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6 Health Benefits Of Swimming Lessons For Kids

Source: health

You’d be surprised to find out the health benefits of swimming lessons for kids. Everyone loves swimming, and that goes especially for kids but there is a proper way of teaching them how to swim. While everyone is born a swimmer, we tend to lose that ability as we grow older.

Your kids need to know how to swim before they hit the beach or pool. Making sure that they’re safe should be your number one priority, and what better way for them to learn how to swim than with swimming lessons.

But you get so much more in terms of health benefits when you sign them up for swimming lessons. In this article, we are going to discuss 6 benefits of swimming lessons for kids. So don’t go anywhere as you’ll start right now.

1. Strength and fitness

Source: nytimes

There isn’t a better way to improve your children’s motor skills and basic coordination than through swimming activities. These activities are excellent for improving the necessary strength and fitness kids require when of that age.

The sport makes this possible by working and improving their overall muscle strength and the increase of fitness capacity can be a stepping stone for future activities or for developing a healthy lifestyle.

The great thing about swimming is that it is scientifically proven to be a low impact activity. This means that you get tons of exercise while putting minimal stress on joints. If you ever wanted to improve your children’s cardiovascular health while also improving their strength and fitness, then the best way to do it is through swimming.

2. Balance

Source: proswimnyc

Balance is very important for every person in the world. While many adults rarely think of it as important, it’s actually something that every person should care about deeply.

The easiest way for us to see what it means to have balance is to simply observe a toddler. Toddlers have very little balance in easily fall on the ground.

To strengthen or improve a child’s balance, they need to work on improving their core. The best way to improve a kid’s core is to do it through swimming lessons. But not only that, the balance must be regularly tested. Luckily, and you do that all the time while swimming.

One of the core principles of the sport is to teach children how to balance properly. That’s why this sport is a stepping stone for many others in the future.

3. Posture

Source: proswimnyc

You’d be surprised how beneficial it is to have good posture. Out of all the physical benefits that come with swimming, posture is one that’s less talked about. But why exactly would you need good posture? What are the health benefits of having good posture?

Posture, the same as balance, requires working on the core strength. One of the best mental health benefits of having good posture is that it injects every person with self-confidence. On the physical side, posture is trained by engaging every muscle in your body.

Naturally, this means that you positively impact dozens of areas of your body by simply working on your posture. And as it turns out, the best way to do it is to take swimming lessons. Swim schools are considered by many as the right way to teach your kid the sport. Since these schools are professional and know the right methods and techniques of teaching children how to swim, your children will reap the health benefits and mental health benefits that come with the sport. For more information make sure to visit fultonswimschool.co.nz.

4. Great for weight loss

Source: swimoc

Everyone knows that we are living in an age where people care less about their weight. We are becoming so irresponsible that we’re promoting unhealthy lifestyles.

But children aren’t exempt from this, as kids are becoming more and more obese. The problem here is that we are also teaching our children to be weight-irresponsible as well.

However, there are significant health risks when being obese. An obese person is 10 times more likely to catch diseases, develop conditions, and ultimately die.

There isn’t a better way to promote weight loss with kids than to sign them up for swimming lessons. Not only will they do something they enjoy, but they will also lose weight in the process. Swimming inherently promotes a healthier lifestyle, and that something that every parent wants for their kids.

It’s optimal for children to stay in the pool for 60 minutes a day. That way, they’re getting the necessary aerobic exercise that can also be quite fun.

5. Helps brain development

Source: swimoc

Swimming doesn’t only come with physical benefits but with mental benefits as well. One of the biggest mental health benefits is the fact that it helps develop their brain.

Researchers have found a clear connection between the growth of brain cells, the ability for the brain to repair damaged once, and swimming. The hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for our memory, is one of the areas of the brain that is mostly affected by this activity. The hippocampus is essential for a child’s development because it is solely responsible for their long-term retention.

6. Reduce stress

Source: clearcomfort

Have you ever felt going for a swim just to loosen up or get levelheaded? Well, according to science, swimming is an excellent activity for reducing stress not only with adults but with kids as well.

Everyone experiences stress and everyone falls under it at some point in their lives. For children, this could be an upcoming visit to the dentist, an upcoming test, or anything else happening in their lives.

Swimming can greatly reduce stress while also drastically improving their mood. If you ever notice your kids feeling the blues, then why not take it for a swim at your local swimming pool.

Children need to live a stress-free childhood. Stress is one of the biggest killers in our society and we must avoid it whenever we can. For children, a stress-free lifestyle is of utmost importance if they are to develop properly.

Unconventional Career Options to Explore if You’re Feeling Spontaneous

Source: thebalancecareers

Due to the unfortunate Coronavirus many people have found themselves in the position of being furloughed, or worse, have lost their jobs. The prospects of the economy returning to normal anytime soon are remote, so perhaps now is the time to be thinking outside of the box and doing something spontaneous. Why stay in that dead-end career that you hated when you have been presented with the perfect opportunity to do something different? Maybe you are a mother looking to get back to work and fancy a fresh challenge, or maybe your previous career is no longer viable due to social distancing and you want to grab the bull by the horns and change direction? Whatever your motives, we are now going to look at various unconventional career options if you’re feeling in a spontaneous mood.


Source: medium

If you think that you need to spend years re-training to become a teacher then you’d be wrong. As long as you have an undergraduate degree you could return the classroom and learn on the job. Maybe this isn’t spontaneous enough? Then why not learn to teach English as a foreign language and when lockdown has been lifted the world will be your oyster? There are ample online courses to fill those long hours at home, and you could be putting yourself in a position for a fun and rewarding career change. Maybe languages aren’t your bag, but you play the piano. Why not team up with a local school and offer lessons online during the lockdown? It would be unconventional but might lead to a conventional job once this period of uncertainty is over.

Fruit Picking

Source: thesun

Not the most obvious choice when it comes to choosing a new career, but the benefits are multiple. You’ve been stuck indoors for two months twiddling your thumbs and yet now summer is upon us. The fields are stocked to the rafters with mouthwatering produce just waiting for a land army to harvest and feed the country. Well, become part of that and you will be rewarded with great pay, an outdoor job that will allow you to get physically fit, and most important of all you’ll be doing something to help society. Win-win in my book!


Source: ethos3

Everyone thinks they have the most fabulous voice when they are alone in the shower, but when they fall back down to earth they sound like a cat is being skinned. Or maybe just the opposite is true and you have been told you have the most beautiful singing voice, but you wouldn’t have a clue how to make a career out of singing? In this case speak to experts from becomesingers.com and they will give you all the guidance you need; before you know it you may have that dream job. The possibilities are endless from singing in backing choirs to working on a cruise ship, to possibly even releasing your music. Be brave and take the plunge, it could be your most rewarding venture yet!

Become An Extra

Source: moneycrashers

Maybe you stand out from the crowd due to the fact you are 7 feet tall, or maybe you blend in so that you are hardly noticed, in both instances a career as an extra could be for you. There is an array of agencies looking for people to work as extras and all you need to do is be brave, send some photos, and apply. The more extreme your looks the higher the possibilities of work. If you are covered in tattoos you’d be ideal for a gang-related film, and if you look like Father Christmas then, well, you get the idea! Pay is daily and increases if you get a speaking part, and you never know you might have an ability, get spotted, and before you know it you’re a fully-fledged actor!

As we have seen there are endless possibilities when it comes to exploring an unconventional new career, you do not have to follow the traditional path of becoming an apprentice and learning a trade, or studying at university before going on to become a banker, solicitor or doctor. You may be towards the end of your career and be looking for some part-time work to stave off boredom or pay for your children’s college fees. Or, you could simply be looking to do something different and fun, that allows you to visit new countries and learn about new cultures. If this sounds like you, be brave and spontaneous and jump at the chance provided by the Coronavirus. Maybe something good will come out of it after all.

When to File a Personal Injury Claim?

Source: unsplash

Delaying your personal injury claim won’t bring you any good. The more times passes, the more evidence risks to deteriorate, and witness memories may fade. Every day you choose to delay filing a personal injury claim you hinder your chances of success and may lead to an “unsatisfactory” victory where you accumulate way less compensation than you are entitled to.

Otherwise stated, the most proper time to file your claim is the day you have thoroughly built up a steady case, with all necessary evidence and a well-drafted complaint. Moreover, it would help if you did not overlook the statute of the limitation deadline when filing your personal injury claim.

Establish the statute of limitations deadline

The statute of limitations strictly refers to the period after an injury has occurred, during which you are allowed to file your injury claim. Why is the statute of the limitation vital for your case? Well, when you miss your deadline but you choose to file a claim anyway, the defendant can file a motion to dismiss your case based on this statute which will convince the court to dismiss your case.

Source: crownroundtable

Sort out your case

If your statute of limitations deadline has not expired on your claim, you are good to go and build up your case. However, we advise you to resist the urge to rush into the Court Clerk’s office with a hastily prepared complaint. This requires time, endurance, and most importantly, great attention, so there is absolutely no need to hurry when you complain, especially when you don’t have an experienced lawyer by your side. This leads us to another vital aspect when filing a personal injury lawsuit, namely to an experienced personal injury attorney.

Keep in mind that federal rules of civil procedure in some states do not allow a trial by ambush. The process has to ensure that each party knows exactly what sort of evidence the other side will come up with before the trial begins. So, since the preparation is the key, make sure you will not stumble into a lawsuit totally ill-equipped.

Choose a reliable attorney

Typically, your choice of an attorney is likely an essential decision you make throughout your personal injury case. For instance, you could be a complex one if the defendant is an individual who lacks sufficient financial income to pay your claim. A skilled personal injury attorney will help you find an insurance company that might be responsible or a “financially reliable enough” business that might be mutually accountable for the accident. You can visit them at Baumgartner Law Firm and know more.

Source: twitter

Make sure you choose an appropriate defendant

It goes without saying that your case is more likely to be complicated if your defendant lacks the necessary financial resources to pay your claim. For this reason, you should choose a reliable and skilled lawyer that will effortlessly find a “deep pockets” company responsible for the accidents. Some wise choices of a defendant may include:

  • The seller or the manufacturer of a malfunctioning service or products that injured you
  • The employer of a delivery service if the injury occurred in an on-duty car accident
  • The city administration if the accident happened due to a malfunctioning traffic light
  • Since you obviously you cannot sue the dog that attacked, you can sue its owner

Maintain a precise record of events

The way you keep a record of the events are vital for your case. If possible, we advise you to write down, in detail, everything you remember, starting from the conditions that led up to the accident. Moreover, you also have to mention any missed opportunities, such as the lost work time, or the degree of pain you experience every day since the accident.

Additionally, to the way events occurred, try not to share anything on your social media accounts as this can be used against you. Today, for example, an uploaded photo of you going out and feeling good with your friends could be an opportunity for your defendant to diminish the gravity of your injuries.

Source: igreatlocalattorneysweb

Gather Evidence

One vital aspect in your case, without which you can’t build up your claim is the evidence. By working closely with your lawyer, you can gather all the necessary evidence. However, bear in mind that unless your evidence isn’t admissible to the court, it can be useless. For instance, you might not realize it, but you usually can’t use a subsequent defendant’s repair of a dangerous condition that causes you injuries as proof that the condition was dangerous in the first place. Furthermore, together with your attorney, you will have to contact and prepare witnesses for the trial and even obtain an expert witness testimony in case you need it.

Notify you defends and attempt to resolve the case outside of the court

Even though you defendant is unlikely to want to settle with on more reasonable terms, at this early stage it might still be worth a shot.

Source: karoondinha

Draft your file complaint and careful file it with the Court Clerk

Since your complaint is an essential legal document with various formal requirements, every word matters, so make sure you come up with steady, logical reasoning, and with assertions based on relevant evidence to the extent possible. Also, make sure you have your lawyer around all this time.

After you filled your Complaint

Many personal injury cases are resolved out of the court – but not actually before the initial complaint has been filed. Usually filing up a Complaint says you mean serious business. Thus, a well-pleaded personal injury complaint with steady evidence to back it up can easily convince your defendant to issue a first serious settlement offer. Also, it might be worth knowing that the name of a skilled injury lawyer on your Complaint may also increase your chances in a bargain position.

As previously mentioned, a well-pleaded complaint of steady evidence to back it up can very quickly motivate your defendant to issue his first serious settlement offer, so make sure you respect all the steps above if you want to win.

Thinking of Switching Your Career to Be a Nurse? Here’s How

Source: unsplash

People seek to switch their careers for numerous reasons; you might need flexible working hours, better pay, you might have different career goals, or you might have discovered some new interests. Returning to school is a huge career change, and you must be sure that you are ready for the move. The nursing career path might be different from what you are currently pursuing and to begin with; you will have to overcome the phobia of switching careers. Here’s how you can change your career and be a nurse.

Do Some Research

Source: ecpi

You should first get some experience on what the job entails before you subscribe to a nursing course. As a student, you will need to be more committed since most of the time, you will either be in class or on placement. You can pursue the nursing course using the A level/Scottish method or pursue a BTEC from a local college. Upon completing your entry requirements, you will have to apply for a degree course in your preferred university. However, if you visit here, you will get to discover nursing career resources, study tips, gear guides, medical terminology, lifestyle articles, among other stuff that relates to nursing. You then have to decide which branch you wish to pursue; learning disabilities, mental health, child, or adult practice. In case you desire to pursue midwife training, you will undergo different training, although some of the course details appear similar. Making the right career move can be difficult.

Analyze the Nursing Qualifications

Source: Mosaic Nursery

Nurses are professionals who are regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. To be a registered nurse, you will need the necessary qualifications that allow you to be registered by the body. Check the required entry requirements with your preferred college. When choosing a nursing career path to specialize in, you should review your past roles and identify your preferred skills or activities. You will also have to determine whether your skills are addressed in the branch you wish to specialize in.

Gain Experience

Source: RCNi

You can begin the training session without experience, but in due time, you will spend most of your time in clinical practice since you will be part of a medical team. It would be best if you considered getting some nursing experience before you apply for a nursing course. This way, you will determine whether the course is meant for you or not. Try changing a patient’s clothes or medical kit, and if you realize that you are comfortable with the situation and you don’t see the practice as being gross, then nursing is the right job for you. NHS and home care facilities are open to inexperienced staff members; therefore, enroll in a program to be an assistant. You will gain some perspective and develop skills that are necessary for the career. Besides, the training experience will help reduce shock since most nursing trainees pursue the course, not knowing what lies ahead.

Know What to Expect

Source: hiringlab

Nursing can be tough if you blindly pursue the course. At certain times, you might feel physically or emotionally distressed, and on other occasions, you might find yourself crying since the course is tough. However, the course can be exciting since you get to empathize with patients. Some shifts will encourage you since you will discover that you have made a difference in someone’s life while on other occasions, you might be required to work late when you are hungry. Be prepared to deal with the unexpected and brace yourself for tough times as you plan on pursuing nursing as a career.

Analyze the Career Opportunities Available for Nurses

Source: nurse

Upon qualifying, there are tons of stuff that you can do with your certificate. Once you are a qualified nurse, you can work in various places around the world provided you meet the registration criteria. If you wish to work in the USA, you will have to sit for an NCLEX test for you to practice. Working for the NHS, along with private agencies, could attract an attractive paycheck since you will be paid on an hourly basis as a nurse specialist. You can also consider diversifying away from nursing and venture into research studies. If you happen to qualify, you will be eligible for a band six salary once you are employed.

Learn to Deal with the Job Emotions

Source: thebalancecareers

Be prepared to deal with nagging patients who won’t give you free space. Some patients won’t appreciate your efforts while others would want you to sit with them as you deliver the sad news. Be ready for heartbreaking moments, and in such situations, learn to quench your emotions. Participate in clinical supervision, where you will get to share your experience with your colleagues, and you will gain insight into what you should have done better.

Acquire Some Personal Skills

Source: americansentinel

Your job requires you to interrogate patients and join the puzzles such that you can offer better medical care. Patients will not always be kind to you; therefore, there are critical personal skills that you will have to learn or develop in due time. Learn to be a good listener, have emotional intelligence, learn to communicate, be resilient, be compassionate, and have a sense of humor. These skills will help you manage all situations; thus, you will be ready to take care of patients without being emotional.

Get Advice on How to Write a CV and Face an Interview Panel

Source: scrubsmag

Nurses can be poor in writing CVs, but as you apply for a job, you will need one. When you go for an interview, research the organization, the department you wish to work for, and research on the CQC report. Show the interview panel that you are enthusiastic and that you are interested in working for them.

Most people are afraid of venturing into new careers for different reasons. Being stuck in a job that doesn’t fit you can be devastating, and if nursing is your dream career, you should make an effort and pursue it immediately. However, before you decide, you must evaluate your current situation along with what to expect in the nursing career before you make a move.

Legal Rights After Being Harassed At Work

Source: lawcer

There are many types of workplace harassment. Each one can be interpreted differently and some types can overlap. The problem is that sometimes the word harassment is used loosely to describe any kind of uncalled for, unwanted, and unneeded behavior toward a colleague in the workplace. However, legally, harassment is a defined term. It has to be if you want to bring a harassment case forward and pursue a lawsuit.

What is the legal definition of harassment?

Source: employment

An action is considered harassment if it is:

Offensive: Offensive behavior can range anywhere between racial jokes and slurs to outright physical assault.

Unwelcome: It is not always a given in a lawsuit that action was unwelcomed, especially in sexual harassment claims where the victim is often accused of encouraging the behavior, even if unwittingly.

Severe action: Severe actions are ones that affect an employment contract or the work of an employee. This is tricky because one nasty comment might not be enough for a court to judge off. A comment is not the same thing as a physical action, but sometimes one comment or action is enough, and other times you may need to present a series of events. The court will look at all the circumstances to make a judgment.

Besides that, there is also the issue of having a supervisor or boss that goes against the terms of your contract, such as denying you a raise or promotion. By the same token, it must be proven that the denial is based on some form of discrimination.

This shows that a general complaint about working conditions or a person does not qualify for a harassment suit. You need to prove the three conditions mentioned and show that the harassed is subject to negative intent. The bottom line is, harassment can occur in any-sized business, big or small, all types of harassment is illegal, and you have the right to take legal action if you’ve been harassed at work.

What are your legal rights?

Source: trialpro

You need to know your rights because these rights protect you. Since harassment is a form of workplace discrimination, you have the right to sue and collect compensation if you win the lawsuit. The only person that can accurately assess your situation is a qualified lawyer. Many workplaces have an official channel to go through to make a harassment complaint, but the experts at https://eclaw.com/harassment-lawyer/, recommend hiring an attorney to analyze the situation because harassment is a legal matter that falls under discrimination. Another reason to hire an attorney is you might not have enough physical evidence to claim your own, but a lawyer will know how to work with minimal evidence. This will tremendously help you prove your case since you won’t get anywhere unless you prove the actions are, indeed illegal harassment and not just innocent talk or an isolated incident that crossed the line.

Keep in mind the following

Source: apjsolicitors

The right to job application

Employment laws protect you even before you’re hired. As an applicant or candidate for a job, you’re protected and cannot be denied the right to apply based on your race, gender, or sexual orientation. Employers don’t have the right to ask you certain family-related questions during the hiring process.

The right to protection

Harassment can be physical, verbal, sexual, or emotional. It needs to have offended your race, color, gender, age, disability, or religious beliefs. These characteristics are protected under federal law which is the basis on which you can sue a person or entity.

Fair Labor Standards Act

Source: twitter

An employer must follow the regulations and laws of the Fair Labor Standards Act. This protects you from having a fair number of hours of work and breaks that must be allowed by an employer. Overtime work and wages are also governed by this act.

Overwork and unfair hours cause a lot of stress and, worse, are a major cause for workplace accidents. You have the right to make sure your supervisor is not abusing you with an excessive amount of work hours.

Family and Medical Leave Act

You are entitled to take sick leave for some time. This time is usually 12 weeks within 12 months. This act protects your position and your job during the time you are absent. An employer is obliged to return you to the same or similar position as the one you had before your leave.

The right to file a grievance

Before filing a lawsuit, most people will file an official grievance report at their workplace. You should give a chance for your direct or indirect superior to fix the situation. This is assuming they are not the ones you are accusing.

These reports are usually handled by the Human Resources department of your workplace. If there is no such department, you need to talk to and present your report to someone higher up the ladder. Share your documents and other types of communication that you have collected. Management must take prompt action against the harasser and, at the very least, treat the situation as misconduct.

Source: martinhelms

Letter for the right to sue

Before going to court, you need to receive a letter from the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) or a similar agency giving you the right to sue. You have 90 days to sue once you receive that letter.

Your lawyer will alert the defendant that you are planning to sue them. A copy of the complaint and a summons may be sent to the defendant. Of course, most cases are settled out of court, but some may go to trial.

Anytime you feel your employer is not doing enough to protect your rights, you have the right to seek justice. Lots of people don’t recognize they’re being harassed at work. You first need to identify that there is indeed harassment happening. It is in your best interest to let a harassment lawyer handle all the aspects of such a case. There’s no need to remain silent when you can reach out for help, receive justice and compensation, and work in a healthy and safe environment.

8 Ways How Study Abroad Changes You as a Person

Source: thriveglobal

Studying abroad is not just about attaining a degree that helps you find a good job. It enhances the quality of your education and provides you with life-changing experiences. Living in a new place far away from home and growing amid diverse cultures shapes you better as a person. It is not only about the degree that you are targeting, but making most of your studies while you are abroad. 

It’s not a case of studying for two to four years and coming back as the same person you were before. Studying abroad will bring about a sea of change in you as a person – and only for the better. 

Are you curious to know how studying abroad can change your life? Let us look at eight ways in which this will happen, and what study abroad does to you as a person: 

1. Makes you independent 

Source: jessicalipowski

When you study abroad, you are likely to face a whole lot of challenges that you have never faced before. You are now in a completely alien environment. The people, culture, and way of life are totally different from what you have been used to throughout your life. You will have to arrange your meals, manage your room or apartment, socialize, and stabilize your career – all at the same time. Adjusting in this scenario will make you a lot more independent than you previously were. 

Then there are the unforeseen challenges- medical emergencies, running out of funds, unpleasant encounters and experiences, and more. Such experiences will train you for your lifetime, and for the better. Wherever you go after this, and whatever situation you face in the life ahead of you – you will always know that there is a way out. 

2. Makes you confident 

Source: oc

Are you the same student who prefers the backseat rather than the first few rows in the classroom? Are you the one who hates making presentations? Do you think of yourself as an introvert? Don’t have enough friends or social life? Shy of debates? Then study abroad is the perfect catalyst you need to get your life on track. 

Studying from universities outside your country is a very different experience. The culture would be very open and interactive. The student-teacher ratio would also be lower. Such a culture would encourage participation and interaction not only with the teachers, but with other classmates as well. Not only that, but you will also interact with other people in your university, residential area as well as people from the industry. 

Your classroom would have multiple international students, which means multiple students besides you who are taking the confidence leap. The added confidence of each student would create a ripple effect, as you are bound to feed off the positive energy of the people around you. 

3. Increases Thinking Skills in You

Source: wingman

Living with and around your parents helps you deal with all sorts of issues. Whether it is a problem related to your studies or to your personal life, you always have your parents to fall back to. More often than not, they look at you and recognize what problems you are facing and would offer you instant solutions to almost all your problems. 

Studying abroad, there will be many situations when you would have to take critical decisions. Yes, you can still get in touch with your parents through the phone or the internet. But what if they are not available at that certain time of the day when you have to make the decision?

During the course of your study abroad, you will also develop an independent thinking pattern. This pattern would certainly be influenced by your teachers, classmates, and other people you meet in this journey. But as you grow independent, you will develop thinking of your own. This would increase your problem-solving skills, and help you think in a far more liberated and far less conservative manner. 

4. Increases the passion for learning 

Source: braithwaiteandwhiteley

There is a chance that after all these years, you still might not be enjoying your studies. You might be the one who finds reading textbooks boring, and the thought of an exam approaching overwhelms you. Studying abroad is much more than just that. 

Most study abroad programs are designed to inculcate a habit of exploring your subject. Most courses are research-oriented, so your studies would not be limited only to your books. Besides your books, notes and your college laboratories, you would travel outside your campus a lot. 

For example, as a student of arts or architecture, you would visit historical monuments, museums, natural sightseeings, places of excavation and lots more. This would lead to an increase in your passion for learning and exploring a lot more. 

5. Teaches you to respect diversity

Source: parenttoolkit

When you study abroad, you are bound to come across people from diverse backgrounds. This would include students from the host country as well as international students from countries other than your own. Studying abroad is a great way to experience cultural diversity at one place, without having to travel the entire world one by one. 

You would learn a lot about people’s native cultures, languages, way of living, food, festivals, beliefs, experiences and general nature. All this would provide you with a perspective you were never aware of. This would help you understand why people are different from each other, and why people behave in a certain way. 

This experience would also make you a lot more tolerant towards others. You will respect diversity, and try to find friends even outside your own community. This would lead to your real growth. 

6. Changes your worldview 

Source: inc

When we are kids, all we care about is our toys. As we grow older, we realize the importance of other people and things around us – our family, our friends, our home, our vehicles and other assets; and our career. 

But studying abroad would help you think in a far broader fashion and will give you many reasons justifying your choice. You would be able to look beyond yourself and develop compassion towards others. You would now think of humanity as a whole and the world as one planet which includes a huge variety of other species as well.

You will stop discriminating between people on the basis of caste, creed, gender, nationality, economic status and other aspects. You will stop fighting on futile things and develop an all encompassing approach. 

7. Makes you aware about global current events 

Source: medium

If you are someone who always skipped reading the newspaper and news channels while surfing your television, wait till you study abroad. Studying abroad and meeting people from different nationalities would help you get a first person’s information about the local happenings. 

Things like politics, environment, climate change, foreign trade and international relations – which previously bored you – would now interest you a lot more. You will know exactly who is governing a particular country, what are the pros and cons of such governance, how economies are dealing with different situations and how these learnings can be used to make better decisions. 

This would also develop your curiosity to know more, even after you’ve finished being around these people. This knowledge would help you even when you are working, as you would know how businesses are functioning around the world, and what makes them efficient or inefficient. 

8. You realize how small the world is 

Source: ceoworld

Sitting in the comfort of your home and watching an American documentary is totally different from visiting that place personally. Once you do that, you will realize how different things are in person. Things that were mysteries to you before, are now reality. People you thought were unfriendly because of geographical distance might turn out to be your best friends.

Also, there are a few resources online from which you can know about the future prospects of your study abroad. One such free tool is GyanDhan Estimate Future Earnings Tool.  With this tool, you can compare the estimated earnings and savings you will have by studying in a specific country. 

While studying in an abroad university, you will realize how similar people actually are and how simple and genuine their desires are. The world is indeed a big encyclopedia of knowledge. But as you explore and keep finding out, you will come to know how connected we are!

4 Tips for Getting Rid of Black Mold Naturally

Source: maids

Black mold is a type of micro fungus that can usually be found in various building materials such as wood, fiberboards, paper, and basically anything that has high cellulose content. It can also be found in green or in soil, but that is not that serious of a problem for people. The problem with black mold is the fact that it is very toxic and that it can grow in your home. It doesn’t matter if you live in a house or on the top floor of some building, it can thrive anywhere as long there are high levels of moisture.

This type of mold can easily be brought into your home. The spores of this microfungus are so tiny, they can easily travel through the air or attach to your body or even on your clothes. Just stepping into a soil that’s rich with the spores, you can easily bring them to your home.

However, even though the spores are all around us, that does not mean that you have black mold in your house. The microfungus requires a lot of moisture, so if you do not have high moisture levels in your home then you probably won’t have a problem with black mold.

Unfortunately, if it does start to grow in your home that can be a serious issue and you should immediately take care of it. The longer you leave it to grow, the more it will spread and it will be worse for your health. So, assuming that you want your family to feel safe and to stay healthy, you should get rid of it.

To help you get rid of it, we have made this simple guide with several tips that you will find useful.

1. Vinegar

Source: youtube

Vinegar has been proven to be one of the most effective killers of black mold. Not only is vinegar rich with antibacterial properties, but it can also be found in almost any household. Have you ever been to a friend’s house who doesn’t have vinegar? No, probably not.

So, what you will need to do is pretty simple. I would recommend getting a spray bottle and then fill it up with vinegar. Some people would say that you need to mix it with a bit of water, but for the best possible effectiveness, I would recommend keeping it vinegar only.

Grab the bottle and spray on the walls and other locations where you’ve seen black mold growing. Make sure you keep the spray bottle on the messed setting instead of the regular spray because too much vinegar may ruin the paint of your walls. Once you have applied it everywhere, you should leave it for a couple of hours to do his job. I would recommend going out grocery shopping or going to work because when you come back most of the microfungus should be gone.

You could also spray around the mold to prevent it from spreading in different locations.

2. Call the professional help

Source: homeguide

Not every person has the free time to deal with this kind of problem and finding the right ingredients can be a bit tricky. Sure, vinegar might work, but it won’t work for everyone. If you find yourself in a position where you do not have enough time to deal with the black mold in your home, you should consider hiring professional services that will easily do with it with the right tools and ingredients.

Of course, this is going to cost you a little bit more than just buying a single vinegar bottle, but at least you will know that the microfungus is completely gone and your family safe from any kind of toxic spores or hazards.

The chemicals most professional services use can be a bit strong which means you have to leave your house for a couple of hours until all of the mold is gone and the chemicals evaporate. It won’t take more than two or three hours, don’t worry. If you’re having trouble finding professional services for mold testing and removal in Honolulu and the island of Oahu, you should check out oahumold.com

3. Hydrogen peroxide

Source: homelight

This is another product that can be found in almost any other household, even if you do not have it you can easily buy it from any supermarket or hardware store. It is much more effective at killing bacteria, viruses, and fungus then vinegar, so if that didn’t work out for you should definitely consider getting hydrogen peroxide.

It can be used basically the same way as vinegar. All you need is just one spray bottle and that’s about it. For three or four centration hydrogen peroxide into the bottle and spray it on all the more the services around your home. Living on for 10 or maybe 15 minutes and then come back with a clean rag and start wiping. Don’t use too much force, but still you should get a good scrub. Pour out the rest of the hydrogen peroxide and fill the spray bottle with just water. Spray a bit of the water onto the more that services and then wipe down final with the clean, dry towel.

4. Baking soda

Source: maids

This is the third ingredient that you can easily find in your home. You probably have a couple of bags of baking soda, so you won’t have to run to the store to get it.

You’ll need to put a bit more effort to prepare it before applying it to the molded areas, but it’s still quite simple. Get a small bottle or a cup and fill it with water. You’ll want the cup to be half-full and then pour some baking soda in it. Start mixing until it turns into a paste-like substance. Grab a towel, a rag, or maybe even a toothbrush and put some of the mixtures onto it. Then use the towel or whatever you got and start scrubbing the walls riddled with black mold.

To finish up, put one or 2 teaspoons of baking soda and mix it with water. Add this to the spray bottle and then spray it on the surfaces with black mold. Give it a final wipe down with a clean towel and you’re done.

By using any of these methods we mentioned above, you will surely get paid on that nasty black mold that is endangering the lives of your family and yourself.

8 Reasons Why Abdominoplasty is So Popular

Source: forsythplasticsurgery

Abdominoplasty is very popular lately, especially for the women who cannot tighten their abdominal muscles in any other way. The reasons for losing the wanted appearance are pregnancies and weight gain. Just a while ago, people would have to make peace with their changed appearances, but thanks to the plastic surgery, the dream body is only a surgery away. If you have been thinking about going through an abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, but you can’t make up your mind, keep reading. We will tell you more about the reasons why it is so popular. Let’s dive into it!

1. Getting rid of the excess skin

Source: thelucascenter

Even though diet and exercising are proven ways for tightening muscles, the skin is a whole different story. Once it stretches, it cannot go back to the look you want in a natural way. People usually have issues with having too much skin after losing weight. This cannot be resolved without surgery. This is why so many people choose to do a tummy tuck and enjoy their dream body. The surgery involves removing the excess skin, which contributes to the more beautiful look of your body.

2. Dealing with stretch marks

Source: bvplasticsurgery

Women know that as the pregnancy progresses, the first signs of stretch marks start appearing. It is a significant issue for the confidence of women. Even though the best thing in the world is to be a mom, it is still necessary for every woman to feel feminine and look attractive. If this is your problem and you don’t want it to be the reason for your reduced confidence when you put on a swimming suit, then a tummy tuck can be the best solution.

3. Dealing with damaged muscles

Source: amwajpolyclinic

Women who have had multiple pregnancies often experience a certain level of muscle damage. This may result in looking like you have a pouch, which is certainly not something that anyone wants to see in the mirror. This procedure can help you to have your muscles in place again and enjoy your youthful look. There is a way to turn back the time after all.

4. Enjoying a better posture

Source: medium

A good posture is important for overall good health. A healthy spine plays a central role in the way we feel and look. However, hardly anyone thinks about the importance of the abdominal muscles for the proper posture. We need strong muscles to support the spine. A tummy tuck can repair the muscles, which means that your core strength will significantly improve, giving you the posture you want and helping you achieve the wanted look.

5. It can reduce the back pain

Source: hkbsurgery

As previously mentioned, abdominal muscles and the position of the spine are very closely connected. When the tummy is not as tight and fit as we want it to be, it can cause the unnatural position of the spine. Of course, this results in back pain and numerous issues with the posture. If this is something that you cannot resolve otherwise, a tummy tuck can have numerous benefits on your health, not just cosmetic ones.

6. Enjoy a beautiful waistline

Source: clinicalusoespanhola

An hourglass figure is the ultimate dream of every woman because it looks feminine. However, only a few women are blessed with it, but surely doesn’t mean that we can’t get a little help from the plastic surgeons. The waistline can be significantly improved and reduced with a tummy tuck procedure, which will undoubtedly contribute to the shape you want to achieve. Pregnancy can alter your waist looks, but it is good to know that this issue can be resolved pretty fast, so you can be fully satisfied with the result.

7. It is an excellent addition for a mom makeover

Source: cloudninecare

It is a known fact that pregnancy can alter the woman’s body even after the pregnancy is over. This is why many moms decide to go through a makeover after they have their baby. The main reason is restoring confidence, along with the figure they want to see in the mirror. A beautiful body has always been the main factor in the overall appeal of the person. The confidence we have helps us to form better relationships and enjoy life more. A tummy tuck plays a major role in that. Being able to put on a swimming suit and proudly show your figure is certainly worth going through the abdominoplasty.

8. It can help patients deal with the urinary incontinence

Source: theaestheticgroup

When we are young, we don’t think about urinary incontinence, so we can laugh, cough, or sneeze without any concerns. However, as we get older, this can become a big issue. It mostly affects women, but it can occur to men too. After noticing that you cannot control your bladder to the fullest, you can think about going through a tummy tuck surgery. Numerous patients have noticed significant changes in this area, helping them deal with the issue.

These were the main reasons for the popularity of the abdominoplasty. As you can see, it can help reduce the issues with appearance and a few common health problems, such as back pain and bladder incontinence. If you would like to get informed about the procedure, you can find out more here, nazarianplasticsurgery.com.

Before going through the surgery, make sure you get all the information you need about the general behavior recommendations during the recovery process and how you can prepare your body to recover faster. Make sure you get familiar with all the requirements, so you can make an informed decision that you will be happy with. One thing is for sure – tummy tuck is famous for a reason. It is a way to deal with the issues that bother you and that you cannot resolve any other way. After the procedure is done, you can proudly enjoy having your dream body!

Impact Of COVID-19 On Email Marketing

COVID-19 has created a wave of absolute uncertainty in the business world. This ongoing turmoil may be the perfect opportunity for businesses to reach out to consumers, and build solidarity.

Business as Usual and COVID-19 Pandemic

According to the Business Insider, the industrial production in the US posted a record low, with a 13.7% decline in April. Moreover, auto manufacturing has dropped by more than 70%. Consequently, this has dampened the spirit in the job market to a new low. In April, the unemployment rate reached a record high since the great depression with 14.7%. As economists scratch their heads, over 20 million people lost their jobs in April.

COVID-19 and New Opportunities

Despite the tremendous harm to people and the global economy, there is a silver lining to the story as well. On the flipside, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to over 20-40% website traffic growth in Industries like Food, Healthcare, Media, and Finance. Below is a chart that explains the recent trend.

So, there is a reason to cheer for global enterprises. Moreover, these hard times are also changing the way we converse with one another. For example, in the US, conventionally, supporting businesses during a financial crisis has been the norm in mainstream media. However, during this pandemic, business personalities like Marc Cuban, the owner of Dallas Mavericks have gone on record to say that the US government needs to put money into people’s pockets to spur demand. This is a major shift in the way we view the global economy. And, if this is anything to go by, we will likely witness a shift towards more solidarity between people and businesses as we fight our way together to rebuild the global economy.

Business Email Marketing

Now, you may wonder why knowing the conversation around may be important for businesses. After all, how personal can organizations get with their customers? But, herein lies the most important opportunity during this pandemic. It is difficult for people to get out there and buy anything today. However, a crisis is the best way for businesses to connect with their consumers, and strategies like email marketing can help you achieve this goal for as little as $49. Below are 3 reasons why you need to consider email marketing immediately.

Direct Access

Email marketing is one of the best ways for businesses to reach their consumers. Emails can be personal, yet do not breach privacy. Marketing emails also provide ample room for substantial content through long posts, while providing an opportunity for superb graphic integration, among others.


Among various end-use entities, governments use email campaigns regularly to interact with people. Moreover, according to a new report, despite the lowering spending in the economy, over 61% of consumers are ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to choose branded products over generics. Hence, emails with extended credibility can be a perfect way to enter the lives of consumers and guide their choices.

Increase in Engagement

The rising shift to remote work has led to increased email marketing engagement across the globe. This trend is really important for businesses to consider, as many reports reveal that remote work trends will likely continue after the pandemic. It is estimated that 18% of the total population works remotely now, with full-time job opportunities. So, if you want to invest in the future of businesses in a meaningful manner, email marketing is the way to go.

The pattern for engagement is visible across various reports. For example, email engagement tends to be lowest on Sunday, and highest on Monday. According to a new email marketing report, 22% of people tend to open their marketing emails on Monday, or Friday, the highest engagement. On the other hand, Sunday remains the best opportunity for click-to-open rates, standing at 14.7%, 13.8% on Wednesday, and 14.1% on Saturday.

Pay Per Clicks

The growing impact of COVID-19 has resulted in lower conversions for many industries. So, despite the increase in engagement for email marketing, the conversion rate for emails has gone down in COVID-19, according to Email Uplers. This may sound like a red flag for businesses; however this is what makes email marketing the tool to consider during these hard times.

Email marketing is a cost-effective mass communication tool. As mentioned earlier, the costs of email campaigning can be as low as $49. Moreover, email marketing companies are stepping up to invest in the long-term future of email marketing, thanks to changing trends. For example, Email Uplers has announced a pledge to support businesses with a banner, long-posts, and email campaign for free for a time to come.

So, while restaurants, barbershops, and retail stores are closed, the communication between consumers and enterprises is stepping up to build new bridges.

Business and Future of Email Marketing

According to a recent advisory issued by the World Health Organization, it is important for the general public to ‘Find opportunities to amplify positive and hopeful stories’. This could be an important advisory to businesses as well.  And, below are some of the best examples for businesses to maintain a hopeful and empathetic tone for email marketing.

Inspiring Confidence

This sample above is a great email template example of inspiring confidence and tackles issues like loneliness, which have gripped people across the globe. It is important for businesses to recognize the pitfalls of issues like loneliness and remind their consumers, they are willing to do everything necessary to provide solid support.


As mentioned earlier, emails can be a great tool to communicate important information. This is especially ideal for industries like healthcare, wherein the anxiety and stress level of people is at its highest during this crisis. Check out the email sample below from Lyft’s email campaign.

Ensuring Safety

For most consumers, their safety is of the utmost value to them during this crisis. This is likely to hamper some industries, especially the restaurant business. Hence, it is important for small restaurants and other businesses to ensure their consumers that they are taking every precaution possible to protect their consumers.

Lastly, Don’t Throw in the Towel

This is perhaps the greatest tragedy of our times. This crisis has spanned across continents and unleashed a wave of uncertainty, that we have never witnessed before. Hence, it is important to remember that we need to stay strong during this crisis, and perhaps, use some wisdom from people like Warren Buffett. Buffett once said, ‘Be fearful when other people are being greedy, and be greedy when other people are being fearful’. Despite the looming gloom and doom, the crisis will offer new opportunities for business growth. However, these will be far and few in between. Keep your eyes open, and invest in proven strategies like email marketing to secure your future at the lowest costs.

How Sealcoating Protects Asphalt

Source: striperite

Asphalt requires regular maintenance for it to last long. That’s the reason why you should apply sealer on asphalt after every two years to protect the asphalt. Although sealcoating is a simple job that everyone can do without being experts in that area, it’s important to understand what causes asphalt to deteriorate, and how sealcoating prevents that. This assists people with asphalt paved surfaces to take better care of these surfaces.

Different types of sealcoating

Professionals from ABC Paving & Sealcoating use two different products for sealcoating. These products are asphalt emulsion coatings and coal tar sealers—which are the primary products used for sealcoating.

Asphalt emulsion sealers can be applied easily, and they normally emit less (VOCs)—volatile organic compounds. The downside of these sealers is that asphalt emulsion sealers don’t protect the asphalt from chemical spills. Coal tar sealers, on the other hand, are the cheapest option. However, they normally require a lot of attention during application. These sealers are the best for anyone concerned about chemical and fuel spills. The biggest issue with coal tar sealers is that they emit more VOCs than asphalt emulsion sealers.

Regardless of the type of sealant that you choose, the higher the level of solids in the sealant, the better the quality of the product. However, you should always check the recommendations given by the manufacturer before choosing the product. Moreover, ensure that the sealant is designed for your application.

The other two forms of asphalt sealers are fast-dry and acrylic. Acrylic sealing products are typically made out of synthetic products, which comprise polymers and acrylic. The major benefit of using an acrylic sealer is that it’s doesn’t pose much threat to the environment. Besides, it’s much safer for people who frequently work with it. However, it a bit costly, and some experts argue that it offers a weak protective layer.

For the fast-dry sealers, on the other hand, they are ideal for areas that are used frequently. That means the sealed surface can be opened for foot traffic within a very short period of time after the sealer is applied. This is the best option for a business that needs to resume the parking lot or driveway to use very quickly. The downside of fast-dry sealers is that they don’t last long. Moreover, they need a temperature of 75 degrees F and above for application.

Source: charlestownlandscaping

So, how does sealcoating protect asphalt?

Sealcoating is essential for asphalt paved surfaces. Apart from protecting the asphalt, it also improves its appearance, and also makes it easy to clean the surface. Generally, sealcoating is an amazing way to protect your asphalt paved surface. Now, here’s how sealcoating protects asphalt.

Sealcoating protects asphalt from water damage

At times it doesn’t make sense how water can damage asphalt. But the reality is, water is one of the biggest threats to any asphalt paved surface. Water can seep through the small cracks in an asphalt surface. When this happens, the water can freeze during the winter, and then expand—which causes the crack to expand.

This cycle continues as the crack becomes bigger and bigger. Eventually, the cracks become large, weakening the asphalt, and this leads to the formation of potholes. Sealcoating, however, gives your asphalt paved surface a waterproof barrier. As a result, it protects the initial tiny cracks from water damage.

Sealcoating protects asphalt from chemicals

Asphalt is also susceptible to other materials like motor oil, gasoline, de-icing chemicals, and antifreeze. These materials can corrode, stain, and damage your asphalt paved surface. Although it’s essential to prevent these harmful materials from sitting for a long time, as they are harmful to the environment. Sealcoating, however, ensures that they don’t seep through your asphalt paved surface—and this protects the surface from any additional wear and tear.

Source: cactx

Sealcoating protects the appearance of asphalt

Although sealcoating isn’t applied for cosmetic purposes, it does come with cosmetic benefits. Sealcoating assists in protecting the brand-new appearance of an asphalt surface. Thus, it prevents it from becoming dull.

Although you shouldn’t do asphalt coating for cosmetic purposes only, you should understand that your asphalt paved surface makes the first impression of your property. Therefore, if you want to sell your home first or attract many customers, sealcoating will go a long way in making this happen.

Also, sealcoating helps in making the lines on a parking lot visible. Although this might look like a minor issue, it ensures that an asphalt parking lot is safe, as well as dent-free.

Sealcoating protects asphalt from UV radiation

UV radiation is among the top enemies of asphalt. Sealcoating assists in protecting an asphalt surface from the constant banging of UV rays. Asphalt surfaces with continuous exposure of sunlight are bound to weaken with time. This makes the surface to break apart or loosen eventually.

As the surface loosens, the binding materials will start to come out, and this will make the surface to become rough. With time, cracks start to form, which allows water to penetrate to the base layers of the paving. Also, cracks allow grass and dirt to grow, and this can make the paving lose its beauty.

If left unchecked, you might be forced to repair or replace the entire surface. However, sealcoating your asphalt paved surface protects it from the harmful UV radiation. It also assists you to avoid the unnecessary costs of repairing the surface.

Source: easternpavingct

Sealcoating protects asphalt from freezing

Just like sealcoating protects asphalt from UV radiation, it also protects asphalt surfaces from extreme cold. The frequent freeze and melt cycles make the surface to contract and expand, and this causes the surface to crack. However, sealcoating the surface protects it from extreme temperatures, and this prevents it from cracking.

simulation racing

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