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Dieting 101: How to Lose Weight in Isolation

Being in isolation is a real game-changer for us all. Suddenly you are being a mum, a teacher, a worker, and a wife all at once. Or you’re a builder who goes stir crazy if left indoors all day, and now you are stuck in small rooms with bottled-up toddlers. It is not just our mental health that can take a knock, but our physical health too. Many people think it is inevitable that they are going to put on weight if they can’t get out like they used to. Hopefully, the following few realistic suggestions can help you out.

Have a Stable Sleep Routine

Source: University Health News

‘What’s this got to do with losing weight?’ I hear you ask. It actually has a lot to do with it. Things have changed and unless you were housebound before or worked from home, you now have a very different routine. If you don’t have a room exclusively used as an office, how will you switch off and take a well-earned rest? Our mental health affects our physical health, and therefore our weight.

If your daily life is now very fluid, you may be going to bed at different times (probably late) and getting up at different times too. Your body needs a stable routine so your metabolism is not affected. Keep to the 7-9 hours of sleep that you always need. Decide that after 8 pm, for instance, you won’t eat anything more until breakfast.

Eat the Right Food at the Right Time

Source: pixabay.com

You don’t want to be eating at lots of different times and not keeping an eye on your snacking. Keep to fixed family mealtimes at the table. Don’t disappear into different rooms to stare at phones or the TV or you won’t be thinking about how much you are eating.

Create a healthy meal plan for the coming week. If you take each day as it comes you are far less likely to be eating healthily. Resist the temptation to buy processed foods – they are convenient but unhealthy. Similarly, with takeaways, the food can be full of calories, bad fat, and high in unhealthy carbs and sugar.

Buy plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as they will boost your immune system, which is very important during a pandemic, and have lots of vitamins. High fibrous fruits are best, like raspberries or pears. Green vegetables are particularly good due to their high fiber and protein content. Consider kale and spinach. Legumes are good; also dairy and whole grains providing you don’t over consume these. Target high protein foods like eggs, nuts, and chicken. Buy GI foods as well.

Where do you keep your snacks? They weren’t a temptation when you were at work all day, but now you need to hide them from view. When I’m buying food in the shops and see snacks I always think ‘if I don’t buy it I won’t be able to eat it’. Perhaps your partner is more disciplined than you? Why not let them hide the cookie jar! Consider healthy alternatives like smoothies, nuts, and fruit. Snacks like Proper Popcorn are great choices when you have a craving.

Choose a Diet That Works for You

Source: pixabay.com

Some people try one diet, lose interest, or think it isn’t working, and then move on to a different one. If you are on a specific diet, give it a chance and stick with it for a while. That’s the best way to proceed.

There are social media groups, such as on Facebook and Instagram, that you can join. If you feel part of a group journey, you won’t feel so hopeless and alone dieting on your own. You can encourage and help each other and it doesn’t have to cost lots of money.

Also, consider calorie-tracking apps on your phone like My Fitness Pal. They will help you learn what food has how many calories, how much of it you’re eating, and if you are staying healthy and/or losing weight.

Willpower is such a key factor here. It is also possible these days to buy medication that suppresses your hunger. This is a viable option for you, and if you click here you will learn that not only will it help you reduce weight, but it will give you an enhanced feeling of well-being. This modern-day option provides another weapon in your armory for the battle for weight loss.

How Much You Drink Water Matters

Source: pixabay.com

Drink plenty of water – it is better than fruit squashes with all their additives, or tea or coffee containing milk which is fattening. Drinking water will keep you hydrated and if you drink a glass before your meal, it will help you feel full up.

After a day cooped up with young children, the temptation is to have a glass or two of wine at the end of the day. You can have two drinks a day with a couple of alcohol-free days each week. Better still, stay off it. It doesn’t just affect your waistline, but how you feel.

Shift Your Mindset for Better Weight Loss

Source: unsplash.com

Mindfulness is all the rage these days, and for good reasons. Why don’t you stand back from yourself while you are in the kitchen? Pretend you are watching yourself on a video. Say to yourself, ‘So I am reaching for a snack. Am I really hungry? Should I be eating this? Or should I look for a healthy alternative?’

It is good to also ask yourself ‘why do I want to eat something now?’ You could be reacting to boredom or anxiety. It’s like looking at your phone for escapism.

Daily times of mindfulness meditation helps focus the mind and stop it from running out of control. Sometimes it will be the disorder that drives you to eat or drink unwisely.

As we have seen, there are so many different angles we can approach dieting from. Modern life with all its ever-changing technology also provides useful tools in our battle of the bulge. There is no need to suffer from Corona calories if we are disciplined and strategic. We can get through this, and we can do it well.

4 Benefits of Using Mobile Top-up Services

Source: coindesk

Just 20 years ago mobile phones were a luxury and only several people could afford them. It was pretty useful in those times two, but it was very expensive, so you wouldn’t see everyone on the street using one. But, considering just far we have come with smartphone technology, almost everyone has one today. Their price ranges vary from $50-$2000 or even more. In other words, there is an option for everyone.

Choosing which phone you need will heavily depend on your budget and your needs. Do you need something that’s rich with features or do you just want something simple? Some people need a powerful processor and a big battery to less than the entire day while others just need it to make a few calls throughout the day.

However, phones aren’t the only thing that saw a huge technological leap during these 20 years. Mobile services have become faster, more reliable, and overall better than what we were used to 20 or 25 years ago. In the past, just a few messages cost several dollars, today most text messages are completely free or they cost just one or two cents. It is crazy just how far this industry has come.

Most providers today offer all kinds of packages for the Internet, free call minutes, and free text messages. This kind of packages can be acquired for just $15 or maybe $20. Basically, owning a phone these days is very cheap.

But, if you want to make your life a little bit simpler, you should try using mobile top-up services which is the cheaper route. To help you determine whether mobile top-up services are the right choice for you, here are some of their benefits.

How does it work?

Source: findmykids

In the cellular network industry, there are hundreds or maybe even thousands of different companies that offer different services. Some will offer better Internet, some will offer more minutes and others more free text messages. But, there is actually one more option that many people do not consider taking and that’s mobile top-up services.

In the past, every cellular network provider used top-up services and there weren’t any other options for people. It was expensive and it was a hassle which is probably the reason why many people avoid going down this route in 2024.

Since then, things have changed. Top up services are actually much cheaper and simpler to recharge. You can just go to your provider’s website with a few clicks you will be able to recharge your credit.

1. It is cheaper

One of the most obvious arguments why people should start using mobile top-up services is because it is simply cheaper, especially if you’re doing it online. Most stores that offer top-up recharging take a small fee because you are using their store, but even that is cheaper than going with the premade package from a cellular network provider.

So, if you do not feel like giving $10 or $20 for 10 GB internet that you will never use, you should definitely switch to top-up services. You will probably save $10 a month which means you will save up to $100 a year. It may not seem like a lot, but it is better than nothing. Assuming that you want to save a bit of cash in 2024, you should check out pinoyloads.com.

Source: AdobeStock

2. It is convenient

Another very obvious benefit of using top-up services is the fact that it is much more convenient. You don’t have a bill that you have to worry about not losing it or whether the mailman will deliver it on time, etc.

All you have to do is get some cash, go to the nearest store that supports mobile recharges, tell them your phone number, pay them and that’s about it.

It becomes even simpler and more convenient when you consider the fact that you can do all of this online. You open up any website that supports mobile recharges, right on your phone, at your credit card information, and then just press pay. This whole process won’t take you any more than two or three minutes.

Sure, you can pay bills online too, but that is still more complicated than just inputting your mobile number.

3. Paying only for the things that you need

Like we already mentioned, most cellular network providers offer all kinds of packages and plans that are filled with offers for more Internet, more text messages, and more free minutes. All of this seems like a great offer at first, but do you really need 20 GB internet or a thousand text messages a month? It feels like paying for stuff that you will never use. What is the point of wasting $20 for those text messages that you probably never sent?

With top-up services, you’re paying only for the things that you need. Do you need more gigabytes for browsing the Internet? You can pay for that. You need more minutes to talk with your friends and family? You can pay for that too. Are you going to be away from home this month? Then you don’t have to pay for anything. It is as simple as that. You’re only paying for the things that you will surely use during the month.

Source: Digital Care Solutions

4. You can recharge other people’s credit

Have you ever tried paying your friend’s or a family member’s bill? It is quite a hassle, isn’t it? You will need to have all of their personal information, their bill, their ID, and a bunch of other things. Only then, you can finally pay their bill.

With top-up services, this is made several times easier. If you’re doing this online, all you have to do is just input your friend’s phone number and then use your credit card to pay for the recharge. This process will take you about one or two minutes and once you’re done they will get their recharge in a matter of seconds.

There are many other benefits of using mobile top-up services, but I believe that these are the most important ones.

4 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Basement Finishing Company

Source: muellerbuilders

Finishing, renovating, or remodeling a basement adds value to your home. By arranging that part of your house, you increase the used space for yourself and your family, and it also raises the price of your house, if you ever decide to sell it. But don’t think it’s an easy task. On the contrary, it is very demanding and complex. That is why today we will explain to you why it is good to hire a basement finishing company, which has professional equipment, quality materials and everything else necessary. Nothing is too complicated for them and no matter how ruined space is, they can get the most out of it.

Imagine a basement as a blank canvas that you can arrange however you want. Extra room, men cave or something to say. The choice is yours.

We will present to you, in detail, why you should hire them and also one idea how to remodel that part of your house.

Reasons to hire a professional when renovating a basement

Source: homerenovationguides

1. Quick completion of works

As it is usually a large space, it would take weeks and months to do the whole job yourself. Your knowledge, tools and other responsibilities will not allow you to finish it quickly. While with companies specializing in this, it can be done in just a few days.

2. Safety and security

As with any project in your home, safety and security must be a priority. During the renovation, you will come into contact with electricity and plumbing, and any mistake in that field can be catastrophic. Either you destroy your house or worse, you put yourself in great danger. Since you do not know all the procedures and regulations, leave the job to experts.

Source: youtube

3. Professional equipment

Every job requires professional equipment, especially when it comes to so many different tasks that will have to be done during the renovation of the basement. From electricity, water pipes, woodwork, lighting, there are endless tasks and can be done correctly only with all available equipment.

4. The best possible outcome

For all the reasons we have already mentioned, as well as for years of experience, the experts will do your project in the best possible way. From the demolition and painting of the walls to the restoration of the damaged parts, everything will be done in the best possible way if you find the right professionals for the job, says basementfinishingfredericksburg.com. That way you will be carefree and all you have to do is enjoy the new space, once everything is finished.

Source: homeadvisor

A bar

Taking advantage of a large space to create bar is a great luxury. Imagine a bar with the drinks that we like the most, with the most comfortable chairs, in short, to create the bar of our dreams. Undoubtedly, the place of our home that we will end up most proud of and to which we will invite our friends to show off and have a good time.

A game room

Playing is fantastic at any age, only the amusements change. In a basement you can create a games room for children, but perhaps it is not the most appropriate place in the house for kids, as it is relatively separated from the other rooms. Instead, this somewhat isolated location makes basements the ideal space to become a games room for the adults.

One more room in the house

Perhaps the simplest and most useful solution. As this is a larger space than any other in the house, because it has only structural pillars, you can make the largest room out of it. This space will be valuable for all celebrations and other gatherings of a large number of people.

A modern multimedia space

An attractive multimedia room is something that everyone want to have. You can make a home theater with the most modern TV or install a projector and a real cinema screen. Then the speakers will further contribute to the enjoyment while watching movies or if you are a fan of music, then this may be the primary purpose. Certainly no one will be bothered by the noise, because nothing will be heard from the basement. It is easier to soundproof the basement than some other room. Also comfortable sofas and video game consoles are a great choice. And it’s best to put it all together, if you have enough money.

Source: architecturelab

The most appropriate place for the cellar

The most traditional wineries are located in underground rooms due to the environmental conditions that they provide to the wines that are kept there. If you are a fan of oenology, undoubtedly your dream is to have your own winery to store your wines. To store them and to drink them, since your cellar is not only a bottle warehouse, but it is the best place to taste them by installing the furniture that best suits your tastes. Although the word cellar evokes a rustic setting, the truth is that the design of yours can be very varied and personal.

For the guests

In this case for one that is not large and that its own rustic architecture gives it a certain charm. If so, it can be an ideal place to offer a bedroom to your guests. Depending on the climate, it will have to be equipped with its heating, while during the summer months you can be sure it will be the coldest place in the whole home. That is, taking care of its environmental conditions, providing it with the essential furniture for a bedroom and counting on its peculiar aesthetics, you will make your visits feel special sleeping in such a great guest room.

The workshop

We have provided a number of useful ideas for the cellars of people who like movies, wine or billiards. But maybe you are passionate about DIY. If so, the basement can be your workshop where you spend long hours entertaining with your tools, your creations and your repairs.

Source: Nate Martinez Team

Choose  any of these option, just don’t let such a large space serves no purpose. And let the professionals fix it in the best possible way.

Digital vs Traditional: Positives of Instigating E-Signature In Healthcare System

With growing disruptions and recent chaos in the healthcare system, the expectation of customers is at an all-time high. The behavioural needs of modern customers are they expect “in demand” solutions and speed. Busy people are relying more & more on their mobile phones to get things done.

There is an urgent need to scrap traditional methods as healthcare organizations lag behind retail, travel and other industries at embracing customer-centricity.

An electronic signature is simple and easy to use in today’s hyper-connected world. Let’s take a look at some key ways e signatures can help the healthcare industry get with the times.

How E-Signatures Do Away With Repetitive Signing

Source: Medium

When it comes to signing contracts, e-signatures are legal and valid for the life of that contract in many jurisdictions. They negate the need for any form of repetitive signing of page after page of paperwork. Instead, one e-signature can cover the entire document.

Compare that to the traditional pen on paper method, where multiple pages in one contract might have to be signed manually and possibly in person.

As far as the medical profession goes, e-signatures create improved relationships with customers/patients, as the patient only has to sign with an e-signature once and that signature can be applied across multiple pages, documents and patient files. This saves time and frustration and enables the patient to receive the care they need sooner.

Is An E-Signature Secure?

Source: Cerner

If you are unaware of how e signatures work, you might think that pen on paper signatures are more secure and legitimate. That’s not true, though.

Some laws govern the security of e-signatures, such as the ESIGN Act and UETA. Electronic signatures are as legally binding as the traditional pen and paper method. Robust security and encryption surround every e-signature, making them more secure than the old way of signing paperwork.

Add the fact that hard copy signed documents can be lost and misplaced, and it’s easy to see that digital documents that have been electronically signed are far safer, secure and more reliable. For patients, this means their documents are directly routed to the correct patient file upon signing.

Signature Counterfeiting Is Eliminated With E-Signatures

Source: medium.com

Physical signatures can more easily be forged. With electronic signatures, this is next to impossible, as the e-signature software not only records the signature but also verifies it and tracks it.

Audit trails follow the journey of every e-signature recorded. If any discrepancy is detected, it can be pinpointed in rapid time to make sure there are no delays for the patient.

Save Time and Reduce Overheads

Source: YouTube

Because multiple signatures are not required, and e-signatures can even be signed remotely, this saves a lot of time as well as helping to reduce healthcare overheads. Less paper is being used, less time for printing and sorting documentation. Paperwork doesn’t have to be mailed to anyone, and there are no time delays in getting relevant documents signed.

Often are times patients will get clinical reports from doctors in regards to their wellbeing status. Such reports are basic since they become a premise by which patients settle on imperative choices. A choice that a patient makes turns into their next activity plan. Such reports need to shoulder a doctor’s signature so that on the off chance that they lead to the patient creation and off-base choice, the patient can hold the specific clinical expert at risk. Marking records will guarantee the content can get to the material from any electronic device that permits one to get to a database.

Electronic documentation has paved the way for much faster processes. Still, unless e-signature technology is a part of that mix, the speed and efficiency will all grind to a halt once documents have to be manually signed. For instance, Lightco provides one such platform for digital customer interactions to collect forms, documents, e-signatures, payments, consent to disclosures and much more, even while they have customers on the phone which empowers various industries.

It only makes logical sense for e-signatures to form a part of the electronic document chain. They save time, money and headaches for medical staff as well as patients.

Electronically Signed Documents Are Far Easier To Locate

Source: CyberSecurity Training

Each patient in any hospital consistently has a record where their reports get kept up. A large portion of those records respects the wellbeing status of the specific patient. Patients will regularly be required to sign those reports. Doctors likewise sign those archives or reports at whatever point they do registration on the patient. E-signatures can be utilized to sign those archives/reports by doctors and patients as opposed to doing a manual marking. An electronic sign is enduring and agreeable than a manual mark. Furthermore, patients can sign the reports from anyplace without being available inside the clinic premises thus setting aside time and money.

Patients can add electronic marks on the medical expense as opposed to marking physically. Manual marks now and then blur away and make it difficult to demonstrate whether the report was endorsed or not. If there should arise an occurrence of such frequencies, a given patient may wind up paying again henceforth causing them twofold instalment. To check such conditions, an electronic signature can be utilized by patients likewise considering such marked doctor’s visit expenses gets imparted to a patient for their references.

Having all patient files and documentation in electronic form means information can all be readily available at the click of a mouse.

The old traditional method in hospitals and doctor’s surgeries was to go through files of papers to search for documents, a very tedious and time-consuming process. Digital documents are no different from locating something on your computer with a quick search. However, for this to become such a fast and efficient process, e-signature technology also needs to be adopted to completely streamline the procedure and make the electronic process complete and 100% digital.

If a patient calls or visits a healthcare professional, their file can be retrieved within seconds. If that patient needs to sign some new electronic documents from home, they can do so via their mobile phone and have the signed documents returned almost instantaneously.

HIPAA Compliance and eSignatures

Source: JotForm

HIPAA is a set of protocols to protect personally identifiable information (PII) of patients. This information must be kept safe in all systems connected to the health and medical file of the patient. This is particularly important when selecting a HIPPA Compliant eSignature solution.

6 Health Benefits Of Swimming Lessons For Kids

Source: health

You’d be surprised to find out the health benefits of swimming lessons for kids. Everyone loves swimming, and that goes especially for kids but there is a proper way of teaching them how to swim. While everyone is born a swimmer, we tend to lose that ability as we grow older.

Your kids need to know how to swim before they hit the beach or pool. Making sure that they’re safe should be your number one priority, and what better way for them to learn how to swim than with swimming lessons.

But you get so much more in terms of health benefits when you sign them up for swimming lessons. In this article, we are going to discuss 6 benefits of swimming lessons for kids. So don’t go anywhere as you’ll start right now.

1. Strength and fitness

Source: nytimes

There isn’t a better way to improve your children’s motor skills and basic coordination than through swimming activities. These activities are excellent for improving the necessary strength and fitness kids require when of that age.

The sport makes this possible by working and improving their overall muscle strength and the increase of fitness capacity can be a stepping stone for future activities or for developing a healthy lifestyle.

The great thing about swimming is that it is scientifically proven to be a low impact activity. This means that you get tons of exercise while putting minimal stress on joints. If you ever wanted to improve your children’s cardiovascular health while also improving their strength and fitness, then the best way to do it is through swimming.

2. Balance

Source: proswimnyc

Balance is very important for every person in the world. While many adults rarely think of it as important, it’s actually something that every person should care about deeply.

The easiest way for us to see what it means to have balance is to simply observe a toddler. Toddlers have very little balance in easily fall on the ground.

To strengthen or improve a child’s balance, they need to work on improving their core. The best way to improve a kid’s core is to do it through swimming lessons. But not only that, the balance must be regularly tested. Luckily, and you do that all the time while swimming.

One of the core principles of the sport is to teach children how to balance properly. That’s why this sport is a stepping stone for many others in the future.

3. Posture

Source: proswimnyc

You’d be surprised how beneficial it is to have good posture. Out of all the physical benefits that come with swimming, posture is one that’s less talked about. But why exactly would you need good posture? What are the health benefits of having good posture?

Posture, the same as balance, requires working on the core strength. One of the best mental health benefits of having good posture is that it injects every person with self-confidence. On the physical side, posture is trained by engaging every muscle in your body.

Naturally, this means that you positively impact dozens of areas of your body by simply working on your posture. And as it turns out, the best way to do it is to take swimming lessons. Swim schools are considered by many as the right way to teach your kid the sport. Since these schools are professional and know the right methods and techniques of teaching children how to swim, your children will reap the health benefits and mental health benefits that come with the sport. For more information make sure to visit fultonswimschool.co.nz.

4. Great for weight loss

Source: swimoc

Everyone knows that we are living in an age where people care less about their weight. We are becoming so irresponsible that we’re promoting unhealthy lifestyles.

But children aren’t exempt from this, as kids are becoming more and more obese. The problem here is that we are also teaching our children to be weight-irresponsible as well.

However, there are significant health risks when being obese. An obese person is 10 times more likely to catch diseases, develop conditions, and ultimately die.

There isn’t a better way to promote weight loss with kids than to sign them up for swimming lessons. Not only will they do something they enjoy, but they will also lose weight in the process. Swimming inherently promotes a healthier lifestyle, and that something that every parent wants for their kids.

It’s optimal for children to stay in the pool for 60 minutes a day. That way, they’re getting the necessary aerobic exercise that can also be quite fun.

5. Helps brain development

Source: swimoc

Swimming doesn’t only come with physical benefits but with mental benefits as well. One of the biggest mental health benefits is the fact that it helps develop their brain.

Researchers have found a clear connection between the growth of brain cells, the ability for the brain to repair damaged once, and swimming. The hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for our memory, is one of the areas of the brain that is mostly affected by this activity. The hippocampus is essential for a child’s development because it is solely responsible for their long-term retention.

6. Reduce stress

Source: clearcomfort

Have you ever felt going for a swim just to loosen up or get levelheaded? Well, according to science, swimming is an excellent activity for reducing stress not only with adults but with kids as well.

Everyone experiences stress and everyone falls under it at some point in their lives. For children, this could be an upcoming visit to the dentist, an upcoming test, or anything else happening in their lives.

Swimming can greatly reduce stress while also drastically improving their mood. If you ever notice your kids feeling the blues, then why not take it for a swim at your local swimming pool.

Children need to live a stress-free childhood. Stress is one of the biggest killers in our society and we must avoid it whenever we can. For children, a stress-free lifestyle is of utmost importance if they are to develop properly.

Unconventional Career Options to Explore if You’re Feeling Spontaneous

Source: thebalancecareers

Due to the unfortunate Coronavirus many people have found themselves in the position of being furloughed, or worse, have lost their jobs. The prospects of the economy returning to normal anytime soon are remote, so perhaps now is the time to be thinking outside of the box and doing something spontaneous. Why stay in that dead-end career that you hated when you have been presented with the perfect opportunity to do something different? Maybe you are a mother looking to get back to work and fancy a fresh challenge, or maybe your previous career is no longer viable due to social distancing and you want to grab the bull by the horns and change direction? Whatever your motives, we are now going to look at various unconventional career options if you’re feeling in a spontaneous mood.


Source: medium

If you think that you need to spend years re-training to become a teacher then you’d be wrong. As long as you have an undergraduate degree you could return the classroom and learn on the job. Maybe this isn’t spontaneous enough? Then why not learn to teach English as a foreign language and when lockdown has been lifted the world will be your oyster? There are ample online courses to fill those long hours at home, and you could be putting yourself in a position for a fun and rewarding career change. Maybe languages aren’t your bag, but you play the piano. Why not team up with a local school and offer lessons online during the lockdown? It would be unconventional but might lead to a conventional job once this period of uncertainty is over.

Fruit Picking

Source: thesun

Not the most obvious choice when it comes to choosing a new career, but the benefits are multiple. You’ve been stuck indoors for two months twiddling your thumbs and yet now summer is upon us. The fields are stocked to the rafters with mouthwatering produce just waiting for a land army to harvest and feed the country. Well, become part of that and you will be rewarded with great pay, an outdoor job that will allow you to get physically fit, and most important of all you’ll be doing something to help society. Win-win in my book!


Source: ethos3

Everyone thinks they have the most fabulous voice when they are alone in the shower, but when they fall back down to earth they sound like a cat is being skinned. Or maybe just the opposite is true and you have been told you have the most beautiful singing voice, but you wouldn’t have a clue how to make a career out of singing? In this case speak to experts from becomesingers.com and they will give you all the guidance you need; before you know it you may have that dream job. The possibilities are endless from singing in backing choirs to working on a cruise ship, to possibly even releasing your music. Be brave and take the plunge, it could be your most rewarding venture yet!

Become An Extra

Source: moneycrashers

Maybe you stand out from the crowd due to the fact you are 7 feet tall, or maybe you blend in so that you are hardly noticed, in both instances a career as an extra could be for you. There is an array of agencies looking for people to work as extras and all you need to do is be brave, send some photos, and apply. The more extreme your looks the higher the possibilities of work. If you are covered in tattoos you’d be ideal for a gang-related film, and if you look like Father Christmas then, well, you get the idea! Pay is daily and increases if you get a speaking part, and you never know you might have an ability, get spotted, and before you know it you’re a fully-fledged actor!

As we have seen there are endless possibilities when it comes to exploring an unconventional new career, you do not have to follow the traditional path of becoming an apprentice and learning a trade, or studying at university before going on to become a banker, solicitor or doctor. You may be towards the end of your career and be looking for some part-time work to stave off boredom or pay for your children’s college fees. Or, you could simply be looking to do something different and fun, that allows you to visit new countries and learn about new cultures. If this sounds like you, be brave and spontaneous and jump at the chance provided by the Coronavirus. Maybe something good will come out of it after all.

When to File a Personal Injury Claim?

Source: unsplash

Delaying your personal injury claim won’t bring you any good. The more times passes, the more evidence risks to deteriorate, and witness memories may fade. Every day you choose to delay filing a personal injury claim you hinder your chances of success and may lead to an “unsatisfactory” victory where you accumulate way less compensation than you are entitled to.

Otherwise stated, the most proper time to file your claim is the day you have thoroughly built up a steady case, with all necessary evidence and a well-drafted complaint. Moreover, it would help if you did not overlook the statute of the limitation deadline when filing your personal injury claim.

Establish the statute of limitations deadline

The statute of limitations strictly refers to the period after an injury has occurred, during which you are allowed to file your injury claim. Why is the statute of the limitation vital for your case? Well, when you miss your deadline but you choose to file a claim anyway, the defendant can file a motion to dismiss your case based on this statute which will convince the court to dismiss your case.

Source: crownroundtable

Sort out your case

If your statute of limitations deadline has not expired on your claim, you are good to go and build up your case. However, we advise you to resist the urge to rush into the Court Clerk’s office with a hastily prepared complaint. This requires time, endurance, and most importantly, great attention, so there is absolutely no need to hurry when you complain, especially when you don’t have an experienced lawyer by your side. This leads us to another vital aspect when filing a personal injury lawsuit, namely to an experienced personal injury attorney.

Keep in mind that federal rules of civil procedure in some states do not allow a trial by ambush. The process has to ensure that each party knows exactly what sort of evidence the other side will come up with before the trial begins. So, since the preparation is the key, make sure you will not stumble into a lawsuit totally ill-equipped.

Choose a reliable attorney

Typically, your choice of an attorney is likely an essential decision you make throughout your personal injury case. For instance, you could be a complex one if the defendant is an individual who lacks sufficient financial income to pay your claim. A skilled personal injury attorney will help you find an insurance company that might be responsible or a “financially reliable enough” business that might be mutually accountable for the accident. You can visit them at Baumgartner Law Firm and know more.

Source: twitter

Make sure you choose an appropriate defendant

It goes without saying that your case is more likely to be complicated if your defendant lacks the necessary financial resources to pay your claim. For this reason, you should choose a reliable and skilled lawyer that will effortlessly find a “deep pockets” company responsible for the accidents. Some wise choices of a defendant may include:

  • The seller or the manufacturer of a malfunctioning service or products that injured you
  • The employer of a delivery service if the injury occurred in an on-duty car accident
  • The city administration if the accident happened due to a malfunctioning traffic light
  • Since you obviously you cannot sue the dog that attacked, you can sue its owner

Maintain a precise record of events

The way you keep a record of the events are vital for your case. If possible, we advise you to write down, in detail, everything you remember, starting from the conditions that led up to the accident. Moreover, you also have to mention any missed opportunities, such as the lost work time, or the degree of pain you experience every day since the accident.

Additionally, to the way events occurred, try not to share anything on your social media accounts as this can be used against you. Today, for example, an uploaded photo of you going out and feeling good with your friends could be an opportunity for your defendant to diminish the gravity of your injuries.

Source: igreatlocalattorneysweb

Gather Evidence

One vital aspect in your case, without which you can’t build up your claim is the evidence. By working closely with your lawyer, you can gather all the necessary evidence. However, bear in mind that unless your evidence isn’t admissible to the court, it can be useless. For instance, you might not realize it, but you usually can’t use a subsequent defendant’s repair of a dangerous condition that causes you injuries as proof that the condition was dangerous in the first place. Furthermore, together with your attorney, you will have to contact and prepare witnesses for the trial and even obtain an expert witness testimony in case you need it.

Notify you defends and attempt to resolve the case outside of the court

Even though you defendant is unlikely to want to settle with on more reasonable terms, at this early stage it might still be worth a shot.

Source: karoondinha

Draft your file complaint and careful file it with the Court Clerk

Since your complaint is an essential legal document with various formal requirements, every word matters, so make sure you come up with steady, logical reasoning, and with assertions based on relevant evidence to the extent possible. Also, make sure you have your lawyer around all this time.

After you filled your Complaint

Many personal injury cases are resolved out of the court – but not actually before the initial complaint has been filed. Usually filing up a Complaint says you mean serious business. Thus, a well-pleaded personal injury complaint with steady evidence to back it up can easily convince your defendant to issue a first serious settlement offer. Also, it might be worth knowing that the name of a skilled injury lawyer on your Complaint may also increase your chances in a bargain position.

As previously mentioned, a well-pleaded complaint of steady evidence to back it up can very quickly motivate your defendant to issue his first serious settlement offer, so make sure you respect all the steps above if you want to win.

Thinking of Switching Your Career to Be a Nurse? Here’s How

Source: unsplash

People seek to switch their careers for numerous reasons; you might need flexible working hours, better pay, you might have different career goals, or you might have discovered some new interests. Returning to school is a huge career change, and you must be sure that you are ready for the move. The nursing career path might be different from what you are currently pursuing and to begin with; you will have to overcome the phobia of switching careers. Here’s how you can change your career and be a nurse.

Do Some Research

Source: ecpi

You should first get some experience on what the job entails before you subscribe to a nursing course. As a student, you will need to be more committed since most of the time, you will either be in class or on placement. You can pursue the nursing course using the A level/Scottish method or pursue a BTEC from a local college. Upon completing your entry requirements, you will have to apply for a degree course in your preferred university. However, if you visit here, you will get to discover nursing career resources, study tips, gear guides, medical terminology, lifestyle articles, among other stuff that relates to nursing. You then have to decide which branch you wish to pursue; learning disabilities, mental health, child, or adult practice. In case you desire to pursue midwife training, you will undergo different training, although some of the course details appear similar. Making the right career move can be difficult.

Analyze the Nursing Qualifications

Source: Mosaic Nursery

Nurses are professionals who are regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. To be a registered nurse, you will need the necessary qualifications that allow you to be registered by the body. Check the required entry requirements with your preferred college. When choosing a nursing career path to specialize in, you should review your past roles and identify your preferred skills or activities. You will also have to determine whether your skills are addressed in the branch you wish to specialize in.

Gain Experience

Source: RCNi

You can begin the training session without experience, but in due time, you will spend most of your time in clinical practice since you will be part of a medical team. It would be best if you considered getting some nursing experience before you apply for a nursing course. This way, you will determine whether the course is meant for you or not. Try changing a patient’s clothes or medical kit, and if you realize that you are comfortable with the situation and you don’t see the practice as being gross, then nursing is the right job for you. NHS and home care facilities are open to inexperienced staff members; therefore, enroll in a program to be an assistant. You will gain some perspective and develop skills that are necessary for the career. Besides, the training experience will help reduce shock since most nursing trainees pursue the course, not knowing what lies ahead.

Know What to Expect

Source: hiringlab

Nursing can be tough if you blindly pursue the course. At certain times, you might feel physically or emotionally distressed, and on other occasions, you might find yourself crying since the course is tough. However, the course can be exciting since you get to empathize with patients. Some shifts will encourage you since you will discover that you have made a difference in someone’s life while on other occasions, you might be required to work late when you are hungry. Be prepared to deal with the unexpected and brace yourself for tough times as you plan on pursuing nursing as a career.

Analyze the Career Opportunities Available for Nurses

Source: nurse

Upon qualifying, there are tons of stuff that you can do with your certificate. Once you are a qualified nurse, you can work in various places around the world provided you meet the registration criteria. If you wish to work in the USA, you will have to sit for an NCLEX test for you to practice. Working for the NHS, along with private agencies, could attract an attractive paycheck since you will be paid on an hourly basis as a nurse specialist. You can also consider diversifying away from nursing and venture into research studies. If you happen to qualify, you will be eligible for a band six salary once you are employed.

Learn to Deal with the Job Emotions

Source: thebalancecareers

Be prepared to deal with nagging patients who won’t give you free space. Some patients won’t appreciate your efforts while others would want you to sit with them as you deliver the sad news. Be ready for heartbreaking moments, and in such situations, learn to quench your emotions. Participate in clinical supervision, where you will get to share your experience with your colleagues, and you will gain insight into what you should have done better.

Acquire Some Personal Skills

Source: americansentinel

Your job requires you to interrogate patients and join the puzzles such that you can offer better medical care. Patients will not always be kind to you; therefore, there are critical personal skills that you will have to learn or develop in due time. Learn to be a good listener, have emotional intelligence, learn to communicate, be resilient, be compassionate, and have a sense of humor. These skills will help you manage all situations; thus, you will be ready to take care of patients without being emotional.

Get Advice on How to Write a CV and Face an Interview Panel

Source: scrubsmag

Nurses can be poor in writing CVs, but as you apply for a job, you will need one. When you go for an interview, research the organization, the department you wish to work for, and research on the CQC report. Show the interview panel that you are enthusiastic and that you are interested in working for them.

Most people are afraid of venturing into new careers for different reasons. Being stuck in a job that doesn’t fit you can be devastating, and if nursing is your dream career, you should make an effort and pursue it immediately. However, before you decide, you must evaluate your current situation along with what to expect in the nursing career before you make a move.

Legal Rights After Being Harassed At Work

Source: lawcer

There are many types of workplace harassment. Each one can be interpreted differently and some types can overlap. The problem is that sometimes the word harassment is used loosely to describe any kind of uncalled for, unwanted, and unneeded behavior toward a colleague in the workplace. However, legally, harassment is a defined term. It has to be if you want to bring a harassment case forward and pursue a lawsuit.

What is the legal definition of harassment?

Source: employment

An action is considered harassment if it is:

Offensive: Offensive behavior can range anywhere between racial jokes and slurs to outright physical assault.

Unwelcome: It is not always a given in a lawsuit that action was unwelcomed, especially in sexual harassment claims where the victim is often accused of encouraging the behavior, even if unwittingly.

Severe action: Severe actions are ones that affect an employment contract or the work of an employee. This is tricky because one nasty comment might not be enough for a court to judge off. A comment is not the same thing as a physical action, but sometimes one comment or action is enough, and other times you may need to present a series of events. The court will look at all the circumstances to make a judgment.

Besides that, there is also the issue of having a supervisor or boss that goes against the terms of your contract, such as denying you a raise or promotion. By the same token, it must be proven that the denial is based on some form of discrimination.

This shows that a general complaint about working conditions or a person does not qualify for a harassment suit. You need to prove the three conditions mentioned and show that the harassed is subject to negative intent. The bottom line is, harassment can occur in any-sized business, big or small, all types of harassment is illegal, and you have the right to take legal action if you’ve been harassed at work.

What are your legal rights?

Source: trialpro

You need to know your rights because these rights protect you. Since harassment is a form of workplace discrimination, you have the right to sue and collect compensation if you win the lawsuit. The only person that can accurately assess your situation is a qualified lawyer. Many workplaces have an official channel to go through to make a harassment complaint, but the experts at https://eclaw.com/harassment-lawyer/, recommend hiring an attorney to analyze the situation because harassment is a legal matter that falls under discrimination. Another reason to hire an attorney is you might not have enough physical evidence to claim your own, but a lawyer will know how to work with minimal evidence. This will tremendously help you prove your case since you won’t get anywhere unless you prove the actions are, indeed illegal harassment and not just innocent talk or an isolated incident that crossed the line.

Keep in mind the following

Source: apjsolicitors

The right to job application

Employment laws protect you even before you’re hired. As an applicant or candidate for a job, you’re protected and cannot be denied the right to apply based on your race, gender, or sexual orientation. Employers don’t have the right to ask you certain family-related questions during the hiring process.

The right to protection

Harassment can be physical, verbal, sexual, or emotional. It needs to have offended your race, color, gender, age, disability, or religious beliefs. These characteristics are protected under federal law which is the basis on which you can sue a person or entity.

Fair Labor Standards Act

Source: twitter

An employer must follow the regulations and laws of the Fair Labor Standards Act. This protects you from having a fair number of hours of work and breaks that must be allowed by an employer. Overtime work and wages are also governed by this act.

Overwork and unfair hours cause a lot of stress and, worse, are a major cause for workplace accidents. You have the right to make sure your supervisor is not abusing you with an excessive amount of work hours.

Family and Medical Leave Act

You are entitled to take sick leave for some time. This time is usually 12 weeks within 12 months. This act protects your position and your job during the time you are absent. An employer is obliged to return you to the same or similar position as the one you had before your leave.

The right to file a grievance

Before filing a lawsuit, most people will file an official grievance report at their workplace. You should give a chance for your direct or indirect superior to fix the situation. This is assuming they are not the ones you are accusing.

These reports are usually handled by the Human Resources department of your workplace. If there is no such department, you need to talk to and present your report to someone higher up the ladder. Share your documents and other types of communication that you have collected. Management must take prompt action against the harasser and, at the very least, treat the situation as misconduct.

Source: martinhelms

Letter for the right to sue

Before going to court, you need to receive a letter from the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) or a similar agency giving you the right to sue. You have 90 days to sue once you receive that letter.

Your lawyer will alert the defendant that you are planning to sue them. A copy of the complaint and a summons may be sent to the defendant. Of course, most cases are settled out of court, but some may go to trial.

Anytime you feel your employer is not doing enough to protect your rights, you have the right to seek justice. Lots of people don’t recognize they’re being harassed at work. You first need to identify that there is indeed harassment happening. It is in your best interest to let a harassment lawyer handle all the aspects of such a case. There’s no need to remain silent when you can reach out for help, receive justice and compensation, and work in a healthy and safe environment.

8 Ways How Study Abroad Changes You as a Person

Source: thriveglobal

Studying abroad is not just about attaining a degree that helps you find a good job. It enhances the quality of your education and provides you with life-changing experiences. Living in a new place far away from home and growing amid diverse cultures shapes you better as a person. It is not only about the degree that you are targeting, but making most of your studies while you are abroad. 

It’s not a case of studying for two to four years and coming back as the same person you were before. Studying abroad will bring about a sea of change in you as a person – and only for the better. 

Are you curious to know how studying abroad can change your life? Let us look at eight ways in which this will happen, and what study abroad does to you as a person: 

1. Makes you independent 

Source: jessicalipowski

When you study abroad, you are likely to face a whole lot of challenges that you have never faced before. You are now in a completely alien environment. The people, culture, and way of life are totally different from what you have been used to throughout your life. You will have to arrange your meals, manage your room or apartment, socialize, and stabilize your career – all at the same time. Adjusting in this scenario will make you a lot more independent than you previously were. 

Then there are the unforeseen challenges- medical emergencies, running out of funds, unpleasant encounters and experiences, and more. Such experiences will train you for your lifetime, and for the better. Wherever you go after this, and whatever situation you face in the life ahead of you – you will always know that there is a way out. 

2. Makes you confident 

Source: oc

Are you the same student who prefers the backseat rather than the first few rows in the classroom? Are you the one who hates making presentations? Do you think of yourself as an introvert? Don’t have enough friends or social life? Shy of debates? Then study abroad is the perfect catalyst you need to get your life on track. 

Studying from universities outside your country is a very different experience. The culture would be very open and interactive. The student-teacher ratio would also be lower. Such a culture would encourage participation and interaction not only with the teachers, but with other classmates as well. Not only that, but you will also interact with other people in your university, residential area as well as people from the industry. 

Your classroom would have multiple international students, which means multiple students besides you who are taking the confidence leap. The added confidence of each student would create a ripple effect, as you are bound to feed off the positive energy of the people around you. 

3. Increases Thinking Skills in You

Source: wingman

Living with and around your parents helps you deal with all sorts of issues. Whether it is a problem related to your studies or to your personal life, you always have your parents to fall back to. More often than not, they look at you and recognize what problems you are facing and would offer you instant solutions to almost all your problems. 

Studying abroad, there will be many situations when you would have to take critical decisions. Yes, you can still get in touch with your parents through the phone or the internet. But what if they are not available at that certain time of the day when you have to make the decision?

During the course of your study abroad, you will also develop an independent thinking pattern. This pattern would certainly be influenced by your teachers, classmates, and other people you meet in this journey. But as you grow independent, you will develop thinking of your own. This would increase your problem-solving skills, and help you think in a far more liberated and far less conservative manner. 

4. Increases the passion for learning 

Source: braithwaiteandwhiteley

There is a chance that after all these years, you still might not be enjoying your studies. You might be the one who finds reading textbooks boring, and the thought of an exam approaching overwhelms you. Studying abroad is much more than just that. 

Most study abroad programs are designed to inculcate a habit of exploring your subject. Most courses are research-oriented, so your studies would not be limited only to your books. Besides your books, notes and your college laboratories, you would travel outside your campus a lot. 

For example, as a student of arts or architecture, you would visit historical monuments, museums, natural sightseeings, places of excavation and lots more. This would lead to an increase in your passion for learning and exploring a lot more. 

5. Teaches you to respect diversity

Source: parenttoolkit

When you study abroad, you are bound to come across people from diverse backgrounds. This would include students from the host country as well as international students from countries other than your own. Studying abroad is a great way to experience cultural diversity at one place, without having to travel the entire world one by one. 

You would learn a lot about people’s native cultures, languages, way of living, food, festivals, beliefs, experiences and general nature. All this would provide you with a perspective you were never aware of. This would help you understand why people are different from each other, and why people behave in a certain way. 

This experience would also make you a lot more tolerant towards others. You will respect diversity, and try to find friends even outside your own community. This would lead to your real growth. 

6. Changes your worldview 

Source: inc

When we are kids, all we care about is our toys. As we grow older, we realize the importance of other people and things around us – our family, our friends, our home, our vehicles and other assets; and our career. 

But studying abroad would help you think in a far broader fashion and will give you many reasons justifying your choice. You would be able to look beyond yourself and develop compassion towards others. You would now think of humanity as a whole and the world as one planet which includes a huge variety of other species as well.

You will stop discriminating between people on the basis of caste, creed, gender, nationality, economic status and other aspects. You will stop fighting on futile things and develop an all encompassing approach. 

7. Makes you aware about global current events 

Source: medium

If you are someone who always skipped reading the newspaper and news channels while surfing your television, wait till you study abroad. Studying abroad and meeting people from different nationalities would help you get a first person’s information about the local happenings. 

Things like politics, environment, climate change, foreign trade and international relations – which previously bored you – would now interest you a lot more. You will know exactly who is governing a particular country, what are the pros and cons of such governance, how economies are dealing with different situations and how these learnings can be used to make better decisions. 

This would also develop your curiosity to know more, even after you’ve finished being around these people. This knowledge would help you even when you are working, as you would know how businesses are functioning around the world, and what makes them efficient or inefficient. 

8. You realize how small the world is 

Source: ceoworld

Sitting in the comfort of your home and watching an American documentary is totally different from visiting that place personally. Once you do that, you will realize how different things are in person. Things that were mysteries to you before, are now reality. People you thought were unfriendly because of geographical distance might turn out to be your best friends.

Also, there are a few resources online from which you can know about the future prospects of your study abroad. One such free tool is GyanDhan Estimate Future Earnings Tool.  With this tool, you can compare the estimated earnings and savings you will have by studying in a specific country. 

While studying in an abroad university, you will realize how similar people actually are and how simple and genuine their desires are. The world is indeed a big encyclopedia of knowledge. But as you explore and keep finding out, you will come to know how connected we are!

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