgic person who would cling to the bittersweet memories of the past and can’t simply let go of an event for the sakes that it should only be cherished momentarily and then forgotten completely. You like antique shops, watching old TV shows and movies, and wrapping your life around enjoying various things that are vintage.

5. Daffodils

Daffodils can be considered as the most optimum choice as a flower person and the often encircle the person being optimistic, filled with energy, and driving towards someone with a welcoming smile to make them their friends. On a general understanding the Daffodils represent friendship, these don’t represent any particular states but are the national flowers of Wales.

Conveniently these flowers indicate that you put your family and friends above every other thing and loves to host various cheerful occasions and it is always a party at your house.

These were different types of flowers depicting various different things but at the same time encouraging a steady and consistent growth within you as a flower lover and all the journey that still remains to be accomplished by you.

Times of Year You Want to Buy Hunting Gear

Source: pixabay

When hunting season comes around you can expect to find your local hunting and tackle store inundated with hunters and quickly running out of equipment. Often the best time of year to buy your hunting equipment is clearance season, in preparation for the following year. Clearance season is a sure-fire time to pick up some great, although old season, equipment, that you can use the following season for some effective and great hunting. Hunting is often labelled as the sport of psychopaths, but hunters are often gentle and care more about the animals they kill than you would ever be able to imagine, minimizing the pain and dispatching the animal as efficiently and quickly as they can.

What Should I Do After Hunting Season Ends?

Source: countryliving

After the hunting season ends, you may be able to find late hunting seasons in the areas around where you live, but maybe a while away. With the end of hunting season comes ice fishing season, and fishing season. However, with the end of hunting season comes the aforementioned clearance season, and although your bank account is still probably wounded from Christmas, you can pick up some great deals for the next season to totally boost your efficiency and effectiveness.

What Deals Can I Pick Up?

Source: realtree

The clearance season in many hunting stores is the best time to start putting your collection together if you are new or adding to your collection. Whether you want to pick up a slick new scope, which for more details check huntingmark.com, or bag yourself ladder stands, shooting sticks, hunting apparel, multitools, hunting blinds, decoys, feeders, scent control products, or game cools, they will all be marked down significantly during the clearance season.

Maybe you want to add to your apparel and get some slick new hunting boots, or some new field dressing gear like a leather sheath and a hunting knife; the deals are astronomical and there is a huge selection. Last season there were cheap air rifles, arrows and rests, gun parts, and other accessories in many of the huge hunting stores.

Perhaps the season has been relatively warm, you are guaranteed to find warmer weather gear appropriate for blizzards incredibly reduced at your local outlet.

Get a Great Deal on a Game Camera or a Scope

Source: realtree

Game cameras can often be really expensive. Thankfully, in the clearance season, they are very inexpensive. You can get them in the woods immediately to see what made it through the season so you can hunt off-season, or maybe you want to pick up a new scope. Whether you’re shopping for a Nikon, Scentlok, Under Armour, or a Sitka, this is the best time of year to get yourself some new equipment.

If you think past to the season just passed, perhaps you recall a specific spot you were particularly enthusiastic about, and could now monitor; now is the best time to pick up the trail and game cameras at a huge discount. If you can’t fit your camera in a tree, now is the best time to invest in a treestand.

Pick Up a New Firearm

Source: pixabay

Although reductions on firearms are minimal, you can still get one for below the ordinary asking price. The best thing to do is approach the discount stores during the beginning of the clearance season, preferably the first day, as firearm reductions will sell out very quickly. That is often the first thing many hunters consider purchasing and will flock in droves to buy out the firearms. If you are looking to purchase a cheap discount rifle or other firearms your best bet is to get to the store early and straight to the counter before the crowds turn up. In many places, you will find people queuing the night before, so you may have to join the queue first! As many hunters know, the next season is quite a way away, but despite the length of time until the next season falls, it will seem like no time at all, and you will be better prepared to purchase items during clearance than when the season opens and chaos erupts in every hunting store across the country.

Whether you’ve been eyeing a piece of equipment for a while and have been waiting to pull the proverbial trigger and buy it this season, or you just want to see what you can get, don’t wait until next season, get it while it’s cheap!

Because fishing season has come again it may be easy to neglect hunting season and invest all of your money in fishing tackle, but you should balance your load and get as much as you can for both, as both are great fun and the season will end as quickly as it came, so there is no need to waste time when you could be out getting active now!

How to Get the Best Rate From Business Insurance Brokers in Melbourne?

Source: securenow

Melbourne Business Insurance Brokers can come with several insurance plans and policies. Still, you, as a client, need to find out the best and the most beneficial coverage rate that can be offered for your vehicles.

The procedure of search needs to be conducted in a structured manner keeping in mind a few instructions and some hacks. Following are the basic guidelines to follow to obtain the best insurance rate from the business insurance brokers in Melbourne:

Choose your vehicle cleverly

While purchasing your vehicles, always choose them with practicality that is glance over the insurance costs.

A high modeled or latest modeled vehicle will cost you more premium than a moderate costing one since the former will have a higher maintenance cost if damaged than the latter.

Source: pinnacleinsurance

Be tactical while opting for the plan

Study your needs very well before aiming for insurance so that you pick at what you require the most and do not have to pay for unnecessary aspects.

If the situation is so that you are one whose vehicle does not ride off often, then you can always choose to get either the pay-per-mile or maybe the usage-based insurance policies as offered by many brokers like fundamentalinsurancebrokers.com.au/.

So, you must let the Melbourne business insurance brokers keep a record of your rides so that at the needed time, you can avail of potential offers based on your driving qualities.

Comparison is the actual trick

Never make the mistake of opting for a policy just at a go or based on other’s views. A single insurance plan can never be apt for many people. Policies rates vary from broker to broker like the client needs vary from one to another.

Hence take out 5-6 policies from the same broker or different brokers and then compare the rates, fulfillment to your needs, add-on benefits, etc. before you ultimately select one of the best-rated insurance brokers.

Source: smallbusinessinsurancequotesve

Don’t overlook any terms and conditions

No broker in Melbourne will offer you a single plan but provide you with a number of them. During reading through the policies, many tend to ignore particulars like the applied conditions.

This is a total no for everyone, for you might miss out any unwanted add on, pays in the policies, and thus be paying more than needed.

Also, there are probable chances that you might get trapped in some unwanted clause that you ignored before committing.

Keep a lookout for offers and discounts

Always make intensive queries about discounts the brokers will be offering. These are the major ways you get to make savings on your plans.

Like for instance, if you insure in more than one vehicle, many brokers offer discounts, or if you merge in any other insurance like your home insurance or so, you might also enjoy quite a several discounts.

Also, if your vehicles are provided with special features or if you select to make your payments annually, you are to get some good discounts. So get yourself informed about these aspects before committing to anyone.

Source: fidelisinsurancebrokers

Go through your policy quite frequently

Once you have chosen a plan from a business insurance broker, it does not mean that you are done away from your duties.

You have to keep an eye at regular intervals so that in case you have made any changes in your business arena, you can modify your insurance plan accordingly.

Many times it has been found out that clients pay in for extra coverage or add on which might not be needed anymore. So to avoid unnecessary pay, review your policy from time to time.

Maintain an averagely good previous record

While granting offers, insurance brokers take a casual look at your history of accidents or police interventions. If you are a rash driver and are involved in many traffic law violation instances, brokers in Melbourne tend to cut you off from several discounts.

Hence you must have a clean driving record. Brokers tend to offer more facilities to those having a moderately good driving record.

But then yes, in case there have been past mishaps, you don’t have to worry about life since many companies offer accident forgiveness, which can resist the insurance pay hike considerably.

Source: libertyvilleins

Be Positive in paying your bills on time

One of the major rules is never to delay your bill payments. Clients have a record of the credit scores, which decreases with increasing due bills and loans. And once these credit points decrease, your insurance plan rate will rise considerably.

Always keep an eye on the credit points once in a while. Though Melbourne brokers do not have data on customers’ credit points, they might raise your insurance rates when they find out any due payment or loan installment.

Think over increasing the deductible

Deductibles also play quite an important role. With an increased deductible, you can be sure to be paying the best rate of insurance from any brokers in Melbourne.

So with a higher deductible amount to be paid, you keep yourself at an advantageous point since you get to pay a lesser amount of premium to avail for the insurance facility.

But then always keep in mind that unprecedented circumstances can always be crossing your path, and at the time, you need to be able to pay off the deductible.

Miscellaneous factors also affect the policies

Other factors like the location of your business set up, age, gender, other business aspects, marital status, workers’ background, familial status, etc. also stimulate the benefits and rates that the business insurance brokers in Melbourne might offer you.

Source: harrah-assoc

Wrapping Up

Apart from these ten ways, there may be more critical and individualistic ways to grab out the best insurance rate.

But for those dealing with it for the first time, abiding by these initial ways will be quite enough for them to get hold of the most advantageous business insurance policy of Melbourne from the insurance brokers. We hope you find this article helpful.

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