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8 Interesting Facts About Jewish Customs And Traditions

You probably know that the Jewish culture is all about family values, building strong relationships, and helping other people. The entire culture is so colorful and complex, that you might be wondering – what are some of the most interesting facts about Jewish traditions and customs?

Well, if you are looking for an answer to this question, this article might be able to help you quite a lot. The text below is going to feature a list of the top 10 interesting facts that you should know about the culture and traditions of Judaism. Let’s take a closer look at the list:

1. The Torah

Source: My Jewish Learning

The Torah – which is their sacred book – is also referred to as the “Hebrew Bible”. It does feature the same books as the Christian Bible, however, the order of the text is different. The Torah, that includes the first 5 books of the Tanakh – the sacred text – highlights the laws that all Hebrew people must follow. In some situations, you might also hear people calling it ‘Pentateuch’.

The Hebrew nation remains preserved due to the dedicated study of their Holy Book. It contains important life lessons for people to comprehend, and most of them do choose to follow a wide range of commandments, especially once where they promise to spread the knowledge to the next generation.

2. The Clothes is Often Modest

Source: Pinterest

For Jewish people, one of the most crucial things is to dress modestly, in order to prevent them from being overly exposed. For females, this means that they need to cover their collar bones, their pants or skirts need to be longer & reach their ankles, and their arms need to be covered all the way to the elbows.

If the women are married, they will also need to wear a tichel – a cover for their hair – or a sheitel which is a form of a wig that covers their hair. The hair is considered to be the most intimate part of their body, especially after they get married. On the other hand, men have different attire.

The males need to wear a ‘hat’ which is commonly referred to as the skullcap or kippah, as well as a tallit used for prayers. The tallit is basically long shawls that they can use when praying and you can find a wide range of websites that sell them so make sure to visit here to check the quality of products. They come in various sizes, designs, and colors, which means that you’ll be able to find one that will fit your needs.

3. Traditions Are Carefully Followed And Respected

Source: Jewish Ledger

There is nothing more important for one community than following and respecting the traditions they have. For each particular community, there are a set of traditions that are called minhag. Some of the traditions that they choose to do include placing the mezuzot above your door, dressing up for specific holidays, and celebrating those holidays according to the Torah.

Some of the most celebrated holidays include The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), Chanukah (the celebration of light), and the Rosh Hashanah (the New Year). You have probably heard about Passover as well, which honors the Jewish slaves that were flight from Egypt a long time ago.

Naturally, there are a lot of Hebrew communities in the world, which is one of the reasons why the celebration way can differ from one another. Of course, this does not mean that they do not celebrate the same things, it just means that they have a different way of honoring specific, important days.

4. Chesed is Their Way to Show Kindness And Love

Source: The Telegraph

Simply said, chesed is a form of loving and showing kindness to other individuals. Now, you might be wondering – but how do they do that? Well, they often sign up for charity acts, something that they strongly believe is a major part of healing our Earth and improving the environment around us.

According to the Torah, they are obligated to help people in need, especially the poor, orphans, and widows. If you Google it, you’ll see that there is a wide range of organizations set up in order to help different people with their problems. This includes helping the sick and elderly as well.

5. The Temples Are Cherished Beyond Anything Else

Source: The Forward

During 1.000 B.C., the rightful ruler of the Jewish people was King David. Later on, his son Solomon went on to erect the first holy temple, situated in Jerusalem. Unfortunately, the Babylonians destroyed in and sent millions of Jews into exile. After it was destroyed, a second temple was built, but, when it was also destroyed, they turned to build synagogues, where people come and attend regular services.

6. The Rabbis Are Extremely Respected

Source: The Jerusalem Post

Rabbis is a word that can be translated to ‘teacher’ and they are learned Jews that have a job to guide other individuals in their studies, especially Torah, holding frequent services, as well as mitzvah observance. The rabbit will interpret and apply the customs, traditions, and laws of Judaism, as the people before him did.

7. God First Spoke to Women According to The Torah

Source: Britannica

As mentioned, Judaism is a tradition that is passed from one family member to the next, and the women in the communities are the staples of how those traditions are transmitted and passed down. During the time God communicated the Holy Book, he did not speak to men, instead, he spoke to women first.

8. There Are Several Types of Judaism

Source: My Jewish Learning

There is actually more than one type of Judaism, including Orthodox, Hasidic, Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Humanistic, as well as Messianic Judaism. Of course, each of them varies, however, they do all follow the basic principles and lifestyle. Also, it is worth mentioning that most Jews do not choose a specific category, instead, they simply refer to themselves and their family members as Jewish or Hebrew people.


As you were able to read, there is a wide range of facts about the culture and traditions of Judaism. They all have a strong significance for the people, and generally speaking, it is quite interesting for people to learn more about it, especially since it is quite different from what we might be accustomed to.

Factors That Affects a Boiler’s Performance

When it comes to any equipment, we always take into account its efficiency and overall performance. It matters most, primarily when we highly use it for mass production and assign it to perform loaded and heavy workloads. That very same philosophy is applied to boilers as industrial equipment.

But how can it be maximized to its optimum? Here, we will discuss the significant factors that affect a boiler’s performance and some few tips on how to increase its efficiency on the side.

Source: Explosion Power GmbH

What is boiler efficiency?

In simple words, boiler efficiency is a measurement of the amount of combustion energy that is converted into steam energy. According to the ASME Energy Balance Method, some factors affect the calculation of boiler efficiencies such as stack, radiation, and convection losses.

Even though boiler design is still a major factor, there are other principal factors that affect boiler efficiency calculation. The main focus is to create a condition where there will be an increase in boiler efficiency by understanding the factors that mainly affect it.

5 Factors That Affects A Boiler Efficiency

Despite boilers having different designs, they have a common denominator when it comes to their efficiency. And determining and understanding what these factors are can help you recognize and resolve boiler issues that you will encounter in the future. Even more so, it allows you to make a solution to have your system reach optimization.

Source: Forain Srl

1. Flue gas temperature

A flue gas or exhaust gas is a gas that has been expelled during boiler operation. If the flue gas temperature is high, that means that the heat produced during the boiler operation is not used to create steam, hence it is lost. The resolution for this situation is to create a condition that will keep the flue gas temperature at its possible lowest temperature.

If your boiler keeps on releasing a high-temperature flue gas, then you are on the losing side. According to Wirral Plumbers, you should have a professional install combustion air heaters or economizers. Economizers for one can help to save fuel and the possible damage that cold water can do to your boiler.

When you are renting a boiler, make sure to ask questions if they have an economizer. You can contact ctcair.com when you need to rent one. They can further assist you with these kinds of measures to increase boiler efficiency.

2. Fuel Specification

If you were thinking of less about fuel specification, then think again. Determining the right fuel specification should be given the utmost priority. Addressing this issue is simple as you only need to establish the right fuel specification and make sure that the actual fuel meets the criteria. The most common fuel types used in boilers are natural gas, fuel oil, coal, and wood (biomass).

It is worth noting that fuel specification plays a vital role in increasing boiler efficiency. Remember that the higher the hydrogen content, the more water vapor is formed during the combustion process. Therefore, high water vapor losses and lower efficiency. To solve this, have a natural gas combined with higher methane concentrations and lower content of other gases. This equation will burn much more efficiently and can operate at a higher efficiency.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

3. Excess Air

If there’s an increase of excess air in the combustion chamber, this will all absorb all the energy from the fuel, which can still be used to raise steam. Therefore, it will result in lower boiler efficiency. An increase in excess air is present when there is a rise of flue gas temperature, which indicates a heat loss during the boiler operation.

However, some cases require excess air during the combustion process. One example is an ultra-low-emission burner, the excess air is utilized to reduce the production of carbon monoxide and NOx. This process is mainly to control the temperature of the flame.

4. Steam Losses

A well-maintained and regularly checked boiler produces high steam energy, but when the production is failing or losing, there is something wrong in the system. When there is less steam energy created, there is a steam loss. This happens when steam or hot water is allowed to escape due to leak in piping. Steam traps are commonly the reason why there is a steam loss. Frequent equipment checkup and maintenance can help avoid this situation from happening.

Source: RENTAR® – Fuel Catalyst

5. Radiation and Convection Losses

These losses are the only two factors that affect boiler efficiency that no one can prevent. They are inevitable factors when you use an industrial boiler. However, there are ways to minimize the losses.

The radiation and convection losses are the heat being released from the boiler during the operation. By properly insulating an industrial boiler, you can minimize its surface temperature and lower heat losses. You can do two effective strategies to reduce these losses, such as:

  • Install a superior insulation method and make sure to utilize quality insulating materials as bad conductors help reduce heat loss by conduction.
  • Control the airflow over the boiler surface. Shield your boiler from outdoor winds and indoor drafts are helpful.


There’s a lot of advantages when you start utilizing boilers for your business. However, just like other machines and equipment, they also have disadvantages as they are bound to factors that can cause their inefficiency. Yet, these inefficiencies have their contingencies as well. When you have the knowledge and the understanding of what causes the inefficiencies, you will know how to resolve them.

Selling a House? Here is How to Make it Easy

If you look at the charts showing different levels of stress during a lifetime, moving house features quite highly – and no surprise! You’re moving everything you have, going somewhere unfamiliar, and having to change all your postal details. Then there’s been away from the familiar: old friends, old job, old social places.

Fortunately, there are ways to make things easier for you. Let’s have a brief look now so that you can actually enjoy the experience.

Choose The Best Time

Autumn is a possibility, but most people will push you to complete in time for Christmas. That could put extra pressure on you. Winter is not a good season because your garden will look plain and the lack of light may make your house look drab. Spring is the best time because the flowers will be out and your house will look great in the sunshine. If you’re trying to sort schools for your children you’ll have plenty of time before the new school year. Summer is a possibility too, but a lot of people go away for their holidays during this time. If you’re away when the deeds need to be signed, that will frustrate your buyer and will hold up the sale.

Source: unsplash.com

Do The Research

Do you really want the stress of moving and the house you’ve viewed? It’s an expensive process and hard to undo. Can you afford the moving fees? Will you go straight into paying work? Do you have a mortgage or will you be seeking one for your new house? What are house prices like where you are moving, and the quality of life there? Can you afford to live in that area? Have all your paperwork ready for the next step. That includes details of your home surveys, guarantees, planning documents and financial information.

Who Will Sell Your Property?

If you choose an estate agent, it’s important to research the company first. How big is it and how long has it been in business? How widely will they advertise your property? It’s important to ask if they will do the viewings, particularly if you are busy working and don’t want the disruption. Choose a solicitor you have researched too, not just one the estate agent recommends. Find out all the fees and commission information. It will help you compare different companies.

You may be happy to go down this road, or you may be desperate to sell really quickly. With the help of the professionals at https://socalhomebuyers.com/san-diego/, I learned that some companies will buy your house for cash. That could mean selling your house within a week rather than taking anywhere from four to six months. Once again, you need to thoroughly look at the financial pros and cons of this. Decide if you want a ‘For Sale’ sign in your front garden. Tell all your friends you are moving. Your estate agent isn’t the only way you may get a buyer!

Source: DreamImmoProperties

Preparing Your House

The door and hallway will be the place of first impressions. A fresh coat of paint would brighten things up. White makes rooms look more spacious. Don’t spend tons of money repainting the whole house. Your buyers will probably do it again to suit their tastes when they arrive. If your house is empty for the viewing, that will provide a blank canvas for buyers, and the rooms will look bigger. On the other hand, an occupied house will look and feel more like home. Don’t have old clothes and magazines all over the floor. Have flowers in the rooms to make the house smell nice. Replace dim light bulbs. Don’t have music blaring when they arrive. My new house had a dripping tap – that should have been fixed before the sale! Remove junk from your garden. Put the bins somewhere tidy.


Be positive at all times – don’t say ‘this needs a lot of work’ or ‘you’ll need to repaint this’. Allow the visitors to look in silence and discuss among themselves. They need the space to envision living in your house. Try and get important information from them, like whether they are cash buyers or first-time buyers. Are they part of a chain of sales and will they need approval for a mortgage first? These things all affect how long the sale could take – or whether it could realistically happen at all. You can use helpful information to sell your house for you. Tell your potential buyers about local schools and travel options. What are the nearby shops like? What about street lighting and phone masts, or any local improvements that have been made? When you become the viewer of a house you might be buying, ask the same questions.

Source: pixabay.com

That’s it in a nutshell. Research and stay proactive at all times. Make your house presentable and use the right third parties to help you. Be wise when conducting an open house. Hopefully, you will actually enjoy the process and be excited for your new chapter. Good luck!

6 Family-Friendly Sports to Try This Summer

Source: parenting

Summer is always a huge opportunity for family members to spend more time with each other and have fun while beating the heat. It’s the season that everyone longs for, especially when it comes to having fun and engaging in outdoor activities. Well, during this season, bringing your family together through any kind of sport is a guaranteed way of keeping everyone fit while strengthening your bonds. But it’s not unusual to find yourself scratching your head over things to do with the family for pastime in summer. In this article, we explore a few family-friendly sports to try and most probably enjoy this summer.

1. Basketball

Source: sportcourtpa

Apart from being a fun sport that all members of the family can participate in, basketball provides numerous benefits to its players. It helps burn calories, strengthen the muscles, build endurance, improve balance, enhance coordination, and heighten concentration. Kids who play basketball also tend to have better cardiovascular health, agility, and discipline. Since some games require the use of teamwork, basketball can help strengthen the ties between family members while cultivating better ethics.

For these and many more reasons, basketball makes an awesome sport for families to take up this summer. The best part is that you don’t even require much space to play basketball as a family. By investing in some basketball hoops, you can enjoy this family-friendly sport right from the comfort of your tiny backyard.

More about basketball hoops check https://goalrilla.com/basketball-hoops

Depending on your family’s specific needs and factors such as space available, you can go for in-ground basketball hoops, portable hoops, or wall-mounted. With portable hoops, for instance, you can enjoy the game away from home while with wall-mounted hoops; most of your games will be played where you choose to mount the rim.

2. Swimming

Source: arundel

For kids, teens, and adults, swimming is fun and enjoyable. Apart from being a fun activity, it’s also among the whole-body exercises that engage almost all muscles in the human body. Amid all the enjoyment, it also helps in burning calories, building muscle strength, improving respiratory function, and boosting cardiovascular function. Whether you do it in your swimming pool, in a public pool, or at the beach, it can be a great activity to engage in with your family this summer. As a matter of fact, some kids love swimming to the point that at times, you may have to bring up a fight when getting them out of the pool/water.

As you may already know, swimming is even more fun if it’s competitive. This is perhaps the reason why it’s among the most popular sports in the Olympic Games. This summer, you can try to hold a swimming competition amongst family members, with awards for the best performers in various swimming techniques. You can select one of the family members to be the judge or pick one from amongst your family friends to make it fairer. You never know, it might as well become your next family tradition.

3. Cycling

Source: ahealthieramerica

Cycling is another common sports activity the whole family can engage in for a good dose of fun and exercise and you should check out BikingBro.com to learn more about it. It’s another total-body exercise that gets most body muscles moving, especially the lower body muscles. Apart from improving muscle strength and bone flexibility, cycling improves your cardiovascular function as well as circulation, energy, agility, and mental wellness. Effective in reducing stress and helping with weight loss, this family fun activity is suitable for both adults and kids, especially kids around 8 years of age and above.

You can even invite your family friends to join in and make it more fun by organizing competitions amongst yourselves with families who share the same interests. It can be interesting to see which family in the neighborhood takes the most trophies at home. Just plan the event early enough and research well on some of the best biking tracks near your neighborhood or your next summer vacation.

4. Walking

Source: verywellfit

How beautiful can summer get than to hit the hiking trails with your family? Of course, not every member may enjoy hiking, but as long as everyone in the family knows the benefits of hiking and you’re well prepared to make it fun, they’ll sure look forward to the next event. For starters, walking is perhaps the simplest activity you can undertake with your family.

It can be enjoyed anywhere, anytime, and you only need to strap on some comfortable sneakers and a bottle of iced water in summer. As you walk, you can identify the different names of plants and flowers you find on your way. You can also make it more fun and competitive, with rewards for kids who manage to behave well and stay in the game throughout the walk.

5. Football

Source: dissolve

Remember, the trick is to stay sporty as a family. How about having two teams in the house, one team with dad, and the other one with mum? It doesn’t matter who wins or loses so long as the kids have fun and keep fit. Much like basketball, football can help improve speed, strength, alertness, and hand-and-eye coordination. It’s also a great way to spend time together while shedding some calories.

6. Bowling

Source: planetathlone

Bowling is another amazing sport you can try this summer with family. Apart from creating a great bonding opportunity, bowling also improves balance, coordination, and motor skills. The kids can play against themselves, the adults, or individually against the pins. You just have to identify a family-friendly place where they provide bowling competitions and you’re good to go. Once you do this, all you’ll need to have the tickets or entry fee ready, plan for transportation, and you’re all set for some summer fun.

Needless to reiterate, summer is one of the best times of the year to let loose and spend some good time with your loved ones. While traveling and indoor activities are also common, sporting activities can be an amazing way to have some summer fun with the family. On this note, the above are just a few ideas you might find worthwhile on family-friendly sports activities you can try this coming summer. Exercising as a family is viable, and it will only help you as a family to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Ways to Ensure Clean Drinking Water

Source: unsplash

Numerous studies conducted in the USA have revealed an increase in waterborne diseases in most households. This begs the question, what’s wrong with our sources of water, and what measures can people take to ensure that they have safe drinking water in their houses. There are numerous contaminants in water, and if you are concerned about drinking contaminated water, there are ways to make your drinking water safer.

Let’s look at a few techniques that everyone can employ to make your drinking water safer.

Use Water Analysis Kits

You will need to test the water quality at home using a home analysis kit. The kit has straps that change color when they detect the presence of contaminants in water. There are plenty of kits available in the market that you can use for testing the presence of different pollutants. The test kits can detect the presence of pesticides, nitrates, lead, chlorine, bacteria, among other contaminants. In case the water has contaminants, it would be logical to consider the various water treatment options.

Source: nj

Use Water Filter Systems

This is a simple way to purify your home water, and by using the filter system, you are sure that you will have clean drinking water. Water filter systems come in different forms that include reverse osmosis and countertop filtration systems. Before you purchase any countertop filter, it’s always advisable to check this and review the best filters in the market. Countertop filters are easy to install since they don’t need tools or plumbing systems during installation. Besides, there are hi-tech filtration systems that can filter and purify your water. Despite the filtering mechanism you decide to purchase, it’s always advisable to pick filters approved by ANSI or NSF. These organizations test the efficiency of the filter systems.

Regular Replacement of Water Filters

Water filters can only be effective if they are correctly maintained and serviced. With this in mind, it’s advisable to follow the instructions provided by the filter company, especially those relating to replacement. Debris and contaminants are always caught up and stored by the filter. When the filter is clogged with the pollutants, and you fail to replace it in time, your drinking water will be contaminated since contaminants can escape.

Using UV Light

The method operates similarly to using a flashlight. Swish the torch in the water for a given duration, and the mechanism automatically kills all bacteria in the water. The best part about the device is that it’s easier to use and carry around. Swishing the flashlight only removes bacteria, and it leaves solid particles behind. Despite the shortcoming, the use of ultraviolet light is one of the most effective ways to purify water.

Source: homeworldbusiness

Use Iodine for Water Treatment

Iodine is a convenient and effective way to purify water, and you can find the solution in numerous forms; thus, you can choose the one that fits your budget. Iodine works by killing all the bacteria and virus molecules found in drinking water. The solution is easy to use, and it’s lightweight. The method has its shortcomings, one of them is that it takes approximately thirty minutes to kill the bacteria; therefore, you have to wait for that duration before taking the water.

Forward Osmosis

Forward osmosis involves water flowing from a region of high concentration to areas of low concentration. Two containers are placed adjacent to each other, and a membrane separates them. The membrane only allows water molecules to flow through and shields impurities such as salts. One container has contaminated water while the other one is empty. Eventually, you will have pure water in one container and impurities in the other container. The water, however, contains some salts; consequently, it has to go through a desalination process that completely purifies the water.

Boiling Water

Boiling water is a traditional way of purifying water, and it’s a cheaper alternative. Boiling water kills the germs and bacteria, although it has shortcomings since one has to use fuel to clean water. Despite the minor limitations, boiling water is one way to ensure that you have safe drinking water.

Source: unsplash


This is one of the most effective ways to purify water, considering that it makes use of heat. Water has a lower boiling point in comparison with impurities and contaminants that are found in water. When distilling water, the water is subjected to heat until it boils, then its left to evaporate. The vapor is channeled to a condensing unit to cool down into liquid water, which happens to be safe for human consumption. The contaminating agents are left in the distillation chamber and are cleaned after the process. The method is suitable for people who reside in places with heavily contaminated water. Distillation has its shortcomings, considering that it consumes a lot of heat when purifying the water. This makes it a costly purification process, making it practical for small volumes of water. However, you can also get the purest water by using a Megahome Water Distiller. The average megahome water distiller uses around 3 kilowatt hours to make 4 litres of distilled water, therefore each litre of distilled water costs around 9p to make.

Treating Water Using Chlorine

Chlorine is affordable and light in weight, and it works by killing the bacteria found in water. Similar to iodine, one has to wait for 30 minutes before drinking the water. Besides, you will have to place the recommended number of chlorine droplets since you wouldn’t want to poison your water.

Source: cotes

Implement Better Water Monitoring and Regulation

The government also has a role to play in ensuring clean drinking water for its citizens. The government can issue incentives such as rainwater harvesting systems and regulatory sideboards that will help maintain water sources.

Treatment of Water Resources

We all need to attack the problem at the source. Contaminants that end up in water resources often come from industries that drain their waste in water bodies. We should all take the initiative and confront such sectors and ensure that they take necessary measures to treat their waste before disposing of in water bodies.

Having safe drinking water should be everyone’s top priority. It would be best if you never compromised on the quality of water you take, and by implementing the above measures, you will have safe drinking water.

Addicted to Bass: New Ways to Listen to Music Whilst Travelling

Source: wanderlust

Music is all around us, whether it be listening in the car on your way to work or accompanying some wind-down time at home, it’s an integral part of what makes us human and with the progression of technology comes new ways to listen. Gone are the days of picking a record and placing on the turntable, carefully placing the needle, and replacing the vinyl when it’s finished. We have an entire world of music at our fingertips via a device that sits in our pockets, not only does it make music more accessible for the average joe, but it gives a platform for every musician trying to pave their way in the industry. One of the biggest benefits we have is being able to listen to music on the move, you couldn’t take a vinyl player with you on your travels but know there are plenty of ways to get your fix so let’s take a look at the new ways in which you can listen to music whilst traveling.

MP3 Devices

Source: unsplash

Something that could be classed as a little out of date but still something worth looking at is an mp3 device, these enable you to store owned music on a portable device, some even the size of a bottle cap. The benefit of these devices that still trumps the more modern streaming services is you can put anything on there that you might not find elsewhere. Anything that’s converted into an mp3 file can be stored and listened to wherever you are, this means with certain applications you can turn video files into something you can listen to without watching the video. Often is the case where I find a song on video sites such as YouTube that I love but can’t find the same as an mp3 file. 10 years ago this was something that had no fix and you’d end up having to visit the site to listen, but with the development of technology, if you click here, you can now use a youtube downloader to convert the file into an mp3 and listen wherever you please. There’s no better feeling than being able to listen to your favorite version of a song on the go and it’s now easier than ever. The other benefit is being able to store as an mp4 file as well as an mp3, meaning you can watch your favorite music videos whilst your device is offline. A brilliant way of re-living your old music loves in a modern way.

Streaming Services

Source: androidauthority

These hit the market with the original streaming service, Napster, in 2001 and began a movement that would revolutionize music for the masses. You pay a set fee each month and have access to the services extensive library wherever you are, these often include millions of songs, and more often than not you’ll find what you’re looking for. Some bands/artists have exclusive deals with certain streaming sites so doing a bit of research into what’s on offer before choosing your service is advised.

Following Napster came Spotify in 2008 and it further revolutionized the industry, offering more than just an album, they brought live sets and special offerings to the table, and artists were able to provide music in a new way. This way of streaming took off and competitors started to arise, the most notable to challenge Spotify was Apple Music which came to us in 2015 and put up a fierce rivalry by bringing something else to the table, radio. I know what you’re thinking, radio’s been around for years, but not in this way, Apple Music had dedicated radio shows to certain styles of music 24/7 and offered special content that hadn’t been seen before. National radio DJs were changing alliances to get a piece of the action and something incredible was born. Still to this day, Spotify and Apple Music battle it out as the top streaming services and give the listener both individual and incredible content. Something to note as well with these services is that you’re able to download music to your device for when you don’t have any mobile data or access to wifi, meaning you can literally listen wherever, whenever.

Unsigned Music

Source: digitaltrends

If you’re someone that likes to go to local gigs and discover upcoming artists then doing this whilst traveling may prove to be difficult, especially if you’re unable to find a music venue. This is where apps such as Soundcloud come in handy, a completely open platform for anyone and everyone to upload their music for the public to listen to. A brilliant way of getting your local gig fix whilst on the move, there have been artists signed through this platform so you can still discover your new favorite local band. The types of artists that are provided on platforms that cater to artists with a smaller audience have the additional benefit of containing a wide variety of genres. You’ll be introduced to those who have been practicing music for decades, wondering how they have not been discovered yet. Or you will find artists who are just starting to experiment with music production, from any combination of alternative and indie music you’ll find something that suits just about everyone here. By listening to artists that haven’t been signed you’re also contributing to their building their audience and if it’s someone that you especially enjoy listening to, hopefully, they will end up getting found.

Music is something we should all have a connection with, it’s emotive and brings us happiness. You may not have found music you love just yet but try and stay connected, chart music isn’t the only sound out there so delve further into the history books and give new music a chance. The development of technology means we can constantly be listening to music, no matter where we are and that’s something really special. Especially when it provides such a large opportunity to artists who might otherwise not have a voice. Never be left in silence again!

11 Mistakes People Make When Purchasing a Gaming Computer

Source: tomshardware

A gaming computer is a necessity if you can play the latest games that require a good CPU and video adapter connecting to a quality graphics-processing unit (GPU). The decision to own a gaming PC depends on whether you want to build or purchase the gaming unit.

The decision to purchase a gaming computer platform is challenging if the rig is your first purchase. You can check out iBUYPOWER® or other reputable brands in the market. The fact that some manufacturers sell old systems by repackaging them as new at low discounts to lure unsuspecting clients is enough to cause for worry. Conduct due diligence on the hardware you think will work for you.

Here are 11 mistakes that you must avoid when buying a gaming computer.

1. Buying a gaming PC for just because it looks good

Buying a computer just because it looks big and good is a common mistake. The beautiful casing may not be enough to prove that the computer contains high-end hardware or software. Testing is paramount for assurance before taking home a stylish gaming computer.

Source: thehackpost

2. Going for an underpowered CPU

Processor technologies change within a short time. Regardless of the brand, you are interested in, make sure the hardware is consistent with the performance demands. Make sure you can identify the CPU type and various speeds –the number next to the words “GHz.” A clueless buyer will ignore the generation chip of the processor, whether it is a bargain or elite basement, and the number of CPU cores available on the computer.

Buying a gaming PC with a single-core chip will give you a bad experience because even the “lightest” games will overwork such a processor.

3. Failing to consider possible expansion

Buying a gaming console may force you to get another one as a new version makes waves in the market. With that in mind, ensure the gaming PC you are buying will not be frozen in time due to hardware incompatibilities. The idea behind owning a gaming PC is the ability to purchase expansion hardware and perform the installations.

An example is the ever-expanding graphics card that may need replacing or upgrading depending on the kind of game you run. The best way to beat the expansion game is to purchase a gaming PC with extra slots and, of course, a big casing.

Source: mysteryblock

4. Purchasing a gaming platform without an operating system

The last thing in the mind of a gaming enthusiast is the Operating System (OS). As long as a client confirms that, a processor is powerful, the graphics card supports new and old games, and the possibility of future expansion, carrying a gaming platform without an OS, is common.

A gaming platform without an OS will attract potential clients because of the lower cost. For some, it may work because they can install their own copy. However, for a first-time buyer, avoid the trouble by ensuring the gaming platform is OS ready.

5. Failing to factor in the size of the game files

The moment you decide to choose a gaming computer, consider the storage amount you need for the unit. The video games are becoming bigger with every release, with some even exceeding 30GB. The size of the game file depends on the texture’s video rendering mode, with some requiring expansion slots and the assigned ones.

A real gamer will look into purchasing large capacity drives that fit all favorite games. Storage file access is a factor determined by the type and quality of hard drive in use.

Source: teufelaudio

6. Failing to ask for media support

The use of streaming and downloading links is pushing away the media disks and flash drives from the gaming market place. Some gamers enjoy using games on DVD or Blu-Ray, before purchasing a gaming computer; ensure it has the external media slots.

Most PC gaming companies no longer support media slots to cut on costs, so it is better to confirm if the gaming platform you want supports any media device.

7. Failing to confirm connectivity options

Running your gaming PC over an internet cable connection has its advantages. Unlike the Wi-Fi experience of external interface and connections dropping off, the cable always gives end-to-end connectivity. The type of connection port that a gaming unit has guarantees faster downloads and seamless multiplayer games.

Look out for the options the manufacturer has for your connectivity before purchasing any gaming unit. Confirming the existence of these options will save you more money when incurring extra costs.

Source: techradar

8. Getting a low power supply

A quality power supply defines the performance of all components in the gaming computer. When deciding to buy, consider the number of watts needed for the gaming machine to operate optimally without straining the various parts.

Information on the overall power output and input is available on a sticker or user manual.

9. Going for unnecessary features

A gamer who wants a gaming computer and nothing else will be content with getting what she wants as long as the unit is up and running. There is no point in spending the extra money without a proper plan. You can opt for the simple option of downloading new games instead of purchasing.

Source: vrlatech

10. Forgetting about the monitor

You can buy a gaming PC and forget about the monitor. Set money aside for a reliable and compatible monitor. The monitor should have the inputs that match the GPU to allow for connectivity. Purchasing a monitor depends on the type of graphics card the gaming computer supports. For example, if your unit has an HDMI, the monitor input should support a similar port.

11. Failing to review the company’s customer support

Nobody wants to buy a gaming computer with many issues. When you need the help of a customer support staff, it should be available. Probably due to the excitement of owning a new gaming PC, you may forget to look at the company’s background and how they treat clients.

Before any purchase, get reviews from their website and other customers. Make it a habit of buying from companies that treat their clients better.

Now you know the 11 mistakes you are likely to make when purchasing a gaming computer. It’s time you get a good gaming computer.

Shipping Containers Come to the Rescue of Homeless People in Cornwall

Source: plymouthherald

When the coronavirus was peaking in May, Cornwall Council decided to provide shipping containers as temporary homes for those living on the streets. It is the latest use of containers, which is a market that has grown to become popular for many various purposes.

Locations for the Homeless to Enter Lockdown

Source: cornwalllive

The coronavirus has spread true the world, forcing half of the population to go into lockdown. However, there are people with no place to quarantine, and it is for them that Julian German, council leader in Cornwall, announced in early May that it would set-up modular housing to accommodate those in need. The ten houses are located on council-owned land and act as self-contained units. An eleventh one was placed on-site, to be used by the manager of the temporary development.

A modular prefab shelter made of containers like the one you can check out on this site has become common in many industries to serve various purposes. Unlike those who will be used in Cornwall, they are new and created specifically to cater to certain needs. But they do have the same qualities as the shipping containers in terms of the facility to be moved, durability, and is easy to use rapidly, among others.

In Cornwall, the units will be provided with all the utilities needed. Electricity will be available so that the people living inside them have all they need to become self-reliant, and they can isolate and keep their social distance like all other citizens. Before that, the council had already opened houses to citizens in need. They were affordable homes that the council had not yet rented or sold.

Containers as Prefabricated Technical Room

Source: falmouthpacket

Many different industries today use containers as prefabricated technical rooms. Because it is easy to move and assemble (it comes in a kit) and you can put them up rapidly, many managers choose to place them on their site when they have to move rapidly. Since they can come fully equipped with whatever is required, it becomes only a question of having the right person to keep it working.

These technical rooms are insulated containers, which can be manufactured precisely to cover the needs of a company. Inside, you can find a complete electricity circuit and all accessories to go along with it. Once completed, it can become a data center, or used for electrical or water treatment-related purposes. It also comes with over-roof and flooring.

Other Uses

Source: pinterest

One of the containers’ most common uses is to serve as a work camp. Once the go-ahead is given on a construction site, it is easy to install a group of prefabricated bungalows rapidly. It’s a reliable and inexpensive solution for temporary sites like this, as well as for the movie industry. It can also be turned into an office or even a small restaurant for the workers to go to one location.

But they can also be used on a more permanent basis to serve as a house to live in or an office in the backyard. Because they come fully equipped with insulated windows and with a complete bathroom, including a sink, shower, and toilet, they are convenient and at a low cost in comparison to building a house. It can even be completed with air conditioning, staircase, and over-roof.

Storage Containers

Source: mccontainers

In many cities, storage space rentals have made use of containers for their clients. Since they come in different sizes and they are easy to position side by side, they became a favorite for this industry. But not everyone knows that you can actually own a personal storage container on your own property.

It is the perfect replacement for a house that doesn’t have a garage. You can put all the tools you work with for the house and garden, and you can even insert a car in some of them, when large enough. It also serves as an attic to put away, temporarily, anything that you do not use inside the house, but still want to keep. It can be very useful when kids go away to school, and you need to clear their room temporarily. Some even use them as a large walk-in closet!

Because it comes with electricity, you can install lights inside to make it easier to walk and find things, and you can also work inside, plugging any tool you want on an electrical socket. Thanks to the windows, it is easy to ventilate the place and to keep away humidity. Insulations inside the panel will also help to keep it from getting too hot or too cold inside.

Mixing old containers with pre-fab shelters to create a unique home

Source: rucobond

We live in a time where it has become important for most to recycle and be aware of our impact on the environment. One of the most common uses of second-hand shipping containers is to build a home. It is not only quite stylish but also cheap and convenient.

If you mix an old container with pre-fabricated ones, you can create the home of your dreams rapidly and at a reduced cost compared to a regular house. You’ll have all the convenience you need with the new containers (as we indicated before) from a complete bathroom and kitchen, to insulated walls, flooring, and an over-roof.

Meanwhile, you’ll be able to adapt the old containers to the style you want so that your home as a particular look and you can tell all your friends how eco-friendly you have been by choosing to build your house partially by recycling an old piece of stainless steel, which may have traveled around the world.

But before you start this project, you should make sure that your future home will comply with local planning regulations. Otherwise, you could spend a lot of time and money, and still end up losing it all on technicalities. To do so, contact the building division of your public administration and get them to approve your project. That way, there can be no going back on their part afterward. Every city and state has a different building code. Just make sure you are in compliance and then start putting-up the home of your dream.

What Do Your Earrings Say About You

Source: pinterest.com

It is a fact that every woman loves jewelry, there is no arguing about it. It is a perfect thing to accessorize any outfit and further improve it. The best part is that jewelry can be worn on any occasion. It doesn’t matter if you are getting ready for a black-tie event or are just going out to run a few errands.

Every girl has a favorite piece that she wears as much as possible. For some ladies this piece is a ring, for others a favorite necklace they have had for years, but there are also those who always wear a pair of earrings. There is another interesting fact – did you know that jewelry can perfectly reflect your character? If you, just like millions of other women, love earrings, you should keep reading this article because we are going to discuss different types of these and tell you how your favorite pair describes you. Visit here to see more earring options to see more earring options.


Source: tiffany

Girls who often choose this type of earring usually have a big personality and always have a lot to say. They love being surrounded by other people and oftentimes, are the center of attention which is their favorite spot. They are open to new experiences and friendships and love exploring the world around them.

These ladies are extroverts and spending a minute alone feels like torture to them. Since they are the life of every party, they always have a big smile and know who to entertain people around them. Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love people who can easily brighten their days, because these girls have that superpower.


Source: oliveandpiper

Ladies who prefer these are typically a complete opposite of the previous group. They are not always in the party mood but feel most comfortable when hanging out with their friends. In addition, they are not usually that much into fashion and dressing up, but instead are more athletic. Due to this, the chances are that they engage in a healthy lifestyle meaning that they take great care of their diet, body, and also mind.

These people are usually career-driven, very focused, and know what they want. It means that they always have a perfect plan for the next step they have to take. If you believe that this describes you perfectly, and are looking for a new pair of stud earrings, click here.

Dangling earrings

Source: happinessboutique

When it comes to these, there is an unspoken rule that ladies who wear them are very creative and have a unique sense of style. Taking into consideration the variations of these, this isn’t really surprising. For many people these are just the thing they need to express themselves.

For some casual events, they opt for a colorful pair made of feathers or beads. On the other hand, they all have that one special pair that is perfect for accessorizing their elegant style but that, at the same time, provides them with a unique touch, because the last thing these girls want is not to be noticed.

Moreover, they usually opt for custom made jewelry, and they will never miss the chance to buy one-of-a-kind pair. Besides, dangling earrings make every girl feel sexy and they also enable her to show her feminine side.

Huggy style

Source: pinterest

Due to their size and shape, some ladies would agree that this type represents the combination of studs and hoops. They also believe that these are the perfect transition from their young style into a more mature one. Generally speaking, girls who love these because they used to wear hoops when they were younger, but nowadays, these provide them with a sophisticated and mature sense. These women still love parties, being center of the attention is their spot, and they know how to have fun.

Full ear

Source: lenacohen

If you are into these, it probably means that you know exactly who you are and you are not afraid to show it. Even though, the popularity of these has significantly increased in the last few years, still, not every girl knows can wear them.

Those who choose this type of earrings love to use their style to make a statement. As you surely know, there isn’t a better way to express your attitude and personality than to dress in a way that no one else does. What’s more, due to their sense of style, these girls are oftentimes very creative and jewelry is just another way for them to express that part of their personality.

Gem pieces

Source: instoremag

Still, there are some women that do not feel comfortable experimenting with clothes and jewelry which is why they prefer gem earrings. One could argue that they are traditional and do not have an appreciation for trivial things.

Their style is the best way to express their elegance, and you will rarely see a girl wearing these if she is not beautifully dressed. They find joy in organizing gatherings at their homes and enjoy entertaining their guests. Still, they cannot be considered to be impulsive meaning that they have to analyze every step they make in great detail.

Gauges & spikes

Source: pinterest

The girls from this category are the total opposite of those for the previous group. These ladies are not easily scared and they are not afraid to show that strength that they have inside of them. Usually, they are prepared to do whatever it takes to reach their goals and accomplish things they have set their minds to.

Moreover, these girls are usually trendsetters because they are not afraid to experiment with their appearance and that is what people love about them. Not only can they influence other people around them by their fashion style, but they can also affect the way they think about certain topics. Sometimes, it can be hard to resist opinion from such a strong individual like these women are.


To sum up, in this article, we have introduced you to the most popular types of earrings, and we are sure that some of these descriptions totally characterize you. If you are ready to experiment and want to change the way people see you, you can start by opting for a new pair of earrings that are completely different from something that you usually wear.

How Does Contact Lens Work?

Source: eyecrafters

Contact lenses are fabulously designed optical devices that can be worn on the cornea of the eye. People who have poor eyesight can wear the contact lens, and it helps to restore the vision.

The contact lens also corrects the refractive errors and helps to maintain the best eye health.

Many people who are new to contact lenses do not know how to wear it properly. If you do not know how to wear contact specs properly, it can cause eye infections in the long term. You can buy cheap glasses online here!

So, here is a step by step process on how to wear contact lens:

Insert the Contact Specs Safe: If you are a beginner, it takes some time to practice, but if you follow this process regularly, wearing it on the eyes becomes easier.

Source: downtowneyes
  • Firstly, wash and dry your hands. This will make sure that the bacteria on your hands are cleaned, and it will not cause infection in your eyes while placing it on your eyes.
  • Now, using your index finger and thumb gently pinch off the lens and remove it. To avoid hurting your eyes or tearing of the lens, it is recommended to keep your nails trimmed
  • Put the glasses on your index fingertip, with the concave surface facing upwards.
  • Now, face the mirror and use your middle finger to pull down the lower eyelashes and eyelids.
  • Place the contact lens on the surface of your eyes. The bottom part of the lens should first touch your eyes. This should touch the white part of the eye first, just above where the lower lid is pulled down.
  • Press the glasses on your eyes till you feel it stick. Once you remove the fingertip away, the glass should float on the surface of your eyes. Now, blink your eyes to adjust it to the correct position.
  • If you are wearing it for the first time, doctors suggest you not to wear it for more than one hour initially, as it can cause itchiness. Gradually, increase the wearing time so that your eyes will get adjusted to using the glass.

If you are having any irritation in your eyes or feel infection kind of symptoms, then it is recommended to remove them on your eyes immediately.

It is also recommended to use the re-wetting drops, to prevent your eyes from getting dry. But, do not use any artificial tear drops as it can build up on your lens and cause irritation to your eyes in the long run.

After you remove the lens, make sure to rub them with the help of a solution, by placing the lens on your palm. This will remove the dirt, dust, bacteria, and proteins that are collected on the glasses when you wore it.

If you are looking for a new pair contact lens, you can visit this website www.contactlenses.co.uk.

Types of Contact Lens

Source: tyrrellsandembery

Contact lenses are all not the same. There are different types of glasses available in the market. It varies based on the usage of the person – say, daily, weekly, and monthly. Also, based on different types of sight issues like Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism, and Presbyopia, different glasses are prescribed.

Let us see how do these contact glasses work.

How Does Contact Lens Work?

Source: contact

Contact Glasses for Myopia: In the case of myopia, the light rays from the object falls in front of the retina but not on retina. This makes the person see nearby objects clearly, whereas the objects placed far are blurry. A diverging contact glass is used to treat myopia, where the lens raises the focal length of the light rays entering the eye. It deviates the light from a distant object and combines the lens of the eyes and cornea to produce a clear image on the retina.

Contact Glasses for Hyperopia: In the case of hyperopia, the natural eye lens has a very low potential to refract light emitted by the object, hence the light rays from the object focus beyond the retinal layer. To correct the condition of hyperopia, converging glasses or a convex glass is used. This glass reduces the focal length of the light, and the distance of the image is also reduced proportionally. Before the light rays enter the eyes, the light rays from the object are combined, to provide a clear vision.

Contact Glasses for Astigmatism: Astigmatism is a condition in which the light entering the eyes gets diverged and forms multiple focal points on the retina. This happens when the cornea shape is abnormal. People with this type of vision issues cannot see both near and far objects clearly. Sometimes, these vision issues can also be a combination of hyperopia and myopia. Toric contact glasses is a special type of glass that is used to correct the cornea issues in astigmatism. This glass is designed in such a way that the glass can establish multiple focusing potentials in horizontal and vertical directions. The optical power of the toric glass is formed at 90-degrees, and hence it can create different focal lengths. When the light rays pass through this 90-degree lens, the multiple focal points on the retina are corrected.

Source: pexels

Contact Glasses for Presbyopia: Presbyopia is a type of eye disorder which occurs due to ageing, and it is a common problem faced by most of the people in the world. Bifocal glasses are used to treat this kind of eye disorder. Bifocal glass is concave at the centre and convex all around, which provides a clear view of nearby and far objects, respectively.

On the other hand, one can also use monovision specs to treat presbyopia. The glass of the monovision specs helps one eye to focus on nearby objects, and the other eye focuses on far objects.

On a final note, no matter what your vision needs might be, but now we have an advanced technology contact lens to cater to those needs.

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